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extract residues
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0004
b = mass in grams of the residue after the second extraction.
b = masa ostanka (v gramih) po drugi ekstrakciji.
2 Končna redakcija
The residue is washed and dried and extracted with diethyl ether using Method A.
Ostanek speremo, osušimo in ekstrahiramo z dietiletrom z uporabo metode A.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0004
a = mass in grams of the residue after the first extraction (aliquot part of the extract),
a = masa ostanka (v gramih) po prvi ekstrakciji (alikvotni delež ekstrakta),
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0004
Eliminate the solvent from the extraction residue left in the thimble, crush the residue to a fineness of 1 mm, return it to the extraction thimble (do not add sodium sulphate) and proceed as indicated in the second and third paragraphs of point 5.1.
Topilo se odstrani iz ostanka ekstrakcije v posodici, ostanek se zdrobi do velikosti 1 mm in ponovno prenese v ekstrakcijsko posodico (ne sme se dodajati natrijev sulfat). Nadaljuje se, kakor je navedeno v drugem in tretjem odstavku točke 5.1.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0004
Place the double filter paper containing the dry residue in an extraction thimble (4.2) and cover with a fat-free wad of cotton wool.
Dvojni filtrirni papir, na katerem je suhi ostanek, se postavi v ekstrakcijsko posodico (4.2) in prekrije z nemastnim zamaškom iz surovega bombaža.
6 Končna redakcija
Place the double filter paper and the dry residue in an extraction thimble, extract with diethyl ether and proceed as indicated in the second paragraph of 5.1.
Dvojni filtrirni papir, na katerem je suhi ostanek, postavimo v ekstrakcijsko kartušo, ekstrahiramo z dietiletrom in nadaljujemo, kakor je opisano v drugem odstavku 5.1.
7 Končna redakcija
Olive-residue oil for technical use: any oil extracted from the products falling within heading No ex 23.04 listed in Article 1 (2) (e) other than those specified in 1 to 6.
Olje iz oljčnih tropin za tehnično uporabo: vsako olje, ekstrahirano iz proizvodov, ki spadajo pod oznako št. ex 23.04, navedeno v členu 1(2)(e), razen proizvodov, naštetih v točkah 1 do 6.
8 Končna redakcija
Eliminate the solvent from the extraction residue left in the thimble and crush the residue to a fineness of 1 mm. Return the product to the extraction thimble (do not add sodium sulphate), extract with diethyl ether and proceed as indicated in the second and third paragraphs of 5.1.
Iz ostanka po ekstrakciji, ki je ostal v kartuši, odstranimo ostanek topila in ostanek zdrobimo do velikosti zrn 1 mm. Vzorec vrnemo v ekstrakcijsko kartušo (ne smemo dodati natrijevega sulfata). Ekstrahiramo z dietiletrom in nadaljujemo skladno z drugim in tretjim odstavkom 5.1.
9 Končna redakcija
Feedingstuffs containing oils and fats which cannot be extracted directly must be defatted as shown in 7.1 and defatted a further time after the acid attack has been washed from the residue.
Krmo z olji in mastmi, ki jih ni mogoče izločiti neposredno, je treba razmastiti, kakor je opisano v 7.1, in še enkrat razmastiti, potem ko se kislina spere iz ostanka.
