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factor structure
1 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
The following substances, including other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), and their releasing factors are prohibited:
Naslednje snovi, vključno z drugimi snovmi s podobno kemijsko strukturo ali podobnim biološkim učinkom ali učinki, in njihovi sproščajoči dejavniki so prepovedani:
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-61
The type of traffic also depends on the factors related to the existence or not of liner services from and to the relevant ports, since, besides determining the type of vessels used, this component involves the development of structures and services on land that increase port's performance.
Oblika prometa je prav tako odvisna od obstoja linijskega prometa med pristanišči, saj je to poleg vpliva na vrsto uporabljenih plovil povezano tudi z razvojem zmogljivosti in storitev na kopnem, kar povečuje zmogljivost pristanišč.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
(c) The state of human health and safety, conditions of human life, cultural sites and built structures, inasmuch as they are or may be affected by the state of the elements of the environment or, through these elements, by the factors, activities or measures referred to in subparagraph (b) above;
c) o zdravstvenem stanju in varnosti ljudi, življenjskih razmerah ljudi, stanju kulturnih znamenitosti in objektov, če nanje vpliva ali bi lahko vplivalo stanje elementov okolja ali s temi elementi povezani dejavniki, dejavnosti ali ukrepi iz pododstavka b);
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
promoting improved understanding of the structural conditions in international markets, including long-term trends in consumption and production, factors affecting market access, consumer preferences and prices, and conditions leading to prices which reflect the costs of sustainable forest management;
s pospeševanjem boljšega razumevanja strukturnih razmer na mednarodnih trgih, vključno z dolgoročnimi trendi potrošnje in proizvodnje, dejavniki, ki vplivajo na dostopnost trga, nagnjenja potrošnikov in cene, ter razmerami, ki vodijo v cene, ki odražajo stroške trajnostnega gospodarjenja z gozdovi;
5 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
The presence of other substances with a similar chemical structure or similar biological effect(s), diagnostic marker(s) or releasing factors of a hormone listed above or of any other finding which indicate(s) that the substance detected is of exogenous origin, will be reported as an Adverse Analytical Finding.
Prisotnost drugih snovi s podobno kemijsko strukturo ali podobnim biološkim učinkom ali učinki, prisotnost diagnostičnih označevalcev ali sproščajočih dejavnikov hormona, navedenih zgoraj, ali kak drug rezultat, ki kaže, da je odkrita snov eksogenega izvora, se sporoči kot pozitivni laboratorijski rezultat.
6 Objavljeno
A clear statement to the public of the company objectives and their fulfilment. The ownership and voting structure of the company. Any material risk factors and measures taken to manage such risks. Any financial assistance, including guarantees, received from the state and commitments made on behalf of the SOE. Any material transactions with related entities.
1.jasna izjava za javnost o ciljih družbe in njihovem izvrševanju; 2.lastniška in glasovalna struktura družbe; 3.morebitni pomembni dejavniki tveganja in ukrepi za njihovo obvladovanje; 4.morebitna državna finančna pomoč, vključno z državnimi garancijami ter sprejete obveznosti v imenudružbe v državni lasti; 5.vse pomembne transakcije s povezanimi družbami.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Believing that the elimination of the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography will be facilitated by adopting a holistic approach, addressing the contributing factors, including underdevelopment, poverty, economic disparities, inequitable socio-economic structure, dysfunctioning families, lack of education, urban-rural migration, gender discrimination, irresponsible adult sexual behaviour, harmful traditional practices, armed conflicts and trafficking in children,
so prepričane, da bo odprava prodaje otrok, otroške prostitucije in otroške pornografije lažja z uporabo celostnega pristopa, ki bo obravnaval dejavnike, ki k temu prispevajo in med katerimi so: nerazvitost, revščina, gospodarska neskladja, nepravične družbeno-ekonomske strukture, družine, ki ne opravljajo svoje vloge, pomanjkanje vzgoje in izobraževanja, preseljevanje s podeželja v mesta, spolno razlikovanje, neodgovorno spolno vedenje odraslih, škodljivi tradicionalni običaji, oboroženi spopadi in nedovoljeno trgovanje z otroki,
8 Končna redakcija
The present ownership structure is the result of two factors:
Sedanja lastniška struktura je predvsem posledica dveh dejavnikov:
9 Končna redakcija
The factor that most importantly contributed to the present ownership structure was a specific privatisation model implemented at the beginning of the 1990s.
