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exceptional carry over
1 Končna redakcija
at the request of, and upon proof being shown by the undertaking, and with the agreement of the supervisory authorities of each other Member State where it carries on its business, any hidden reserves resulting from under-estimation of assets or over-estimation of liabilities in the balance sheet, in so far as such hidden reserves are not of an exceptional nature.
na zahtevo podjetja in glede na dokazilo, ki ga poda, ter s soglasjem nadzornih organov vsake države članice, v kateri opravlja poslovno dejavnost, vse skrite rezerve, ki izhajajo iz podcenjenih sredstev ali precenjenih obveznosti v bilanci stanja, če takšne skrite rezerve niso izjemne narave.
2 Pravna redakcija
The carry-over of such appropriations may be proposed only for exceptional reasons.
Prenos takšnih dodeljenih sredstev se lahko predlaga le v izjemnih primerih.
3 Pravna redakcija
During the consultations held between Hong Kong and the European Community concerning enlargement of the European Union, the two Parties agreed that provided that they are notified by 28 February 1995 at the latest, quantities within the quantitative limits existing in 1994 in any of the acceding countries that have remained unused in 1994 may be the object of an exceptional carry-over to the corresponding 1995 Community quanitative limits, following consultations in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 14 (1) of the Agreement.
Med posvetovanji med Hongkongom in Evropsko skupnostjo o širitvi Evropske unije sta se pogodbenici dogovorili, pod pogojem, da sta uradno obveščeni najkasneje do 28. februarja 1995, da so količine v okviru količinskih omejitev iz leta 1994 v kateri koli od pristopnih držav, ki so leta 1994 ostale neizkoriščene, lahko predmet izrednega prenosa količin v ustrezne količinske omejitve Skupnosti za leto 1995, po posvetovanjih v skladu s postopkom iz člena 14 (1) Sporazuma.
4 Pravna redakcija
The Government of India will invoke such exceptional flexibilities in the order of carry-over, inter-category transfer and carry-forward, to the extent of the possibilities existing on the basis of the utilization of quotas.
Indijska vlada bo v okviru možnosti glede na izkoriščenost kvot uveljavila take posebne prožnosti po naslednjem vrstnem redu: vnaprejšnja poraba, prenos med kategorijami, prenos naprej.
5 Pravna redakcija
In view of the significant contribution to achieving effective access to the market of Pakistan for textiles and clothing products which these additional commitments represent, the European Commission is prepared to give favourable consideration to requests which the Government of Pakistan might introduce in respect of the management of existing quota restrictions for exceptional flexibility (including carry-over, carry-forward and inter-category transfers) not exceeding for each quota year the following amounts:
Pakistan je s sprejetjem teh dodatnih obveznosti prispeval k učinkovitemu odpiranju svojega trga tekstilnih izdelkov in oblačil, zato je Evropska komisija pripravljena ugodno proučiti zahtevke za posebno prožnost (predvsem prenos, predhodno uporabo in prenos med kategorijami količinskih omejitev), ki bi jih lahko vložila pakistanska vlada v okviru upravljanja obstoječih količinskih omejitev, če te za posamezno kvotno leto ne presežejo naslednjih količin:
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R1948
The carry-over of such appropriations can be proposed only for exceptional reasons in order to cope with compelling needs which cannot be met by appropriations from the following financial year.
Prenos teh sredstev se lahko predlaga samo iz izrednih razlogov, da bi zadostili najnujnejšim potrebam, ki jih ni mogoče pokriti s sredstvi iz naslednjega finančnega leta.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
The Parties therefore agreed that Bulgaria should exceptionally be allowed to carry-over certain quotas and ceilings which were granted by the Interim Agreement for 1993, but have not been utilized by Bulgaria due to the late entry into force.
Zato so se pogodbenice dogovorile, da se Bolgariji izjemoma dovoli prenos določenih kvot in plafonov, ki jih Začasni sporazum dodeljuje za leto 1993, ki pa jih Bolgarija ni porabila zaradi poznega začetka veljavnosti.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0083
where approval is given by the competent authorities of the Member States concerned in which the assurance undertaking is carrying on its activities any hidden reserves resulting from the underestimation of assets and overestimation of liabilities other than mathematical provisions in so far as such hidden reserves are not of an exceptional nature.
