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1 Končna redakcija
With regard to emasculation for the production of seed of hybrid varieties, the percentage of plants of the female parent ascertained to have emitted pollen shall not exceed 1 at any one official field inspection and shall not exceed 2 in all the official field inspections carried out;
Glede odstranjevanja metlic pri proizvodnji semena hibridnih sort odstotek rastlin ženske starševske komponente, za katere je ugotovljeno, da prašijo cvetni prah, ne sme presegati 1 pri katerem koli uradnem poljskem pregledu in ne sme presegati 2 pri vseh opravljenih uradnih poljskih pregledih;
2 Končna redakcija
The field shall be so cultivated and the crop at such a stage of development as to permit an adequate check of identity and varietal purity, of health status and, in the case of maize, of the identity and purity of inbred lines and of emasculation for the production of seed of hybrid varieties.
Polje mora biti tako obdelano in posevek na taki stopnji razvoja, da to omogoča ustrezno kontrolo pristnosti in sortne čistosti, zdravstvenega stanja in, pri koruzi, pristnosti in čistosti samooplodnih linij in preverjanje odstranjevanja metlic pri proizvodnji semena hibridnih sort.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0387
(bb) where appropriate, emasculation shall be carried out;
(bb) kjer je to ustrezno, se opravi sterilizacija;
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