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effective coherence
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0851
3.The Centre, the Commission and the Member States shall cooperate to promote effective coherence between their respective activities.
Center, Komisija in države članice sodelujejo z namenom pospeševanja uspešne koherentnosti njihovih dejavnosti.
2 Pravna redakcija
Those standards and measures are linked and interdependent for reasons of effectiveness, coherence and solidarity and in order, in particular, to avert the risk of secondary movements.
Ti standardi in ukrepi so povezani in medsebojno odvisni zaradi učinkovitosti, soodvisnosti in solidarnosti ter zlasti zato, da se odvrne nevarnost dodatnih premikov.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1726
In order to achieve the objectives of coherence and complementarity referred to in the Treaty and with the aim of guaranteeing optimal effectiveness of the aid, the Commission shall take all necessary coordination measures, notably:
Komisija - zaradi doseganja ciljev skladnosti in komplementarnosti s Pogodbo ter s ciljem zagotovitve optimalne učinkovitosti pomoči - sprejme vse potrebne usklajevalne ukrepe, predvsem za:
4 Pravna redakcija
The effectiveness of this Common Strategy will be optimised by ensuring the greatest possible coherence between the various instruments and areas of activity undertaken by the Union, and between the activities of the Union and those of the Member States.
Učinkovitost te Skupne strategije se bo stopnjevala ob zagotavljanju največje možne povezanosti med različnimi instrumenti in področji dejavnosti Unije in med dejavnostmi Unije in dejavnostmi njenih držav članic.
5 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall ensure that action taken under the Rapid Reaction Mechanism is effectively coordinated, including on-the-spot coordination, with action by the Member States, in order to increase the coherence, complementarity and effectiveness of the interventions.
Komisija zagotavlja, da je delovanje v okviru mehanizma za hitro ukrepanje učinkovito usklajeno - vključno s koordinacijo na kraju samem - z delovanjem držav članic, da bi izboljšala medsebojno povezanost in vzajemnost, komplementarnost in učinkovitost posegov.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1725
The Commission shall, on the basis of a regular exchange of information, including the exchange of information on the spot, facilitate effective coordination of the assistance efforts undertaken by the Community and individual Member States, in order to increase the coherence and complementarity of their programmes.
Komisija na podlagi redne izmenjave informacij, vključno z izmenjavo informacij na mestu samem, omogoča učinkovito koordinacijo pomoči, ki jo izvajajo Skupnost in posamezne države članice, z namenom okrepiti skladnost in povezljivost njihovih programov.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D1230
This programme also aims at economic and social cohesion and seeks to increase transparency, coherence and the complementarity of all the actions and other related measures in the field of energy, thereby generating effective links between these measures and actions carried out under other Community and Member States' policies.
Cilj tega programa je tudi ekonomska in socialna kohezija ter povečanje preglednosti, skladnosti in komplementarnosti vseh akcij ter drugih povezanih ukrepov na področju energije, ter s tem ustvariti učinkovite povezave med temi ukrepi in akcijami, izvedenimi skladno s politikami Skupnosti in držav članic.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0100
This report shall be based, inter alia, on an external evaluation report which must be available no later than the end of 2006 and which shall appraise at least the overall pertinence and coherence of the programme, the effectiveness of its execution (preparation, selection, implementation of the actions) and the overall and individual effectiveness of the various actions in terms of achievement of the objectives set out in Article 1 and in the Annex.
To poročilo med drugim temelji na zunanjem ocenjevalnem poročilu, ki mora biti na voljo najkasneje do konca leta 2006 in v katerem so ocenjeni vsaj splošna smotrnost in jasnost programa, učinkovitost njegovega izvajanja (priprava, izbor, izvajanje projektov) ter celovita in posamična učinkovitost različnih projektov v smislu doseganja ciljev iz člena 1 in Priloge.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0099
The Commission shall, together with the Member States and on the basis of a reciprocal and regular exchange of information, including exchange of information on the spot, seek the effective coordination of the assistance efforts undertaken by the Community and individual Member States, in order to increase the coherence and complementarity of their cooperation programmes.
Komisija si skupaj z državami članicami ter na podlagi vzajemne in redne izmenjave informacij, vključno z izmenjavo informacij na kraju samem, prizadeva zagotoviti učinkovito usklajevanje prizadevanj za pomoč, ki jih izvajajo Skupnost in posamezne države članice, da bi povečala medsebojno povezanost in dopolnjevanje njihovih programov sodelovanja.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2698
The Commission shall, in liaison with the Member States and on the basis of a reciprocal and regular exchange of information, including exchange of information on the spot, especially with regard to strategy papers, the national indicative programmes (NIP), annual financing plans, and the preparation of projects and monitoring of their implementation, ensure the effective coordination of the assistance efforts undertaken by the Community, including the European Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as ` the Bank` ), and individual Member States, in order to increase the coherence and complementarity of their cooperation programmes.
