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examine data
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(m) date of filing of the request for examination;
(m) datum vložitve zahteve za preizkus;
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
the time limits for examining the data and the duration of storage;
roki za preverjanje podatkov in trajanje shranjevanja;
4 Objavljeno
The data were gathered by questionnaire, clinical examination and blood analyses.
Podatke smo zbrali z anketo, kliničnim pregledom in krvnimi analizami.
5 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Where the independent doctor's opinion confirms the conclusion of the examination arranged by the Agency, the absence shall be treated as unjustified from the date of that examination.
Kadar neodvisni zdravnik v mnenju potrdi ugotovitve pregleda, ki ga je organizirala Agencija, se odsotnost z dela od datuma pregleda dalje šteje kot neopravičena.
6 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
If the examination cannot take place for reasons attributable to the member of temporary staff, his absence shall be considered as unauthorised as from the date that the examination is due to take place.
Če pregleda ni mogoče opraviti zaradi razlogov na strani začasnega uslužbenca, se njegova odsotnost z dela šteje kot nedovoljena od datuma, ko bi moral opraviti pregled.
7 Objavljeno
Literature with accurate data on frequency of infections transmitted during gynaecological examination is virtually absent.
Pri iskanju literature nismo našli natančnih podatkov o pogostosti okužb pri ginekološkem pregledu.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
However, examination shall in any event be made as to whether European patent applications can be accorded a date of filing.
V vsakem primeru pa mora biti opravljen preizkus evropskih patentnih prijav, da bi se ugotovilo, ali se jim lahko dodeli datum vložitve.
9 Objavljeno
We analyzed the data of the group of 142 men and 53 women. They passed our preventive manager medical examination in the years 1992-93.
Analizirali smo podatke 142 moških in 53 žensk, ki so opravili preventivni menedžerski pregled v letih 1992-93.
10 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
If the finding made in the examination is that the member of temporary staff is able to carry out his duties, his absence shall, subject to the following subparagraph, be regarded as unjustified from the date of the examination.
Če se na pregledu ugotovi, da začasni uslužbenec lahko opravlja delo, se ob upoštevanju spodnjega pododstavka njegova odsotnost z dela od datuma pregleda šteje kot neupravičena.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
If such date is less than two months before the end of the period within which the request for examination must be filed, such a request may be filed up to the end of two months after such date.
Če je ta datum manj kot dva meseca pred potekom roka za vložitev zahteve za preizkus, se lahko taka zahteva vloži še do poteka dveh mesecev po takem datumu.
12 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Following the in-flight examination, the State Party conducting the certification and the States Parties taking part in the certification shall jointly analyse the data collected during the in-flight examination pursuant to Annex D, Section IV, paragraph 1 to the Treaty.
Po končanem pregledu med letom država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, in države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju, skupno analizirajo podatke, zbrane pri pregledu med letom, v skladu s prvim odstavkom IV. razdelka Dodatka D k pogodbi.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(2) If a date of filing cannot be accorded following the examination under paragraph 1, the application shall not be dealt with as a European patent application.
(2) Če po preizkusu po prvem odstavku datuma vložitve ni mogoče dodeliti, se prijava ne obravnava kot evropska patentna prijava.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(2) The applicant may not invoke the omission of the communication provided for in paragraph 1. If a later date than the date of the mention of the publication is specified in the communication, the later date shall be the decisive date as regards the time limit for filing the request for examination unless the error is apparent.
(2) Prijavitelj se ne more sklicevati na to, da mu ni bilo poslano sporočilo, predvideno v prvem odstavku. Če je v sporočilu naveden datum, ki je kasnejši od datuma omembe objave, je glede roka za vložitev zahteve za preizkus odločilen ta kasnejši datum, razen če ne gre za očitno napako.
15 Objavljeno
Three colour examination with CD3, CD4 and CD8 antibodies is able to obtain so me additional data, but most importantly, it is able to obtain more precise data, it the lymphocyte gate is contaminated with unlysed erythrocytes.