če dajo pristojni organi zadevnih držav članic, v katerih zavarovalnica izvaja svoje dejavnosti, svoje soglasje, kakršne koli skrite rezerve iz naslova prenizko ocenjene vrednosti sredstev in previsoko ocenjene vrednosti obveznosti razen matematičnih rezervacij, če take skrite rezerve niso izredne narave.
9 Prevod
During consultations held between delegations from the Republic of India and the European Community, the two Parties agreed that provided that they are notified by 28 February 1995 at the latest, quantities within the quantitative limits existing in 1994 in any of the acceding countries that have remained unused in 1994 may be the object of an exceptional carry-over to the corresponding 1995 Community limits, following consultations in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 16 of the Agreement.
Med posvetovanji med delegacijama Republike Indije in Evropske skupnosti sta se pogodbenici dogovorili, pod pogojem, da sta uradno obveščeni najkasneje do 28. februarja 1995, da se količine v okviru količinskih omejitev iz leta 1994 v kateri koli od pristopnih držav, ki so leta 1994 ostale neizrabljene, lahko izjemoma prenesejo v ustrezne omejitve Skupnosti za leto 1995, po posvetovanjih v skladu s postopkom, omenjenim v členu 16 Sporazuma.
10 Prevod
During consultations held between delegations from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the European Community, the two Parties agreed that provided that they are notified by 28 February 1995 at the latest, quantities within the quantitative limits existing in 1994 in any of the acceding countries that have remained unused in 1994 may be the object of an exceptional carry-over to the corresponding 1995 Community limits, following consultations in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 16 of the Agreement.
Med posvetovanji med delegacijama Islamske republike Pakistan in Evropske skupnosti sta se pogodbenici dogovorili, pod pogojem, da sta uradno obveščeni najkasneje do 28. februarja 1995, da se količine v okviru količinskih omejitev iz leta 1994 v kateri koli od pristopnih držav, ki so leta 1994 ostale neizrabljene, lahko izjemoma prenesejo v ustrezne omejitve Skupnosti za leto 1995, po posvetovanjih v skladu s postopkom, omenjenim v členu 16 Sporazuma.
11 Prevod
During consultations held between delegations from the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the European Community, the two Parties agreed that provided that they are notified by 28 February 1995 at the latest, quantities within the quantitative limits existing in 1994 in any of the acceding countries that have remained unused in 1994 may be the object of an exceptional carry-over to the corresponding 1995 Community limits, following consultations in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 16 of the Agreement.
Med posvetovanji med delegacijama Demokratične socialistične republike Šrilanke in Evropske skupnosti sta se pogodbenici dogovorili, pod pogojem, da sta uradno obveščeni najkasneje do 28. februarja 1995, da se količine v okviru količinskih omejitev iz leta 1994 v kateri koli od pristopnih držav, ki so leta 1994 ostale neizrabljene, lahko izjemoma prenesejo v ustrezne omejitve Skupnosti za leto 1995, po posvetovanjih v skladu s postopkom, omenjenim v členu 16 Sporazuma.
12 Prevod
During the consultations held between Macao and the European Community concerning enlargement of the European Union, the two Parties agreed that provided that they are notified by 28 February 1995 at the latest, quantities within the quantitative limits existing in 1994 in any of the acceding countries that have remained unused in 1994 may be the object of an exceptional carry-over to the corresponding 1995 Community quanitative limits, following consultations in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 16 (1) of the Agreement.
Med posvetovanji med Macaom in Evropsko skupnostjo o širitvi Evropske unije sta se pogodbenici dogovorili, pod pogojem, da sta uradno obveščeni najkasneje do 28. februarja 1995, da se količine v okviru količinskih omejitev iz leta 1994 v kateri koli od pristopnih držav, ki so leta 1994 ostale neizrabljene, lahko izjemoma prenesejo v ustrezne količinske omejitve Skupnosti za leto 1995, po posvetovanjih v skladu s postopkom, omenjenim v členu 16 (1) Sporazuma.
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exceptional carry over