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extent of the examination
1 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
Extent of the examination
Obseg pregleda
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The Customs shall use risk analysis to determine which persons and which goods, including means of transport, should be examined and the extent of the examination.
Carina uporablja analizo tveganja, da določi osebe in blago, ki jih je treba pregledati, vključno s prevoznimi sredstvi, ter obseg pregleda.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Extension of the period within which requests for examination may be filed
Podaljšanje roka za vložitev zahteve za preizkus
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(2) A prior examination shall be performed prior to the issue of a licence, rating, authorization, certificate or approval, and periodic prior to extension of its validity.
(2) Predhodni pregled se opravi pred izdajo licence, ratinga, pooblastila, potrdila oziroma
5 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
The State Party conducting the certification shall open such compartments or remove panels or barriers, to the extent necessary to permit examination of any sensor and associated equipment subject to certification.
Država pogodbenica, ki izvaja certificiranje, odpre pregrade ali odstrani pokrove ali ovire, tako da je pri certificiranju omogočen pregled vseh senzorjev in z njimi povezane opreme.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) Medical examinations of candidates for obtaining or extending the validity of licences, ratings, authorizations, certificates or approvals of aviation personnel and medical examinations of candidates for issuing or extending the validity of an approval issued to another professional person shall be carried by an authorised legal or natural person who carries out healthcare activities in compliance with regulations concerning healthcare activities (hereinafter:
(1) Zdravstvene preglede kandidatov za pridobitev oziroma podaljšanje veljavnosti licenc, ratingov, pooblastil, potrdil oziroma spričeval letalskega osebja ter zdravstvene preglede kandidatov za izdajo oziroma podaljšanje veljavnosti potrdila, ki se izda drugemu strokovnemu osebju, opravlja pooblaščena pravna ali fizična oseba, ki opravlja zdravstveno dejavnost, v skladu s predpisi o zdravstveni dejavnosti (v nadaljnjem besedilu:
7 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
When necessary because of the extent or nature of the examination, the Bank of Slovenia may conduct the examination of the operations also after 18:00 hours or on non-working days.
Kadar je zaradi obsega oziroma narave pregleda to potrebno, lahko Banka Slovenije opravi pregled poslovanja tudi po 18.00 uri oziroma med nedelavnimi dnevi.
8 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(2) The Bank of Slovenia shall prescribe a more detailed form, the minimum extent, and the content of the auditing examination and of the auditor's report.
(2) Banka Slovenije predpiše podrobnejšo obliko in najmanjši obseg ter vsebino revizijskega pregleda in revizorjevega poročila.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0022
information concerning the extent to which instruments they examine comply with the provisions of this Directive, and the results of such examinations;
informacije v zvezi s stopnjo usklajenosti instrumentov, ki jih preverjajo, z določbami iz te direktive in rezultate teh preverjanj,
10 Končna redakcija
This re-examination will take account of the progress and experience acquired and will extend to relations between WEU and the Atlantic Alliance.
Pri tem bo upoštevala napredek in pridobljene izkušnje ter zajela tudi odnose med ZEU in Atlantskim zavezništvom.
11 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(5) The Bank of Slovenia must conduct its examination in such a manner as to hamper the normal operations of the subject of supervision only to the extent necessary for the conduct of the examination in accordance with the purpose of each supervision.
(5) Banka Slovenije mora pregled poslovanja opravljati tako, da s tem ovira normalno poslovanje subjekta nadzora samo v takšni meri kot je nujno za opravljanje nadzora v skladu z namenom posameznega nadzora.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
The ship is subject to port State control inspections but such inspections will not normally extend to examination of the SSP itself except in specific circumstances.
Ladjo pregleda pristojna pomorska inšpekcija, vendar ti pregledi običajno ne vključujejo preverjanja varnostnega načrta ladje, razen v posebnih okoliščinah.
13 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
The Bank of Slovenia may, before issuing the decision, carry out another examination of the operations in the extent necessary to find out whether the violations have been eliminated.
