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exceptional asset
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-17
(4)(a) The Assembly shall meet once in every calendar year in ordinary session upon convocation by the Director General and, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, during the same period and at the same place as the General Assembly of the Organization.
(4) (a) Skupščina se na sklic generalnega direktorja sestane vsako koledarsko leto na rednem zasedanju, razen izjemoma ob istem času in na istem kraju kot generalna skupščina organizacije.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(11)(a) The Assembly shall meet in every second calendar year in ordinary session upon convocation by the Director General and, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, during the same period and at the same place as the General Assembly of the Organization.
(11)(a) Skupščina se na sklic generalnega direktorja sestane vsako drugo leto na rednem zasedanju in, razen v izjemnih primerih, v istem času in na istem mestu kot generalna skupščina organizacije.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-21
(4) (a) The Assembly shall meet once in every second calendar year in ordinary session upon convocation by the Director General and, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, during the same period and at the same place as the General Assembly of the Organization.
(4) (a) Skupščina se na sklic generalnega direktorja sestane vsako drugo koledarsko leto na rednem zasedanju in razen izjemoma ob istem času in na istem kraju kot generalna skupščina Organizacije.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
7 The Assembly of the HNS Fund may decide that, in exceptional cases, compensation in accordance with this Convention can be paid even if the owner has not constituted a fund in accordance with chapter II.
7 Skupščina Sklada HNS lahko sklene, da se, v izjemnih primerih, nadomestilo po tej konvenciji lahko plača tudi, če lastnik ni ustanovil sklada skladno s poglavjem II.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
(ii) Where the Security Council or the General Assembly has declared, for the purposes of this Convention, that there exists an exceptional risk to the safety of the personnel participating in the operation;
ii) kadar Varnostni svet ali Generalna skupščina za namene te konvencije razglasi, da obstaja izjemno tveganje za varnost osebja, ki sodeluje v operaciji;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(6) [Sessions] (a) The Assembly shall meet once in every second calendar year in ordinary session upon convocation by the Director General and, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, during the same period and at the same place as the General Assembly of the Organization.
(6) [Zasedanja] (a) Skupščina se vsako drugo leto sestane na rednem zasedanju, ki ga skliče generalni direktor, in če ni izrednih okoliščin, je zasedanje v istem obdobju in na istem kraju kot zasedanje generalne skupščine Organizacije.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
(d) Except in exceptional circumstances subject to the assessment of the EPA Committee, no safeguard measures referred to in this Article shall be applied to a product which has previously been subject to such a measure for a period of at least one year from the date of expiry of this measure.
d) Razen v primeru izrednih okoliščin, ki jih mora oceniti Odbor SGP, se za proizvod, za katerega je pred tem veljal zaščitni ukrep, vsaj eno leto po izteku ukrepa ne sprejme nov zaščitni ukrep iz tega člena.
8 Objavljeno
Companies with State Capital Investments may enjoy additional rights (for example, immunity from the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings) or they may, on the basis of provisions of special Acts, segregate individual assets from liability to bankruptcy proceedings only in exceptional cases and when this is urgent for the protection of the public interest.
Družbe s kapitalskimi naložbami države lahko uživajo dodatne pravice (npr. nemožnost uvedbe stečajnega postopka) ali smejo na podlagi določb posebnih zakonov izločiti posamezna sredstva iz stečajnih postopkov le v izjemnih primerih in ko je to nujno za zagotavljanje javnega interesa.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
In exceptional cases and with legal effect limited to the case under consideration, the civil court may recognize the capacity to sue also to those forms of association which are not capable to sue pursuant to the first and second paragraphs of the present Article, when it finds that with respect to the dispute in question they meet the other essential conditions for suing or being sued, especially if they possess assets that can be subject to execution.
