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Prevodi: en > sl
error of estimate
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
(e) The estimated time of the event that triggered the request, with an indication of the possible margin of error;
(e) ocenjeni čas dogodka, ki je sprožil zahtevo, z navedbo morebitne napake;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
(a) The estimated geographical and vertical co-ordinates of the location of the event that triggered the request with an indication of the possible margin of error;
(a) ocenjene geografske in višinske koordinate kraja dogodka, ki je sprožil zahtevo, z navedbo morebitne napake;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) the data obtained from the calibration of tanks and instruments and from sampling and analyses, the procedures to control the quality of measurements and the derived estimates of random and systematic error;
(b) podatke, dobljene z umerjanjem cistern in instrumentov ter vzorčenjem in analizami, s postopki za nadzor kakovosti meritev in iz tega izvedenimi ocenami slučajnih in sistematičnih napak;
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
The standard error of estimate (SE) of y on x and the coefficient of determination (r2) shall be calculated for each regression line.
Za vsako regresijsko črto se izračunata standardni pogrešek (Standard Error - SE) ocene y na x in koeficient določanja (r2).
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0072
if relevant, the associated estimation error of the corresponding estimates;
preverjanje predvidevanj, na katerih temelji model;
6 Končna redakcija
Since the estimators ak are known functions of Y, and the errors in Y are known, the errors in ak may be determined by error propagation.
Ker so cenilke ak znane funkcije Y, in ker so napake v Y znane, so lahko napake ak določene z množenjem napak.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0707
An entity's estimates under IFRSs at the date of transition to IFRSs shall be consistent with estimates made for the same date under previous GAAP (after adjustments to reflect any difference in accounting policies), unless there is objective evidence that those estimates were in error.
Ocene podjetja v skladu z MSRP na dan prehoda na MSRP so skladne z ocenami isti dan v skladu s prejšnjimi SSRN (po prilagoditvah, ki odražajo kakršne koli razlike v računovodskih usmeritvah), razen če ni objektivnih dokazov, da so bile v navedenih ocenah napake.
8 Končna redakcija
In each analysis the following computations were performed:- the estimators ak;- the standard deviation s (Y);- the mean standard deviation sm (Y);- the standard deviation of the estimators s (ak); - the t-test t*;- the coefficient of multiple determination R2; - the mean relative error em.Since we deal with large sets of data, a value of 0.75 or more for R2 is desirable [11].
V vsaki analizi smo izdelali naslednje izračune:- cenilk ak;- standardne deviacije s(Y);- srednje standardne deviacije sm(Y);- standardne deviacije cenilk s(ak);- t-test t*;- koeficient večkratne določenosti R2;- srednje relativne napake em.Ker delamo z velikim številom podatkov, je vrednost R2 0,75 ali več primerna [11].
9 Končna redakcija
These models are expressed by the following general relation:(12).The estimators ak, the coefficient of determination R2, the standard deviation s(J) and the mean of the relative error em of these models are listed in Table 1.As an example, we took 12:00 on 21 December (t1= 1213, t2= 12) to compare the recorded value and the computed value.
Ti modeli so izraženi z naslednjo glavno zvezo:Cenilke ak, koeficienti določenosti R2, standardna deviacija s(J) in srednje vrednosti relativne napake em so predstavljene v preglednici 1.Vzemimo čas ob 12 uri 21 decembra (t1=1213, t2=12) kot primer za primerjavo merjene in izračunane vrednosti.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the methods used by Member States in compiling the data involve sample methodology, the percentage standard error (95 % confidence) of the annual estimates for tonnes transported, tonne-kilometres performed and total kilometres travelled loaded for total goods road transport and for national goods road transport shall not be greater than ± 5 %.
Kadar države članice pri zbiranju podatkov uporabljajo metodo vzorčenja, odstotek standardne napake (95 % zanesljivost) letnih ocen za prevožene tone, za prevoz tone-kilometrov in za skupne kilometre, prevožene s polnim vozilom, ne sme biti večji od ± 5 % za skupni cestni prevoz blaga in za nacionalni cestni prevoz blaga.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
In addition within the same timescale, the Member State shall provide Eurostat with the calculated figures of percentage standard error (95 % confidence) of the estimates for tonnes transported, tonne-kilometres performed and total kilometres travelled loaded for total goods road transport, for national goods road transport and for total international goods road transport.
