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executive resource
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-98
The Director General shall submit to the Council, through the Executive Committee, an annual budget covering the administrative and operational requirements and the anticipated resources of the Organization, such supplementary estimates as may be required and the annual or special accounting statements of the Organization.
Generalni direktor predloži svetu prek izvršilnega odbora letni proračun, ki pokriva potrebe upravljanja in poslovanja in predvidene prihodke organizacije in dopolnilne ocene, ki se lahko zahtevajo, ter letna ali posebna obračunska poročila organizacije.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0029
The Executive Committee instructs the SIS Steering Committee to confirm in good time before the abovementioned date that the SIS is ready for operation in terms of technical, organisational and human resources.
Izvršni odbor nalaga usmerjevalnega odboru za SIS, da pravočasno pred zgoraj navedenim dnem potrdi, da je SIS tehnično, organizacijsko in kadrovsko pripravljen za delovanje.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
Where there is a need for harmonisation of numbering resources in the Community to support the development of pan-European services, the Commission may take technical implementing measures using its executive powers.
Kadar je v Skupnosti potrebna uskladitev številskih virov zaradi podpore razvoja vseevropskih storitev, lahko Komisija v okviru svojih izvrš ilnih pooblastil sprejme tehniene izvedbene ukrepe.
4 Pravna redakcija
Considering the appeal of the Economic Commission for Europe to ECE member governments, contained in its decision B (XXXVIII), to make available, on a basis to be agreed at the first meeting of the Executive Body for the Convention (hereinafter referred to as the 'Executive Body'), the financial resources to enable the Executive Body to carry out its activities, in particular as regards the work of EMEP,
ob upoštevanju poziva Ekonomske komisije za Evropo vladam članicam EKE, navedenega v njeni odločbi B (XXXVIII), da na podlagi, o kateri se je treba dogovoriti na prvem zasedanju izvršilnega telesa za Konvencijo (v nadaljnjem besedilu "izvršilno telo"), dajo na voljo finančna sredstva, da bi izvršilno telo lahko opravljalo svoje dejavnosti, zlasti na področju dela EMEP,
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
However, a high-level executive of the KEIC stated at the 1 December 2000 board meeting that `we came to support this transaction at the direction of the Minister of Industry and Resources` ( fn ).
Vendar pa je visok vodilni delavec KEIC dne 1. decembra 2000 na sestanku uprave izjavil, da "podpirajo to transakcijo po naročilu ministra za industrijo in vire"( fn ).
6 Pravna redakcija
The Executive Committee instructs the SIS Steering Committee to confirm in good time before the abovementioned date that the SIS is ready for operation in terms of technical, organisational and human resources.
Izvršni odbor nalaga usmerjevalnega odboru za SIS, da pravočasno pred zgoraj navedenim dnem potrdi, da je SIS tehnično, organizacijsko in kadrovsko pripravljen za delovanje.
7 Pravna redakcija
The resources of the Special Action Account shall not be used in substitution for regular resources of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ('the Bank') or of the Association committed under a loan or credit for a programme or project which, at the effective date of this Agreement, shall have been approved by the executive directors of the Bank or the Association.
Viri posebnega delovnega računa se ne smejo uporabljati kot nadomestilo za redne vire Mednarodne banke za obnovo in razvoj ("banka") ali združenja, dodeljene na podlagi posojila za program ali projekt, ki so ga do datuma začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma že odobrili izvršni direktorji banke ali združenja.
8 Pravna redakcija
The Parties shall establish an Executive Committee to develop and monitor the implementation of specific operational policies, guidelines and administratives arrangements, including the disbursement of resources, for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the multilateral fund.
Pogodbenice vzpostavijo izvršni odbor, ki razvija in spremlja izvajanje posameznih operativnih politik, smernic in upravne ureditve, vključno z izplačilom sredstev, za dosego ciljev večstranskega sklada.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0058
of the resources in terms of appropriations and jobs required to run the executive agency;
finančnih sredstvih in delovnih mestih, potrebnih za delovanje izvajalske agencije;
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0058
of administrative resources freed by transferring tasks from the Commission departments to the executive agency, and the re-allocation of those freed administrative resources.
administrativnih sredstvih, ki se sprostijo s prenosom nalog služb Komisije na izvajalsko agencijo, in o prerazdelitvi tako sproščenih administrativnih sredstev.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
However, a high-level executive of the KEIC stated at the 1 December 2000 board meeting that "we came to support this transaction at the direction of the Minister of Industry and Resources"(15).
