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effective annual interest rate
1 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The effective annual rate to be taken into consideration for the actuarial calculations shall be the average of the real average interest rates for the 12 years preceding the current year.
Efektivna letna mera, ki se uporabi pri aktuarskih izračunih, je povprečje dejanskih povprečnih obrestnih mer za dvanajst let pred tekočim letom.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The effective annual rate to be taken into consideration for the actuarial calculations shall be the average of the real average interest rates for the 12 years preceding the current year.
Efektivna letna mera, ki se uporabi pri aktuarskih izračunih, je povprečje dejanskih povprečnih obrestnih mer za 12 let pred tekočim letom.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2278
In the interests of effectiveness and in order to simplify and rationalise procedures at national and Community level, the various measures for which Community financial assistance is requested should be brought together in an annual national programme for each Member State.
Zaradi učinkovitosti in da se poenostavijo in racionalizirajo postopki na nacionalni ravni in ravni Skupnosti, je treba razne ukrepe, za katere je zaprošena finančna pomoč Skupnosti, združiti v letnem nacionalnem programu za vsako državo članico.
4 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in the interests of effectiveness and in order to simplify and rationalise procedures at national and Community level, the various measures for which Community assistance is requested should be brought together in an annual national plan for each Member State;
ker je treba, zaradi učinkovitosti ter da se poenostavi in gospodarno uredi postopke na nacionalni ravni in na ravni Skupnosti, različne ukrepe, za katere je zaprošena podpora Skupnosti, zbrati v letnem nacionalnem programu vsake države članice.
Prevodi: en > sl
effective annual interest rate