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economies of scope
1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: KOM(2005) 637 končno
Without limiting the scope for actions which Member States may wish to initiate, Community action may exploit synergies and economies of scale, facilitate Europe-wide action, pool resources, disseminate best practice and thereby contribute to the overall impact of Member State initiatives.
Ukrep Skupnosti lahko izkorišča sinergije in ekonomijo obsega, pospeši vseevropski ukrep, združi vire, širi najboljše prakse in s tem prispeva k celotnemu učinku pobud držav članic brez omejevanja obsega ukrepov, ki jih želijo vpeljati države članice.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
Notwithstanding the exemptions from the scope of Directive 2001/16/EC, the voluntary application of the relevant provisions of that Directive by the Member States at national level should be encouraged, with a view to increasing cost efficiency and economies of scale in the manufacturing sector.
Ne glede na izvzetja iz področja uporabe Direktive 2001/16/ES je treba države članice spodbujati, da prostovoljno uporabljajo zadevne določbe iz navedene direktive, zaradi povečane stroškovne učinkovitosti in ekonomije obsega v proizvodnem sektorju.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
In many aspects of air transport, regional solutions may offer scope for greater cost effectiveness and economies of scale.
Regionalne rešitve lahko v zvezi s številnimi vidiki zračnega prometa ponudijo večjo stroškovno učinkovitost in prednosti ekonomije obsega.
4 Pravna redakcija
Other factors such as economies of scale and scope, distribution and sales networks fn, access to important technologies, may also constitute barriers to entry.
Tudi drugi dejavniki, na primer ekonomija obsega, distribucijska in prodajna mreža fn, dostop do pomembnih tehnologij, lahko pomenijo vstopne ovire.
5 Pravna redakcija
to exchange information on structural guidelines laid down for the economies of the two Parties which have an impact on trade and, by extension on the scope for developing complementarity between the respective economies and also on the proposed economic development programmes;
izmenjati informacije o strukturnih smernicah gospodarstva obeh pogodbenic, ki vplivajo na trgovino in s tem na možnosti za razvoj dopolnjujočega se značaja obeh gospodarstev ter tudi na predlagane gospodarske razvojne programe;
6 Pravna redakcija
exchange information on macro-economic plans and forecasts for the economies of the two Parties which have an impact on trade and cooperation and, by extension, on the scope for developing complementarity between their respective economies and also on proposed economic development programmes,
izmenjuje informacije o makroekonomskih načrtih in napovedih za gospodarstva obeh pogodbenic, ki vplivajo na trgovino in sodelovanje in s tem na možnosti za razvoj dopolnjujočega se značaja obeh gospodarstev ter tudi na predlagane gospodarske razvojne programe;
7 Pravna redakcija
exchange information on macro-economic plans and, where they exist, foreign trade plans and forecasts for the economies of the Parties which have an impact on trade and cooperation and, by extension, on the scope for developing complementarity between their respective economies and also on proposed economic development programmes,
izmenjuje informacije o makroekonomskih načrtih, in, kjer obstajajo, načrtih zunanje trgovine ter napovedih za gospodarstva obeh pogodbenic, ki vplivajo na trgovino in sodelovanje in s tem na možnosti za razvoj dopolnjujočega se značaja obeh gospodarstev ter tudi na predlagane gospodarske razvojne programe,
8 Pravna redakcija
The Parties shall encourage the conferring of a regional character on any aspect of cooperation which, by virtue of its scope or economies of scale, results in what they consider to be a more rational and efficient use of available resources and a better outcome.
Pogodbenici spodbujata priznavanje regionalnega značaja vsem vidikom sodelovanja, ki zaradi svojega obsega ali ekonomiij obsega pomenijo bolj gospodarno in učinkovito uporabo razpoložljivih virov ter boljše rezultate.
9 Pravna redakcija
The Parties undertake, in their mutual interests and in accordance with their respective policies and objectives, to foster economic cooperation of the widest possible scope in order to contribute to the expansion of their respective economies and their development needs.
Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta v medsebojnem interesu ter v skladu s svojimi politikami in cilji v največji možni meri pospeševali gospodarsko sodelovanje, da bi prispevali k razmahu svojih gospodarstev in uresničevanju razvojnih potreb.
10 Pravna redakcija
The Community and Russia shall foster economic cooperation of wide scope in order to contribute to the expansion of their respective economies, to the creation of a supportive international economic environment and to the integration between Russia and a wider area of cooperation in Europe.
Skupnost in Rusija pospešujeta širše gospodarsko sodelovanje, da bi tako prispevali k širitvi svojega gospodarstva, ustvarjanju spodbudnega mednarodnega gospodarskega okolja in k vključevanju in sodelovanju med Rusijo in širšim območjem v Evropi.
11 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties undertake, in their mutual interests and in accordance with their respective policies and objectives, to foster economic cooperation of the widest possible scope in order to contribute to the expansion of their respective economies and their developmental needs.
Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta v medsebojnem interesu ter v skladu s svojo politiko in cilji pospeševali gospodarsko sodelovanje v kar največjem obsegu, da bi prispevali k razvoju njunih gospodarstev in njunim razvojnim potrebam.
