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fact-finding mission
1 Končna redakcija
fact-finding mission
preiskovalna misija
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-94
(a) This paragraph applies to any humanitarian or fact-finding mission of the United Nations System.
a) Ta odstavek se uporablja za vse humanitarne misije in misije za ugotavljanje dejanskega stanja iz sistema Združenih narodov.
3 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-94
Humanitarian and fact-finding missions of the United Nations System
Humanitarne misije in misije za ugotavljanje dejanskega stanja iz sistema Združenih narodov
4 Pravna redakcija
Any committee may, with the agreement of the Bureau of Parliament, instruct one or more of its members to undertake a study or fact-finding mission.
Odbor lahko s privolitvijo predsedstva Parlamenta naroči enemu ali več svojim članom, da opravijo študijo ali posnetek dejanskega stanja.
5 Pravna redakcija
the stepping-up of contacts between the Parties, in particular through the organization of conferences, seminars, trade and industrial missions, 'business weeks', general and sectoral trade fairs and fact-finding missions with a view to increasing the flow of trade and investment;
krepitev stikov med pogodbenicama, zlasti z organiziranjem konferenc, seminarjev, trgovinskih in industrijskih delegacij, "poslovnih tednov", splošnih in strokovnih sejmov ter poslovno-prodajnih delegacij, namenjenih povečanju trgovinskih tokov in naložb;
6 Pravna redakcija
more organized contact between the Parties' operators and networks, through conferences, technical seminars, fact-finding missions, attendance at general and specialist fairs and business meetings;
bolje organizirani stiki med subjekti in omrežji obeh pogodbenic preko konferenc, tehničnih seminarjev, misij za ugotavljanje dejstev, udeleževanja splošnih in specialnih sejmov ter poslovnih srečanj;
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0056
The Executive Committee takes note of the fact that Part I, entitled `Travel documents to which a visa may be affixed` , has been forwarded to the diplomatic missions and consular posts for use (see Annex to document SCH/II-Visa (96)59 rev. 6) and requests that a report be sent to it on the effectiveness of this measure before June 1999. The diplomatic missions and consular posts are requested to assess the usefulness of this document and report their findings in March 1999.
Izvršni odbor ugotavlja, da je bil I. del z naslovom Potne listine, v katere se lahko vpiše vizum že posredovan diplomatskim in konzularnim predstavništvom (glej prilogo k dokumentu SCH/II-Visa (96)59), in zahteva poročilo o učinkovitosti tega ukrepa do junija 1999. Diplomatsko-konzularna predstavništva poziva, da ocenijo uporabnost tega dokumenta in marca 1999 poročajo o svojih ugotovitvah.
8 Pravna redakcija
The Executive Committee takes note of the fact that Part I, entitled ‘Travel documents to which a visa may be affixed’, has been forwarded to the diplomatic missions and consular posts for use (see Annex to document SCH/II-Visa (96)59 rev. 6) and requests that a report be sent to it on the effectiveness of this measure before June 1999. The diplomatic missions and consular posts are requested to assess the usefulness of this document and report their findings in March 1999.
Izvršni odbor ugotavlja, da je bil I. del z naslovom Potne listine, v katere se lahko vpiše vizum že posredovan diplomatskim in konzularnim predstavništvom (glej prilogo k dokumentu SCH/II-Visa (96)59), in zahteva poročilo o učinkovitosti tega ukrepa do junija 1999. Diplomatsko-konzularna predstavništva poziva, da ocenijo uporabnost tega dokumenta in marca 1999 poročajo o svojih ugotovitvah.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0463
Member States' activities in third countries, in particular fact-finding missions in countries of origin and transit;
dejavnosti držav članic v tretjih državah, zlasti naloge ugotavljanja dejstev v državah izvora in tranzita;
10 Prevajalska redakcija
the stepping-up of contacts between the Parties, in particular through the organization of conferences, seminars, trade and industrial missions, 'business weeks`, general and sectoral trade fairs and fact-finding missions with a view to increasing the flow of trade and investment;
krepitev stikov med pogodbenicama, zlasti z organiziranjem konferenc, seminarjev, trgovinskih in industrijskih delegacij, "poslovnih tednov", splošnih in strokovnih sejmov ter poslovno-prodajnih delegacij, namenjenih povečanju trgovinskih tokov in naložb;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0583
After the discovery of this residue finding, the authorities in the United States of America reinforced their hormone-free cattle programme in June 1999, but in the face of further problems in this programme identified in the course of a mission to the United States by the Food and Veterinary Office of the Commission, the hormone-free programme was suspended in July 1999 and relaunched later in September 1999, in an enhanced form as the non-hormone-treated cattle programme.
Po odkritju tega ostanka so organi v Združenih državah Amerike junija 1999 okrepili svoj program za proizvodnjo mesa govedi brez vsebnosti hormonov, vendar je bil ob nadaljnjih problemih v tem programu, identificiranih med misijo v Združenih državah, ki jo je opravil Urad Komisije za prehrano in veterinarstvo, program za proizvodnjo mesa brez vsebnosti hormonov julija 1999 ukinjen in pozneje septembra 1999 ponovno uveden v izboljšani obliki kakor program za proizvodnjo govedi, ki niso bile tretirane s hormoni.
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fact-finding mission