Pravdno sodišče sme izjemoma, s pravnim učinkom v določeni pravdi, priznati lastnost stranke tudi tistim oblikam združevanja, ki nimajo sposobnosti biti stranka po prvem in drugem odstavku tega člena, če ugotovi, da glede na sporno zadevo v bistvu izpolnjujejo glavne pogoje za pridobitev sposobnosti biti stranka, zlasti če imajo premoženje, na katero je mogoče seči z izvršbo.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Notwithstanding (b), if the total quantity of contributing cargo to the general account in accordance with article 18, paragraphs 1(a) and (c) received in the States Parties in the preceding calendar year was less than 30 million tonnes but more than 25 million tonnes, the Assembly may, if it considers that this was due to exceptional circumstances and is not likely to be repeated, decide before the expiry of the above-mentioned twelve month period that the Convention shall continue to be in force.
Ne glede na (b), če je bila celotna količina tovora, ki prispeva na splošni račun skladno s členom 18(1)(a) in (c), prevzetega v državah pogodbenicah v tem predhodnem koledarskem letu, manj kot 30 milijonov ton, vendar več kot 25 milijonov ton, lahko skupščina, če meni, da je bila to posledica izrednih razmer in da ni verjetno, da bi se to ponovilo, pred iztekom zgoraj navedenega 12-mesečnega obdobja sklene, da Konvencija ostane v veljavi.
11 Objavljeno
If a General Meeting resolution is assessed as inappropriate, the Agency votes against the proposal and, where necessary, prepares its own counter proposal which is publicly published within one week after the publication of the convocation of the General Meeting in compliance with the provisions of Article 300 of ZGD-1. If the non-participation of the Management Board of the Company or time pressure does not enable this, the Agency may exceptionally enforce counter proposals at the General Meeting itself.
Če se skupščinski sklep oceni kot neustrezen, agencija glasuje proti predlogu in po potrebi pripravi lasten nasprotni predlog, ki se javno objavi v enem tednu po objavi sklica skupščine skladno z določili 300. člena ZGD-1. Če nesodelovanje uprave družbe ali časovna stiska tega ne omogoča, lahko agencija izjemoma uveljavlja nasprotne predloge na sami skupščini.
12 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0013
any hidden net reserves arising out of the valuation of assets, in so far as such hidden net reserves are not of an exceptional nature.
kakršne koli skrite čiste rezerve, ki izhajajo iz vrednotenja sredstev, če takšne skrite rezerve niso izjemne narave.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The other changes in the volume of assets are flows which make it possible to record the discovery, deterioration or depletion of natural assets as well as the consequences of exceptional events which may modify the benefit drawn from assets.
Druge spremembe obsega sredstev so tokovi, ki omogočajo zajemanje odkritja, poslabšanja ali izčrpanja naravnih sredstev ter posledic izrednih dogodkov, ki lahko spremenijo koristi, črpane iz sredstev.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Losses (whether recurrent, exceptional or catastrophic) of fixed assets (such as dairy cows, breeding animals, etc.) should be recorded in "other changes in the volume of assets" account.
Izgube (naj bodo ponavljajoče se, izjemne ali katastrofalne) osnovnih sredstev (npr. krave molznice, plemenska živina itn.) bi bilo treba prikazati v računu "druge spremembe obsega sredstev".
15 Končna redakcija
In exceptional cases, a divestiture package including only brands and supporting production assets may be sufficient to create the conditions for effective competition(21).
V izjemnih primerih lahko odsvojitveni sveženj, ki vključuje samo blagovne znamke in premoženje, namenjeno zagotavljanju proizvodnje, zadošča za vzpostavitev pogojev za učinkovito konkurenco [21].
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Exceptional and catastrophic losses of goods in inventories have to be recorded in the accumulation accounts, namely in the "other changes in the volume of assets" account.
Izjemne in katastrofalne izgube osnovnih sredstev je treba prikazati v računih akumulacije, in sicer v računu "druge spremembe obsega sredstev".
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
other changes in "volume" which take account of the effects of unforeseen events on plantations (such as exceptional grubbings) and which are recorded in the "other changes in volume of assets" account (cf. the definition in 2.136 and 2.146),
druge spremembe "obsega", ki upoštevajo vpliv nepredvidenih dogodkov na nasade (kakor so izredne izkrčitve) in ki se zajemajo v račun "drugih sprememb obsega sredstev" (prim. definicija v točkah 2.136 in 2.146),
18 Končna redakcija
An extension is only possible in case of exceptional circumstances and where in the particular case there is sufficient time to make a proper assessment of the proposal by the Commission and to allow adequate consultation with Member States and third parties(42).
