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family benefit
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
Family benefit
Družinske dajatve
2 Končna redakcija
family benefit
družinska dajatev
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
Tests for the benefit of family members
Testi v korist družinskih članov
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
as long as the person concerned is in receipt of another social security cash benefit, other than a family benefit, and during any period in respect of which he is indemnified for the contingency by a third party, subject to the part of the benefit which is suspended not exceeding the other benefit or the indemnity by a third party;
dokler oseba prejema neko drugo denarno dajatev socialne varnosti razen družinskih dajatev in za čas, ko prejema nadomestilo za isti zavarovalni primer iz drugega vira, če del dajatve, ki je začasno ustavljen, ne presega vrednosti druge dajatve ali nadomestila, ki ga oseba prejema iz drugega vira;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
9 Family benefit in cash, in the form of periodical payments, until the eligible child continuing its education attains a prescribed age which may not be less than 16 years.
Družinske dajatve v gotovini v obliki rednih izplačil, dokler otrok, ki je upravičen do dajatev in nadaljuje šolanje, ne dopolni predpisane starosti, ki ne sme biti manj kot 16 let.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
For the purpose of ascertaining whether this condition is fulfilled, all the benefits provided by the Contracting Party concerned in compliance with this Code, except family benefit and, if provided by a special branch, employment injury benefit, may be taken together.
Da bi ugotovili, ali je ta pogoj izpolnjen, se lahko skupno upoštevajo vse dajatve, ki jih skladno s tem kodeksom zagotavlja pogodbenica, razen družinskih dajatev, in če je to predvideno s posebnim področjem, tudi dajatev za nesrečo pri delu in poklicno bolezen.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
Each Contracting Party for which this part of the Code is in force shall secure to the persons protected the provision of family benefit in accordance with the following articles of this part.
Vsaka pogodbenica, za katero velja ta del kodeksa, zagotovi zavarovanim osebam družinske dajatve v skladu s členi tega dela.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Benefits in kind for pensioners and the members of their families
Storitve za upokojence in njihove družinske člane
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
A genetic test for the benefit of other family members may be carried out on biological samples:
Genetski test v korist drugih družinskih članov se lahko opravi na bioloških vzorcih:
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-51
(a) such allowances are appropriate for the personal use and benefit of the worker and his family; and
(a) so taka nadomestila primerna za osebno uporabo delavca in njegove družine ter v njuno korist in
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
a) a certificate testifying that he is entitled to benefits in kind for himself and for the members of this family.
a) potrdilo, ki dokazuje, da je upravičen do storitev zase in za svoje družinske člane.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 24
With a view to ensuring the necessary conditions for the full development of the family, which is a fundamental unit of society, the Parties undertake to promote the economic, legal and social protection of family life by such means as social and family benefits, fiscal arrangements, provision of family housing, benefits for the newly married and other appropriate means.
Da bi zagotavljale potrebne pogoje za celovit razvoj družine, ki je temeljna enota družbe, se pogodbenice zavezujejo, da bodo pospeševale ekonomsko, pravno in socialno varstvo družinskega življenja s socialnimi in družinskimi dajatvami, z davčnimi ugodnostmi, s spodbujanjem ukrepov za razreševanje stanovanjske problematike družin, z ugodnostmi za mladoporočence in z drugimi ustreznimi ukrepi.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Benefits in kind for pensioners and the members of their family staying in a State other than the one where they are resident
Storitve za upokojence in njihove družinske člane med začasnim bivanjem v državi, v kateri nimajo stalnega prebivališča
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
2 The wage of the ordinary adult male labourer, the benefit and any family allowances shall be calculated on the same time basis.
Plača odraslega nekvalificiranega moškega delavca, dajatve in družinske dajatve se izračunajo na enaki časovni podlagi.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Benefits in kind for pensioners and members of their families who are not resident in the territory of a Contracting Party under whose legislation a pension is received and are entitled to benefits
Storitve za upokojence in njihove družinske člane, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju pogodbenice, po zakonodaji katere prejemajo pokojnino in so upravičeni do storitev
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Benefits in kind for members of the family who are resident in the territory of a State other than the State in which the pensioner is resident
Storitve za družinske člane, ki imajo stalno prebivališče na ozemlju države, v kateri upokojenec nima stalnega prebivališča
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The average costs per pensioner and per member of the family shall be equal, for the Netherlands, to the average per pensioner and per member of the family of the expenditure on all the benefits in kind provided by the Netherlands institutions to all pensioners and their family members subject to the Netherlands legislation.
