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examined on an official basis
1 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall lay down, at least in respect of the introduction into another Member State of the plants, plant products and other objects listed in Annex V, Part A, that the latter and their packaging shall be meticulously examined on an official basis, either in their entirety or by representative sample, and that, if necessary, the vehicles transporting them shall also be officially examined in order to make sure:
Države članice določijo vsaj v zvezi z vnosom rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih predmetov, navedenih v delu A Priloge V, v drugo državo članico, da se le-ti in njihova embalaža temeljito uradno preverijo v celoti ali na reprezentativnem vzorcu in da se, če je treba, uradno preverijo vozila, ki jih prevažajo, da bi zagotovili:
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examined on an official basis