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error in content
1 Končna redakcija
Irrespective of the method used, the error made in measuring the actual volume of the contents of a prepackage shall not exceed one-fifth of the particular tolerable negative error for the nominal volume of the contents of the prepackage.
Ne glede na uporabljeno metodo pa merilni pogrešek pri merjenju dejanske prostornine vsebine predpakiranega proizvoda ne sme presegati ene petine določenega dovoljenega negativnega pogreška za nazivno prostornino vsebine predpakiranega proizvoda.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0535
by gravimetry with xanthydrol: the co-precipitated biuret can be counted with urea nitrogen without great error, its content remaining generally low in absolute value in compound fertilizers,
z gravimetrično metodo s ksanthidrolom: sočasno oborjeni biuret se lahko brez večjih napak sešteje z dušikom v obliki uree, saj ostane njegova količina v absolutni vrednosti v sestavljenih gnojilih na splošno nizka,
3 Končna redakcija
The use is illogical and misleading not solely because what is meant by 'correction' is actually the reaction of the affected party rather than correction by the author or the editor, but even more so because the reaction (the content of the reply) of the affected party is not confined to the 'correction' of factual errors, or errors in factual assertions in the published item.
Nelogično in zavajajoče ne samo zato, ker ni mišljen avtorjev oziroma redakcijski popravek, ampak reakcija prizadetega, temveč še bolj zato, ker ta reakcija (odgovor) prizadetega vsebinsko nikakor ni omejen na 'popravljanje ' faktografskih napak, napak v dejstvenih navedbah v objavljeni informaciji.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0106
Whereas it is also necessary to specify the maximum permissible errors in the contents of prepackages and whereas a reference method for such control should be defined in order to provide a simple method of ensuring that prepackages conform with the provisions laid down;
ker je treba tudi specificirati največje dopustne pogreške pri vsebini predpakiranih proizvodov ter definirati referenčno metodo za takšno kontrolo, ki bi z enostavnim postopkom zagotavljala, da so predpakirani proizvodi skladni z deklariranimi določbami;
5 Končna redakcija
(1) Contractors may ask explanations from tenderers to facilitate review, evaluation and comparison of bids. Contractors may not ask, allow or offer any change in the contents including the changes of price and, in particular, any changes that would convert an inadequate bid into an adequate one. Contractors only may, in agreement with tenderers, correct calculation errors detected during the examination of tenders after the procedure of opening the bids, or they may even refuse such tender.
(1) Naročnik sme zahtevati od ponudnikov pojasnila, da bi si pomagal pri pregledu, vrednotenju in primerjavi ponudb. Naročnik ne sme zahtevati, dovoliti ali ponuditi kakršne-koli spremembe vsebine ponudbe, vključno s spremembo cene in takih sprememb, ki bi iz neustrezne ponudbe le-to naredila ustrezno. Izključno naročnik sme v soglasju s ponudnikom popraviti računske napake, ki jih odkrije pri pregledu ponudb po zaključenem postopku odpiranja ponudb, lahko pa tako ponudbo zavrne.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0107
In order to make it possible, allowing for the usual uncertainties in filling, to measure the volume of the contents of measuring container bottles with sufficient accuracy, and in particular with the accuracy required by the Directives on prepackages, the maximum permissible errors (positive or negative) in the capacity of a measuring bottle container, i.e. the greatest differences permitted (positive or negative) at a temperature of 20 şC and under the control conditions laid down in Annex II, between the actual capacity and the nominal capacity Vn shall be in accordance with the following table:
Da bi ob upoštevanju običajnih negotovosti pri polnjenju omogočili merjenje prostornine vsebine merilnih steklenic z zadostno točnostjo, ter še posebej s točnostjo, ki jo zahtevajo direktive o predpakiranih proizvodih, morajo biti največji dopustni pogreški (pozitivni ali negativni) pri prostornini merilne steklenice, to je največje dopustne razlike (pozitivne ali negativne) pri temperaturi 20 °C in pod pogoji nadzora, podanimi v Prilogi II, med dejansko prostornino in nazivno prostornino Vn v skladu z naslednjo preglednico:
7 Končna redakcija
In order to make it possible, allowing for the usual uncertainties in filling, to measure the volume of the contents of measuring container bottles with sufficient accuracy, and in particular with the accuracy required by the Directives on prepackages, the maximum permissible errors (positive or negative) in the capacity of a measuring bottle container, i.e. the greatest differences permitted (positive or negative) at a temperature of 20ĹźC and under the control conditions laid down in Annex II, between the actual capacity and the nominal capacity Vn shall be in accordance with the following table:
Da bi ob upoštevanju običajnih negotovosti pri polnjenju omogočili merjenje prostornine vsebine merilnih steklenic z zadostno točnostjo, ter še posebej s točnostjo, ki jo zahtevajo direktive o predpakiranih proizvodih, morajo biti največji dopustni pogreški (pozitivni ali negativni) pri prostornini merilne steklenice, to je največje dopustne razlike (pozitivne ali negativne) pri temperaturi 20 °C in pod pogoji nadzora, podanimi v Prilogi II, med dejansko prostornino in nazivno prostornino Vn v skladu z naslednjo preglednico:
8 Pravna redakcija
the coprecipitated biuret can be counted with urea nitrogen without great error, its content remaining generally low in absolute value in compound fertilizers,
sočasno oborjeni biuret se lahko brez večjih napak sešteje z dušikom v obliki uree, saj ostane njegova količina v absolutni vrednosti v sestavljenih gnojilih na splošno nizka,
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2003
the co-precipitated biuret can be counted with urea nitrogen without great error, its content remaining generally low in absolute value in compound fertilisers,
sočasno oborjeni biuret se lahko brez večje napake upošteva skupaj s sečninskim dušikom, saj je njegova vsebnost glede na absolutno vrednost v sestavljenih gnojilih na splošno nizka,
10 Pravna redakcija
Biuret may, generally speaking, be measured with the urea nitrogen without any great error, since its content remains small in absolute value in compound fertilizers.
Biuret se lahko na splošno izmeri skupaj z dušikom v obliki uree brez večjih napak, saj ostane njegova količina majhna glede na absolutno vrednost v sestavljenih gnojilih.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2003
Biuret may, generally speaking, be measured with the urea nitrogen without any great error, since its content remains small in absolute value in compound fertilisers.
Splošno rečeno, se biuret lahko določi skupaj s sečninskim dušikom brez večje napake, saj je njegova količina v sestavljenih gnojilih majhna glede na absolutno vrednost.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0657
D etection capability (CCβ) means the smallest content of the substance that may be detected, identified and/or quantified in a sample with an error probability of β.
Sposobnost odkrivanja (CC ) pomeni najmanjšo vsebnost snovi, ki se lahko zazna, prepozna in/ali izmeri v vzorcu z verjetnostjo -napake.
13 Pravna redakcija
D etection capability (CCΓΆ) means the smallest content of the substance that may be detected, identified and/or quantified in a sample with an error probability of ΓΆ.
Sposobnost odkrivanja (CC ) pomeni najmanjšo vsebnost snovi, ki se lahko zazna, prepozna in/ali izmeri v vzorcu z verjetnostjo -napake.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
As the present investigation has not brought to light any consideration indicating that the approach taken should not be continued, and in order to ensure a consistent application of the anti-dumping measures, as well as to avoid erroneous classification, it has been considered necessary, in this Regulation, to clarify the minimum content of K2O of such mixtures and blends as being 3 5 % or more, by weight, of the dry anhydrous product and falling under the 'other than standard' form of potash.