Podaljšanje je mogoče le v primeru izjemnih okoliščin in kadar ima Komisija v posameznem primeru dovolj časa, da ustrezno oceni predlog ter se ustrezno posvetuje z državami članicami in tretjimi strankami [42].
19 Končna redakcija
at the request of, and upon proof being shown by the undertaking, and with the agreement of the supervisory authorities of each other Member State where it carries on its business, any hidden reserves resulting from under-estimation of assets or over-estimation of liabilities in the balance sheet, in so far as such hidden reserves are not of an exceptional nature.
na zahtevo podjetja in glede na dokazilo, ki ga poda, ter s soglasjem nadzornih organov vsake države članice, v kateri opravlja poslovno dejavnost, vse skrite rezerve, ki izhajajo iz podcenjenih sredstev ali precenjenih obveznosti v bilanci stanja, če takšne skrite rezerve niso izjemne narave.
20 Pravna redakcija
changes in assets and liabilities due to exceptional, unanticipated events;
spremembe sredstev in obveznostih zaradi izjemnih, nepričakovanih dogodkov;
21 Pravna redakcija
exceptional losses, such as those due to drought or other natural disasters (recorded as another change in the volume of assets).
izjemnih izgub, kot so izgube zaradi suše in drugih naravnih nesreč (prikazane so kot druge spremembe obsega sredstev).
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Losses (whether recurrent, exceptional or catastrophic) of fixed assets (such as dairy cows, breeding animals, etc.) should be recorded in 'other changes in the volume of assets' account.
Izgube (naj bodo ponavljajoče se, izjemne ali katastrofalne) osnovnih sredstev (npr. krave molznice, plemenska živina itn.) bi bilo treba prikazati v računu "druge spremembe obsega sredstev".
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The other changes in the volume of assets are flows which make it possible to record the discovery, deterioration or depletion of natural assets as well as the consequences of exceptional events which may modify the benefit drawn from assets.
Druge spremembe obsega sredstev so tokovi, ki omogočajo zajemanje odkritja, poslabšanja ali izčrpanja naravnih sredstev ter posledic izrednih dogodkov, ki lahko spremenijo koristi, črpane iz sredstev.
24 Pravna redakcija
The strategic framework shall be revised if exceptional events so require or in the light of the results of the assessment provided for in Article 12;
Strateški okvir se revidira, če tako zahtevajo izjemne okoliščine ali rezultati ocenjevanja iz člena 12;
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Exceptional and catastrophic losses of goods in inventories have to be recorded in the accumulation accounts, namely in the 'other changes in the volume of assets' account.
Izjemne in katastrofalne izgube osnovnih sredstev je treba prikazati v računih akumulacije, in sicer v računu "druge spremembe obsega sredstev".
26 Pravna redakcija
Conformity assessment and/or fitness for use is focused through interoperability constituent interface requirements as a priority, with reference to design or descriptive characteristics being exceptional.
Ocena ustreznosti in/ali primernosti za uporabo je usmerjena preko zahtev za vmesnike komponent interoperabilnosti kot prioriteta, s sklicevanjem na projektiranje ali posebne opisne značilnosti.
27 Pravna redakcija
Degrees of credit risk, expressed as percentage weightings, shall be assigned to asset items in accordance with Articles 43 and 44, and exceptionally Articles 45, 62 and 63. The balance-sheet value of each asset shall then be multiplied by the relevant weighting to produce a risk-adjusted value.
Stopnje kreditnega tveganja, izražene kot uteži v odstotkih, se pripišejo aktivnim postavkam v skladu s členoma 43 in 44 ter izjemoma v skladu s členi 45, 62 in 63. Bilančna vrednost vsake aktivne postavke se nato pomnoži z ustrezno utežjo, rezultat tega pa je tveganju prilagojena tehtana vrednost postavk.