12 Pravna redakcija
As noted in the Commission fifth report on the implementation of the telecommunications regulatory package fn, the local access network remains one of the least competitive segments of the liberalised telecommunications market, because new entrants do not have wide-spread alternative network infrastructures and are unable with traditional technologies to match the economies of scale and scope of operators notified as having significant market power in the fixed network (hereinafter referred to as "notified operators").
Kot je navedeno v Petem poročilu Komisije o izvajanju regulativnega paketa za telekomunikacije fn, ostaja krajevno dostopovno omrežje eden najmanj konkurenčnih segmentov liberaliziranega komunikacijskega trga, saj novi ponudniki nimajo razširjenih alternativnih omrežnih infrastruktur in s tradicionalno tehnologijo ne morejo dohajati ekonomije obsega in dosega operaterjev, za katere je uradno objavljeno, da imajo pomembno tržno moč v fiksnem omrežju (v nadaljnjem besedilu "priglašeni operaterji").
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Under certain circumstances, cross-subsidisation in the postal sector, where nearly all operators provide reserved and non-reserved services, can distort competition and lead to competitors being beaten by offers which are made possible not by efficiency (including economies of scope) and performance but by cross-subsidies.
V nekaterih okoliščinah lahko navzkrižno subvencioniranje v poštnem sektorju, kjer skoraj vsi operaterji ponujajo rezervirane in nerezervirane storitve, izkrivlja konkurenco in vodi v to, da konkurente premagajo ponudbe, ki jih ne omogočata učinkovitost (vključno z ekonomijo obsega) in izvajanje, ampak navzkrižno subvencioniranje.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
Other factors such as economies of scale and scope, distribution and sales networks(93), access to important technologies, may also constitute barriers to entry.
Tudi drugi dejavniki, na primer ekonomija obsega, distribucijska in prodajna mreža [93], dostop do pomembnih tehnologij, lahko pomenijo vstopne ovire.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
Most common types of production agreements can be assumed to cause some economic benefits in the form of economies of scale or scope or better production technologies unless they are an instrument for price fixing, output restriction or market and customer allocation.
Za najbolj splošne vrste sporazumov o proizvodnji se lahko šteje, da ustvarjajo določene gospodarske koristi v obliki ekonomije obsega ali obsega proizvodnje ali boljših proizvodnih tehnologij, razen če so sredstvo za določanje cen, omejevanje obsega proizvodnje ali delitev trga in odjemalcev.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
Notwithstanding the exemptions from the scope of Directive 2001/16/EC, the voluntary application of the relevant provisions of that Directive by the Member States at national level should be encouraged, with a view to increasing cost efficiency and economies of scale in the manufacturing sector.
Ne glede na izvzetja iz področja uporabe Direktive 2001/16/ES je treba države članice spodbujati, da prostovoljno uporabljajo zadevne določbe iz navedene direktive, zaradi povečane stroškovne učinkovitosti in ekonomije obsega v proizvodnem sektorju.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2658
It can be presumed that, where the participating undertakings' share of the relevant market does not exceed 20 %, specialisation agreements as defined in this Regulation will, as a general rule, give rise to economic benefits in the form of economies of scale or scope or better production technologies, while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefits.
Domneva se lahko, da bodo v primeru, pri katerem delež udeleženega podjetja na upoštevnem trgu ne presega 20 %, sporazumi o specializaciji iz te uredbe praviloma privedli do gospodarskih prednosti v obliki ekonomije obsega ali boljših proizvodnih tehnologij, pri tem pa potrošnikom zagotavljali pravičen delež doseženih koristi.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
Entry barriers may result from a wide variety of factors such as economies of scale and scope, government regulations, especially where they establish exclusive rights, state aid, import tariffs, intellectual property rights, ownership of resources where the supply is limited due to for instance natural limitations(30), essential facilities, a first mover advantage and brand loyalty of consumers created by strong advertising.
Vstopne ovire lahko izhajajo iz številnih dejavnikov, kot so ekonomije obsega in področja, vladni predpisi, zlasti če določajo izključne pravice, državne pomoči, uvozne tarife, pravice intelektualne lastnine, lastništvo nad viri, kjer je ponudba omejena zaradi na primer naravnih omejitev [30], osnovna oprema, prednost prvega na trgu in zvestoba potrošnikov blagovni znamki, ki jo ustvarja močno oglaševanje.
19 Prevod
CELEX: 32002D0601
Enlarging the geographical scope of the Tempus III programme to the Mediterranean non-member countries and territories referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1488/ 96 would make it possible to build on the proven strengths of that programme, achieve economies of scale and favour regional cooperation around the wider Euro-Mediterranean region.
bi razširitev geografskega obsega programa Tempus III na sredozemske države nečlanice in na ozemlja, ki jih navaja Uredba (ES) št. 1488/96, omogočila delovanje na podlagi preskušenih prednosti tega programa, doseganje ekonomije obsega in razširitev regionalnega sodelovanja na področje širše Evro-sredozemske regije.
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economies of scope