Pri bolnikih z levkocitozo omogoča metoda trojnega barvanja najnatančnejšo določitev celic T pomagalk in celic T zaviralk v krvi.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(3) Paragraph 1 shall not apply where the examination reveals that the date of the first filing given on filing the European patent application precedes the date of filing of the European patent application by more than one year.
(3) Prvi odstavek se ne uporablja, če preizkus pokaže, da je datum prve vložitve, ki je bil naveden ob vložitvi evropske patentne prijave, več kot eno leto pred datumom vložitve evropske patentne prijave.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(ii) in respect of any procedure commenced on or after the date on which processing or examination of the international application may start under Article 23 or 40 of that Treaty.
(ii) glede na vsak postopek, ki se je začel na datum ali po datumu, ko se lahko začne obdelava ali preizkus mednarodne prijave po 23. ali 40. členu omenjene pogodbe.
18 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-58
iii) determine, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12, the date on which any reservation should be re-examined, if the reservation has not been withdrawn in the meantime;
iii) v skladu z določbami 12. člena določi datum ponovne preučitve posameznega pridržka, če pridržek medtem ni bil umaknjen;
19 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-58
iii) Determine, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12, the date on which any reservations should be re-examined, if the reservation has not been withdrawn in the meantime;
iii) v skladu z določbami 12. člena določi datum ponovne preučitve posameznega pridržka, če pridržek medtem ni bil umaknjen;
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(1) The European Patent Office shall examine, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, whether the application satisfies the requirements for the accordance of a date of filing.
(1) Evropski patentni urad v skladu s pravilnikom o izvajanju preizkusi, ali prijava izpolnjuje pogoje za dodelitev datuma vložitve.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(1) If a European patent application has been accorded a date of filing, and is not deemed to be withdrawn by virtue of Article 90, paragraph 3, the Receiving Section shall examine whether:
(1) Če je bil evropski patentni prijavi dodeljen datum vložitve in če se ne šteje za umaknjeno po tretjem odstavku 90. člena, sprejemna pisarna preizkusi:
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(2) A request for examination may be filed by the applicant up to the end of six months after the date on which the European Patent Bulletin mentions the publication of the European search report.
(2) Prijavitelj lahko vloži zahtevo za preizkus do izteka šestih mesecev po datumu, ko je bila v Evropskem patentnem biltenu omenjena objava evropskega poročila o poizvedbi.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(2) The Assembly shall fix the dates from which, subject to the provision of paragraph (1), international applications may be filed and demands for international preliminary examination may be submitted.
(2) Skupščina določi datume, od katerih se lahko glede na določbo prvega odstavka vložijo mednarodne prijave oziroma pošljejo zahteve za mednarodni predhodni preizkus.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
There are no exact data on breastfeeding on dismission from maternity hospitals, although the frequency of breast-feeding shall be followed at prescribed systematic examinations of infants in the first year of life.
Nimamo natančnih podatkov o dojenju po odpustu iz porodnišnice, čeprav naj bi se pogostost dojenja spremljala ob predpisanih sistematskih preventivnih pregledih dojenčkov v prvem letu življenja.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Applications pending before the Commission which have not been declared admissible at the date of the entry into force of this Protocol shall be examined by the Court in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol.
Zahteve za obravnavo, ki so v postopku pred Komisijo in ki na datum veljavnosti tega protokola še niso bile priznane kot sprejemljive, se obravnavajo na Sodišču v skladu z določili tega protokola.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the data contained in the findings of the experts do not accord in essential points, or if the findings or one or more experts are ambiguous, incomplete, self-contradictory, or in contradiction with the facts examined, and if such shortcomings cannot be done away with by a re-examination of experts, a new expert examination shall be conducted by the same or by different experts.
Če se podatki izvedencev v njihovem izvidu bistveno razlikujejo ali če je izvid enega ali več izvedencev nejasen, nepopoln ali pa sam s seboj ali z raziskanimi okoliščinami v nasprotju, te pomanjkljivosti pa se ne dajo odpraviti z novim zaslišanjem izvedencev, se dokazovanje ponovi z istimi ali z drugimi izvedenci.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Where a unit has reason to believe that data as referred to in Article 8 (2) are incorrect or wishes to supplement them, it shall immediately inform the inputting unit; the latter shall examine such notification without delay and if necessary modify, supplement, correct or delete the data immediately.
