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examination of goods
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Examination of goods outside the business hours of the customs office
Pregled blaga izven uradnih ur carinskega urada
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(a) Time required for examination of goods
(a) Čas, potreben za pregled blaga
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(b) Presence of the declarant at examination of goods
(b) Prisotnost deklaranta pri pregledu blaga
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
"examination of goods" means the physical inspection of goods by the Customs to satisfy themselves that the nature, origin, condition, quantity and value of the goods are in accordance with the particulars furnished in the Goods declaration;
"pregled blaga" pomeni fizični pregled blaga, ki ga opravi carina, s katerim se prepriča, da so narava, poreklo, stanje, količina in vrednost blaga skladni s podatki, navedenimi v deklaraciji blaga;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
In this case the costs of the examination shall be charged against the goods, if they have not been paid immediately.
V tem primeru stroški preverjanja bremenijo blago, če se ne plačajo takoj.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The Customs shall consider requests by the declarant to be present or to be represented at the examination of the goods.
Carina obravnava zahteve deklaranta glede njegove prisotnosti ali prisotnosti njegovega zastopnika pri pregledu blaga.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
If the Customs deem it useful, they shall require the declarant to be present or to be represented at the examination of the goods to give them any assistance necessary to facilitate the examination.
Carina lahko, če to šteje za koristno, zahteva od deklaranta, da je sam ali njegov zastopnik prisoten pri pregledu blaga, zato da ji zagotovi vso pomoč, potrebno za olajšanje pregleda.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
When scheduling examinations, priority shall be given to the examination of live animals and perishable goods and to other goods which the Customs accept are urgently required.
Pri določanju urnika pregledov carina daje prednost pregledu živih živali in hitro pokvarljivega blaga ter drugega blaga, katerega pregled je po mnenju carine nujno treba čim prej opraviti.
9 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The Customs shall use risk analysis to determine which persons and which goods, including means of transport, should be examined and the extent of the examination.
Carina uporablja analizo tveganja, da določi osebe in blago, ki jih je treba pregledati, vključno s prevoznimi sredstvi, ter obseg pregleda.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 When there is good reason to suspect a failure to observe the conditions of carriage, the carrier shall have the right to examine whether the articles (hand luggage, registered luggage, vehicles including their loading) and animals carried comply with the conditions of carriage, unless the laws and prescriptions of the State in which the examination would take place prohibit such examination.
Če prevoznik utemeljeno domneva, da se prevozni pogoji ne upoštevajo, ima pravico pregledati, ali predmeti (ročna prtljaga, prtljaga, vozila in nanje naložen tovor) in živali, ki se prevažajo, izpolnjujejo prevozne pogoje, razen če tega preverjanja ne prepovedujejo zakoni in predpisi države, v kateri naj bi bilo opravljeno.
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
When the Customs decide that they require laboratory analysis of samples, detailed technical documents or expert advice, they shall release the goods before the results of such examination are known, provided that any security required has been furnished and provided they are satisfied that the goods are not subject to prohibitions or restrictions.
Kadar se carina odloči, da potrebuje laboratorijske analize vzorcev, natančne tehnične dokumente ali izvedenska mnenja, blago prepusti, preden so znani rezultati takšnih pregledov, če je bilo predloženo kakršno koli potrebno zavarovanje in če se prepriča, da za blago ne veljajo prepovedi ali omejitve.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 If the consignment does not correspond with the entries in the consignment note or if the provisions relating to the carriage of goods accepted subject to conditions have not been complied with, the result of the examination must be entered in the copy of the consignment note which accompanies the goods, and also in the duplicate of the consignment note, if it is still held by the carrier.
Če pošiljka ne ustreza podatkom v tovornem listu ali če niso upoštevane določbe o prevozu pogojno dovoljenega blaga, je treba ugotovitve preverjanja vpisati v tovorni list, ki spremlja blago, in tudi v dvojnik tovornega lista, če ga prevoznik še ima.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
4 The person entitled may refuse to accept the goods, even when he has received the consignment note and paid the charges resulting from the contract of carriage, so long as an examination which he has demanded in order to establish alleged loss or damage has not been carried out.
Upravičenec lahko tudi po prejemu tovornega lista in plačilu terjatev iz prevozne pogodbe zavrne prevzem blaga, dokler se ne ugodi njegovi zahtevi po preverjanju, da se ugotovi domnevna izguba ali poškodba blaga.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
3 If the consignor has loaded the goods, the consignment note shall be prima facie evidence of the condition of the goods and of their packaging indicated in the consignment note or, in the absence of such indication, of their apparently good condition and of the accuracy of the statements referred to in paragraph 2 solely in the case where the carrier has examined them and recorded on the consignment note a result of his examination which tallies.
