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external border surveillance
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
External border checks and surveillance
mejna kontrola in varovanje zunanje meje:
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
external border checks and surveillance,
mejna kontrola in varovanje zunanje meje,
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
surveillance of external land and sea borders,
varovanje zunanjih kopenskih in morskih meja,
4 Končna redakcija
The competent authorities of the United Kingdom shall use mobile units to carry out external border surveillance between border crossing points and at crossing points outside of normal opening hours.
Pristojni organi Združenega kraljestva za nadzor zunanje meje izven mejnih prehodov in izven običajnega delovnega časa uporabljajo mobilne enote.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
external border checks and surveillance, encompassing mobile patrols as well as systems and methods of stationary surveillance,
mejne kontrole in varovanje zunanje meje, ki obsega mobilne patrulje ter sisteme in metode za stacionarni nadzor,
6 Končna redakcija
The competent authorities of the United Kingdom shall deploy enough suitably qualified officers to carry out checks and surveillance along the external borders of the Sovereign Base Areas.
Pristojni organi Združenega kraljestva razmestijo zadostno število primerno kvalificiranih uradnikov za izvajanje pregledov in nadzora na zunanjih mejah suverenih con.
7 Pravna redakcija
with the tasks carried out by the authorities responsible for external border surveillance.
z nalogami, ki jih izvajajo organi, odgovorni za nadzor zunanjih meja.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
visit all external maritime borders in order to gather information in situ regarding the efficiency of surveillance measures on sea and land, particularly at night; and observe how checks are carried out on persons and freight in major ports,
obiščejo zunanje morske meje, z namenom zbiranja informacij na kraju samem o učinkovitosti ukrepov varovanja meje na morju in na kopnem, zlasti ponoči, ter da bi preverili, kako se izvajajo pregledi oseb in tovora v velikih pristaniščih,
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0007
They shall advise and support the regular members of the executive agencies of the Schengen States in the surveillance and checking measures at the external Schengen borders at their request and in agreement with the host authority and in accordance with their instructions.
Uradniki svetujejo in pomagajo osebju teh enot schengenskih držav pri varnostnih in kontrolnih ukrepih na zunanjih schengenskih mejah na njihovo prošnjo ter v dogovoru s pristojnimi organi gostiteljice in v skladu z njihovimi zahtevami.
10 Končna redakcija
This Accession Agreement shall be brought into force between the States for which the 1990 Convention has been brought into force and the Kingdom of Denmark when the preconditions for implementation of the 1990 Convention have been fulfilled in all these States and checks at the external borders are effective there, and once the Executive Committee has established that the rules which it deems necessary for the implementation of effective control and surveillance measures at the external borders of the Faroe Islands and Greenland and the necessary compensatory measures, including the implementation of the Schengen Information System (SIS), have been applied and are effective.
Sporazum o pristopu med državami, za katere Konvencija iz 1990 že velja, in Kraljevino Dansko začne veljati, ko so v vseh teh državah izpolnjeni predpogoji za izvajanje Konvencije iz 1990 in se izvajajo kontrole na zunanjih mejah, in ko Izvršni odbor ugotovi, da se uporabljajo in izvajajo pravila, potrebna za izvajanje učinkovite kontrole in varovanja zunanjih meja na Ferskem otočju in Grenlandiji, ter potrebni nadomestni ukrepi, skupaj z izvajanjem Schengenskega informacijskega sistema (SIS).
11 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities shall use mobile units to carry out external border surveillance between crossing points;
Pristojni organi za varovanje zunanje meje zunaj mejnih prehodov uporabljajo mobilne enote;
12 Pravna redakcija
External border checks and surveillance
mejna kontrola in varovanje zunanje meje:
13 Pravna redakcija
external border checks and surveillance,
mejna kontrola in varovanje zunanje meje,
14 Pravna redakcija
surveillance of external land and sea borders,
varovanje zunanjih kopenskih in morskih meja,
15 Pravna redakcija
Evaluation visits in the context of controls and surveillance at the external borders have been carried out.
Opravljeni so bili obiski z namenom ocene kontrol in nadzora na zunanjih mejah.
16 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties undertake to deploy enough suitably qualified officers to carry out checks and surveillance along external borders.
Pogodbenice se obvezujejo, da bodo razporedile dovolj ustrezno usposobljenih policistov za izvajanje kontrole in nadzora na zunanjih mejah.
17 Pravna redakcija
external border checks and surveillance, encompassing mobile patrols as well as systems and methods of stationary surveillance, - training for officials, inter alia, in the detection of counterfeit documents,
mejne kontrole in varovanje zunanje meje, ki obsega mobilne patrulje ter sisteme in metode za stacionarni nadzor, - usposabljanje uslužbencev, še posebej za odkrivanje ponarejenih listin,
18 Pravna redakcija
The crossing by persons of the external borders of those States which have decided to abolish checks at their internal borders, including the rules and arrangements with which those States must comply when carrying out checks on persons at external borders, surveillance of border areas and cooperation with the services responsible for border control.