Kadar enota upravičeno domneva, da so podatki iz člena 8(2) nepravilni, ali kadar jih želi dopolniti, o tem takoj obvesti enoto, ki je podatke vnesla; ta nemudoma preveri takšno obvestilo in, če je potrebno, podatke takoj spremeni, dopolni, popravi ali izbriše.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
According to data from the research "Risk factors for noncommunicable diseases in the adult population of the Republic of Slovenia` from year 2001, 85% of examined persons in the Republic of Slovenia take three or more daily meals.
Po podatkih raziskave "Dejavniki tveganja za nenalezljive bolezni pri odraslih prebivalcih Republike Slovenije" iz leta 2001 uživa 85% preiskovancev iz Republike Slovenije tri ali več dnevnih obrokov hrane.
29 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
In order to conduct such examination, the TMB shall have available to it the factual data provided to the Chairman of the TMB, referred to in paragraph 7, as well as any other relevant information provided by the Members concerned.
Da bi lahko vodil tako preiskavo, mora TMB od določenih članic prejeti vse dejanske podatke, ki so bili dani predsedujočemu TMB v skladu s sedmim odstavkom, kakor tudi vse druge ustrezne informacije, ki so jih dale določene članice.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Cases pending before the Court which have not been decided at the date of entry into force of this Protocol shall be transmitted to the Grand Chamber of the Court, which shall examine them in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol.
Vse zadeve, ki so v obravnavi na Sodišču in ki na datum uveljavitve tega protokola še niso bile rešene, se predložijo velikemu senatu Sodišča, ki jih obravnava v skladu z določili tega protokola.
31 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
In order to make the procedures more efficient, the period in which the panel shall conduct its examination, from the date that the composition and terms of reference of the panel have been agreed upon until the date the final report is issued to the parties to the dispute, shall, as a general rule, not exceed six months.
Da bi bili postopki učinkovitejši, obdobje, v katerem ugotovitveni svet obravnava primer od dneva dogovora o sestavi in mandatu ugotovitvenega sveta do dneva predaje končnega poročila strankam v sporu, praviloma ne sme presegati šest mesecev.
32 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Upon completion of the ground and in-flight examinations, data collected by sensors and from the calibration targets shall be examined jointly by the State Party conducting the certification and the States Parties taking part in the certification.
Po končanem pregledu na tleh in med letom senzorske podatke in podatke s kalibracijskih tarč skupaj pregledajo država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, in države pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri certificiranju.
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
"audit-based control" means measures by which the Customs satisfy themselves as to the accuracy and authenticity of declarations through the examination of the relevant books, records, business systems and commercial data held by persons concerned;
"kontrola na podlagi revizije" pomeni ukrepe, na podlagi katerih se carina s pregledom ustreznih knjig, evidenc, poslovnih sistemov in podatkov, ki jih imajo zadevne osebe, prepriča o točnosti in verodostojnosti deklaracij;
34 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-2
Officials of the applicant Authority authorized to investigate contraventions may ask that the requested Authority examine relevant books, registers, and other documents or data media and supply copies thereof or supply any information relating to the contravention.
Uradne osebe organa prosilca, ki so pooblaščene za preiskave glede kršitev, lahko zahtevajo, da zaprošeni organ pregleda ustrezne knjige, registre in druge dokumente ali nosilce podatkov in priskrbi njihove kopije oziroma da priskrbi vsakršne informacije v zvezi s kršitvijo.
35 Objavljeno
From the recent data this yeast also can be associated with various pathological canine skin conditions, so it is necessary at bacteriological examinations of the skin to make the right choice of medium and time of incubation for isolation of the mentioned yeast too.
Po novejših podatkih lahko povzroča tudi okužbe kože, zato je treba pri gojiščni preiskavi kože glede na bakterije poskrbeti tudi za gojišče in čas inkubacije, ki sta primerna za izolacijo omenjene kvasovke.