Ker trenutna preiskava ni razkrila nobenih pomislekov glede nadaljevanja sprejetega pristopa, pa tudi, da se zagotovi dosledna uporaba protidampinških ukrepov in prepreči napačna klasifikacija, se šteje za potrebno, da se v tej uredbi pojasni najmanjšo vsebnost K 2 O v takšnih zmeseh, ki mora po teži znašati 3,5 % ali več suhega brezvodnega izdelka in spadati pod "nestandardno" kakovost kalijevega klorida.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0891
The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below:
Dovoljeni negativni pogrešek vsebine predpakiranega proizvoda se določi v skladu z naslednjo preglednico:
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0211
Irrespective of the method used, the error made in measuring the actual contents of a prepackage shall not exceed one fifth of the tolerable negative error for the nominal quantity in the prepackage.
Ne glede na uporabljeno metodo pa merilni pogrešek pri merjenju dejanske vsebine predpakiranega proizvoda ne sme presegati ene petine določenega dovoljenega negativnega pogreška za nazivno vsebino predpakiranega proizvoda.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0891
Irrespective of the method used, the error made in measuring the actual contents of a prepackage shall not exceed one-fifth of the tolerable negative error for the nominal quantity in the prepackage.
Ne glede na uporabljeno metodo pa merilni pogrešek pri merjenju dejanske vsebine predpakiranega proizvoda ne sme presegati ene petine dovoljenega negativnega pogreška za nazivno količino predpakiranega proizvoda.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1538
The definitions of nominal weight, actual content and negative error laid down in Annex I to Directive 76/211/EEC shall apply to this Regulation.
Za to Uredbo se uporabljajo definicije nazivne količine, dejanske vsebine in negativne napake, določene v Prilogi I k Direktivi 76/211/EGS.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1538
For the checking of the actual content of each prepackage in the sample, the minimum acceptable content shall be claculated by subtracting the tolerable negative error for the contents concerned from the nominal weight of the prepackage.
Pri pregledu dejanske količine vsakega predpakiranja v vzorcu, se minimalna sprejemljiva količinaizračuna tako, da se dovoljeno negativno napako zadevne vsebine odšteje od nazivne količine predpakiranja.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R1980
For the checking of the actual content of each prepackage in the sample, the minimum acceptable content shall be calculated by subtracting the tolerable negative error for the contents concerned from the nominal weight of the prepackage.
Za preverjanje dejanske vsebine vsakega predpakiranja v vzorcu, se izračuna najmanjša sprejemljiva vsebina tako, da se od nazivne količine predpakiranja odšteje najmanjšo negativno napako, ki je še sprejemljiva za to vsebino.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
The VU may detect other errors in the format or content of the received message (e.g. message not supported) even if the message satisfies the length and checksum requirements;
VU lahko zazna tudi kako drugo napako v obliki ali vsebini prejetega sporočila (npr. sporočilo ni podprto), kljub temu, da sporočilo izpolnjuje zahteve glede dolžine in preskusne vsote;
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0043
This is justified because the residual voids content has relatively large uncertainties in terms of both measurements and relevance and some surfaces may therefore erroneously be rejected when based only on the voids measurement.
To je upravičeno zato, ker ima količina preostalih praznin precej veliko negotovost tako glede meritev kakor tudi glede pomembnosti in bi lahko bile nekatere površine po pomoti zavrnjene, če bi bile upoštevane samo meritve praznin.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0211
products composed of pieces, fragments or grains, the unit weight of which does not exceed one third of the tolerable negative error corresponding to the nominal weight of the contents of the prepackage in the Class "A" column of the table in 2.4,
proizvodi, ki so sestavljeni iz koščkov, delcev ali zrn, katerih masa ne presega ene tretjine dovoljenega negativnega pogreška glede na nazivno maso vsebi ne predpakiranega proizvoda, navedeno v stolpcu Razred A v preglednici 2.4,
24 Prevajalska redakcija
Overdose experience based on post-marketing spontaneous reports: In post-marketing spontaneous reports, there have been cases of medication error where the entire contents (up to 800 µg) of the teriparatide pen have been administered as a single dose.