Banka Slovenije lahko pred izdajo odločbe opravi ponoven pregled poslovanja v obsegu, potrebnem za ugotovitev ali so kršitve odpravljene.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1399
Whereas, as a result of the administration reorganisation in France concerning the examination of applications for the extension of postings or special postings, section "E. FRANCE" of Annex 10 to Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 should be amended accordingly;
ker je treba zaradi upravne reorganizacije v Franciji v zvezi s pregledi zahtevkov za podaljšanje napotitev ali posebnih napotitev ustrezno spremeniti oddelek "E. FRANCIJA" Priloge 10 k Uredbi (EGS) št. 574/72;
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
In addition, the Commission should, after notification, maintain close contact with those parties, to the extent necessary to discuss with them any practical or legal problems which it discovers on a first examination of the case, with a view, if possible, to resolving such problems by mutual agreement.
Komisija mora, poleg tega, po priglasitvi ohraniti tesne stike z omenjenimi strankami v tolikšni meri, kolikor je to potrebno za razpravo z njimi o kakršnih koli praktičnih ali pravnih težavah, ki jih odkrije ob prvem preizkusu zadeve, in, če je mogoče, za odpravo tovrstnih težav na podlagi medsebojnega dogovora.
16 Končna redakcija
whereas, by reason of the position of other railway undertakings, with respect in particular to the conditions of competition in transport, and by reason of the need to implement the aforesaid common transport policy by stages, examination of the conditions for extending the application of this Regulation to other railway undertakings can be postponed for some years;
ker se lahko zaradi položaja drugih železniških podjetij, zlasti glede pogojev konkurence v prometu in zaradi potrebe po postopnem uresničevanju omenjene skupne prometne politike, preučitev pogojev za razširitev uporabe te uredbe na druga železniška podjetja za nekaj let odloži,
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0053
In the case of varieties to which point (a) of paragraph 2 applies, it may be decided, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 23(2), and to the extent that this is justified in the interest of free circulation of seed within the Community, that the varieties have to be shown by appropriate examination to be suitable for the purpose for which they are declared to be intended.
V primeru sort, za katere se uporablja točka (a) odstavka 2 se lahko določi, v skladu s postopkom iz člena 23(2) in dokler je to upravičeno z interesom prostega pretoka semena znotraj Skupnosti, da morajo biti sorte z ustreznim preizkušanjem prikazane kot primerne za namen, za katerega so izrecno določene.
18 Končna redakcija
(4) If tender documents or supplementary documents are too extensive, or if a tender can be prepared only after on-site examination of the place where public procurement will be performed, or if contractors amend tender documentation six days or less before the deadline to submit tenders, they shall correspondingly postpone the deadline to submit tenders.
(4) Če je razpisna dokumentacija ali dopolnilni dokumenti preobširni, če se lahko pripravi ponudba le po ogledu kraja izvršitve javnega naročila in po pregledu dopolnilnih listin na kraju samem, ali če naročnik spremeni ali dopolni razpisno dokumentacijo šest dni ali manj pred rokom, določenim za predložitev ponudb, mora, glede na obseg in vsebino sprememb, ustrezno podaljšati rok za predložitev ponudb.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1105
In order to facilitate the Commission's re-examination whether the block exemption should be further extended after that date, an obligation should be added to the exemption, requiring air carriers participating in conferences to collect, for each IATA season and starting as from 1 September 2002, data on the relative use of the passenger tariffs set in the conferences and their relative importance for actual interlining.
Da bi Komisiji olajšali ponovni pregled, ali naj po navedenem datumu skupinsko izjemo še naprej podaljša, je treba k izjemi dodati obveznost, ki letalskim prevoznikom, sodelujočim na konferencah, narekuje, da 1. septembra 2002 za vsako sezono IATA zberejo podatke o relativni uporabi tarif za prevoz potnikov, določenih na konferencah, in o njihovem relativnem pomenu za dejanski interlining.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0782
Where, in the course of the examination pursuant to Article 149(1) of the Regulation, the Office finds that pursuant to Article 38(1) of the Regulation, the trade mark which is subject to the territorial extension to the European Community is ineligible for protection for all or any part of the goods or services for which it has been registered by the International Bureau, the Office shall issue an ex officio notification of provisional refusal pursuant to Article 5(1), and (2) of the Madrid Protocol and Rule 17(1) of the Common Regulations to the International Bureau.
