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establish a certificate of the accounts
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(d) ` Certifying Body` means the body which is operationally independent of the SAPARD Agency and establishes a certificate of the accounts, reports on the management and control systems and verifies the co-financing elements;
(d) ` certifikacijski organ` pomeni organ, ki je operativno neodvisen od agencije SAPARD in ki potrjuje obračune, poroča o sistemih za upravljanje in nadzor ter preverja in potrjuje deleže financiranja;
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
The Centre shall forward to the Audit Board, on a quarterly basis and at the latest within the month which follows the end of the quarter, the documents supporting the accounts, in particular the documents and certificates in respect of the correct application of the provisions which govern the implementation of the statement of revenue and expenditure and relating to the commitment and payment of expenditure and the establishment and collection of revenue.
Center četrtletno, najkasneje v mesecu po koncu četrtletja, predloži Revizijskemu odboru dokazno gradivo za poročila, zlasti dokumente in potrdila v zvezi s pravilno uporabo določb, ki urejajo izvrševanje načrta prihodkov in odhodkov ter se nanašajo na obveznosti in plačila odhodkov ter določitev in izterjavo prihodka.
3 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, taking into account marketing structures, Member States must, on the basis of procedures and criteria adopted by the Commission, conduct a census of operators and establish quantities marketed to be used as a reference for the issue of certificates;
ker morajo države članice, ob upoštevanju tržnih struktur, na podlagi postopkov in kriterijev, ki jih sprejme Komisija, voditi popis uvoznikov in določati prodane količine, ki se uporabijo kot referenca za izdajo potrdil;
Prevodi: en > sl
establish a certificate of the accounts