36 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-111
Officials of the applicant Authority, authorized to investigate contraventions, may ask that the requested Authority examine relevant books, registers, and other documents or data media and supply copies thereof, or supply any information relating to the contravention.
Uradne osebe organa prosilca, ki so pooblaščene za preiskave kršitev, lahko zaprosijo, da zaprošeni organ pregleda ustrezne knjige, registre in druge dokumente ali nosilce podatkov in preskrbi njihove kopije oziroma da preskrbi vse informacije v zvezi s kršitvijo.
37 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Officials of the applicant Authority, authorized to investigate customs offences, may ask that the requested Authority examine relevant books, registers, and other documents or data media and supply copies thereof, or supply any information relating to customs offence.
Uradne osebe organa prosilca, ki so pooblaščene za preiskave carinskih prekrškov, lahko zaprosijo, da zaprošeni organ pregleda ustrezne knjige, registre in drugo dokumentacijo ali nosilce podatkov in priskrbi njihove kopije ali da priskrbi vse informacije v zvezi s carinskimi prekrški.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Each Member State shall designate a national supervisory body, the task of which shall be to monitor independently, in accordance with its respective national law, the permissibility of the input, the retrieval and any communication to Europol of personal data by the Member State concerned and to examine whether this violates the rights of the data subject.
Vsaka država članica določi nacionalni nadzorni organ, katerega naloga je, da neodvisno in v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo spremlja dopustnost vnosa, dostopa in vsakega sporočanja osebnih podatkov Europolu s strani države članice, ter preveri, ali so s tem kršene pravice osebe, na katero se podatki nanašajo.
39 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
Officials of the applicant Authority, authorized to investigate customs offences, may ask that the requested Authority examine relevant books, registers, and other documents or data media and supply copies thereof, or supply any information relating to that customs offence.
Uradne osebe organa prosilca, ki so pooblaščene za preiskave carinskih kršitev, lahko zahtevajo, da zaprošeni organ pregleda ustrezne knjige, registre in druge dokumente ali nosilce podatkov in preskrbi njihove kopije oziroma vse informacije v zvezi s to carinsko kršitvijo.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(3) For the purposes of the international preliminary examination, a claimed invention shall be considered to involve an inventive step if, having regard to the prior art as defined in the Regulations, it is not, at the prescribed relevant date, obvious to a person skilled in the art.
(3) Za mednarodni predhodni preizkus se izum, katerega varstvo se zahteva, šteje za rezultat ustvarjalnega dela, če glede na stanje tehnike, kot je opredeljeno v pravilniku, na predpisani relevantni dan očitno ne izhaja iz stanja tehnike, ki ga strokovnjak pozna.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(3) European patent applications which require further examination as to their liability to secrecy shall be forwarded in such manner as to reach the European Patent Office within four months after filing, or, where priority has been claimed, fourteen months after the date of priority.
(3) Evropske patentne prijave, ki jih je treba preizkusiti glede njihove zavezanosti tajnosti, morajo biti poslane tako, da dospejo na Evropski patentni urad v štirih mesecih po vložitvi ali v štirinajstih mesecih po prednostnem datumu, če je bila zahtevana prednost.
42 Objavljeno
Larger tumors, which are characteristic of advanced stages of the disease, can be discovered on gynaecological examination. ultrasound is an indispensable tool for determining the nature of the tumor. Further data on the malignancy are provided by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Klinični pregled omogoča ugotavljanje večjih tumorjev, ki so pogosto znak napredovale bolezni. Pri ugotavljanju narave tumorjev ima nepogrešljivo vlogo ultrazvok, dodatne slikovne podatke pa dobimo še z računalniško tomografijo in magnetno resonanco.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
The joint supervisory body shall also be competent for the examination of questions relating to implementation and interpretation in connection with Europol's activities as regards the processing and utilization of personal data, for the examination of questions relating to checks carried out independently by the national supervisory bodies of the Member States or relating to the exercise of the right to information, as well as for drawing up harmonized proposals for common solutions to existing problems.