Če Urad med preizkusom po členu 149(1) uredbe ugotovi, da znamka, ki je predmet ozemeljske razširitve na Evropsko skupnost, ne izpolnjuje pogojev za varstvo vsega ali nekega dela blaga ali storitev, za katere je bila registrirana pri Mednarodnem uradu, Urad pošlje Mednarodnemu uradu obvestilo o začasni zavrnitvi po uradni dolžnosti skladno s členom 5(1) in (2) Madridskega protokola in pravilom 17(1) skupnega pravilnika.
21 Pravna redakcija
The Committee shall follow up these suggestions and calls for admission to the extent necessary for the examination of the case.
Odbor te nasvete in zahteve upošteva, če je potrebno za preučitev primera.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
In exceptional circumstances linked to the complexity of the examination of the application, the time limit referred to in the first subparagraph may be extended.
V izjemnih okoliščinah, povezanih z zapletenostjo preverjanja vloge, se lahko rok iz prvega pododstavka podaljša.
23 Pravna redakcija
The Committee shall decide to hold an oral hearing on request from one of the parties involved in the proceeding to the extent deemed necessary for the examination of the case.
Odbor se odloči za ustno zaslišanje na zahtevo ene od strank, ki sodelujejo v postopku, če meni, da je to potrebno za preučevanje primera.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0088
(11) Annexed to this Regulation is a list of parties in respect of which an examination is initiated and a list of parties which are exempted from the extended duty.
(11) Tej uredbi je priložen seznam strank, za katere se začne pregled, in seznam strank, ki so oproščene plačila razširjene dajatve.
25 Pravna redakcija
Should the consultation period provided for in Article 14 (1) be insufficient to complete the examination of the evidence adduced the parties may agree to extend that period.
Če obdobje za posvetovanje, predvideno v členu 14(1), ne zadošča za dokončanje preučitve predloženih dokazov, se pogodbenici lahko dogovorita za podaljšanje navedenega obdobja.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0088
Thirdly, imports of essential bicycle parts should conditionally be exempted from the extended duty by suspension of the payment of the extended duty, where they are declared for free circulation by, or on behalf of, an assembler which is under examination by the Commission.
Tretjič, uvoz glavnih delov za kolesa naj bi bil pogojno izvzet iz sistema razširjene dajatve z oprostitvijo plačila razširjene dajatve, če ga deklarira za prost promet monter, ki ga Komisija pregleduje, ali kdo drug v njegovem imenu.
27 Pravna redakcija
The report should normally be presented within five months of the announcement of initiation of the procedure, unless the complexity of the examination is such that the Commission extends the period to seven months.
Poročilo je treba praviloma predložiti v petih mesecih po objavi začetka postopka, razen če Komisija zaradi zapletenosti pregleda podaljša rok na sedem mesecev.
28 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Personnel seconded to the EUPM shall undergo an extensive medical examination, vaccination and be certified medically fit for duty by a competent authority from the Republic of Iceland.
Osebje, začasno dodeljeno EUPM, opravi obširen zdravstveni pregled, cepljenje in prejme zdravniško spričevalo o primernosti za službo od pristojnega organa Republike Islandije.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0088
Imports of essential bicycle parts shall be provisionally exempted from the payment of the extended duty where they are declared for free circulation by, or on behalf of, a party under examination.
Uvoz glavnih delov za kolesa se začasno oprosti plačila razširjene dajatve, če ga deklarira za prost promet stranka v pregledu ali kdo drug v njenem imenu.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
Where the Commission proposes financial corrections, the OCT shall be given the opportunity to demonstrate, through an examination of the files concerned, that the actual extent of irregularity was less than the Commission's assessment.