Če je blago nakladal pošiljatelj, se tovorni list uporablja, dokler se ne dokaže nasprotno, kot dokaz, da stanje blaga in njegove embalaže ustreza podatkom v tovornem listu, če pa takih podatkov ni, o njegovem na videz dobrem stanju ter o točnosti navedb iz drugega odstavka samo, če jih je prevoznik preveril in svoje ugotovitve o skladnosti vpisal v tovorni list.
15 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ch 23
The EU notes that the first intake to the State School for Judges and Prosecutors is planned for October 2010, with first appointments being made on completion of the school programme and examinations in 2012. The EU encourages Croatia to ensure that all necessary steps are taken in good time and underlines the particular importance it attaches to full and proper implementation of transitional provisions for the appointment of judges and prosecutors.
EU ugotavlja, da je oktobra 2010 predviden prvi vpis v državno šolo za sodnike in tožilce, prva imenovanja po zaključenem šolskem programu in izpitih pa so predvidena leta 2012. Spodbuja Hrvaško, naj zagotovi, da bodo pravočasno sprejeti vsi potrebni ukrepi, in poudarja poseben pomen popolnega in ustreznega izvajanja prehodnih določb za imenovanje sodnikov in tožilcev.
16 Končna redakcija
In this context, the governments of the Member States will ensure, inter alia, that national Parliaments receive Commission proposals for legislation in good time for information or possible examination.
V tej zvezi bodo vlade držav članic med drugim zagotovile, da nacionalni parlamenti pravočasno prejmejo zakonodajne predloge Komisije v informacijo ali morebitno preučitev.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
In accordance with Article 27(3) of the basic Regulation, their requests could not be accepted in the current investigation since the number of exporters was so large that individual examinations would have been unduly burdensome and prevented completion of the investigation in good time.
V skladu s členom 27(3) osnovne uredbe njihova zahteve v tej preiskavi ni mogla biti sprejeta, ker je bilo število izvoznikov tako veliko, da bi individualni pregledi nepotrebno oteževali in preprečevali pravočasen zaključek preiskave.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Where, in the course of the examination pursuant to Article 149(1) of the Regulation, the Office finds that pursuant to Article 38(1) of the Regulation, the trade mark which is subject to the territorial extension to the European Community is ineligible for protection for all or any part of the goods or services for which it has been registered by the International Bureau, the Office shall issue an ex officio notification of provisional refusal pursuant to Article 5(1), and (2) of the Madrid Protocol and Rule 17(1) of the Common Regulations to the International Bureau.
Če Urad med preizkusom po členu 149(1) uredbe ugotovi, da znamka, ki je predmet ozemeljske razširitve na Evropsko skupnost, ne izpolnjuje pogojev za varstvo vsega ali nekega dela blaga ali storitev, za katere je bila registrirana pri Mednarodnem uradu, Urad pošlje Mednarodnemu uradu obvestilo o začasni zavrnitvi po uradni dolžnosti skladno s členom 5(1) in (2) Madridskega protokola in pravilom 17(1) skupnega pravilnika.
19 Pravna redakcija
on minimum examination requirements for safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail or inland waterway
o minimalnih zahtevah pri preverjanju znanja svetovalcev za varnost pri prevozu nevarnega blaga po cesti, železnici ali celinskih plovnih poteh
20 Pravna redakcija
This Directive lays down the minimum examination requirements for the examination needed to obtain the EC certificate of training as safety adviser for the transport of dangerous goods provided for in Directive 96/35/EC.
Ta direktiva določa minimalne zahteve pri preverjanju znanja, ki je potrebno za pridobitev potrdila ES o usposobljenosti za svetovalca za varnost pri prevozu nevarnega blaga, kakor je navedeno v Direktivi 96/35/ES.
21 Pravna redakcija
Examination of the English text of heading No 1902. ex 10 of the Swiss Customs Tariff in this table reveals that part of the description of the goods has been omitted.
Preverjanje angleškega besedila tarifne številke 1902. ex 10 Švicarske carinske tarife v tej tabeli je pokazalo, da je bil del poimenovanja blaga izpuščen.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1980
- any goods or services provided to employees at the place of work or required because of the nature of their work (e.g. a medical examination required for work).
- katerega koli blaga ali storitev, zagotovljenih zaposlenim na delovnem mestu ali potrebnih zaradi narave njihovega dela (npr. zdravniški pregled, potreben zaradi dela).
23 Pravna redakcija
The licence shall be presented in support of a written export declaration or be available in other cases for production with the cultural goods for examination upon request.
Dovoljenje se priloži kot podpora pisni izvozni deklaraciji ali pa mora biti na voljo v drugih primerih skupaj s predmeti kulturne dediščine, tako da ga je mogoče na zahtevo pregledati.
