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1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1498
Sir Emental
2 Končna redakcija
Schneider F. and Emmerich A., Zucker - Beih.
Schneider F. in Emmerich A., Zucker - Beih.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31969R1265
(Source: (Schneider F., A. Emmerich and J. Dubourg, Zucker 18, 571 (1965) and Sucr.
(Vir: Schneider F., A. Emmerich in J. Dubourg, Zucker 18, 571 (1965) in Sucr.
4 Končna redakcija
Emmentaler, Gruycre, Sbrinz, Bergkaese, Appenzell, Vacherin fribourgeois and Tete de moine, not grated or powdered
Ementalec, grojer, zbrinc, bergkäse, appenzell, vacherin fribourgeois in tete de moine, nenariban ali v prahu
5 Končna redakcija
Emmentaler, Gruycre, Sbrinz, Bergkaese, Appenzell, Vacherin fribourgeois and Tete do moine, not grated or powdered
Ementalec, grojer, zbrinc, bergkäse, appenzell, vacherin fribourgeois in tete do moine, ne nariban ali v prahu
6 Pravna redakcija
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2535
8 Pravna redakcija
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0011
NAK Emmeloord (NL)
NAK Emmeloord (NL)
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2535
Processed Emmentaler
Topljeni Topljeni ementalec
11 Pravna redakcija
Emmental- Burgdorf- Thun- Bahn
12 Pravna redakcija
Emmentaler, Gruyere, Sbrinz and Appenzell:
ementalec, grojer, sbrinz in appenzell:
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1923
Swiss or Emmenthaler cheese with eye formation
Švicarski sir ali ementalec, z luknjami
14 Pravna redakcija
Emmentaler, Gruyere, Sbrinz, Bergkase and Appenzell
Ementalec, grojer, sbrinz, bergkase in appenzell
15 Pravna redakcija
Excluding reques6n, Emmental, Gruyere, blue cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano.
Razen requesona, ementalca, grojerja, sira z modro plesnijo, parmigiano reggiano in grana padano.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1789
- the Emmental or Gruyére cheeses used in its manufacture were made in the exporting country.
- da sta bila ementalec ali grojer, uporabljena za proizvodnjo, pridelana v državi izvoznici.
17 Pravna redakcija
Emmental, Gruyere, Sbrinz and Appenzell, of a minimum fat content of 45 % by weight in the dry matter, matured for at least three months:
ementalec, grojer, sbrinz in appenzell, ki vsebujejo najmanj 45 mas. % maščobe v suhi snovi in ki so zoreli vsaj 3 mesece:
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1789
- it was prepared with processed cheeses made exclusively from Emmental or Gruyére cheese with added white wine, kirsch, starch and spices, and
- da so bili pripravljeni iz topljenih sirov, narejenih izključno iz ementalca ali grojerja z dodatkom belega vina, češnjevca, škroba in začimb, in
19 Pravna redakcija
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2248/85 of 25 July 1985 on detailed rules for administrative assistance with the exportation of Emmentaler cheese subject to quota restrictions that qualifies for special treatment on importation into the United States of America
UREDBA KOMISIJE (EGS) št. 2248/85 z dne 25. julija 1985 o podrobnih pravilih za upravno pomoč pri izvozu ementalskega sira, za katerega veljajo omejitve kvot, ki je upravičen do posebne obravnave pri uvozu v Združene države Amerike
20 Pravna redakcija
Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, in the manufacture of which only Emmentaler, Gruyere and Appenzell have been used and which may contain, as an addition, Glarus herb cheese (known as Schabziger), put up for retail sale (5) with a free-at-frontier value of not less than EUR 289, 14 per 100 kg net weight and of a fat content not exceeding 56% by weight int he dry matter
predelan sir, razen naribanega, ali, za katerega proizvodnjo se uporabljajo le siri, kakor so ementalec, grojer, sbrinz in appenzell in ki lahko vsebuje dodani zeliščni sir glarus (znan kot schabziger); pripravljen za prodajo na drobno, katerega vrednost "prosto meja" je najmanj 489,14 EUR na 100 kg neto mase in katerega vsebnost maščob v suhi snovi ne presega 56 mas.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2651
In Article 4, the word 'Emmentaler' is deleted.