Povprečni stroški na upokojenca in družinskega člana so za Nizozemsko enaki povprečju izdatkov na upokojenca in družinskega člana za vse storitve, ki jih nizozemski nosilci zagotavljajo vsem upokojencem in njihovim družinskim članom, za katere velja nizozemska zakonodaja.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The average costs per pensioner and per member of the family of the pensioner for Slovenia shall be equal to the average per pensioner and per member of his family of the expenditure on all the benefits in kind provided by the Slovenian institutions to all pensioners and their family members subject to the Slovenian legislation.
Povprečni stroški na upokojenca in na družinskega člana upokojenca za Slovenijo so enaki povprečnim izdatkom na upokojenca in njegovega družinskega člana za vse storitve, ki jih zagotavljajo slovenski nosilci upokojencem in njihovim družinskim članom, za katere velja slovenska zakonodaja.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
In order to receive benefits in kind under Article 15 of the Convention, the person concerned must register himself and the members of his family with the institution of his place of residence by submitting a certificate testifying that he and the members of his family are entitled to the said benefits.
Da bi se zadevni osebi zagotovile storitve po 15. členu konvencije, mora prijaviti sebe in svoje družinske člane pri nosilcu v kraju stalnega prebivališča, tako da predloži potrdilo, s katerim dokazuje, da so ona in njeni družinski člani upravičeni do omenjenih storitev.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The average annual costs per member of the family in Slovenia shall be equal to the average annual expenditure on all the benefits in kind provided by the institutions in Slovenia to all active insured persons and their family members subject to the Slovenian legislation.
Povprečni letni stroški na družinskega člana v Sloveniji so enaki povprečnim letnim izdatkom za vse storitve, ki jih zagotavljajo nosilci v Sloveniji aktivnim zavarovancem in njihovim družinskim članom, za katere velja slovenska zakonodaja.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, and as far as benefits in cash and in kind of the legislation on sickness insurance are concerned, the Minister of Health;
ministra za delo, družino in socialne zadeve in kar zadeva dajatve in storitve po zakonodaji o zdravstvenem zavarovanju ministra za zdravstvo;
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
c) for children allowances and benefits in cash in case of maternity: the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs (Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve), Ljubljana;
c) za otroške dodatke in dajatve za primer materinstva: Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, Ljubljana;
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
9.6 Staff members of the Agency shall be exempt from taxes on their salaries, emoluments, benefits and pensions received in respect of current or previous service with the Agency; such exemption shall also extend to benefits paid to members of their families.
9.6 Uslužbenci agencije so izvzeti iz plačila davkov na plače, honorarje, prejemke in pokojnine, ki jih prejemajo v zvezi s sedanjo ali prejšnjo službo pri agenciji; izvzetje velja tudi za prejemke, izplačane članom njihovih družin.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
4 The previous earnings of the beneficiary or his breadwinner, the wage of the skilled manual male employee, the benefit and any family allowances shall be calculated on the same time basis.
Prejšnji zaslužek upravičenca ali njegovega hranilca, plača kvalificiranega moškega delavca, dajatve in družinske dajatve se izračunavajo na enaki časovni podlagi.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Refund of costs of benefits in kind provided to members of the family residing in the other State than the competent State or in the other State than the State where the pensioner is resident
Povračilo stroškov storitev, zagotovljenih družinskim članom s stalnim prebivališčem državi, ki ni pristojna, ali v državi, v kateri upokojenec nima stalnega prebivališča
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
A Trust Fund shall be established by decision of the Assembly of States Parties for the benefit of victims of crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court, and of the families of such victims.