Poleg tega države članice po istem terminskem načrtu Statističnemu uradu Evropskih skupnosti dostavijo podatke o izračunanem odstotka standardne napake (95 % zanesljivost) pri ocenah za prevožene tone, za prevoz tone-kilometrov in za skupne kilometre, prevožene s polnim vozilom, za skupni cestni prevoz blaga, za nacionalni cestni prevoz blaga in za skupni mednarodni cestni prevoz blaga.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the total stock of goods road motor vehicles relevant to the survey in a Member State is less than 25000 vehicles, or the total stock of vehicles engaged in international transport is less than 3000 vehicles, the percentage standard error (95 % confidence) of the annual estimates for tonnes transported, tonne-kilometres performed and total kilometres travelled loaded for total goods road transport and for national goods road transport shall not be greater than ± 7 %.
Kadar skupni vozni park cestnih tovornih motornih vozil, ki je pomemben za statistični pregled v državi članici, šteje manj kot 25000 vozil, ali skupni vozni park vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodni prevoz, šteje manj kot 3000 vozil, odstotek standardne napake (95 % zanesljivost) letnih ocen za prevožene tone, za prevoz tone-kilometrov in za skupne kilometre, prevožene s polnim vozilom, ne sme biti večji od ± 7 % za skupni cestni prevoz blaga in za nacionalni cestni prevoz blaga.
13 Pravna redakcija
NCBs that choose a sampling approach for the selection of the reporting agents shall provide an estimate of the sampling error for the initial sample.
71. NCB, ki se odločijo za pristop z vzorčenjem pri izbiri poročevalskih enot, zagotovijo oceno napake vzorčenja za začetni vzorec.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1982
All data publications shall include technical information for each Member State on the effective sample size as well as a general indication of standard error of at least the main estimates.
Vse objave podatkov morajo obsegati tehnične informacije o učinkoviti velikosti vzorca za vsako državo članico ter splošno navedbo standardne napake vsaj za glavne ocene.
15 Pravna redakcija
In some instances, the differences may also indicate that the initial estimate for taxes and subsidies on products is subject to serious error, e. g. because the output of some product is underestimated.
V nekaterih primerih razlike lahko kažejo tudi na to, da so začetne ocene davkov in subvencij na proizvode zelo napačne, npr. ker je proizvodnja nekega proizvoda prenizko ocenjena.
16 Pravna redakcija
The Member States concerned shall take suitable measures to limit and, where necessary, to estimate errors of observation for the total area under vines cultivated for each type of production use referred to in Article 2 (2) (B).
Zadevne države članice sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe, da omejijo in, kjer je potrebno, ocenijo napake pri opazovanju skupnih površin z gojenimi vinogradi, za vsako namembnost pridelave, navedene v točki B člena 2(2).
17 Pravna redakcija
The choice between the different indirect procedures must above all take into account the minimization of the forecast error for the current year, in order that the provisional annual estimates correspond as closely as possible to the final figures.
Izbira med različnimi posrednimi postopki mora upoštevati predvsem minimiziranje napake napovedi za tekoče leto, da bi bile začasne letne ocene čim bliže končnim podatkom.
18 Pravna redakcija
The Transit Committee shall be convened in cases of serious deviations from the values estimated in Article 15 and Annexes VIII and IX which are attributable to system errors such as inaccurate assumptions, other technical or legal developments or which are caused by changes in the foreign trade situation arising from German unification or unforeseen practical implications of the point system.
Odbor za tranzit se skliče v primerih večjih odstopanj od vrednosti, ocenjenih v členu 15 ter Prilogah VIII in IX, ki se pripisujejo napakam v sistemu, (kot so nepravilne predpostavke, različen tehničen ali pravni razvoj) ali ki jih povzročajo spremembe v zunanje trgovinskih odnosih, ki izhajajo iz združitve Nemčije ali nepredvidenih praktičnih posledic uporabe točkovnega sistema.
