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exploitation site
1 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
property situated in the other Contracting State and used in connection with the exploration or exploitation of the seabed or subsoil or their natural resources situated in that other State; or
premoženja, ki je v drugi državi pogodbenici in se uporablja v zvezi z raziskovanjem ali izkoriščanjem morskega dna ali podzemlja ali njunih naravnih virov v tej drugi državi, ali
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
In this Article the term »offshore activities« means activities which are carried on offshore in connection with the exploration or exploitation of the sea bed and its sub-soil and their natural resources, situated in a Contracting State.
V tem členu izraz »dejavnosti na morju« pomeni dejavnosti, ki se opravljajo na morju v zvezi raziskovanjem ali izkoriščanjem morskega dna in njegovega podzemlja in njunih naravnih virov, ki so v državi pogodbenici.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
In this Article the term »offshore activities« means activities which are carried on offshore in connection with the exploration or exploitation of the sea bed and its sub-soil and their natural resources, situated in a Contracting State.
V tem členu izraz “dejavnosti na morju” pomeni dejavnosti, ki se opravljajo na morju v zvezi raziskovanjem ali izkoriščanjem morskega dna in njegovega podzemlja in njunih naravnih virov, ki so v državi pogodbenici.
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
A person who is a resident of a Contracting State and carries on activities offshore in the other Contracting State in connection with the exploration or exploitation of the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources situated in that other State shall, subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article, be deemed in relation to those activities to be carrying on business in that other State through a permanent establishment situated therein.
Ob upoštevanju tretjega in četrtega odstavka tega člena se šteje, da oseba, ki je rezident države pogodbenice in v drugi državi pogodbenici opravlja dejavnosti na morju, povezane z raziskovanjem ali izkoriščanjem morskega dna in podzemlja ter njunih naravnih virov v tej drugi državi, opravlja tako poslovno dejavnost v tej drugi državi prek stalne poslovne enote v njej.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
The sense of the provisions of this title shall also apply to the procedures prescribed by mining regulations for cases of cessation of the exploitation of mineral raw materials and, if so stipulated by separate regulations, in cases of the cessation of operation of a specific type of works of public infraworks, such as a road, a railway or a deposition site.
(3) Določbe tega poglavja se smiselno uporabljajo tudi v postopkih, ki so s predpisi o rudarstvu predpisani za primere prenehanja izkoriščanja mineralnih surovin in, če je tako določeno s posebnimi predpisi, tudi v primerih prenehanja obratovanja določene vrste objektov gospodarske javne infrastrukture, kot so ceste, železnice, odlagališča in podobno.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
Subject to sub-paragraph b) of this paragraph, salaries, wages and similar remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting State in respect of an employment connected with the exploration or exploitation of the seabed and subsoil and their natural resources situated in the other Contracting State may, to the extent that the duties are performed offshore in that other State, be taxed in that other State.
Ob upoštevanju pododstavka b) tega odstavka se plače, mezde in drugi podobni prejemki, ki jih dobi rezident države pogodbenice iz zaposlitve, povezane z raziskovanjem ali izkoriščanjem morskega dna in podzemlja ter njunih naravnih virov v tej drugi državi pogodbenici, se lahko v obsegu, v kakršnem se naloge izvajajo na morju v tej drugi državi, v tej drugi državi tudi obdavčijo.
7 Končna redakcija
The sites contain no mention of the terms Balkan, or Yugoslavia unless it is to demarcate the break from the entity in 1991 or to position Slovenia as a staging ground for exploitation of the successor states.
Skupine spletnih strani ne vsebujejo besed Balkan in Jugoslavija, razen kadar govorijo o odcepitvi od celote leta 1991 ali predstavljajo Slovenijo kot izhodišče za izkoriščanje držav, ki so nastale na tem ozemlju.
8 Pravna redakcija
products extracted from the sea-bed or below the sea-bed which is situated outside its territorial waters, provided that it has exclusive exploitation rights;
proizvodi, pridobljeni iz morskega dna ali podzemlja zunaj njihovega teritorialnega morja pod pogojem, da ima izključno pravico do obdelave morskega dna ali podzemlja;
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0800
In addition to the provisions relating to the conservation of sites of Mediterranean importance, the new version of the Protocol provides for drawing up lists of endangered or threatened species and species whose exploitation is regulated (annexes to the Protocol);
Poleg določb v zvezi z ohranjanjem območij, ki so pomembna za Sredozemlje, nova različica protokola predvideva sestavo seznamov prizadetih ali ogroženih vrst in vrst, katerih izkoriščanje je urejeno (priloge k Protokolu).
