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environmentally sound biotechnology
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
the exchange of information and experts, including information and experts dealing with the transfer of clean technologies and the safe and environmentally sound use of biotechnologies;
izmenjavo informacij in strokovnjakov, zlasti strokovnjakov s področja prenosa čistih tehnologij in varne ter okolju prijazne uporabe biotehnologij,
2 Pravna redakcija
exchange of information and experts, including information and experts dealing with the transfer of clean technologies and the safe and environmentally sound use of biotechnologies;
izmenjave informacij in strokovnjakov, vključno s strokovnjaki s področja prenosa čistih tehnologij in varne ter okolju neškodljive uporabe biotehnologij,
3 Pravna redakcija
exchange of information and experts, including information and experts dealing with the transfer of clean technologies and the safe and environmentally sound use of biotechnologies,
z izmenjavo informacij in strokovnjakov, vključno z informacijami in izvedenci s področja prenosa čistih tehnologij ter varne in okolju prijazne uporabe biotehnologij,
Prevodi: en > sl
environmentally sound biotechnology