Skupščina držav pogodbenic s sklepom ustanovi skrbniški sklad v korist žrtev kaznivih dejanj, ki so v pristojnosti Sodišča in njihovih družin.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
(l) ` charges for pension or social security purposes` means all charges related to pension or social security coverage, whether or not such charges are related to the employment of officials by the Organisation and including all charges related to pensions or retirement benefits, unemployment benefits, health insurance and family benefits.
l) »prispevki za pokojninsko ali socialno varnost« pomenijo vse prispevke za pokojninsko ali socialno varnost ne glede na to, ali so povezani z zaposlitvijo uradnikov pri organizaciji, ter vse prispevke za pokojnine ali druge pokojninske prejemke, nadomestila za brezposelnost, zdravstveno zavarovanje in družinske prejemke.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
1 In the case of a periodical payment to which this article applies, the rate of the benefit, increased by the amount of any family allowances payable during the contingency, shall be such as to attain, in respect of the contingency in question, for the standard beneficiary indicated in the Schedule appended to this part, at least the percentage indicated therein of the total of the previous earnings of the beneficiary or his breadwinner and of the amount of any family allowances payable to a person protected with the same family responsibilities as the standard beneficiary.
Za redno izplačilo po tem členu mora biti znesek dajatve, povečan za družinske dajatve, ki se izplačujejo, dokler traja zavarovalni primer, tolikšen, da je za tipičnega upravičenca iz razpredelnice, priložene temu delu, vsaj enak odstotku iz razpredelnice glede na skupni prejšnji zaslužek upravičenca ali hranilca družine in na znesek družinskih dajatev, ki se izplačujejo zavarovani osebi, ki ima enake družinske odgovornosti kot tipični upravičenec.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The members of the family referred to in Article 15, paragraph 2, or the person or the members of the family referred to in Article 16, or the pensioner and the members of his family referred to in Article 19, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Convention, who are residing in the Netherlands but who are entitled to benefits in kind at the expense of the Republic of Slovenia, are not insured under the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ).
Družinski člani iz drugega odstavka 15. člena ali oseba ali družinski člani iz 16. člena ali upokojenec in njegovi družinski člani iz drugega in tretjega odstavka 19. člena konvencije, ki imajo stalno prebivališče na Nizozemskem in so upravičeni do storitev na stroške Republike Slovenije, niso zavarovani po Zakonu o izrednih zdravstvenih stroških (AWBZ).
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Refund of costs of benefits in kind provided to pensioners and the members of their family who are not resident in the territory of a Contracting Party under whose legislation a pension is received
Povračilo stroškov storitev, zagotovljenih upokojencem in njihovim družinskim članom, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju pogodbenice, po zakonodaji katere prejemajo pokojnino
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
These benefits shall be provided at the expense of the competent institution by the institution of the place of residence of the members of the family according to the provisions of the legislation which it applies, as if they were entitled to such benefits under that legislation.
Na stroške pristojnega nosilca zagotavlja te storitve nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča družinskih članov v skladu z določbami zakonodaje, ki jo uporablja, kot če bi bili do takšnih storitev upravičeni po tej zakonodaji.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
1 In the case of a periodical payment to which this article applies, the rate of the benefit, increased by the amount of any family allowance payable during the contingency, shall be such as to attain, in respect of the contingency in question, for the standard beneficiary indicated in the Schedule appended to this part, at least the percentage indicated therein of the total of the wage of an ordinary adult male labourer and of the amount of any family allowances payable to a person protected with the same family responsibilities as the standard beneficiary.
Za redno izplačilo po tem členu mora biti znesek dajatve, povečan za družinske dajatve, ki se izplačujejo, dokler traja zavarovalni primer, tolikšen, da je za tipičnega upravičenca iz razpredelnice, priložene temu delu, vsaj enak odstotku iz razpredelnice glede na celotno plačo odraslega nekvalificiranega moškega delavca in na znesek družinskih dajatev, ki se izplačujejo zavarovani osebi, ki ima enake družinske odgovornosti kot tipični upravičenec.
33 Objavljeno
DRUGO: KOM(2005) 637 končno
Patients could receive important stimuli for such changes if health professionals included in routine contacts practical advice to patients and families on the benefits of optimal diets and increased levels of physical activity.
Bolniki bi lahko prejeli spodbude za take spremembe, če bi strokovnjaki za zdravje vključili v svoj običajni potek dela praktične nasvete bolnikom in družinam glede prednosti, ki jih imajo zdrava prehrana in povečana telesna dejavnost.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-16
Family members of the person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall benefit from the same facilities as described in paragraph 2 of this Article, insofar as they live in the same household, are recognised by the receiving Contracting Party as family members entitled to stay with the person specified in paragraph 1 of this Article and hold a valid passport.
