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family reunification
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Family reunification of refugees
Združitev družine za begunce
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Family reunification is a necessary way of making family life possible.
Združitev družine je potrebna, da se omogoči družinsko življenje.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Family reunification may be refused on duly justified grounds.
Združitev družine je mogoče zavrniti iz ustrezno utemeljenih razlogov.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Family reunification should apply in any case to members of the nuclear family, that is to say the spouse and the minor children.
Združitev družine bi vsekakor morala veljati za člane primarne družine, se pravi za zakonca in mladoletne otroke.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
on the right to family reunification
o pravici do združitve družine
6 Pravna redakcija
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(4) Family reunification is a necessary way of making family life possible.
(4) Združitev družine je potrebna, da se omogoči družinsko življenje.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Requirements for the exercise of the right to family reunification
Zahteve za uveljavljanje pravice do združitve družine
8 Pravna redakcija
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(14) Family reunification may be refused on duly justified grounds.
(14) Združitev družine je mogoče zavrniti iz ustrezno utemeljenih razlogov.
9 Pravna redakcija
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This Chapter shall apply to family reunification of refugees recognised by the Member States.
To poglavje se uporablja za združitev družine beguncev, katerim status je priznala ena od držav članic.
10 Pravna redakcija
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(9) Family reunification should apply in any case to members of the nuclear family, that is to say the spouse and the minor children.
(9) Združitev družine bi vsekakor morala veljati za člane primarne družine, se pravi za zakonca in mladoletne otroke.
11 Pravna redakcija
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The Member States may authorise family reunification of other family members not referred to in Article 4, if they are dependent on the refugee.
Države članice lahko dovolijo združitev družine z drugimi družinskimi člani, ki niso omenjeni v členu 4, če jih begunec vzdržuje.
12 Pravna redakcija
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More favourable conditions should therefore be laid down for the exercise of their right to family reunification.
Treba bi bilo torej določiti ugodnejše pogoje za uveljavljanje njihove pravice do združitve družine.
13 Pravna redakcija
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As soon as the application for family reunification has been accepted, the Member State concerned shall authorise the entry of the family member or members.
Kakor hitro je prošnja za združitev družine sprejeta, država članica dovoli vstop družinskega člana ali članov.
14 Pravna redakcija
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(6) To protect the family and establish or preserve family life, the material conditions for exercising the right to family reunification should be determined on the basis of common criteria.
(6) Da se zavaruje družina in zagotovi ali ohrani družinsko življenje, je treba na podlagi skupnih meril določiti materialne pogoje za uresničevanje pravice do združitve družine.
15 Pravna redakcija
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(2) Measures concerning family reunification should be adopted in conformity with the obligation to protect the family and respect family life enshrined in many instruments of international law.
(2) Ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na združitev družine, je treba sprejeti v skladu z obvezo, da se družina varuje in družinsko življenje spoštuje, kar je poudarjeno v mnogih aktih mednarodnega prava.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Member States may decide that registered partners are to be treated equally as spouses with respect to family reunification.
Države članice se lahko odločijo, da v zvezi z združitvijo družine registrirane partnerje obravnavajo enako kot zakonce.
17 Pravna redakcija
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(13) A set of rules governing the procedure for examination of applications for family reunification and for entry and residence of family members should be laid down.
(13) Treba je določiti sklop pravil, ki urejajo postopek za preučevanje prošenj za združitev družine ter za vstop in bivanje družinskih članov.
18 Pravna redakcija
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(c) 'sponsor' means a third country national residing lawfully in a Member State and applying or whose family members apply for family reunification to be joined with him/her;
(c) "sponzor" pomeni državljana tretje države, ki zakonito biva v državi članici in prosi za združitev s svojimi družinskimi člani, ali čigar družinski člani prosijo za združitev z njim/njo;
19 Pravna redakcija
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In particular, the person who wishes to be granted family reunification should not constitute a threat to public policy or public security.