28 Pravna redakcija
Each Party shall, in exceptional circumstances, have the right to contest the technical competence of the conformity assessment bodies proposed by the other Party or listed in Annex 1 under the jurisdiction of the other Party.
V izrednih okoliščinah ima vsaka pogodbenica pravico spodbijati strokovno usposobljenost organov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki jih predlaga druga pogodbenica, ali ki so našteti v Prilogi 1 in so v pristojnosti druge pogodbenice.
29 Pravna redakcija
Save in the exceptional case provided for in Article 33(1), each Member State shall recognise the marketing authorization granted by the reference Member State within 90 days of receipt of the application and the assessment report.
Razen v izjemnem primeru, predvidenem v členu 33(1), mora vsaka država članica priznati dovoljenje za promet z zdravilom, ki ga je izdala referenčna država članica v roku 90 dni od prejema vloge in poročila o oceni zdravila.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
- other changes in 'volume' which take account of the effects of unforeseen events on plantations (such as exceptional grubbings) and which are recorded in the 'other changes in volume of assets' account (cf. the definition in 2.136 and 2.146),
- druge spremembe "obsega", ki upoštevajo vpliv nepredvidenih dogodkov na nasade (kakor so izredne izkrčitve) in ki se zajemajo v račun "drugih sprememb obsega sredstev" (prim. definicija v točkah 2.136 in 2.146),
31 Pravna redakcija
In exceptional cases, if certain costs (other than labour costs) used to produce fixed assets cannot be calculated separately (e. g. use of the holding's tractor) and if these expenses are then included under costs, an estimate of all these costs used to produce fixed assets is to be entered in heading 181 (Other products and receipts).
Izjemoma, če nekaterih stroškov (ne stroškov delovne sile) vloženih v osnovna sredstva ne moremo ločeno izračunati (na primer uporabo traktorja) in če so ti izdatki vključeni pod stroške, se ocena teh stroškov vloženih v osnovna sredstva vpiše pod rubriko 181 (Ostali proizvodi in prejemki)
32 Pravna redakcija
On the initiative of the bureau, the Committee may, in exceptional cases, set up sub-committees drawn from its members to produce, for submission to the assembly, draft opinions on general or specific matters coming within the purview of two or more sections.
Na pobudo predsedstva lahko Odbor v izjemnih primerih ustanovi pododbore izmed svojih članov, da pripravijo osnutke mnenj o splošnih ali posebnih vprašanjih, ki so v pristojnosti dveh ali več strokovnih skupin, za predložitev skupščini.
33 Pravna redakcija
The Council when deciding, according to Article 104c (6), whether an excessive deficit exists, shall in its overall assessment take into account any observations made by the Member State showing that an annual fall of real GDP of less than 2 % is nevertheless exceptional in the light of further supporting evidence, in particular on the abruptness of the downturn or on the accumulated loss of output relative to past trends.
Svet pri odločanju, ali čezmerni primanjkljaj obstaja, v skladu s členom 104c(6) v svoji celoviti oceni upošteva vsa opažanja države članice, ki kažejo, da je letno zmanjšanje realnega BDP, ki je manjše od 2 %, izjema na podlagi dodatnih dokazov, zlasti o nenadnosti gospodarskega upada ali o akumuliranem upadu proizvodnje kot posledici preteklih trendov.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0083
any hidden net reserves arising out of the valuation of assets, in so far as such hidden net reserves are not of an exceptional nature;
skrite čiste rezerve, ki izhajajo iz vrednotenja sredstev, če takšne skrite rezerve nimajo značaja izjeme;
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0740
However, the competent body assessing the application may exceptionally accept test reports from suitably accredited in-house laboratories.
Pristojni organ, ki vlogo presoja, pa lahko izjemoma sprejme tudi poročila o preskušanju, ki so jih pripravili ustrezno akreditirani interni laboratoriji.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Losses (whether recurrent, exceptional or catastrophic) of fixed assets (such as dairy cows, breeding animals, etc.) should be recorded in "other changes in the volume of assets" account.