Na današnjo lastniško strukturo slovenskih medijev je najbolj vplivala specifična oblika lastninjenja, za katero se je slovenska država odločila v začetku 90. let.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
In the individual assessment of agreements pursuant to Article 81(1), account has to be taken of several factors, and in particular the structure and the dynamics of the relevant technology and product markets.
Pri posamični presoji sporazumov v skladu s členom 81(1) je treba upoštevati več dejavnikov, zlasti strukturo in dinamiko upoštevnih tehnoloških in proizvodnih trgov.
11 Končna redakcija
Moreover, these factors have to be judged by reference to the structure and particular characteristics of the market in which the competition concerns arise, including of course the position of the parties and other players on the market.
Poleg tega je treba te dejavnike presoditi glede na strukturo in posebne značilnosti trga, na katerem se pojavijo težave glede konkurence, vključno s položajem strank in drugih akterjev na trgu.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0017
The duration of the entire control procedure depends on the workload of the border control staff but also on a range of other factors such as the number of passengers, their make-up, the structure of the buildings, etc. Circumstances vary from one airport to another.
Trajanje celotnega postopka odprave je poleg obsega mejno-policijskih aktivnosti odvisno tudi od vrste drugih dejavnikov, kot je na primer število potnikov, njihova sestava, struktura zgradb itd. Okoliščine se med posameznimi letališči razlikujejo.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
Installations must be so designed and constructed as to make it possible to operate them safely, taking into account the type of installation, the nature and physical features of the terrain on which it is installed, its surroundings and atmospheric and meteorological factors, as well as possible structures and obstacles located in the vicinity either on the ground or in the air.
Naprave morajo biti konstruirane in zgrajene tako, da omogočajo varno obratovanje z njimi, ob upoštevanju vrste naprave, naravnih in fizičnih značilnosti terena, na katerem so postavljene, okolice ter atmosferskih in vremenskih dejavnikov in tudi možnih objektov in ovir, nameščenih v bližini, bodisi na zemlji bodisi v zraku.
14 Pravna redakcija
The organisational structure and the means of funding of the establishment concerned are not the decisive factors in this respect.
Organizacijska struktura in način financiranja določene ustanove v tem primeru nista odločilna dejavnika.
15 Pravna redakcija
Whereas trends in the structure of agricultural holdings are an important factor in determining the development of the common agricultural policy;
ker so trendi v strukturi kmetijskih gospodarstev pomemben dejavnik pri določanju razvoja skupne kmetijske politike;
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0358
In the individual assessment of agreements under Article 81(1), account has to be taken of several factors, and in particular the market structure on the relevant market.
Pri posamičnem ocenjevanju sporazumov po členu 81(1) je treba upoštevati več dejavnikov in zlasti strukturo upoštevnega trga.
17 Pravna redakcija
improve the system for developing structural business statistics, based on political needs and with a capacity of quick reaction to changing factors such as environment, policies and users,
izboljšanje sistema za razvijanje strukturne poslovne statistike, ki bo temeljil na potrebah politik in se bo zmožen hitro odzvati na spreminjajoče se dejavnike, kot so okolje, politike in uporabniki,
18 Pravna redakcija
The establishment of the zones shall take account of the geographical, administrative, ecological and epziootiological factors connected with African horse sickness and of the control structures.
Pri določevanju teh območij je treba upoštevati geografske, upravne, ekološke in epizootiološke dejavnike, povezane s konjsko kugo, in kontrolne strukture.