V členu 4 se zbriše beseda "ementaler".
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0123
Protection of the name 'Emmentaler` is not sought.
Ne zahteva se zaščita za označbo "Emmentaler".
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
-Emmentaler:not less than 60 kg but not more than 130 kg inclusive,
Ementalec: 60 in več kg do vključno 130 kg
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2651
'Certificate for the export of Emmentaler cheese to the United States of America'
"Certificate for the export of Emmentaler cheese to the United States of America"
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2651
// Subheading // Type of cheese // ex 04.04 A // Emmentaler // ex 04.04 E I b) 2 // Maasdam Samsoe Svenbo'
Podštevilka Vrsta sira ex 04.04 A ementaler ex 04.04 E Ib)2 maasdam samsoe svenbo"
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2651
In the title of the Regulation, the words 'Emmentaler cheese' are replaced by the words 'certain cheeses'.
V naslovu Uredbe se besedi "ementalski sir" nadomestita z besedama "nekateri siri".
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2651
'Certificate for the export of Swiss or Emmenthaler cheese with eye formation to the United States of America'.
"Certificate for the export of Swiss or Emmenthaler cheese with eye formation to the United States of America".
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0375
in the Kreis Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis: the gemeinde Boppard, Verbandsgemeinde Emmelshausen, Kastellaun, Kirchberg;
v Kreis Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis: skupnost Boppard, Verbandsgemeinde Emmelshausen, Kastellaun, Kirchberg;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Emmentaler cheese, whole, matured for three to four months with a fat content of 45 % by weight, in the dry matter, without packaging.
Ementalec, celi, ki je zorel tri do štiri mesece, z vsebnostjo maščob v suhi snovi 45 mas.%, brez embalaže.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
3.Box 10 by specifying ´´exclusively home-produced Emmentaler, Bergkaese or similar hard cheeses'' for products originating from Austria,
Polje 10 s podrobno navedbo izključno doma proizvedeni ementalec, bergkaese, ali podobni trdi siri za proizvode s poreklom iz Avstrije,
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2248
It shall cover the quantity of Emmentaler cheese indicated thereon and must be presented to the customs authorities of the United States of America.
Potrdilo velja za količino ementalskega sira, ki je na njem navedena, in ga je potrebno predložiti carinskim organom Združenih držav Amerike.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2248
The Member States shall take all necessary measures to check the origin, type, composition and quality of the Emmentaler cheeses for which certificates are issued.
Države članice sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe, da preverijo poreklo, vrsto, sestavo in kakovost ementalskega sira, za katere se izdajajo potrdila.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2651
Whereas the American customs authorities classify the product qualifying for special treatment on importation under the heading '950.10 B Swiss or Emmenthaler cheese with eye formation';
ker ameriški carinski organi uvrščajo proizvod, ki je upravičen do posebne obravnave pri uvozu, pod številko "950.10 B Swiss or Emmenthaler cheese with eye formation";
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
2.Box 10 by specifying ´´exclusively home- produced Emmentaler, Gruyere, and Appenzell and possibly as an addition, Glarus herb cheese (known as Schabziger)'' for products originating from Switzerland and Austria,
Polje 10 s podrobno navedbo izključno doma proizvedeni ementalec, grojer in appenzell in po možnosti kot dodatek, zeliščni sir glarus (znan kot schabziger) za proizvode s poreklom iz Švice in Avstrije,