10 Končna redakcija
whereas if protection is to be complete and consistent, a system which would have the same effect must be applied to oil-cake, other residues resulting from the extraction of olive oil and olives for oil production;
ker bi bilo za popolno in dosledno zaščito treba uporabiti enakovreden sistem za oljne pogače, druge ostanke pri proizvodnji oljčnega olja in za oljke, namenjene proizvodnji olja;
11 Pravna redakcija
Extracts (petroleum), deasphalted vacuum residue solvent
ekstrakti (nafta), vakumsko deasfaltirani ostanek, s topilom
12 Pravna redakcija
Sum of extractable residues that may be oxidised to ketotriclaben-dazole
Vsota izločljivih zaostankov, ki se lahko oksidirajo v ketotriklabendazol
13 Pravna redakcija
Sum of extractable residues that may be oxidized to keta-triclabendazole
Vsota izločljivih zaostankov, ki lahko oksidirajo v ketatriklabendazol
14 Pravna redakcija
Oil- cake and other solid residues, from the extraction of soya-bean oil
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakcije olja iz soje
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2701
Sum of extractable residues that may be oxidized to ketotricla-bendazole
Vsota izločljivih zaostankov, ki se lahko oksidirajo v ketotriklabendazol
16 Pravna redakcija
Sum of extractable residues which may be oxidised to Oxfendazole sulphone
Vsota izločljivih zaostankov, ki se lahko oksidirajo v oksfendazol sulfon
17 Pravna redakcija
Oil-cake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji olja iz soje
18 Pravna redakcija
Oil-cake and other residues (except dregs) resulting from the extraction of vegetable oils
Oljne pogače in drugi ostanki (razen tropin) iz ekstrakcije rastlinskega olja
19 Pravna redakcija
Oil cake and other residues (except dregs) resulting from the extraction of vegetable oils
Oljne pogače in drugi ostanki (razen tropin) dobljeni pri ekstrakciji iz rastlinskih olj
20 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by solvent extraction of a vacuum-deasphalted residue.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov pridobljenih z ekstrakcijo vakumsko deasfaltiranih ostankov s topilom.
21 Pravna redakcija
Oil cake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of olive oil, containing more than 3 % of olive oil
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji olivnega olja, ki vsebujejo več kot 3 % olivnega olja
22 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by solvent extraction and hydrogenation of vacuum distillation residues.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov dobljenih z ekstrakcijo s topilom in hidrogeniranjem ostankov vakumske destilacije.
23 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by solvent extraction and hydrogenation of atmospheric distillation residues.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov dobljenih z ekstrakcijo s topilom in hidrogeniranjem ostankov atmosferske destilacije.
24 Pravna redakcija
These non-extractable residues are not considered to include fragments through metabolic pathways leading to natural products.
Pri teh neekstraktibilnih ostankih se šteje, da ne zajemajo delcev skozi metabolne poti, ki vodijo v naravne produkte.
25 Pravna redakcija
cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil
pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji olja iz soje, nezmleti ali zmleti ali peletizirani
26 Pravna redakcija
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soyabean oil
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji olja iz soje, nezmleti, zmleti ali peletizirani
27 Pravna redakcija
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji olja iz soje, nezmleti, zmleti ali peletizirani
28 Pravna redakcija
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of ground-nut oil
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji olja iz arašidov, nezmleti, zmleti ali peletizirani
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
odour of olive oil extracted in a plant where residues of petroleum, grease or mineral oil have not been properly removed from the machinery.
vonj oljčnega olja, predelanega v oljarni, ki ni bila dovolj očiščena ostankov nafte, maščob in mineralnih olj.
30 Pravna redakcija
The mass of the residue multiplied by 40 is equal to the dry extract contained in the spirit and it must be expressed in g/l to one decimal place.
Masa ostanka, pomnožena s 40, je enaka suhemu ekstraktu, vsebovanemu v žganju, izražena pa mora biti v g/l na eno decimalno mesto natančno.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0098
Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets, oil-cake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of soya, soya-bean oil, and other forms of lucerne
Zdrob lucerne in peleti, lanena pogača in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji olja iz soje in druge oblike lucerne
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Extract the residue thrice more with the same volume of acetone, then twice with 1/1 () mixture of acetone and diethyl ether, and twice with diethyl ether.
Naredite izvleček iz ostanka še trikrat z enakim volumnom acetona, potem dvakrat z 1/1(V/V) mešanico acetona in dietilnega etra, in dvakrat z dietilnim etrom.
33 Pravna redakcija
Non-extractable residues (sometimes referred to as "bound" or "non-extracted" residues) in plants and soils are defined as chemical species originating from pesticides used according to good agricultural practice that cannot be extracted by methods which do not significantly change the chemical nature of these residues.
Neekstraktibilni ostanki (včasih imenovani "vezani" ali "neekstrahirani" ostanki) v rastlinah in tleh so opredeljeni kot kemijske vrste iz pesticidov, ki se uporabljajo v skladu z dobro kmetijsko prakso in jih ni mogoče ekstrahirati z metodami, ki bistveno ne spreminjajo kemijske strukture teh ostankov.