Ugodnosti iz drugega odstavka tega člena veljajo tudi za družinske člane oseb iz prvega odstavka tega člena, če z njimi živijo v istem gospodinjstvu, jih pogodbenica sprejemnica priznava kot družinske člane, ki upravičeno živijo z osebami iz prvega odstavka tega člena, in so imetniki veljavnega potnega lista.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
In that case, the certificate testifying that the members of the family are entitled to benefits shall be delivered by the competent institution, or, where appropriate, by the institution of the place of residence of the pensioner.
V tem primeru pristojni nosilec, ali kadar je to primerno, nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča upokojenca izda potrdilo, ki dokazuje, da so družinski člani upravičeni do storitev.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The institution of the place of residence shall inform, as soon as it becomes aware of it, the competent institution of any alteration susceptible to extend the right to benefits in kind of the pensioner or the members of his family.
Nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča takoj, ko je seznanjen s spremembo, ki bi lahko razširila pravice upokojenca ali njegovih družinskih članov do storitev, o tem obvesti pristojnega nosilca.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
such rate may be reduced only to the extent by which the other means of the family of the beneficiary exceed prescribed substantial amounts or substantial amounts fixed by the competent public authority in conformity with prescribed rules;
znesek dajatve je lahko zmanjšan samo za toliko, kolikor druga sredstva družine upravičenca presegajo predpisane osnovne zneske ali osnovne zneske, ki so jih po predpisanih pravilih določili pristojni javni organi;
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
A person receiving a pension under the legislation of one Contracting Party and who is entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of this Contracting Party, shall as well as the members of his family, be entitled to such benefits during a temporary stay in the territory of the Contracting Party other than the one in whose territory they reside, when their condition requires the immediate provision of such benefits.
Oseba, ki prejema pokojnino po zakonodaji ene pogodbenice in je po zakonodaji te pogodbenice upravičena do storitev, in njeni družinski člani so upravičeni do takšnih storitev med začasnim bivanjem na ozemlju pogodbenice, na katerem sicer nimajo stalnega prebivališča, če njihovo stanje zahteva takojšnje zagotavljanje takšnih storitev.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
With regard to the provision of benefits in kind to pensioners and the members of their family, during a temporary stay referred to in Article 19, paragraph 5, of the Convention, the provisions of the Articles 9 and 10 shall be applicable by analogy.
Za zagotavljanje storitev upokojencem in njihovim družinskim članom med začasnim bivanjem, omenjenim v petem odstavku 19. člena konvencije, se smiselno uporabljajo določbe 9. in 10. člena.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
b) together with those members of their families forming part of their households, benefit from such exemption from immigration restrictions or formalities for the registration of aliens as is customarily accorded to the staff of international organizations;
b) so skupaj z družinskimi člani, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, oproščeni omejitev ali formalnosti glede prijave tujcev, kot je običajno za osebje mednarodnih organizacij;
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the benefits in kind shall be provided at the expense of the institution of the place of residence of the pensioner or the members of the family, by the institution of the place of temporary stay, according to its legislation, as if the person concerned were entitled to such benefits under this legislation.
V primeru iz prejšnjega odstavka storitve na stroške nosilca v kraju stalnega prebivališča upokojenca ali družinskih članov zagotovi nosilec v kraju začasnega prebivališča v skladu s svojo zakonodajo, kot da bi bila ta oseba po tej zakonodaji upravičena do takšnih storitev.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The person concerned or the members of his family shall advise the institution of the place of residence of any change in their circumstances which might affect their entitlement to benefits in kind and, in particular, of any cessation or any change of employment or occupational activity on the part of the person concerned or any change of the latter's residence or of temporary stay, or in that of a member of his family.
Zadevna oseba ali njeni družinski člani seznanijo nosilca v kraju stalnega prebivališča z vsako spremembo okoliščin, ki bi lahko vplivala na njihovo upravičenost do storitev, in še zlasti z vsakim prenehanjem ali spremembo zaposlitve ali opravljanja poklicne dejavnosti ali vsako spremembo svojega stalnega ali začasnega prebivališča.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
a the purpose of the test is to allow the family member(s) concerned to obtain a preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic benefit that has been independently evaluated as important for their health, or to allow them to make an informed choice with respect to procreation;
a namen testa je omogočiti zadevnemu družinskemu članu ali članom preventivno, diagnostično ali terapevtsko korist, ki je po neodvisni oceni pomembna za njihovo zdravje, ali jim omogočiti, da sprejmejo odločitev glede izbire pri oploditvi na podlagi prejetih pojasnil;
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The average annual costs per member of the family shall be equal to the average of the annual expenditure on all the benefits in kind provided by the institutions in the Netherlands to all insured persons younger than 65 years of age subject to the Netherlands legislation.