Prehod oseb preko zunanjih meja tistih držav, ki so se odločile opustiti mejno kontrolo na svojih notranjih mejah, vključno s pravili in dogovori, ki jih morajo te države izpolnjevati, ko opravljajo mejno kontrolo oseb na zunanjih mejah, nadzor mejnih območij in sodelovanje s službami, odgovornimi zamejno kotrolo
19 Pravna redakcija
visit all external maritime borders in order to gather information in situ regarding the efficiency of surveillance measures on sea and land, particularly at night; and observe how checks are carried out on persons and freight in major ports,
obiščejo zunanje morske meje, z namenom zbiranja informacij na kraju samem o učinkovitosti ukrepov varovanja meje na morju in na kopnem, zlasti ponoči, ter da bi preverili, kako se izvajajo pregledi oseb in tovora v velikih pristaniščih,
20 Pravna redakcija
They shall advise and support the regular members of the executive agencies of the Schengen States in the surveillance and checking measures at the external Schengen borders at their request and in agreement with the host authority and in accordance with their instructions.
Uradniki svetujejo in pomagajo osebju teh enot schengenskih držav pri varnostnih in kontrolnih ukrepih na zunanjih schengenskih mejah na njihovo prošnjo ter v dogovoru s pristojnimi organi gostiteljice in v skladu z njihovimi zahtevami.
21 Pravna redakcija
In view of the risks in the fields of security and illegal immigration, the Ministers and State Secretaries underline the need for effective external border controls in accordance with the uniform principles laid down in Article 6. With a view to implementing those uniform principles, the Contracting Parties must, in particular, promote the harmonisation of working methods for border control and surveillance.
Ob upoštevanju nevarnosti na področju varnosti in ilegalnih migracij ministri in državni sekretarji poudarjajo potrebo po učinkovitih kontrolah zunanjih meja v skladu z enotnimi načeli iz člena 6. Za izvajanje teh enotnih načel morajo pogodbenice zlasti spodbujati usklajevanje delovnih metod za mejno kontrolo in varovanje meje.
22 Pravna redakcija
Such measures will include measures making it possible to ascertain the circumstances under which a third-country national has entered the territories of the Contracting Parties, application of the same procedures for refusing entry, the drafting of a common manual for the officials responsible for border surveillance and encouragement of an equivalent level of external border control by means of exchanges and joint working visits.
Taki ukrepi bodo vključevali ukrepe, ki omogočajo ugotovitev okoliščin, v katerih so tujci, državljani tretjih držav vstopili na ozemlja pogodbenic, poenotenje kriterijev za zavrnitev vstopa, pripravo skupnega priročnika za uradnike, odgovorne za nadzor meje, in za spodbujanje enake stopnje kontrole na zunanjih mejah z izmenjavami in skupnimi delovnimi obiski.
23 Pravna redakcija
This Accession Agreement shall be brought into force between the States for which the 1990 Convention has been brought into force and the Kingdom of Denmark when the preconditions for implementation of the 1990 Convention have been fulfilled in all these States and checks at the external borders are effective there, and once the Executive Committee has established that the rules which it deems necessary for the implementation of effective control and surveillance measures at the external borders of the Faroe Islands and Greenland and the necessary compensatory measures, including the implementation of the Schengen Information System (SIS), have been applied and are effective.
Sporazum o pristopu se med državami, za katere Konvencija iz 1990 že velja, in Kraljevino Dansko uveljavi, ko so v vseh teh državah izpolnjeni predpogoji za izvajanje Konvencije iz 1990 in se izvavajo kontrole na zunanjih mejah, in ko Izvršni odbor ugotovi, da se uporabljajo in izvajajo pravila, potrebna za izvajanje učinkovite kontrole in varovanja zunanjih meja na Ferskem otočju in Grenlandiji, ter potrebni nadomestni ukrepi, skupaj z izvajanjem Schengenskega informacijskega sistema (SIS).
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0463
to provide an equivalent level of effective protection and surveillance at external borders;
zagotoviti enako raven učinkovite zaščite in varovanja zunanjih meja;
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0026
external border checks and surveillance, encompassing mobile patrols as well as systems and methods of stationary surveillance,
mejne kontrole in varovanje zunanje meje, ki obsega mobilne patrulje ter sisteme in metode za stacionarni nadzor,
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0790
Certain detailed provisions and practical procedures for carrying out border checks and surveillance at the external borders of Member States participating in the closer cooperation referred to in Article 1 of the Schengen Protocol, contained in the Common Manual and the Annexes thereto, must be adopted and regularly amended and updated to meet the operational requirements of the relevant border authorities.
Nekatere podrobne določbe in praktične postopke za izvajanje mejne kontrole in varovanja zunanjih meja držav članic, ki so vključene v tesno sodelovanje iz člena 1 Schengenskega protokola, ki so zajete v Skupnem priročniku in njegovih prilogah, je treba sprejeti in redno spreminjati in ažurirati z namenom izpolnjevanja operativnih zahtev pomembnejših mejnih organov.
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external border surveillance