Izgube (naj bodo ponavljajoče se, izjemne ali katastrofalne) osnovnih sredstev (npr. krave molznice, plemenska živina itn.) bi bilo treba prikazati v računu "druge spremembe obsega sredstev".
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0108
The holding of such ancillary liquid assets may be justified, for example, in the following cases: in order to cover current or exceptional payments;
Taka dodatna likvidna sredstva so utemeljena na primer: za kritje tekočih ali izrednih plačil;
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0023
Exceptionally, the design of pressure-cookers must be subject to a conformity assessment procedure equivalent to at least one of the category III modules.
Izjemoma mora biti pri tlačni kuhalni posodi opravljen postopek presoje skladnosti načrta, ki je vsaj enakovreden postopkom katerega od modulov kategorije III.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
The intramuscular method of administration should only be used in exceptional clinical situations (see section 4.3) and should undergo a risk-benefit assessment.
Intramuskularen način dajanja se lahko uporablja le v izjemnih kliničnih situacijah (glejte poglavje 4. 3), pri tem pa je treba oceniti razmerje med tveganjem in koristjo.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Exceptional and catastrophic losses of goods in inventories have to be recorded in the accumulation accounts, namely in the "other changes in the volume of assets" account.
Izjemne in katastrofalne izgube osnovnih sredstev je treba prikazati v računih akumulacije, in sicer v računu "druge spremembe obsega sredstev".
41 Prevajalska redakcija
In exceptional cases, a divestiture package including only brands and supporting production assets may be sufficient to create the conditions for effective competition(21).
V izjemnih primerih lahko odsvojitveni sveženj, ki vključuje samo blagovne znamke in premoženje, namenjeno zagotavljanju proizvodnje, zadošča za vzpostavitev pogojev za učinkovito konkurenco [21].
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0012
Degrees of credit risk, expressed as percentage weightings, shall be assigned to asset items in accordance with Articles 43 and 44, and exceptionally Articles 45, 62 and 63.
Stopnje kreditnega tveganja, izražene kot uteži v odstotkih, se pripišejo aktivnim postavkam v skladu s členoma 43 in 44 ter izjemoma v skladu s členi 45, 62 in 63.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0660
If fixed assets are the subject of exceptional value adjustments for taxation purposes alone, the amount of the adjustments and the reasons for making them shall be indicated in the notes on the accounts.
Če se izjemni popravki vrednosti stalnih sredstev opravijo samo za davčne namene, se mora znesek popravka in vzroki zanj navesti v pojasnilih k računovodskim izkazom.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0660
If current assets are the subject of exceptional value adjustments for taxation purposes alone, the amount of the adjustments and the reasons for making them must he disclosed in the notes on the accounts.
Če se izjemni popravek vrednosti pri gibljivih sredstvih naredi samo za davčne namene, se mora znesek popravka in vzroki zanj razkriti v pojasnilih k računovodskim izkazom.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0049
at the request of and on the production of proof by the insurance undertaking, any hidden reserves arising out of the undervaluation of assets, insofar as those hidden reserves are not of an exceptional nature,
na zahtevo in ob predložitvi dokaza zavarovalnice, vse skrite rezerve, ki izhajajo iz prenizko ovrednotenih naložb, če te skrite rezerve niso izjemne narave,
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0337
Whereas, furthermore, it may be appropriate in exceptional cases to exempt a specific project from the assessment procedures laid down by this Directive, subject to appropriate information being supplied to the Commission,
ker je poleg tega v izjemnih primerih lahko primerno, da se določen projekt izvzame iz postopkov presoje, kakor jih določa ta direktiva, pod pogojem, da se Komisiji predložijo ustrezne informacije,
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0735
Assessment of conformity and/or the range of their application is principally carried out by means of the interfaces of the interoperability constituent - recourse to conceptual or descriptive characteristics being exceptional.
Ocena skladnosti in/ali razpon njihove uporabe je večinoma izvedena z vmesniki komponente interoperabilnosti - vračanje na konceptualne ali opisne značilnosti je izjemno.
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exceptional asset