19 Pravna redakcija
Such effects on the environment include effects on human health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, landscape and historical monuments or other physical structures or the interaction among these factors; they also include effects on the cultural heritage or socio-economic conditions resulting from alterations to those factors;
Takšni vplivi na okolje vključujejo vplive na človekovo zdravje in varnost, rastlinstvo, živalstvo, tla, zrak, vodo, podnebje, pokrajino in zgodovinske spomenike ali druge fizične strukture oziroma medsebojno vplivanje med temi dejavniki; vključujejo pa tudi vplive na kulturno dediščino ali socialno-ekonomske okoliščine, ki so posledica sprememb teh dejavnikov;
20 Pravna redakcija
The duration of the entire control procedure depends on the workload of the border control staff but also on a range of other factors such as the number of passengers, their make-up, the structure of the buildings, etc. Circumstances vary from one airport to another.
Trajanje celotnega postopka odprave je poleg obsega mejno-policijskih aktivnosti odvisno tudi od vrste drugih dejavnikov, kot je na primer število potnikov, njihova sestava, struktura zgradb itd. Okoliščine se med posameznimi letališči razlikujejo.
21 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, since market structures may vary from one region to another, certain factors on which the assessment of the return is based and the stage at which such assessment is made should be specified in order to enable the data of all the Member States to be compared;
ker bi bilo treba zaradi morebitnih različnih tržnih struktur od regije do regije določene dejavnike, na katerih temelji presoja donosa, in fazo, v kateri se taka presoja opravlja, opredeliti, da bi tako omogočili primerjavo podatkov vseh držav članic;
22 Pravna redakcija
Therefore, in exceptional circumstances, a situation of economic dependence may lead to control on a de facto basis where, for example, very important long- term supply agreements or credits provided by suppliers or customers, coupled with structural links, confer decisive influence fn.
Zato lahko v izjemnih okoliščinah gospodarska odvisnost privede do dejanskega nadzora, če imajo na primer zelo pomembne dolgoročne dobavne pogodbe ali posojila dobaviteljev ali odjemalcev, ki jih združujejo strukturne vezi, odločilen vpliv fn.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1783
(2) Young farmers representing a key factor in the development of rural areas, support to this category of farmers should be considered as a priority. In order to facilitate the establishment of young farmers and the structural adjustment of their holdings, it is necessary to reinforce the specific support already granted.
(2) Ker so mladi kmetje ključni dejavnik pri razvoju podeželskih območij, je treba podporo tej kategoriji kmetov obravnavati kot prednostno nalogo. Za lažji začetek delovanja mladih kmetov in strukturno prilagoditev njihovih kmetijskih gospodarstev je treba okrepiti že dodeljeno posebno podporo.
24 Pravna redakcija
However, subject to the express condition that products coming from factory-vessels and establishments, auction and wholesale markets meet the hygiene standards set by this Directive, Member States may, for the requirements relating to equipment and structures laid down in Chapters I to IV to the Annex, grant to factory-vessels and establishments, auction and wholesale markets a further period expiring on 31 December 1995 within which to comply with the conditions of approval set out in Chapter IX.
Ob upoštevanju izrecnih pogojev, da morajo proizvodi iz predelovalnih plovil in obratov, avkcijskih in grosističnih trgov izpolnjevati higienske standarde iz te direktive, pa lahko države članice za zahteve glede opreme in objektov iz poglavij I do IV Priloge, predelovalnim plovilom in obratom ter avkcijskim in grosističnim trgom odobriti nadaljnji rok do 31. decembra 1995, v katerem morajo izpolniti pogoje za izdajo dovoljenja iz poglavja IX.
