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execute an investigation
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
In cases where one or more States Parties have conducted an investigation of an ambiguous event in an area beyond the jurisdiction or control of any State before a request is made for an on-site inspection in that area, any results of such investigation may be taken into account by the Executive Council in its deliberations pursuant to Article IV.
Če je ena ali več držav pogodbenic izvedla preiskavo dvoumnega dogodka na območju zunaj jurisdikcije ali nadzora katere koli države, preden je bila vložena zahteva za inšpekcijo na kraju samem na tem območju, lahko Izvršilni svet pri svoji razpravi po IV. členu upošteva tudi izsledke teh preiskav.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
If the immediate execution of a request would interfere with an ongoing investigation or prosecution of a case different from that to which the request relates, the requested State may postpone the execution of the request for a period of time agreed upon with the Court.
Če bi takojšnja izpolnitev zahteve ovirala tekočo preiskavo ali pregon za zadevo, ki ni tista, na katero se nanaša zahteva, lahko zaprošena država odloži izpolnitev zahteve za časovno obdobje, za katero se dogovori s Sodiščem.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
Each Contracting Party shall take the necessary measures to ensure the financial institutions do not disclose to the customer concerned or to other third persons that measures are being executed at the request of the requesting Contracting Party or that an investigation is under way, for such time as is necessary to avoid compromising the results.
Vsaka pogodbenica izvede potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovi, da finančne institucije zadevni stranki in tretjim ne razkrijejo, da se izvajajo ukrepi po zaprosilu pogodbenice prosilke ali da je v teku preiskava, dokler je to potrebno, da se ne ogrozi njihov rezultat.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0051
Convinced that in certain cases in which no coercive measures are required police cooperation - under the executive authority of the judicial authorities - may be immediately necessary in order to ensure that delay in processing a request does not thwart the outcome of an investigation,
prepričan, da je lahko v določenih primerih, pri katerih niso potrebni prisilni ukrepi, potreba po policijskem sodelovanju - pod izvršno oblastjo sodnih organov - potrebna takoj, da zamuda pri obravnavanju prošnje ne bi negativno vplivala na izid preiskave,
5 Pravna redakcija
(a) where its execution might damage an ongoing criminal investigation, until such time as it deems reasonable;
(a) če bi njegova izvršitev lahko škodovala kazenski preiskavi v teku do takrat, ko je to utemeljeno;
6 Pravna redakcija
Convinced that in certain cases in which no coercive measures are required police cooperation - under the executive authority of the judicial authorities - may be immediately necessary in order to ensure that delay in processing a request does not thwart the outcome of an investigation,
prepričan, da je lahko v določenih primerih, pri katerih niso potrebni prisilni ukrepi, potreba po policijskem sodelovanju - pod izvršno oblastjo sodnih organov - potrebna takoj, da zamuda pri obravnavanju prošnje ne bi negativno vplivala na izid preiskave,
Prevodi: en > sl
execute an investigation