24 Pravna redakcija
If examination of the opposition reveals that the trade mark may not be registered in respect of some or all of the goods or services for which the Community trade mark application has been made, the application shall be refused in respect of those goods or services.
Če preizkus ugovora pokaže, da znamka ne more biti registrirana za del ali za vse blago ali storitve, za katero je bila vložena prijava znamke Skupnosti, se prijava zavrne za tisto blago ali storitve.
25 Pravna redakcija
If the earlier Community trade mark has been used in relation to part only of the goods or services for which it is registered it shall, for the purposes of the examination of the opposition, be deemed to be registered in respect only of that part of the goods or services.
Če se je prejšnja znamka Skupnosti uporabljala le za del blaga ali storitev, za katere je registrirana, se za namene preizkusa ugovora šteje, da je registrirana le za ta del blaga ali storitev.
26 Pravna redakcija
"formalities" shall mean any formality imposed on operators by the administration consisting in the presentation or examination of documents and certificates accompanying goods or other particulars, irrespective of form or medium, relating to the goods or means of transport.
"formalnosti" pomenijo vsako formalnost, ki jo subjektom naloži uprava, sestavljena pa je iz predložitve ali pregleda dokumentov in potrdil, ki spremljajo blago, ali drugih podatkov, ne glede na njihovo obliko ali sredstvo, o blagu ali prevoznem sredstvu.
27 Pravna redakcija
Directive 2000/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2000 on minimum examination requirements for safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail or inland waterway
DIREKTIVA 2000/18/ES EVROPSKEGA PARLAMENTA IN SVETA z dne 17. aprila 2000 o minimalnih zahtevah pri preverjanju znanja svetovalcev za varnost pri prevozu nevarnega blaga po cesti, železnici ali celinskih plovnih poteh
28 Pravna redakcija
visual inspection means a non-destructive examination of fish or fishery products without optical means of magnifying and under good light conditions for human vision, including, if necessary, candling.
vizualni pregled je pregled rib ali ribiških proizvodov, ki teh ne poškoduje, brez optičnih povečevalnih sredstev in v za človeški vid ugodnih pogojih osvetlitve, po potrebi s presvetlitvijo.
29 Pravna redakcija
(d) Jordan may enlarge the list of goods to which this agricultural component applies, provided the goods are included in Annex I. Before its adoption, this agricultural component shall be notified for examination to the Association Committee which may take any decision needed.
(d) Jordanija lahko razširi seznam blaga, za katerega se uporablja ta kmetijski element, pod pogojem, da je blago zajeto v Prilogi I. Pred sprejetjem tega kmetijskega elementa se o njem obvesti Pridružitveni odbor, ki jo preuči in sprejme kakršno koli potrebno odločitev.
30 Pravna redakcija
the examination of stock records or other supporting documents relating to the transaction under consideration which show clearly that the compensating products have been manufactured from the import goods.
pregled evidenc blaga ali drugih dokazilnih listin, ki zadevajo nameravano operacijo in jasno kažejo, da so bili pridobljeni proizvodi izdelani iz uvoznega blaga.«
31 Pravna redakcija
'formalities' shall mean any formality to which the authorities subject a trader and which consists in the production or examination of documents, certificates accompanying the goods, or other particulars, irrespective of the method or medium employed, relating to the goods or the means of transport.
“formalnosti” pomenijo vse formalnosti v zvezi z blagom ali prevoznimi sredstvi, ki jih mora na zahtevo organov opraviti gospodarski subjekt in se stojijo iz predložitve ali pregleda dokumentov, potrdil, s katerimi je opremljeno blago, ali drugih podrobnosti, ne glede na uporabljeno metodo ali sredstvo.
32 Pravna redakcija
the examination of supporting documents relating to the transaction under consideration (such as contracts, correspondence or invoices) which show clearly that the compensating products are to be manufactured from the temporary export goods.
preverjanja dokumentov o predvidenih proizvodnih operacijah (kot so pogodbe, predračuni, korespondenca), iz katerih je jasno razvidno, da bodo pridobljeni proizvodi izdelani iz blaga na začasnem izvozu.
33 Pravna redakcija
At the request of the exporter, and for reasons deemed to be valid, the customs authorities should, so far as possible, allow goods for exportation to be examined on private premises, the expenses entailed by such examination being borne by the exporter.
Na zahtevo izvoznika in iz razlogov, ki se štejejo za utemeljene, carinski organi, če je mogoče, dovolijo, da se blago za izvoz pregleda v zasebnih prostorih, stroške take preiskave pa nosi izvoznik.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
In accordance with Article 27(3) of the basic Regulation, their requests could not be accepted in the current investigation since the number of exporters was so large that individual examinations would have been unduly burdensome and prevented completion of the investigation in good time.