Izkušnje s prevelikim odmerjanjem na podlagi spontanih poročil po uvedbi zdravila na trg V spontanih poročilih po uvedbi zdravila na trg so poročali o primerih napačnega odmerjanja, ko so dali vso vsebino (do 800 µg) peresnika s teriparatidom kot enkratni odmerek.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0211
Whereas it is also necessary to specify the tolerable negative errors in the contents of prepackages and whereas a reference method for such control should be defined in order to provide a simple method of ensuring that prepackages conform to the provisions laid down;
ker je treba specificirati največje dovoljene negativne pogreške vsebine prepdakiranih proizvodov ter definirati referenčno metodo za takšno kontrolo, da bi z enostavnim postopkom zagotavljala, da bodo predpakirani proizvodi skladni z deklaranimi določbami;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0211
The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below, in which products are divided into two classes ("A" and "B"), as set out in 2.5 and 2.6 below, according to their physical characteristics and/or the packaging processes which they undergo and the values of the nominal quantities.
Dovoljeni negativni pogrešek vsebine predpakiranega proizvoda se določi v skladu z naslednjo preglednico, v kateri so proizvodi razdeljeni v dva razreda ("A" in "B"), kot je navedeno v 2.5 in 2.6 spodaj, v skladu z njihovimi fizikalnimi lastnostmi in/ali postopkom njihovega pakiranja ter vrednostmi nazivnih količin.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31980L0232
Whereas Council Directive 76/211/EEC of 20 January 1976 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making-up by weight or by volume of certain prepackaged products (4) specifies the tolerable negative errors in the contents of such prepackages, together with the markings and methods of control to be applied to such prepackages for them to circulate throughout the Community;
ker Direktiva Sveta 76/211/EGS z dne 20. januarja 1976 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic v zvezi s pripravo določenih predpakiranih proizvodov glede na maso ali prostornino4 določa dovoljene negativne pogreške v vsebini takih predpakiranih proizvodov, skupaj z oznakami in metodami nadzora, ki se uporabljajo pri takih proizvodih, da lahko ti krožijo po vsej Skupnosti;
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
As the present investigation has not brought to light any consideration indicating that the approach taken should not be continued, and in order to ensure a consistent application of the anti-dumping measures, as well as to avoid erroneous classification, it has been considered necessary, in this Regulation, to clarify the minimum content of K2O of such mixtures and blends as being 35 % or more, by weight, of the dry anhydrous product and falling under the "other than standard" form of potash.
Ker trenutna preiskava ni razkrila nobenih pomislekov glede nadaljevanja sprejetega pristopa, pa tudi, da se zagotovi dosledna uporaba protidampinških ukrepov in prepreči napačna klasifikacija, se šteje za potrebno, da se v tej uredbi pojasni najmanjšo vsebnost K2O v takšnih zmeseh, ki mora po teži znašati 35 % ali več suhega brezvodnega izdelka in spadati pod "nestandardno" kakovost kalijevega klorida.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0107
In order to make it possible, allowing for the usual uncertainties in filling, to measure the volume of the contents of measuring container bottles with sufficient accuracy, and in particular with the accuracy required by the Directives on prepackages, the maximum permissible errors (positive or negative) in the capacity of a measuring bottle container, i.e. the greatest differences permitted (positive or negative) at a temperature of 20oC and under the control conditions laid down in Annex II, between the actual capacity and the nominal capacity Vn shall be in accordance with the following table:
Da bi ob upoštevanju običajnih negotovosti pri polnjenju omogočili merjenje prostornine vsebine merilnih steklenic z zadostno točnostjo, ter še posebej s točnostjo, ki jo zahtevajo direktive o predpakiranih proizvodih, morajo biti največji dopustni pogreški (pozitivni ali negativni) pri prostornini merilne steklenice, to je največje dopustne razlike (pozitivne ali negativne) pri temperaturi 20 °C in pod pogoji nadzora, podanimi v Prilogi II, med dejansko prostornino in nazivno prostornino Vn v skladu z naslednjo preglednico:
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error in content