Komisija v tesnem sodelovanju z državami članicami ter na podlagi vzajemne in redne izmenjave informacij, vključno z izmenjavo informacij na kraju samem, zlasti o strateških dokumentih, nacionalnih okvirnih programih (NIP), letnih finančnih načrtih, pripravi projektov in spremljanju njihovega izvajanja, zagotovi učinkovito usklajevanje prizadevanj za pomoč, ki jih izvajajo Skupnost, vključno z Evropsko investicijsko banko (v nadaljnjem besedilu »banka«), in posamezne države članice, da bi povečala medsebojno povezanost in dopolnjevanje njihovih programov sodelovanja.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0851
3.The Centre, the Commission and the Member States shall cooperate to promote effective coherence between their respective activities.
Center, Komisija in države članice sodelujejo z namenom pospeševanja uspešne koherentnosti njihovih dejavnosti.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0178
The Authority, Commission and Member States shall cooperate to promote the effective coherence between risk assessment, risk management and risk communication functions.
Agencija, Komisija in države članice sodelujejo med seboj, da zagotovijo učinkovito povezanost med ocenjevanjem tveganja, obvladovanjem tveganja in obveščanjem o tveganjih.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0834
Through increased coordination and collaboration the various European cooperation frameworks will contribute more effectively to the overall coherence of European research efforts and the establishment of a European Research Area.
Na osnovi naraščajočega usklajevanja in sodelovanja, bodo različni evropski okvirji za znanstveno sodelovanje bolj učinkovito prispevali k splošni skladnosti evropskih raziskovalnih prizadevanj in k vzpostavitvi Evropskega raziskovalnega prostora.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1551
Whereas the specific operative events provided for in this Regulation meet the criteria of applicability, similarity, coherence, practicability and effectiveness set out in Article 6(2)(a), (b), (c) and (d) of Regulation (EEC) No 3813/92;
ker posebni datumi uveljavitve, predvideni v tej uredbi, ustrezajo merilom uporabnosti, podobnosti, skladnosti, praktičnosti in učinkovitosti, ki so določena v členu 6(2)(a), (b), (c) in (d) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3813/92;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
The task of achieving harmony between these policies falls primarily on governments at the national level, but their coherence internationally is an important and valuable element in increasing the effectiveness of these policies at national level.
Doseganje usklajenosti med temi politikami je predvsem naloga vlad na nacionalni ravni, vendar pa je na mednarodni ravni njihova skladnost pomembna in dragocena sestavina pri povečevanju učinkovitosti teh politik na nacionalni ravni.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1488
The Commission shall, in agreement with the Member States and on the basis of a reciprocal and regular exchange of information, including exchange of information on the spot, especially with regard to the indicative programmes and projects, ensure the effective coordination of the assistance efforts undertaken by the Community and individual Member States, in order to increase the coherence and complementarity of their cooperation programmes.
Komisija si v dogovoru z državami članicami ter na podlagi vzajemne in redne izmenjave informacij, vključno z izmenjavo informacij na kraju samem, zlasti o okvirnih programih in projektih, prizadeva zagotoviti učinkovito usklajevanje prizadevanj za pomoč, ki jih izvajajo Skupnost in posamezne države članice, da bi povečala medsebojno povezanost in dopolnjevanje njihovih programov sodelovanja.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2698
The Commission shall, in liaison with the Member States and on the basis of a reciprocal and regular exchange of information, including exchange of information on the spot, especially with regard to strategy papers, the national indicative programmes (NIP), annual financing plans, and the preparation of projects and monitoring of their implementation, ensure the effective coordination of the assistance efforts undertaken by the Community, including the European Investment Bank (hereinafter referred to as 'the Bank'), and individual Member States, in order to increase the coherence and complementarity of their cooperation programmes.
Komisija v tesnem sodelovanju z državami članicami ter na podlagi vzajemne in redne izmenjave informacij, vključno z izmenjavo informacij na kraju samem, zlasti o strateških dokumentih, nacionalnih okvirnih programih (NIP), letnih finančnih načrtih, pripravi projektov in spremljanju njihovega izvajanja, zagotovi učinkovito usklajevanje prizadevanj za pomoč, ki jih izvajajo Skupnost, vključno z Evropsko investicijsko banko (v nadaljnjem besedilu "banka"), in posamezne države članice, da bi povečala medsebojno povezanost in dopolnjevanje njihovih programov sodelovanja.
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effective coherence