Če Komisija predlaga finančne popravke, dobi ČDO priložnost, da s pregledom zadevnih spisov nazorno pokaže, da je dejanski obseg nepravilnosti manjši, kakor je ocenila Komisija.
31 Pravna redakcija
The abovementioned period may be extended, in accordance with the same procedure, if examination of the situation concerned leads to the conclusion that the objective of the measures will be achieved within a reasonable additional period.
Zgoraj navedeno obdobje se lahko podaljša po istem postopku, če se na podlagi preverjanja zadevnega stanja lahko sklepa, da bo cilj ukrepov dosežen v ustreznem dodatnem obdobju.
32 Pravna redakcija
By 30 June 1993 at the latest Member States shall submit to the Commission, in accordance with the principles and rules of Council Directive 86 7469/EEC of 16 September 1986 concerning the examination of animals and fresh meat for the presence of residues (1), the national measures to be implemented to extend to raw milk, heat-treated milk and milk-based products examination for:
Najkasneje do 30. junija 1993 države članice Komisiji v skladu z načeli in predpisi direktive Sveta 86/469/EGS z dne 16. septembra 1986 v zvezi s pregledom živali in svežega mesa na prisotnost ostankov fn predajo izvedbene državne ukrepe, da bi na surovo mleko, toplotno obdelano mleko in izdelke na osnovi mleka razširili preiskave na:
33 Pravna redakcija
Because of the wide variation in the types of studies which might be audited, only general guidance is appropriate, and inspectors and others taking part in study audits will always need to exercise judgment as to the nature and extent of their examinations.
Zaradi velike raznolikosti študij, ki se lahko presojajo, je primerno navesti le splošne smernice, ocenjevalci in drugi, ki v njih sodelujejo, pa morajo vselej sami presoditi pravo naravo in obseg svojih pregledov.
34 Pravna redakcija
The period of validity of a certificate shall be extended automatically for five years at a time where, during the final year before its expiry, its holder has followed refresher courses or passed an examination both of which must be approved by the competent authority.
Veljavnost potrdila se samodejno podaljša, vsakič za pet let, če je imetnik potrdila v zadnjem letu pred prenehanjem veljavnosti obiskoval osvežitvene tečaje ali uspešno opravil preskus znanja, pri čemer morajo pristojni organ priznati te tečaje ali preskus.
35 Pravna redakcija
In proceedings before it the Office shall make investigations on the facts of its own motion, to the extent that they come under the examination pursuant to Articles 54 and 55. It shall disregard facts or items of evidence which have not been submitted within the time limit set by the Office.
V postopkih pred uradom ta na lastno pobudo razišče dejstva v okviru zahtevanih pregledov iz členov 54 in 55. Ne upošteva pa dejstev ali dokaznega gradiva, predloženih v roku, ki ga določi urad.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
If an application is not accompanied by the documentary evidence listed in Articles 15 and 16, or in exceptional circumstances linked with the complexity of the examination of the application, the time limit referred to in the first subparagraph may be extended for a period not exceeding three months.
Če vlogi niso priloženi listinski dokazi, našteti v členih 15 in 16, ali v izjemnih okoliščinah, povezanih z zapletenostjo proučitve vloge, se lahko rok iz prvega pododstavka podaljša za obdobje, ki ni daljše od treh mesecev.
37 Pravna redakcija
whereas in addition it should, after notification, maintain close contact with those parties to the extent necessary to discuss with them any practical or legal problems which it discovers on a first examination of the case and if possible to remove such problems by mutual agreement;
ker naj poleg tega po priglasitvi ohrani tesne stike z navedenimi strankami v tolikšni meri, kolikor je to potrebno za razpravo z njimi o kakršnih koli praktičnih ali pravnih težavah, ki jih odkrije ob prvem preizkusu zadeve, in, če je mogoče, za odpravo tovrstnih težav na podlagi medsebojnega dogovora;
38 Pravna redakcija
Notwithstanding Articles 55 and 56, the technical examination of these varieties shall be carried out to the extent possible by the Office on the basis of the available findings resulting from any proceedings for the grant of a national plant variety right, in agreement with the authority before which these proceedings were held.