25 Pravna redakcija
to withdraw a basic fare which, taking into account the whole fare structure for the route in question and other relevant factors including the competitive market situation, is excessively high to the disadvantage of users in relation to the long term fully-allocated relevant costs of the air carrier including a satisfactory return on capital;
razveljavi osnovno prevoznino, ki je ob upoštevanju celotne strukture prevoznin za neko progo in drugih ustreznih dejavnikov, vključno s stanjem konkurence na trgu, previsoka v škodo uporabnikov glede na dolgoročne, v celoti dodeljene stroške letalskega prevoznika, vključno z zadovoljivim donosom kapitala;
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1788
(20) Experience with the additional levy scheme has shown that the transfer of reference quantities through legal constructions such as leases which do not necessarily lead to a permanent allocation of the reference quantities concerned to the transferee, can be an additional cost factor for milk production hampering the improvement of production structures.
(20) Izkušnje s sistemom dodatne dajatve so pokazale, da je prenos referenčnih količin preko pravnih sredstev kakor so zakupi, ki pa ne vodijo nujno do stalne dodelitve zadevnih referenčnih količin prevzemniku, lahko dodatni stroškovni faktor za proizvodnjo mleka, ki ovira izboljšanje strukture proizvodnje.
27 Pravna redakcija
The conclusions of the Transport Council of 20 September 2000 (1) called for the Commission to submit a proposal without delay for setting up a European forum at the Commission consisting of representatives of the sector concerned to examine all the factors affecting the competitiveness of transport and to consider adjustments to the structures in this sector.
Svet za promet je v svojih sklepih z dne 20. septembra 2000 ( fn ) pozval Komisijo, naj nemudoma poda predlog za ustanovitev Evropskega foruma pri Komisiji, sestavljenega iz predstavnikov zadevnega sektorja, da se preverijo vsi dejavniki, ki vplivajo na konkurenčnost prometa, ter preuči prilagajanje struktur v tem sektorju.
28 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the experience with the additional levy scheme has shown that the transfer of reference quantities through legal constructions such as leases which do not necessarily lead to a permanent allocation of the reference quantities concerned to the transferee, can be an additional cost factor for milk production hampering the improvement of production structures;
ker so izkušnje s shemo dodatne dajatve pokazale, da je lahko prenos referenčnih količin preko pravnih poslov kot so zakupi, ki ne vodijo nujno do trajne dodelitve zadevnih referenčnih količin prevzemniku, dodaten stroškovni dejavnik pri proizvodnji mleka, ki ovira izboljšanje proizvodnih struktur;
29 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall undertake, before 1 January 2006, a general review of the own resources system, accompanied, if necessary, by appropriate proposals, in the light of all relevant factors, including the effects of enlargement on the financing of the budget, the possibility of modifying the structure of the own resources by creating new autonomous own resources and the correction of budgetary imbalances granted to the United Kingdom as well as the granting to Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden of the reduction pursuant to Article 5(1).
Komisija do 1. januarja 2006 začne splošni pregled sistema lastnih sredstev, pri čemer po potrebi pripravi ustrezne predloge glede na vse pomembne dejavnike, vključno z učinki širitve na financiranje proračuna, možnostjo spremembe strukture lastnih sredstev z ustvarjanjem novih samostojnih lastnih sredstev in s popravki proračunskega neravnovesja, odobrenega Združenemu kraljestvu, ter odobritvijo zmanjšanja v skladu s členom 5(1) za Avstrijo, Nemčijo, Nizozemsko in Švedsko.
30 Pravna redakcija
The Commission should undertake, before 1 January 2006, a general review of the operation of the own resources system, accompanied, if necessary, by appropriate proposals, in the light of all relevant factors including the effects of enlargement on the financing of the budget of the European Union, the possibility of modifying the own resources structure by creating new autonomous own resources and the correction of budgetary imbalances granted to the United Kingdom as well as the granting to Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden of the reduction in the financing of the budgetary imbalances in favour of the United Kingdom.
