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enforcement notice
1 Končna redakcija
(1) The concession granter who is responsible to carry out the concession award procedure shall apply, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of Articles 65 to 71 until the enforcement of a special Act which will regulate in detail the award of concessions, unless this is contrary to the Act which allows the granting of concession. The notice shall state explicitly that the publication refers to the award of concession.
(1) Do uveljavitve posebnega zakona, ki bo natančneje uredil oddajanje koncesij in v kolikor ni v nasprotju s področnim zakonom, ki dodelitev koncesije dopušča, koncedent za izvedbo postopka oddaje koncesije smiselno uporablja določbe 65. do 71. člena tega zakona. V objavi mora biti posebej navedeno, da se objava nanaša na oddajo koncesije.
2 Končna redakcija
The competent authority shall take all necessary measures, including the use of prominent signs and warning notices and the use of media resources, such as the press and television, to ensure that all persons in the protection and surveillance zones are fully aware of the restrictions in force in accordance with Articles 10 and 11, and shall take such measures as it considers appropriate to ensure the adequate enforcement of these measures.
Pristojni organ izvede vse potrebne ukrepe, vključno z namestitvijo vidnih oznak in opozorilnih napisov ter uporabo medijev, kot sta tisk in televizija, s katerimi se zagotovi, da so vse osebe na okuženih in ogroženih območjih v celoti seznanjene z omejitvami v skladu s členoma 10 in 11, in vse take ukrepe, ki so po njegovi presoji potrebni za izvrševanje teh ukrepov.
3 Pravna redakcija
notices of enforcement,
obvestila o izvršitvi,
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31988R1956
whereas the Community consequently gave notice on 26 June 1986 of its intention not to be bound by the scheme of joint international enforcement from 12 months thence;
ker je zaradi tega Skupnost 26. junija 1986 dala uradno obvestilo o svoji nameri, da je čez 12 mesecev od navedenega datuma mednarodni program skupnega izvajanja ne bo zavezoval;
5 Pravna redakcija
When either Party informs the other Party that specific enforcement activities by the latter Party may affect the former's important interests, the latter Party shall endeavour to provide timely notice of significant developments of such enforcement activities.
Kadar ena pogodbenica obvesti drugo pogodbenico, da ukrepi uveljavljanja te druge pogodbenice utegnejo prizadeti njene pomembne interese, si druga pogodbenica prizadeva, da jo pravočasno obvešča o razvoju pomembnih dogodkov takih ukrepov uveljavljanja.
6 Pravna redakcija
Subject to appropriate notice to the other Party, the competition authorities of either Party may limit or terminate their participation in a coordination arrangement and pursue their enforcement activities independently.
Organi pogodbenice, pristojni za konkurenco, lahko s tem da ustrezno obvestijo drugo pogodbenico, omejijo ali končajo svoje sodelovanje v dogovoru o koordinaciji in samostojno izvajajo svoje dejavnosti izvrševanja.
7 Pravna redakcija
The appropriate officer of the court shall without delay bring to the notice of the applicant the decision given on the application in accordance with the procedure laid down by the law of the Member State in which enforcement is sought.
Pristojni uradnik sodišča nemudoma obvesti vlagatelja o odločbi o predlogu v skladu s postopkom, ki ga določa pravo države članice, v kateri se zahteva izvršitev.
8 Pravna redakcija
The purpose of this notice is to provide guidance as to how the Commission applies the concept of relevant product and geographic market in its ongoing enforcement of Community competition law, in particular the application of Council Regulation No 17 and (EEC) No 4064/89, their equivalents in other sectoral applications such as transport, coal and steel, and agriculture, and the relevant provisions of the EEA Agreement fn.
Namen tega obvestila je podati usmeritve glede tega, kako Komisija uporablja koncept upoštevnega proizvodnega in geografskega trga pri svojem stalnem izvrševanju konkurenčnega prava Skupnosti, zlasti uporabe Uredbe Sveta št. 17 in (EGS) št. 4064/89, njunih ustreznic v drugih sektorskih uporabah, kot so promet, premog in jeklo, kmetijstvo ter ustreznih določb Sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru fn.