Vendar pa je visok vodilni delavec KEIC dne 1. decembra 2000 na sestanku uprave izjavil, da "podpirajo to transakcijo po naročilu ministra za industrijo in vire" [15].
12 Prevajalska redakcija
In such cases, the Executive Director shall present to the Council a detailed account of the resource requirements from the Organization and from the partner or partners involved with the project.
V takih primerih izvršni direktor predloži Svetu podroben finančni načrt potrebnih sredstev za Organizacijo in drugega partnerja ali partnerje, ki sodeluje(-jo) pri projektu.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
In order to carry out the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Council shall adopt, at its second regular session of each coffee year, a draft annual work programme of studies and surveys, with estimated resource requirements, prepared by the Executive Director.
Zaradi izvajanja določb odstavka 1 tega člena Svet sprejme na svoji drugi redni seji v vsakem kavnem letu osnutek letnega delovnega programa študij in raziskav z ocenjenimi potrebnimi sredstvi, ki ga pripravi izvršni direktor.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2743
On a proposal from the Executive Director and following a favourable opinion from the Commission, the Agency's Management Board shall fix the rules for repaying a part of the resources deriving from the annual fees to the competent national authorities involved in Community market supervision.
Upravni svet Agencije na predlog izvršnega direktorja in na podlagi pozitivnega mnenja Komisije določi pravila za vračilo dela sredstev iz letnih pristojbin pristojnim nacionalnim organom, ki sodelujejo v nadzoru trga Skupnosti.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
An enterprise's business and geographical segments for external reporting purposes should be those organisational units for which information is reported to the board of directors and to the chief executive officer for the purpose of evaluating the unit's past performance and for making decisions about future allocations of resources, except as provided in paragraph 32.
Področni in območni odseki podjetja so za potrebe zunanjega poročanja tiste organizacijske enote, za katere se informacije sporočajo ravnateljstvu in glavnemu ravnatelju za namene ovrednotenja preteklih dosežkov enote in odločitve o prihodnjih razporeditvah dejavnikov, razen izjem iz odstavka 32.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Under this Standard, most enterprises will identify their business and geographical segments as the organisational units for which information is reported to the board of directors (particularly the supervisory non-management directors, if any) and to the chief executive officer (the senior operating decision maker, which in some cases may be a group of several people) for the purpose of evaluating each unit's past performance and for making decisions about future allocations of resources.
Po tem standardu večina podjetij določa svoje področne in območne odseke kot organizacijske enote, za katere se informacije sporočajo ravnateljstvu (zlasti morebitnim nadzornim neposlovodnim članom) in glavnemu ravnatelju (najvišjemu poslovnemu odločevalcu, v nekaterih primerih je to lahko skupina ljudi) za namene ovrednotenja preteklih dosežkov vsake enote in odločitve o prihodnji razporeditvi dejavnikov.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
This Standard does not prohibit the disclosure of additional segment information that is prepared on a basis other than the accounting policies adopted for the consolidated or enterprise financial statements provided that (a) the information is reported internally to the board of directors and the chief executive officer for purposes of making decisions about allocating resources to the segment and assessing its performance and (b) the basis of measurement for this additional information is clearly described.
Ta standard ne prepoveduje razkrivanja dodatnih informacij po odsekih, pripravljenih na podlagi, ki se razlikuje od računovodskih usmeritev, sprejetih za računovodske izkaze skupine ali podjetja, pod pogojem da (a) se o informacijah poroča ravnateljstvu in glavnemu ravnatelju za namene odločanja o razporejanju dejavnikov na odseke in ocenjevanja njihovih dosežkov ter (b) je podlaga za merjenje teh dodatnih informacij jasno opisana.
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executive resource