19 Strokovna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32004R0707
An entity's estimates under IFRSs at the date of transition to IFRSs shall be consistent with estimates made for the same date under previous GAAP (after adjustments to reflect any difference in accounting policies), unless there is objective evidence that those estimates were in error.
Ocene podjetja v skladu z MSRP-ji na dan prehoda na MSRP-je so skladne z ocenami isti dan v skladu s prejšnjimi SSRN-ji (po prilagoditvah, ki odražajo kakršne koli razlike v računovodskih usmeritvah), razen če ni objektivnih dokazov, da so bile v navedenih ocenah napake.
20 Strokovna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32004R0707
For example, assume that an entity's date of transition to IFRSs is 1 January 2004 and new information on 15 July 2004 requires the revision of an estimate made under previous GAAP at 31 December 2003. The entity shall not reflect that new information in its opening IFRS balance sheet (unless the estimates need adjustment for any differences in accounting policies or there is objective evidence that the estimates were in error).
Predpostavljamo, da je datum prehoda podjetja na MSRP-je 1. januar 2004 in nove informacije 15. julija 2004 zahtevajo spremembo ocene, izdelane v skladu s prejšnjimi SSRN-ji 31. decembra 2003. Podjetje te nove informacije ne odraža v svojo začetni bilanci stanja v skladu z MSRP-ji (razen če je potrebna prilagoditev načrtov za kakršne koli razlike v računovodskih usmeritvah ali obstajajo objektivni dokazi, da so bile v navedenih ocenah napake).
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
The correction of fundamental errors can be distinguished from changes in accounting estimates.
Popravek bistvenih napak je treba razlikovati od sprememb računovodskih ocen.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0095
The calibration graph should be linear and pass through the origin, within twice standard error of Y-estimate.
Umeritveni graf mora biti linearen in potekati skozi izvor znotraj dvakratne standardne napake ocenjenega Y.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2700
A count of the number of kind-of-activity units registered to the population concerned in the business register corrected for errors, in particular frame errors, or an estimate if this type of unit is not registered.
Število enot istovrstne dejavnosti, ki so kot statistična enota vsebovane v poslovnem registru, popravljenem za napake, predvsem v registru, ali oceno, če ta vrsta enot ni registrirana.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1226
The test is not valid unless the fiducial limits of error (P = 0,95) are not less than 50 % and not more then 200 % of the estimated potency.
Preskus ni veljaven, če meje zanesljivosti napake (P = 0,95) niso manjše od 50 % in ne večje od 200 % ocenjene jakosti.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
By its nature, the revision of the estimate does not bring the adjustment within the definitions of an extraordinary item or a fundamental error.
Sprememba ocene po svoji naravi ne povzroči popravkov v opredelitvah izrednih postavk ali bistvenih napak.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
It also specifies the accounting treatment for changes in accounting estimates, changes in accounting policies and the correction of fundamental errors.
Prav tako podrobno razlaga računovodsko obravnavanje sprememb računovodskih ocen, sprememb računovodskih usmeritev in popravkov bistvenih napak.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Therefore, the effect of a change in the estimate of contract revenue or contract costs, or the effect of a change in the estimate of the outcome of a contract, is accounted for as a change in accounting estimate (see IAS 8, Net profit or loss for the period, fundamental errors and changes in accounting policies).
Zato se učinek spremembe ocene pogodbenih prihodkov ali pogodbenih stroškov ali pa učinek spremembe ocene izida po pogodbi obračuna kot sprememba računovodske ocene (glej MRS 8 - Čisti poslovni izid v obdobju, bistvene napake in spremembe računovodskih usmeritev).
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
For example, the gain or loss recognised on the outcome of a contingency which previously could not be estimated reliably does not constitute the correction of a fundamental error.