34 Pravna redakcija
during laboratory tests, form non-extractable residues in amounts exceeding 70 % of the initial dose after 100 days with a mineralization rate of less than 5 % in 100 days,
pri laboratorijskih testih tvorijo neekstraktibilne ostanke, ki po 100 dneh količinsko presegajo 70 % začetnega odmerka pri stopnji mineralizacije manjši od 5 % v 100 dneh,
35 Pravna redakcija
Heading No 26. 20 applies only to ash and residues of a kind used in industry either for the extraction of metals or as a basis for the manufacture of chemical compounds of metals.
Tarifna številka 2620 obsega pepel in ostanke vrst, ki se uporabljajo v industriji za pridobivanje kovin ali kot surovina za proizvodnjo kemičnih kovinskih spojin.
36 Pravna redakcija
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading No 2304 or 2305
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji rastlinskih maščob ali olj, razen tistih iz tar. št. 2304 in 2305, nezmleti ali zmleti ali peletizirani
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
The oil content of oil cake and other residues resulting from the extraction of olive oil (CN codes 2306 90 11 and 2306 90 19) shall be determined using the method set out in Annex XV.
Vsebnost olja v oljni pogači in drugi ostanki, ki nastanejo pri pridobivanju oljčnega olja (oznaki KN 2306 90 11 in 2306 90 19) se določijo z uporabo metode, predpisane v Prilogi XV.
38 Pravna redakcija
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading No 2304 or 2305:
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji rastlinskih maščob ali olj, razen tistih iz tar. št. 2304 ali 2305, nezmleti ali zmleti ali peletizirani:
39 Pravna redakcija
Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, other than those of heading No 23. 04 or 23. 05:
Oljne pogače in drugi trdni ostanki, dobljeni pri ekstrakciji rastlinskih maščob ali olj, razen tistih iz tar. št. 2304 in 2305, nezmleti, zmleti ali peletizirani:
40 Pravna redakcija
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as tinctures, concretes, absolutes, essential oils, oleoresins, terpenes, terpene-free fractions, distillates, residues, etc., obtained from Quercus.
Ekstrakti in njihovi fizično spremenjeni derivati, kakršni so tinkture, suhi ekstrakti, čisti ekstrakti, eterična olja, oljne smole, terpeni, brezterpenske frakcije, destilati, ostanki ipd., pridobljeni iz vrste Quercus.
41 Pravna redakcija
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as tinctures, concretes, absolutes, essential oils, oleoresins, terpenes, terpene-free fractions, distillates, residues, etc., obtained from Geranium.
Ekstrakti in njihovi fizično spremenjeni derivati, kakršni so tinkture, suhi ekstrakti, čisti ekstrakti, eterična olja, oljne smole, terpeni, brezterpenske frakcije, destilati, ostanki ipd., pridobljeni iz krvomočnice, Geranium.
42 Pravna redakcija
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as tinctures, concretes, absolutes, essential oils, oleoresins, terpenes, terpene-free fractions, distillates, residues, etc., obtained from Tabebuia.
Ekstrakti in njihovi fizično spremenjeni derivati, kakršni so tinkture, suhi ekstrakti, čisti ekstrakti, eterična olja, oljne smole, terpeni, brezterpenske frakcije, destilati, ostanki ipd., pridobljeni iz vrste Tabebuia.
43 Pravna redakcija
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as tinctures, concretes, absolutes, essential oils, oleoresins, terpenes, terpene-free fractions, distillates, residues, etc., obtained from Zea mays.
Ekstrakti in njihovi fizično spremenjeni derivati, kakršni so tinkture, suhi ekstrakti, čisti ekstrakti, eterična olja, oljne smole, terpeni, brezterpenske frakcije, destilati, ostanki ipd., pridobljeni iz vrste Zea mays.
44 Pravna redakcija
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives such as tinctures, concretes, absolutes, essential oils, oleoresins, terpenes, terpene-free fractions, distillates, residues, etc., obtained from Ulmus fulva.
Ekstrakti in njihovi fizično spremenjeni derivati, kakršni so tinkture, suhi ekstrakti, čisti ekstrakti, eterična olja, oljne smole, terpeni, brezterpenske frakcije, destilati, ostanki ipd., pridobljeni iz vrste Ulmus fulva.
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extract residues