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2248
whereas in the light of experience it appears to be appropriate to strengthen administrative cooperation with the United States of America to ensure that the quota of Emmentaler cheese of Community origin is fully utilized;
ker je, glede na izkušnje, primerno okrepiti upravno sodelovanje z Združenimi državami Amerike, da se zagotovi popolna izraba kvote ementalskega sira z izvorom v Skupnosti;
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2651
Whereas Commission Reguation (EEC) No 2248/85 of 25 July 1985 on detailed rules for administrative assistance with the exportation of Emmentaler cheese subject to quota restrictions that qualifies for special treatment on importation into the United States of America (2) introduced an export certificate for Emmentaler cheese in order to strengthen administrative cooperation with the United States of America and ensure the full use of the quota;
ker je Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 2248/85 z dne 25. julija 1985 o podrobnih pravilih za upravno pomoč pri izvozu ementalskega sira, za katerega veljajo omejitve kvot, ki je upravičen do posebne obravnave pri uvozu v Združene države Amerike [2], uvedla izvozno potrdilo za ementalski sir, z namenom, da okrepi upravno sodelovanje z Združenimi državami Amerike in zagotovi popolno izrabo kvote;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
B.As regards Emmentaler, Gruyere, Sbrinz, Bergkaese, Appenzell, Vacherin mont d'or, Vacherin fribourgeois or Tete de moine cheese falling within subheadings ex 0406 90 13, ex 0406 90 15 and ex 0406 90 17 of the combined nomenclature:
Za ementalec, grojer, sbrinz, bergkaese, appenzell, Vacherin mont d'or, Vacherin fribourgeois ali Tte de moine iz podštevilk ex 0406 90 13, ex 0406 90 15 in ex 0406 90 17 kombinirane nomenklature:
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
(b)Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, in the blending of which only Emmentaler, Bergkaese or similar hard cheeses have been used, put up for retail sale and of a fat content, by weight, in the dry matter, not exceeding 56 %, falling within subheading
Topljeni sir, razen naribanega, ali v prahu, za proizvodnjo katerih se uporabljajo le siri, kot so ementalski sir, bergkaese ali podobni trdi siri; pripravljen za prodajo na drobno, z vsebnostjo maščob v suhi snovi do vključno 56 mas.%, iz podštevilke
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2248
COMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 2248/85 of 25 July 1985 on detailed rules for administrative assistance with the exportation of Emmentaler cheese subject to quota restrictions that qualifies for special treatment on importation into the United States of America
Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 2248/85 z dne 25. julija 1985 o podrobnih pravilih za upravno pomoč pri izvozu ementalskega sira, za katerega veljajo omejitve kvot, ki je upravičen do posebne obravnave pri uvozu v Združene države Amerike
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
1.Box 7 by specifying, as appropriate, ´´Emmentaler cheese'', Gruyere cheese'', ´´Sbrinz cheese'', ´´Bergkaese cheese'', ´´Appenzell cheese'', ´´Vacherin fribourgeois cheese'', ´´Vacherin mont d'or'', or ´´Tete de moine cheese'' and as appropriate:
Polje 7 s podrobno navedbo, kjer je ustrezno, ementalski sir', sir grojer, sir sbrinz, sir bergkaese, sir appenzell,'sir Vacherin fribourgeois, sir Vacherin mont d'or', ali sir Tte de moine in, kjer je ustrezno:
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Blue-veined cheese Emmental Gruyere Bergkaese Edam Tilsit Butterkaese Kefalotyri Alpentaler Tiroler Graukaese Mondseer Cheeses known as ´Weisskaese nach Balkanart'Milchwirtschaftsfonds et OEsterreichische Hartkaese Export-Gesell- schaft either jointly or separatelyVienna Innsbruck