Na primer dobiček ali izguba, ugotovljena pri izidu možnih izgub, ki jih pred tem ni bilo mogoče zanesljivo oceniti, nista popravek bistvene napake.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R3227
the data obtained from the calibration of tanks and instruments and from sampling and analysis, the procedures to control the quality of measurements and the derived estimates of random and systematic error;
podatke, dobljene pri umerjanju rezervoarjev in instrumentov, pri vzorčenju in analizi, pri postopkih varovanja kakovosti meritev in izpeljanih ocenah naključnih in sistematskih napak;
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R3227
Describe statistical evaluation programmes for data accumulated in control programmes for weight, volume, sampling and analytical measurements (i.e. determination of the random and systematic errors of the measurements and associated limits of error); statistical methods used to combine individual measurement error estimates to obtain the overall limits of error for S/R differences, the book inventory, the physical inventory and MUF.
Opišite programe za statistično vrednotenje podatkov, zbranih v programih kontrole za težo, volumen, vzorčenje in analitično meritve (to je določitev naključnih in sistematičnih napak meritev ter s tem povezanih mejnih vrednosti napak); statistične postopke, ki se uporabljajo za kombiniranje ocen posameznih napak pri merjenju, da se dobijo skupne mejne vrednosti napake za razlike S/R, knjigovodski inventar, fizični inventar in neevidentirani material (MUF).
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R3227
Describe methods of statistical evaluation of data accumulated in measurement control programmes for the evaluation of precision and accuracy of measurements and the estimation of measurement uncertainty (i.e. determination of the random and systematic errors of the measurements and the associated limits of error; statistical procedures used to combine individual measurement error estimates to obtain the overall limits of error for S/R differences, the book inventory, the physical inventory and MUF).
Opišite metode za statistično vrednotenje podatkov, zbranih v programih kontrole meritev za vrednotenje natančnosti in točnosti meritev, ter oceno negotovosti meritev (to je določitev naključnih in sistematičnih napak meritev ter s tem povezanih mejnih vrednosti napak; statistični postopki, ki se uporabljajo za kombiniranje ocen posameznih napak pri merjenju, da se dobijo skupne mejne vrednosti za razlike S/R, knjigovodski inventar, fizični inventar in neevidentirani material (MUF).
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0309
This leads to substantial uncertainties because of over- of underestimates (depending on the precise circumstances) and will increase the error margin of the GNP estimate in parallel with the growing importance of owner-occupied dwellings.
To zaradi previsokih in prenizkih ocen (odvisno od točnih okoliščin) povzroča znatne negotovosti, tako da se toleranca ocene BNP vzporedno z rastočim deležem stanovanj, v katerih bivajo lastniki, viša.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0577
For Member States with a population of between one million and twenty million inhabitants, this requirement is relaxed so that the relative standard error for the estimate of quarterly changes shall not exceed 3 % of the sub-population in question.
Za države članice, ki štejejo od enega do dvajset milijonov prebivalcev, se ta zahteva ublaži, tako, da relativna standardna napaka za oceno četrtletnih sprememb ne sme presegati 3 % te podpopulacije.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0577
In the case of a continuous survey, for sub-populations which constitute 5 % of the working age population the relative standard error at national level for the estimate of changes between two successive quarters, shall not exceed 2 % of the sub-population in question.
V primeru nepretrgane raziskave za podpopulacijo, ki predstavlja 5 % delovno sposobnega prebivalstva, standardna napaka na nacionalni ravni za oceno sprememb med dvema zaporednima četrtletjema ne sme presegati 2 % te podpopulacije.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0577
For a group of unemployed people representing 5 % of the working age population the relative standard error for the estimation of annual averages (or for the spring estimates in the case of an annual survey in the spring) at NUTS II level shall not exceed 8 % of the sub-population in question.
Za skupino brezposelnih oseb, ki predstavlja 5 % delovno sposobnega prebivalstva, standardna napaka za oceno letnih povprečij (ali pa za spomladanske ocene v primeru letne raziskave spomladi) na ravni NUTS II ne sme presegati 8 % te podpopulacije.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
An enterprise discloses the nature and effect of a change in an accounting estimate that has a material effect in the current period or which is expected to have a material effect in subsequent periods in accordance with IAS 8, net profit or loss for the period, fundamental errors and changes in accounting policy.
