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exhaustive Community structure survey
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0799
whereas major changes to the list of characteristics to be surveyed were fixed in Commission Decision 98/377/EC in respect of the exhaustive Community structure surveys to be carried out 1999/2000;
ker so bile glavne spremembe seznama karakteristik, ki jih je treba popisati, določene v Odločbi Komisije 98/377/ES v zvezi s popisi Skupnosti o strukturi kmetijskih gospodarstev, predvidenih za leto 1999/2000;
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0799
For the 1999/2000 exhaustive agricultural structure surveys, the Community programme of tables for the Tabular Data Bank (BDT) of the Eurofarm system, as provided for in Annex II to Regulation (EEC) No 571/88, shall be as set out in the Annex of this Decision.
Za popis strukture kmetijskih gospodarstev za leto 1999/2000 se v Prilogi k tej odločbi določi program tabel Skupnosti za Banko tabelarnih podatkov (BTP) sistema Eurofarm, kot je predvideno v Prilogi II k Uredbi (EGS) št. 571/88,.
3 Pravna redakcija
By Decision 97/341/EC(3), the Commission established the Community programme of tables for the Tabular Data Bank (BDT) of the Europafarm system; whereas major changes to the list of characteristics to be surveyed were fixed in Commission Decision 98/377/EC in respect of the exhaustive Community structure surveys to be carried out 1999/2000; whereas a new Community programme of tables for the Tabular Data Bank (BDT) should therefore be established;
Z Odločbo 97/341/ES fn je Komisija vzpostavila program tabel Skupnosti za Banko tabelarnih podatkov (BTP) sistema Eurofarm; ker so bile glavne spremembe seznama karakteristik, ki jih je treba popisati, določene v Odločbi Komisije 98/377/ES v zvezi s popisi Skupnosti o strukturi kmetijskih gospodarstev, predvidenih za leto 1999/2000; ker je zato treba vzpostaviti nov program tabel Skupnosti za Banko tabelarnih podatkov (BTP).
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exhaustive Community structure survey