sir z modro ali podobno žlahtno plesnijo ementalec grojer bergkaese edamec tilsit butterkaese kefalo-tyri alpentaler tiroler graukaese mondseer siri, znani kot "weisskaese nach balkanart" Milchwirtschaftsfonds et Österreichische Hartkäse Export-Gesellschaft, bodisi skupaj ali posebej Dunaj Innsbruck
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Finland36,27 (l)ex 0406 30Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, in the blending of which only Emmentaler, Bergkaese or similar hard cheeses have been used, put up for retail sale (5), and of a fat content by weight in the dry matter not exceeding 56 % by weight, in the dry matter, subject to an annual tariff quota of 3 750 tonnes, originating from Austria
Finska 36,27 (l) ex 0406 30 Topljeni sir, razen naribanega ali v prahu, za proizvodnjo katerih se uporabljajo le siri, kot so ementalski sir, bergkaese ali podobni trdi siri, pripravljen za prodajo na drobno5, z vsebnostjo maščob v suhi snovi do vključno 56 mas.%, ki je podvržen letni tarifni kvoti 3 750 ton, in s poreklom iz Avstrije
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, in the blending of which only Emmentaler, Gruyere and Appenzell have been used and which may contain, as an addition, Glarus herb cheese (known as Schabziger), put up for retail sale (5), of a free-at-frontier value (3) of not less than 243 ECU per 100 kg net weight and of a fat content not exceeding 56 % by weight, in the dry matter
Topljeni sir, razen naribanega ali v prahu, za proizvodnjo katerih se uporabljajo le siri, kot so ementalski sir, gruyere in appenzell in ki lahko vsebujejo dodan zeliščni sir glarus (znan kot schabziger), pripravljen za prodajo na drobno 5, katerih vrednost franko meja 3 je 243 ali več ECU/100 kg neto mase, z vsebnostjo maščob v suhi snovi do vključno 56 mas. %
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Emmentaler, Gruyere, Sbrinz, Appenzell, Vacherin fribourgeois and Tete de moine, not grated or powdered of a minimum fat content of 45 % by weight in the dry matter, matured for at least two months in the case of Vacherin fribourgeois and at least three months in the other cases, falling within combined nomenclature subheadings ex 0406 90 13, ex 0406 90 15 and ex 0406 90 17:
Ementalec, grojer, sbrinz, appenzell, Vacherin fribourgeois in Tte de moine, razen naribanega ali v prahu, z minimalno vsebnostjo maščobe v suhi snovi 45 siri, celi, s skorjo, z vrednostjo franko meja najmanj 341,58 1 kosi, pakirani v vakuumu ali inertnem plinu, s skorjo vsaj na eni strani, katerih neto masa je 1kg ali večja in manjša od 5kg, in katerih vrednost franko meja je najmanj 365,76 1
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R2248
For exportation to the United States of America (including Puerto Rico and Hawaii) of Emmentaler cheese of subheading 04.04 A of the Common Customs Tariff and subheading No 117.60.25 of the Tariff Schedule of the United States that is subject to quota restrictions the competent authority of the exporting Member State shall issue at the exporter's request a certificate corresponding to the model given in the Annex hereto.
Za izvoz ementalskega sira iz podštevilke 04.04 A Skupne carinske tarife in podštevilke. 117.60.25 Tariff Schedule of the United States v Združene države Amerike (vključno s Portorikom in Havaji), za katerega veljajo omejitve kvot, izda na zahtevo izvoznika pristojni upravni organ izvozne države članice EU potrdilo, ki ustreza modelu, navedenemu v Prilogi.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
(a)Emmentaler, Gruyere, Sbrinz, Bergkaese, not grated or powdered, of a minimum fat content of 45 % by weight, in the dry matter, matured for at least three months, falling within subheadings ex 0406 90 13, ex 0406 90 15 and ex 0406 90 17:-whole cheeses -pieces packed in vacumm or in inert gas with rind on at least one side, of a net weight of not less than 1 kg -pieces packed in vacumm or in inert gas, of a net weight not exceeding 450 g