Podjetje v skladu z MRS 8 - Čisti poslovni izid v obdobju, bistvene napake in spremembe računovodskih usmeritev, razkriva naravo in učinke spremembe računovodske ocene, ki bistveno vpliva v obravnavanem obdobju ali ki bo verjetno bistveno vplivala na prihodnja obdobja.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the methods used by Member States in compiling the data involve sample methodology, the percentage standard error (95 % confidence) of the annual estimates for tonnes transported, tonne-kilometres performed and total kilometres travelled loaded for total goods road transport and for national goods road transport shall not be greater than ± 5 %.
Kadar države članice pri zbiranju podatkov uporabljajo metodo vzorčenja, odstotek standardne napake (95 % zanesljivost) letnih ocen za prevožene tone, za prevoz tone-kilometrov in za skupne kilometre, prevožene s polnim vozilom, ne sme biti večji od ± 5 % za skupni cestni prevoz blaga in za nacionalni cestni prevoz blaga.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
In addition within the same timescale, the Member State shall provide Eurostat with the calculated figures of percentage standard error (95 % confidence) of the estimates for tonnes transported, tonne-kilometres performed and total kilometres travelled loaded for total goods road transport, for national goods road transport and for total international goods road transport.
Poleg tega države članice po istem terminskem načrtu Statističnemu uradu Evropskih skupnosti dostavijo podatke o izračunanem odstotka standardne napake (95 % zanesljivost) pri ocenah za prevožene tone, za prevoz tone-kilometrov in za skupne kilometre, prevožene s polnim vozilom, za skupni cestni prevoz blaga, za nacionalni cestni prevoz blaga in za skupni mednarodni cestni prevoz blaga.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the total stock of goods road motor vehicles relevant to the survey in a Member State is less than 25000 vehicles, or the total stock of vehicles engaged in international transport is less than 3000 vehicles, the percentage standard error (95 % confidence) of the annual estimates for tonnes transported, tonne-kilometres performed and total kilometres travelled loaded for total goods road transport and for national goods road transport shall not be greater than ± 7 %.
Kadar skupni vozni park cestnih tovornih motornih vozil, ki je pomemben za statistični pregled v državi članici, šteje manj kot 25000 vozil, ali skupni vozni park vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodni prevoz, šteje manj kot 3000 vozil, odstotek standardne napake (95 % zanesljivost) letnih ocen za prevožene tone, za prevoz tone-kilometrov in za skupne kilometre, prevožene s polnim vozilom, ne sme biti večji od ± 7 % za skupni cestni prevoz blaga in za nacionalni cestni prevoz blaga.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0452
Comments should for example cover the selection procedure of these models (i.e. why a given model has been chosen in preference to alternative ones), if relevant the associated estimation error of the corresponding estimates, elements on the verification of the assumptions underlying the model, the test of the predictive power of the model using historical data, the comparison of the results generated by the model with other related sources of data, the use of screening and cross-validation studies, the tests of sensitivity of the model to parameters' estimation, the validation of the data inputs to the model.
Komentarji bi morali npr. zajemati postopek izbire teh modelov (tj. zakaj je bil izbran dani model namesto alternativnih), če ustreza, združena napaka ocenjevanja ustreznih ocen, elementi preverjanja predpostavk v modelu, preverjanje ocenitvene moči modela z uporabo historičnih podatkov, primerjava izsledkov oz. podatkov, ki jih model generira, z drugimi sorodnimi viri podatkov, uporaba skrininga in študij o navzkrižnem preverjanju, testiranja občutljivosti modela na ocene parametrov, validacija inputiranih podatkov v model.
41 Prevod
the data obtained from the calibration of tanks and instruments and from sampling and analyses, the procedures to control the quality of measurements and the derived estimates of random and systematic error;
podatke, dobljene z umerjanjem cistern in instrumentov ter vzorčenjem in analizami, s postopki za nadzor kakovosti meritev in iz tega izvedenimi ocenami slučajnih in sistematičnih napak;
Prevodi: en > sl
error of estimate