ker bi morala Komisija do 1. januarja 2006 začeti splošni pregled delovanja sistema lastnih sredstev, pri čemer bi po potrebi pripravila ustrezne predloge glede na vse pomembne dejavnike, vključno z učinki širitve na financiranje proračuna Evropske unije, možnostjo spremembe strukture lastnih sredstev z ustvarjanjem novih samostojnih lastnih sredstev in s popravkom proračunskega neravnovesja, odobrenega Združenemu kraljestvu, ter odobritvijo zmanjšanja financiranja proračunskega neravnovesja v dobro Združenega kraljestva za Avstrijo, Nemčijo, Nizozemsko in Švedsko;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
Market position of the parties, concentration ratio, number of players and other structural factors
Položaj pogodbenic na trgu, razmerje koncentracije, število akterjev in drugi strukturni dejavniki
32 Prevajalska redakcija
Recombinant coagulation factor IX is a recombinant DNA-based protein therapeutic which has structural and functional characteristics comparable to endogenous factor IX.
Rekombinantni koagulacijski faktor IX je rekombinantno beljakovinsko zdravilo na podlagi DNA, katerega strukturne in funkcijske značilnosti so primerljive z endogenim faktorjem IX.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
The analysis has to include market-related criteria such as the market position of the parties and other structural factors.
Analiza mora vključevati merila, povezana s trgom, kakor so položaj pogodbenic na trgu in drugi strukturni dejavniki.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004E0085
conflict prevention by seeking to address the more structural root causes while targeting the direct causes - trigger factors - of violent conflicts,
preprečevanje konfliktov z obravnavanjem strukturnih in globoko zakoreninjenih vzrokov ob spopadanju z neposrednimi vzroki - sprožilnimi dejavniki - nasilnih konfliktov,
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2790
in the individual assessment of agreements under Article 81(1), account has to be taken of several factors, and in particular the market structure on the supply and purchase side.
pri posamičnem ocenjevanju sporazumov iz člena 81(1) je treba upoštevati več dejavnikov, zlasti strukturo trga na strani ponudbe in povpraševanja.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0032
The bacterial reverse mutation test utilises prokaryotic cells, which differ from mammalian cells in such factors as uptake, metabolism, chromosome structure and DNA repair processes.
Pri preizkusu bakterijskih povratnih mutacij se uporabljajo prokariontske celice, ki se od sesalskih razlikujejo v lastnostih, kakor so sprejemanje, presnova, kromsomska struktura in procesi popravljanja DNA.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
In the individual assessment of agreements pursuant to Article 81(1), account has to be taken of several factors, and in particular the structure and the dynamics of the relevant technology and product markets.
Pri posamični presoji sporazumov v skladu s členom 81(1) je treba upoštevati več dejavnikov, zlasti strukturo in dinamiko upoštevnih tehnoloških in proizvodnih trgov.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
Such effects on the environment include effects on human health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, landscape and historical monuments or other physical structures or the interaction among these factors;
Takšni vplivi na okolje vključujejo vplive na človekovo zdravje in varnost, rastlinstvo, živalstvo, tla, zrak, vodo, podnebje, pokrajino in zgodovinske spomenike ali druge fizične strukture oziroma medsebojno vplivanje med temi dejavniki;
39 Prevajalska redakcija
Moreover, these factors have to be judged by reference to the structure and particular characteristics of the market in which the competition concerns arise, including of course the position of the parties and other players on the market.
Poleg tega je treba te dejavnike presoditi glede na strukturo in posebne značilnosti trga, na katerem se pojavijo težave glede konkurence, vključno s položajem strank in drugih akterjev na trgu.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
Economic criteria such as the market power of the parties and other factors relating to the market structure, form a key element of the assessment of the market impact likely to be caused by a cooperation and therefore for the assessment under Article 81.
Ekonomska merila, kakršna so tržna moč pogodbenic in drugi dejavniki v zvezi s strukturo trga, predstavljajo ključni element ocenjevanja vpliva na trg, ki bi ga lahko imelo sodelovanje, in torej za ocenjevanje na podlagi člena 81.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0515
The statistical methods applied in genetic evaluation must comply with the principles agreed by competent international bodies (e.g. ICAR) and should guarantee a genetic evaluation unbiased from the influences of the main environmental factors and data structure.