Ementalec, grojer, sbrinz, bergkaese, razen naribanega ali v prahu, z vsebnostjo maščobe v suhi snovi najmanj 45 mas.%, ki so zoreli najmanj tri mesece, iz podštevilk ex 0406 90 13, ex 0406 90 15 in ex 0406 90 17: celi siri kosi, pakirani v vakuumu ali inertnem plinu, s skorjo vsaj na eni strani, z neto maso najmanj 1 kg kosi, pakirani v vakuumu ali inertnem plinu, z neto maso do vključno 450 g
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Switzerland36,27 (k)ex 0406 30 10Processed cheese, not grated or powdered, in the blending of which only Emmentaler, Gruyere and Appenzell have been used and which may contain, as an addition Glarus herb cheese (known as Schabziger), put up for retail sale (5), of a fat content by weight in the dry matter not exceeding 56 % by weight, in the dry matter, subject to an annual tariff quota of 700 tonnes, including Tilsit, Turunmaa and Lappi cheeses referred to in point (t), originating from Finland
Švica 36,27 (k) ex 0406 30 10 Topljeni sir, razen naribanega ali v prahu, za proizvodnjo katerih se uporabljajo le siri, kot so ementalski sir, gruyere in appenzell in ki lahko vsebujejo dodan zeliščni sirglarus (znan kot schabziger), pripravljen za prodajo na drobno 5, z vsebnostjo maščob v suhi snovi do vključno 56 mas.%, ki je podvržen letni tarifni kvoti 700 ton, vključno s siri tilsit, turunmaa in lappi iz točke (t), s poreklom iz Finske
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0222
Heading or subheading in the Austrian customs tariff Description of goodsDuty in schillings per 100 kg Import quantities in tonnes ex 0406 30 A 1 ex 0406 30 A 2 ex 0406 20 A 1 a) ex 0406 20 A 2 a) Processed cheese other than grated or powdered Processed cheese, grated or powdered 760 2 000 ex 0406 40 A 1 ex 0406 40 A 2 Blue-veined cheese 560 ex 0406 20 A 1 c) ex 0406 20 A 2 c) ex 0406 90 A 1 f) ex 0406 90 A 2 f) Danbo, Edam, Elbo, Fynbo, Fontal, Gouda, Havarti, Malbo, Maribo, Mimolette, Samsoe, Tybo, whether or not grated or powdered 560 ex 0406 90 A 1 f) ex 0406 90 A 2 f) Tilsit 460 ex 0406 20 A 1 c) ex 0406 20 A 2 c) ex 0406 90 A 1 f) ex 0406 90 A 2 f) Emmental and Gruyere, whether or not grated or powdered 460 ex 0406 10 A 1 b) ex 0406 20 A 1 c) ex 0406 20 A 2 b) ex 0406 20 A 2 c) ex 0406 90 A 1 d) ex 0406 90 A 1 e) ex 0406 90 A 1 f) ex 0406 90 A 2 d) ex 0406 90 A 2 e) ex 0406 90 A 2 f) Butterkaese, Esrom, Italico, Kernheim, St Nectaire, St Paulin, Taleggio, Cheddar and other cheeses not included above, of a water content in the non-fatty matter not exceeding 62 %, whether or not grated or powdered 560 3 000 The above cheeses of Community origin may not be imported into Austria unless accompanied by the approved certificates of quality and origin.
Številka ali podštevilka avstrijske carinske tarife Poimenovanje blaga Dajatev v šilingih na 100 kg Uvozne količine v tonah 0406 30 A 1 0406 30 A 2 ex 0406 20 A 1 (a) ex 0406 20 A 2 (a) 0406 40 A 1 0406 40 A 2 ex 0406 20 A 1 (c) ex 0406 20 A 2 (c) ex 0406 90 A 1 (f) ex 0406 90 A 2 (f) ex 0406 90 A 1 (f) ex 0406 90 A 2 (f) ex 0406 20 A 1 (c) ex 0406 20 A 2 (c) ex 0406 90 A 1 (f) ex 0406 90 A 2 (f) 0406 10 A 1 (b) ex 0406 20 A 1 (c) 0406 20 A 2 (b) ex 0406 20 A 2 (c) ex 0406 90 A 1 (d) ex 0406 90 A 1 (e) ex 0406 90 A 1 (f) ex 0406 90 A 2 (d) ex 0406 90 A 2 (e) ex 0406 90 A 2 (f) Topljeni sir, razen naribanega, ali v prahu Topljeni sir, nariban ali v prahu Sir z modro ali podobno žlahtno plesnijo nastalo v jedru sira Danbo, edamec, elbo, fynbo, fontal, gauda, havarti, malbo, maribo, mimolette, samso, tybo, nariban ali v prahu ali ne Tilsit Ementalec in grojer, nariban ali v prahu ali ne Butterkaese, esrom, italico, kernheim, st.nectaire, st. paulin, teleggio, cheddar in drugi siri, ki niso vključeni zgoraj, z vsebnostjo vode v nemaščobni snovi do vključno 62 %, naribani ali v prahu ali ne 760 560 560 460 460 560 2 000 3 000
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