Skupni nadzorni organ je prav tako pristojen za pregled vseh vprašanj o izvajanju in razlag v zvezi z dejavnostmi Europola, ki se nanašajo na obdelavo in uporabo osebnih podatkov, za pregled vprašanj o preverjanjih, ki so jih neodvisno opravili nacionalni nadzorni organi držav članic ali ki se nanašajo na uveljavljanje pravice do informacij, kakor tudi za sestavo usklajenih predlogov za skupne rešitve obstoječih problemov.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(ii) a statement to the effect that the ex officio examination has been completed and that the Office has found no grounds for refusal but that the protection of the mark is still subject to opposition or observations by third parties, with an indication of the date by which such oppositions may be filed;
(ii) izjavo o tem, da je preizkus po uradni dolžnosti končan in da ni ugotovil nobenih razlogov za zavrnitev, da pa so glede varstva znamke še možni ugovori ali pripombe tretjih, z navedbo datuma, do katerega je take ugovore mogoče vložiti;
45 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
Officials of the applicant Authority, authorized to investigate contraventions of customs legislation, may ask that the requested Authority examine relevant books, registers, and other documents or data media and supply copies thereof, or supply any information relating to the contravention of customs legislation.
Uradne osebe organa prosilca, ki so pooblaščene za preiskave kršitev carinske zakonodaje, lahko zaprosijo, da zaprošeni organ pregleda ustrezne knjige, registre in drugo dokumentacijo ali nosilce podatkov in priskrbi njihove kopije ali da priskrbi vse informacije v zvezi s kršitvami carinske zakonodaje.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(4) The time limits, other than the time limit for making a request for examination and the time limit for paying the renewal fees, in force as regards the applicant for or proprietor of the patent at the date of interruption of the proceedings, shall begin again as from the day on which the proceedings are resumed.
(4) Roki, ki veljajo za prijavitelja ali imetnika patenta na datum prekinitve postopka, začnejo ponovno teči z dnem, ko se postopek spet nadaljuje, razen rokov za vložitev zahteve za preizkus in za plačilo pristojbin za podaljšanje veljavnosti.
47 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
(b) The Ministerial Conference shall review this exemption not later than five years after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement and thereafter every two years for as long as the exemption is in force for the purpose of examining whether the conditions which created the need for the exemption still prevail.
(b) Ministrska konferenca prouči to izjemo najpozneje v petih letih po dnevu začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO ter nato vsaki dve leti toliko časa, dokler izjema velja, zato da bi ugotovila, ali pogoji, ki so narekovali potrebo po izjemi, še vedno obstajajo.
48 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
The State Party conducting the certification shall provide such data on the meteorological conditions at the location of the calibration targets during the in-flight examination of the sensors as are necessary to make the calculations in accordance with the methodologies specified in Appendix 1, Section III to this Annex.
Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, zagotovi pri pregledu senzorjev med letom podatke o vremenskih razmerah na kraju kalibracijskih tarč, ki so potrebni za izračune po postopkih, določenih v III. razdelku Priloge 1 k temu dodatku.
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(2) If the examination reveals that the drawings were not filed, the Receiving Section shall invite him to file them within one month and inform him that the application will be re-dated to the date on which they are filed, or, if they are not filed in due time, any reference to them in the application shall be deemed to be deleted.
(2) Če preizkus pokaže, da skice niso bile vložene, sprejemna pisarna pozove prijavitelja, da jih vloži v enem mesecu, in ga obvesti, da bo za datum prijave določen datum, na katerega bodo vložene, ali da se bo, če ne bodo vložene pravočasno, sklicevanje nanje v prijavi štelo za izbrisano.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
If a Member State with which an application for asylum has been lodged considers that another Member State is responsible for examining the application, it may, as quickly as possible and in any case within the six months following the date on which the application was lodged, call upon the other Member State to take charge of the applicant.
Če država članica, v kateri je bila vložena prošnja za azil, meni, da je za obravnavanje prošnje odgovorna druga država članica, lahko čim prej, vsekakor pa v šestih mesecih od datuma vložitve prošnje pozove drugo državo članico, da prevzame odgovornost za prosilca.
Prevodi: en > sl
examine data