10 Pravna redakcija
The decision will be taken on the basis of the situation of stocks, their rational exploitation, the technical characteristics of the vessels, the history of those vessels in Mauritania's EEZ and taking account of the benefits for Mauritania of allowing these vessels into its zone.
Odločitev se sprejme na podlagi stanja staležev, smotrnosti njihovega izkoriščanja, tehničnih značilnosti plovil, preteklih izkušenj teh plovil v IGO Mavretanije ter ob upoštevanju koristi, ki jih Mavretaniji lahko zagotovi dopustitev teh plovil v njeno cono.
11 Pravna redakcija
The resale right is intended to ensure that authors of graphic and plastic works of art share in the economic success of their original works of art. It helps to redress the balance between the economic situation of authors of graphic and plastic works of art and that of other creators who benefit from successive exploitations of their works.
Namen sledne pravice je zagotoviti, da imajo avtorji grafičnih in likovnih umetniških del korist od ekonomske uspešnosti svojih izvirnih umetniških del. Pripomore k ponovni vzpostavitvi ravnotežja med ekonomskim položajem avtorjev grafičnih in likovnih del in drugih ustvarjalcev, ki imajo korist od nadaljnjega izkoriščanja svojih del.
12 Pravna redakcija
whereas, as a general rule, in the situation where a communication to the public by satellite authorized by one co-producer would prejudice the value of the exploitation rights of another co-producer, the interpretation of such an existing agreement would normally suggest that the latter co-producer would have to give his consent to the authorization, by the former co-producer, of the communication to the public by satellite;
ker bi na splošno v situaciji, kjer bi priobčitev javnosti po satelitu, ki jo dovoli eden od koproducentov, vplivala na vrednost pravic drugega koproducenta do izkoriščanja, interpretacija takšne obstoječe pogodbe običajno pomenila, da mora drugi koproducent privoliti v dovoljenje k priobčitvi javnosti po satelitu, ki ga je dal prvi koproducent;
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Indeed, the issue of joint exploitation in these situations is only relevant where foreclosure from key technologies plays a role.
Seveda je skupno izkoriščanje v takih okoliščinah pomembno le, kadar je v igri omejevanje dostopa do trgov za ključne tehnologije.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1434
Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 2115/77 of 27 September 1977 prohibiting the direct fishing and landing of herring for industrial purposes other than human consumption (3) is founded upon a situation of over-exploitation which no longer exists in many geographical areas;
ker Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 2115/77 z dne 27. septembra 1977 o prepovedi neposrednega ribolova in iztovarjanja sledu za gospodarske namene, ki ne zajemajo človeške porabe[3], temelji na čezmernem izkoriščanju, ki v mnogih zemljepisnih območjih ne obstaja več;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0837
The European Union participation in ITER would include contributions to the construction of equipment and installations, which are within the perimeter of the ITER site and necessary for its exploitation, as well as to the costs associated with the staffing and management of, and the support to be given to, the project during construction.
Udeležba Evropske unije v ITER bi vključevala prispevke za gradnjo opreme ter objektov in naprav, ki so v območju kraja namestitve ITER in so potrebne za njegovo izkoriščanje pa tudi za stroške v zvezi z namestitvijo osebja in upravljanjem ter za podporo, ki jo je treba dodeliti projektu med gradnjo.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1467
The Commission shall make a permanent study of the policy on, the situation of and the trends in conservation, characterization, collection and utilization of genetic resources in agriculture in the Member States, taking into account the results of other relevant studies in the field of genetic resources, including those available on genetic exploitation and erosion.
Komisija stalno preverja politiko, stanje in gibanja glede varovanja, opisovanja, zbiranja in uporabe genetskih virov v kmetijstvu v državah članicah in upošteva rezultate drugih pomembnih študij na področju genetskih virov, vključno z dosegljivimi rezultati o genetskem izkoriščanju in eroziji.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
For the purposes of this part, 'geographically disadvantaged States` means coastal States, including States bordering enclosed or semi-enclosed seas, whose geographical situation makes them dependent on the exploitation of the living resources of the exclusive economic zones of other States in the subregion or region for adequate supplies of fish for the nutritional purposes of their populations or parts thereof, and coastal States which can claim no exclusive economic zones of their own.
V tem delu pomenijo "države z geografsko neugodnim položajem" obalne države, vštevši obalne države ob zaprtih ali polzaprtih morjih, ki so zaradi svoje geografske lege pri ustrezni preskrbi z ribami za prehrano lastnega prebivalstva odvisne od izkoriščanja živih bogastev izključnih ekonomskih con drugih držav v subregiji ali regiji, in obalne države, ki ne morejo razglasiti lastne izključne ekonomske cone.
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exploitation site