Povprečni letni stroški na družinskega člana so enaki povprečnim letnim izdatkom za vse storitve, ki jih zagotavljajo nosilci na Nizozemskem vsem zavarovancem, mlajšim od 65 let, za katere velja nizozemska zakonodaja.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
If the members of the family referred to in the preceding paragraph transfer their residence to the territory of the Contracting Party in which the pensioner resides, they shall be entitled to benefits in kind in accordance with the legislation of that Party, even if they have already received such benefits for the same case of sickness and maternity before transferring their residence.
Če družinski člani iz prejšnjega odstavka prenesejo stalno prebivališče na ozemlje pogodbenice, na katerem ima stalno prebivališče upokojenec, so upravičeni do storitev v skladu z zakonodajo te pogodbenice, tudi če so jim bile že pred prenosom stalnega prebivališča zagotovljene storitve za isti primer bolezni ali materinstva.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
Where a person receiving pensions under the legislation of both Contracting Parties is entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory he is resident, such benefits shall be provided to him and the members of his family by the institution of the place of residence at its own cost, as if he were a pensioner under the legislation of the latter Party only.
Če je oseba, ki prejema pokojnino po zakonodaji obeh pogodbenic, upravičena do storitev v skladu z zakonodajo pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere ima stalno prebivališče, nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča na svoje stroške zagotovi takšne storitve njej ali njenim družinskim članom, kot če bi bila oseba upokojena le po zakonodaji te pogodbenice.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
When it is not possible, with reasonable efforts, to contact a person for a genetic test for the benefit of his or her family member(s) on his or her biological material previously removed for another purpose, the law may allow the test to be carried out in accordance with the principle of proportionality, where the expected benefit cannot be otherwise obtained and where the test cannot be deferred.
Kadar kljub smiselnim prizadevanjem ni mogoče vzpostaviti stika z osebo za izvedbo genetskega testa v njeno korist ali korist njenih družinskih članov na njenem biološkem materialu, odvzetem predhodno za kak drug namen, je zakonsko dopustno opraviti testiranje v skladu z načelom sorazmernosti, kadar pričakovane koristi ni mogoče doseči kako drugače in se test ne da odložiti.
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The pensioner shall inform the institution of the place of residence of any change in his circumstances which might alter his entitlement to benefits in kind, in particular any suspension or withdrawal of the pension and of any transfer of his residence or that of the members of his family.
Upokojenec nosilca v kraju stalnega prebivališča obvesti o vsaki spremembi okoliščin, ki bi lahko vplivala na njegovo upravičenost do storitev, še zlasti o začasnem prenehanju ali ustavitvi izplačevanja pokojnine in prenosu svojega stalnega prebivališča ali stalnega prebivališča svojih družinskih članov.
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
The amount of benefits in kind provided under Article 15, paragraph 2, of the Convention, to members of the family who are not residing in the territory of the same Contracting Party as the person from who they derive their entitlement, as well as the amount of benefits in kind provided under Article 19, paragraph 3, of the Convention shall be evaluated on the basis of a lump-sum in respect of each calendar year.
Znesek stroškov storitev, zagotovljenih po drugem odstavku 15. člena konvencije družinskim članom, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju iste pogodbenice kot oseba, iz katere izhaja njihova upravičenost, ter znesek stroškov storitev, zagotovljenih po tretjem odstavku 19. člena konvencije, se za vsako koledarsko leto ocenita na podlagi pavšalnega zneska.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-91
In order to receive benefits in kind in the territory of the Contracting Party in which he resides, the pensioner and the members of his family referred to in Article 19, paragraph 2, of the Convention, shall register with the institution of the place of residence, submitting the following documents:
Da bi se upokojencu ali njegovim družinskim članom iz drugega odstavka 19. člena konvencije zagotovile storitve na ozemlju pogodbenice, na katerem ima stalno prebivališče, se mora prijaviti pri nosilcu v kraju stalnega prebivališča in predložiti naslednje dokumente:
Prevodi: en > sl
family benefit