V skladu s členom 27(3) osnovne uredbe njihova zahteve v tej preiskavi ni mogla biti sprejeta, ker je bilo število izvoznikov tako veliko, da bi individualni pregledi nepotrebno oteževali in preprečevali pravočasen zaključek preiskave.
35 Pravna redakcija
EC type-examination shall not be required in the case of PPE models of simple design where the designer assumes the user can himself assess the level of protection provided against the minimal risks concerned the effects of which, when they are gradual, can be safely identified by the user in good time.
ES-tipski preskus se ne zahteva pri modelih OZO preproste zasnove, pri katerih načrtovalec predvideva, da lahko uporabnik sam presodi raven varnosti pri najmanjših zadevnih nevarnostih, katerih učinke, če so postopni, lahko varno pravočasno ugotovi.
36 Pravna redakcija
The certificate accompanying the animals must also confirm that, 24 hours before dispatch of the animals, a clinical examination was carried out by a veterinarian authorised by the competent authority showing the animals to be in good health and able to withstand carriage to their destination.
Spričevalo, ki spremlja žival mora tudi potrjevati, da je 24 ur pred premikom živali klinično pregledal veterinar, ki ga je pooblastil pristojni organ, in da so živali zdrave in sposobne za prevoz v namembni kraj.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0998
The certificate accompanying the animals must also confirm that, 24 hours before dispatch of the animals, a clinical examination was carried out by a veterinarian authorised by the competent authority showing the animals to be in good health and able to withstand carriage to their destination."
Spričevalo, ki spremlja žival mora tudi potrjevati, da je 24 ur pred premikom, živali klinično pregledal veterinar, ki ga je pooblastil pristojni organ, in da so živali zdrave in sposobne za prevoz v namembni kraj."
38 Pravna redakcija
If a preliminary examination of one or more oppositions reveals that the Community trade mark for which an application for registration has been filed is possibly not eligible for registration in respect of some or all of the goods or services for which registration is sought, the Office may suspend the other opposition proceedings.
Če začetni preizkus enega ali več ugovorov pokaže, da znamka Skupnosti, za katero je bila vložena zahteva za registracijo, morda ni upravičena do registracije pri nekaterem ali vsem blagu ali storitvah, za katere se zahteva registracija, lahko Urad prekine druge postopke ugovora.
39 Pravna redakcija
'inspections' shall mean any operation whereby the customs authorities or any other inspection authority carries out the physical examination or visual inspection of the means of transport or of the goods themselves in order to ascertain that their nature, origin, condition, quantity and value are in conformity with the particulars contained in the documents produced;
“pregledi” pomenijo postopke, s katerimi carinski organi ali kateri koli drugi organi pregleda opravljajo fizično preverjanje ali vizualni pregled prevoznih sredstev ali samega blaga, da bi ugotovili, ali so njegova narava, poreklo, stanje, količina in vrednost v skladu s podatki v predloženih dokumentih;
40 Pravna redakcija
"inspections" shall mean the carrying out by customs or any other supervisory department of an operation which consists of the physical examination, including visual inspection, of the means of transport and/or the goods themselves with the aim of checking that their nature, origin, state, quantity or value are in conformity with the particulars given in the documents which have been presented;
"pregledi" pomenijo postopek, sestavljen iz fizičnega pregleda, vključno z vizualnim pregledom, prevoznega sredstva in/ali samega blaga, ki ga opravlja carina ali kateri koli drug nadzorni oddelek, da preveri, ali je narava, poreklo, količina ali vrednost blaga skladna s podatki, navedenimi v predloženih dokumentih;
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
In cases where the examination has been limited in accordance with this Article, an individual amount of countervailable subsidization shall, nevertheless, be calculated for any exporter or producer not initially selected who submits the necessary information within the time limits provided for in this Regulation, except where the number of exporters or producers is so large that individual examinations would be unduly burdensome and would prevent completion of the investigation in good time.
Kadar se pregled omeji v skladu s tem členom, se kljub temu izračuna individualni znesek subvencije, proti kateri se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, za vse izvoznike ali proizvajalce, ki prvotno niso bili izbrani in ki predložijo potrebne informacije v rokih iz te uredbe, razen če je število izvoznikov ali proizvajalcev tako veliko, da bi individualni pregledi nepotrebno oteževali in preprečevali pravočasen zaključek preiskave.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Extent of examination of goods
Obseg pregleda blaga
43 Prevajalska redakcija
Time required for examination of goods
Čas, potreben za pregled blaga
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Presence of the declarant at examination of goods
Prisotnost deklaranta pri pregledu blaga
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
The examination of goods may be either summary or detailed.
Pregled blaga je lahko hiter ali podroben.
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examination of goods