9 Pravna redakcija
The competent authority shall take all necessary measures, including the use of prominent signs and warning notices and use of media resources, such as the press and television, to ensure that all persons in the protection and surveillance zones are fully aware of the restrictions in force in accordance with Articles 10 and 11, and shall take such measures as they consider appropriate to ensure the adequate enforcement of these measures.
Pristojni organ sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, vključno z uporabo vidnih znakov in opozorilnih napisov ter uporabo medijev, kot sta tisk in televizija, da se vse osebe na okuženih in ogroženih območjih seznanijo z omejitvami, ki veljajo v skladu s členoma 10 in 11, in sprejmejo takšne ukrepe, za katere menijo, da so primerni za zagotovitev ustrezne uveljavitve teh ukrepov.
10 Pravna redakcija
If an organization fails to comply within 25 days of the delivery of the advice and has offered no satisfactory explanation for the delay, the panel will give notice of its intention either to submit the matter to the Federal Trade Commission or other U. S. federal or state body with statutory powers to take enforcement action in cases of deception or misrepresentation, or to conclude that the agreement to cooperate has been seriously breached and must therefore be considered null and void.
Če organizacija tudi po 25 dneh po prejemu nasveta ne ravna v skladu z njim in če ne ponudi zadovoljive razlage za zamudo, forum sporoči svojo namero, da bo predložil zadevo Federal Trade Commission ali drugemu zveznemu ali državnemu organu ZDA, ki ima zakonska pooblastila za pregon v primeru goljufije ali zavajanja, ali da bo sklenil, da gre za resno kršitev sporazuma o sodelovanju, ki ga je zato treba šteti za ničnega in neveljavnega.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2201
The appropriate officer of the court shall without delay bring to the notice of the applicant the decision given on the application in accordance with the procedure laid down by the law of the Member State of enforcement.
Pristojni uradnik sodišča v skladu s postopkom, predpisanim po pravu države članice, v kateri se zahteva izvršitev, o izdani odločbi nemudoma obvesti vlagatelja zahteve.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
The decision on the application for a declaration of enforceability shall forthwith be brought to the notice of the applicant in accordance with the procedure laid down by the law of the Member State in which enforcement is sought.
O razglasitvi izvršljivosti je treba nemudoma obvestiti vlagatelja zahteve v skladu s postopkom, predpisanim po pravu države članice, v kateri se zahteva izvršitev.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
The purpose of this notice is to provide guidance as to how the Commission applies the concept of relevant product and geographic market in its ongoing enforcement of Community competition law, in particular the application of Council Regulation No 17 and (EEC) No 4064/89, their equivalents in other sectoral applications such as transport, coal and steel, and agriculture, and the relevant provisions of the EEA Agreement (1).
Namen tega obvestila je podati usmeritve glede tega, kako Komisija uporablja koncept upoštevnega proizvodnega in geografskega trga pri svojem stalnem izvrševanju konkurenčnega prava Skupnosti, zlasti uporabe Uredbe Sveta št. 17 in (EGS) št. 4064/89, njunih ustreznic v drugih sektorskih uporabah, kot so promet, premog in jeklo, kmetijstvo ter ustreznih določb Sporazuma o evropskem gospodarskem prostoru [1].
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
If an organization fails to comply within 25 days of the delivery of the advice and has offered no satisfactory explanation for the delay, the panel will give notice of its intention either to submit the matter to the Federal Trade Commission or other U.S. federal or state body with statutory powers to take enforcement action in cases of deception or misrepresentation, or to conclude that the agreement to cooperate has been seriously breached and must therefore be considered null and void.
Če organizacija tudi po 25 dneh po prejemu nasveta ne ravna v skladu z njim in če ne ponudi zadovoljive razlage za zamudo, forum sporoči svojo namero, da bo predložil zadevo Federal Trade Commission ali drugemu zveznemu ali državnemu organu ZDA, ki ima zakonska pooblastila za pregon v primeru goljufije ali zavajanja, ali da bo sklenil, da gre za resno kršitev sporazuma o sodelovanju, ki ga je zato treba šteti za ničnega in neveljavnega.
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enforcement notice