Ne glede na člena 55 in 56 opravi preskušanje teh sort v okviru možnosti urad na osnovi razpoložljivih ugotovitev, ki izvirajo iz katerih koli postopkov za podelitev nacionalne žlahtniteljske pravice v dogovoru z organom, pri katerem so ti postopki potekali.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0088
As from the date of receipt of a request complying with the conditions set out in Article 3 (1) and pending a decision on its merits pursuant to Articles 6 and 7, payment of the customs debt in respect of the extended duty pursuant to Article 2 (1) of the Reference Regulation shall be suspended in respect of any imports of essential bicycle parts declared for free circulation by the party under examination.
Od dneva prejema zahteve, ki ustreza pogojem, določenim v členu 3 (1), in do odločitve glede njene ustreznosti v skladu s členoma 6 in 7, se plačilo carinskega dolga v zvezi z razširjeno dajatvijo na podlagi člena 2 (1) Referenčne uredbe oprosti za vsak uvoz glavnih delov za kolesa, ki ga stranka v pregledu deklarira za prost promet.
40 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of the Parties shall ensure that certifying officers have a satisfactory knowledge of the veterinary legislation as regards the animals or animal products to be certified and, in general, are informed as to the rules to be followed for drawing up and issuing the certificates and - if necessary - as to the nature and extent of the enquiries, tests or examinations which should be carried out before certification.
Pristojni organi pogodbenic zagotovijo, da uradniki, pristojni za izdajanje spričeval, zadovoljivo poznajo veterinarsko zakonodajo, kar zadeva živali ali živalske proizvode, za katere je treba izdati spričevalo, in so na splošno obveščeni o pravilih za sestavljanje in izdajanje spričeval in - če je to potrebno - o značaju in obsegu poizvedb, testov ali pregledov, ki naj bi se izvedli pred izdajo spričeval.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2537
As the request contained sufficient prima facie evidence, the Commission decided to initiate an interim review of Regulation (EEC) No 2861/93. At the same time, the Commission considered that its examination should encompass all other existing measures imposed on the same product, and accordingly decided to extend the review to also cover the measures applicable to imports originating in Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the United States of America and Indonesia.
Ker je zahteva vsebovala dovolj verjetnih dokazov, se je Komisija odločila uvesti začasni pregled( fn ) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2861/93. Sočasno je bila mnenja, da bi bilo treba v okviru pregleda preučiti tudi vse druge obstoječe ukrepe, uvedene za isti proizvod, zato se je skladno s tem odločila razširiti pregled na ukrepe, ki se uporabljajo za uvoz po poreklu iz Hongkonga, Republike Koreje, Malezije, Mehike, Združenih držav Amerike in Indonezije.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
The customs shall use risk analysis to determine which persons and which goods, including means of transport, should be examined and the extent of the examination.
Carina uporablja analizo tveganja, da določi osebe in blago, ki jih je treba pregledati, vključno s prevoznimi sredstvi, ter obseg pregleda.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0798
Where the customs authorities exercise their right to examine postal items at exportation, they should limit the extent of the examination to that deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations which the customs are responsible for enforcing.
Če carinski organi uveljavljajo pravico do pregleda poštnih pošiljk ob izvozu, naj bi takšne preglede omejili do mere, ki velja za nujno potrebno za zagotavljanje spoštovanja zakonov in predpisov, za izvajanje katerih so pristojni.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977D0415
Where the customs authorities exercise their right to examine goods declared for customs transit, they should limit the extent of the examination to that deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations which the customs are responsible for enforcing.
Če carinski organi uveljavljajo svojo pravico, da pregledajo blago, deklarirano za carinski tranzit, naj omejijo obseg pregleda na takega, ki se šteje kot potreben za zagotovitev skladnosti z zakoni in predpisi, za uveljavljanje katerih je carina odgovorna.
Prevodi: en > sl
extent of the examination