Oseba, ki želi, da se ji omogoči združitev družine, zlasti ne sme ogrožati javne politike ali javne varnosti.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
By way of derogation from paragraph 1(c), Member States may limit the family reunification of minor children of a further spouse and the sponsor.
Z odstopanjem od odstavka 1(c) lahko države članice uvedejo omejitve glede združitve družine za mladoletne otroke drugega zakonca in sponzorja.
21 Pravna redakcija
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(d) 'family reunification' means the entry into and residence in a Member State by family members of a third country national residing lawfully in that Member State in order to preserve the family unit, whether the family relationship arose before or after the resident's entry;
(d) "združitev družine" pomeni vstop v državo članico in bivanje družinskih članov državljana tretje države, ki zakonito biva v navedeni državi članici, z namenom, da se ohrani družinska enota, ne glede nato, ali je družinsko razmerje nastalo pred ali po vstopu rezidenta;
22 Pravna redakcija
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Member States may also reject an application for entry and residence for the purpose of family reunification, or withdraw or refuse to renew the family member's residence permits, where it is shown that:
Države članice lahko prav tako zavrnejo prošnjo za vstop in prebivanje zaradi združitve družine ali prekličejo ali ne podaljšajo dovoljenj za prebivanje za družinske člane, če se izkaže, da:
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
(e) "family members" means the third-country nationals who reside in the Member State concerned in accordance with Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification fn;
(e) "družinski člani" pomeni državljane tretje države, ki prebivajo v državi članici v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 2003/86/ES z 22 septembra 2003 o pravici do združitvi družine fn;
24 Pravna redakcija
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By way of derogation, where the legislation of a Member State relating to family reunification in force on the date of adoption of this Directive takes into account its reception capacity, the Member State may provide for a waiting period of no more than three years between submission of the application for family reunification and the issue of a residence permit to the family members.
Z odstopanjem, če nacionalno pravo države članice v zvezi s združitvijo družine, ki velja z dnem sprejetja te direktive, upošteva njene sprejemne zmogljivosti, lahko država članica predvidi čakalno dobo največ treh let od predložitve prošnje za združitev družine do izdaje dovoljenja za prebivanje za družinske člane.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Member States may reject an application for entry and residence for the purpose of family reunification, or, if appropriate, withdraw or refuse to renew a family member's residence permit, in the following circumstances:
Države članice lahko v naslednjih okoliščinah zavrnejo prošnjo za vstop in bivanje zaradi združitve družine ali, če je ustrezno, prekličejo ali ne podaljšajo dovoljenja za prebivanje za družinskega člana:
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
(11) The right to family reunification should be exercised in proper compliance with the values and principles recognised by the Member States, in particular with respect to the rights of women and of children; such compliance justifies the possible taking of restrictive measures against applications for family reunification of polygamous households.
(11) Pravico do združitve družine je treba uveljavljati v skladu z vrednotami in načeli, ki jih priznavajo države članice, zlasti v zvezi s pravicami žena in otrok; v skladu s tem je možno sprejeti omejevalne ukrepe za prošnje za združitev družine iz poligamnih gospodinjstev.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
With regard to the refugees and/or family members of refugees referred to in Article 12 the integration measures referred to in the first subparagraph may only be applied once the persons concerned have been granted family reunification.
V zvezi z begunci in/ali družinskimi člani beguncev, ki so omenjeni v členu 12, se merila za integracijo, omenjena v prvem pododstavku, lahko uporabijo komaj takrat, ko je zadevnim osebam odobrena združitev družine.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
When the application for family reunification is submitted, the Member State concerned may require the person who has submitted the application to provide evidence that the sponsor has:
Ko je prošnja za združitev družine predložena, lahko država članica zahteva, da oseba, ki je prošnjo predložila, zagotovi dokaze, da sponzor ima:
29 Pravna redakcija
Persons who have been excluded from the benefit of temporary protection or family reunification by a Member State shall be entitled to mount a legal challenge in the Member State concerned.