Statistične metode, ki se uporabljajo pri vrednotenju genetskih vrednosti, morajo biti usklajene z načeli, ki so jih sprejeli pristojni mednarodni organi (npr. ICAR) in morajo zagotavljati nepristransko vrednotenje genetskih vrednosti, na katerega ne bodo vplivali dejavniki okolja in struktura podatkov.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
'environmental impact` means any effect caused by a given activity on the environment, including human health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, landscape and historical monuments or other physical structures or the interactions among these factors;
"vpliv na okolje" pomeni vsak učinek, ki ga ima določena dejavnost na okolje, vključno na zdravje in varnost človeka, na rastlinstvo, živalstvo, tla, zrak, vodo, podnebje, krajino in zgodovinske spomenike ali druge prostorske zgradbe ali medsebojno delovanje teh dejavnikov;
43 Prevajalska redakcija
'Environmental impact` means any effect caused by a given activity on the environment, including human health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, landscape and historical monuments or other physical structures or the interactions among these factors;
"Vpliv na okolje" pomeni vsak učinek, ki ga ima določena dejavnost na okolje, vključno na zdravje in varnost človeka, rastlinstvo, živalstvo, tla, zrak, vodo, podnebje, krajino ter zgodovinske spomenike ali druge fizične zgradbe, ali pa součinkovanje teh dejavnikov;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Therefore, in exceptional circumstances, a situation of economic dependence may lead to control on a de facto basis where, for example, very important long-term supply agreements or credits provided by suppliers or customers, coupled with structural links, confer decisive influence (9).
Zato lahko v izjemnih okoliščinah gospodarska odvisnost privede do dejanskega nadzora, če imajo na primer zelo pomembne dolgoročne dobavne pogodbe ali posojila dobaviteljev ali odjemalcev, ki jih združujejo strukturne vezi, odločilen vpliv [9].
45 Prevajalska redakcija
Whether the agreement is able to cause such negative market effects depends on the economic context taking into account both the nature of the agreement and the parties' combined market power which determines - together with other structural factors - the capability of the cooperation to affect overall competition to such a significant extent.
Ali lahko sporazum povzroča takšne negativne tržne učinke je odvisno od gospodarskih razmer, ob upoštevanju tako narave sporazuma kot skupne tržne moči pogodbenic, ki skupaj z drugimi strukturnimi dejavniki določa možnost, da bi sodelovanje v tako velikem obsegu vplivalo na celotno konkurenco.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1788
Experience with the additional levy scheme has shown that the transfer of reference quantities through legal constructions such as leases which do not necessarily lead to a permanent allocation of the reference quantities concerned to the transferee, can be an additional cost factor for milk production hampering the improvement of production structures.
Izkušnje s sistemom dodatne dajatve so pokazale, da je prenos referenčnih količin preko pravnih sredstev kakor so zakupi, ki pa ne vodijo nujno do stalne dodelitve zadevnih referenčnih količin prevzemniku, lahko dodatni stroškovni faktor za proizvodnjo mleka, ki ovira izboljšanje strukture proizvodnje.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0091
This amount shall be reflected in one or more numeric indicators which have been calculated, taking into account insulation, technical and installation characteristics, design and positioning in relation to climatic aspects, solar exposure and influence of neighbouring structures, own-energy generation and other factors, including indoor climate, that influence the energy demand;
Ta količina se izraža z enim ali večimi številčnimi kazalniki, ki se izračunajo ob upoštevanju izolacije, tehničnih značilnosti in značilnosti inštalacij, projektne zasnove in položaja v zvezi s klimatskimi parametri, osončenjem in vplivom sosednjih konstrukcij, lastne proizvodnje energije ter drugih dejavnikov, vključno z notranjo klimo, ki vplivajo na potrebe po energiji;
Prevodi: en > sl
factor structure