Osebe, ki jih je država članica izključila iz ugodnosti začasne zaščite ali ponovnega združevanja družine, imajo pravico do sodnega varstva v zadevni državi članici.
30 Pravna redakcija
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(b) may authorise the entry and residence for the purposes of family reunification of his/her legal guardian or any other member of the family, where the refugee has no relatives in the direct ascending line or such relatives cannot be traced.
(b) lahko dovolijo vstop in bivanje zaradi združitve družine z njegovim zakonitim skrbnikom ali katerim koli drugim članom družine, če begunec nima sorodnikov v ravni črti ali takšnih sorodnikov ni mogoče izslediti.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
The purpose of this Directive is to determine the conditions for the exercise of the right to family reunification by third country nationals residing lawfully in the territory of the Member States.
Namen te direktive je določiti pogoje za uveljavljanje pravice do združitve družin za državljane tretjih držav, ki zakonito prebivajo na ozemlju držav članic.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Without prejudice to international obligations, where family reunification is possible in a third country with which the sponsor and/or family member has special links, Member States may require provision of the evidence referred to in the first subparagraph.
Brez poseganja v mednarodne obveznosti, če je združitev družine mogoča v tretji državi, s katero ima sponzor in/ali družinski član posebne vezi, lahko država članica zahteva, da se zagotovi dokaz, omenjen v prvem pododstavku.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
The Member States shall ensure that the sponsor and/or the members of his/her family have the right to mount a legal challenge where an application for family reunification is rejected or a residence permit is either not renewed or is withdrawn or removal is ordered.
Države članice zagotovijo, da imajo sponzor in/ali člani njegove družine pravico do pravnega izpodbijanja, če je prošnja za združitev družine zavrnjena ali se dovoljenje za prebivanje ne podaljša ali se prekliče ali se ukaže izgon.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
If the application is submitted after the age of 15, the Member States which decide to apply this derogation shall authorise the entry and residence of such children on grounds other than family reunification.
Če se prošnja predloži po 15 letu, države članice, ki se odločijo uporabiti to odstopanje, dovolijo vstop in bivanje takšnih otrok na drugi podlagi, ne pa na podlagi združitve družine.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Member States shall determine whether, in order to exercise the right to family reunification, an application for entry and residence shall be submitted to the competent authorities of the Member State concerned either by the sponsor or by the family member or members.
Države članice odločijo, ali naj za uveljavljanje pravice do združitve družine prošnjo za vstop in bivanje pristojnim organom države članice predloži sponzor ali družinski člani.
36 Pravna redakcija
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(a) shall authorise the entry and residence for the purposes of family reunification of his/her first- degree relatives in the direct ascending line without applying the conditions laid down in Article 4(2)(a);
(a) dovolijo vstop in bivanje zaradi združitve družine z njegovimi sorodniki v prvem kolenu v ravni črti brez uporabe pogojev, določenih v členu 4(2)(a);
37 Pravna redakcija
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In the event of a polygamous marriage, where the sponsor already has a spouse living with him in the territory of a Member State, the Member State concerned shall not authorise the family reunification of a further spouse.
V primeru poligamnega zakona, če sponzor že ima zakonca, s katerim živi na ozemlju države članice, država članica ne dovoli združitve družine z drugim zakoncem.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Member States may require the refugee to meet the conditions referred to in Article 7(1) if the application for family reunification is not submitted within a period of three months after the granting of the refugee status.
Države članice lahko zahtevajo, da begunec izpolni pogoje, omenjene v členu 7(1), če prošnja za združitev družine ni predložena v roku treh mesecev po odobritvi statusa begunca.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Where a Member State authorises family reunification of these persons, this is without prejudice of the possibility, for Member States which do not recognise the existence of family ties in the cases covered by this provision, of not granting to the said persons the treatment of family members with regard to the right to reside in another Member State, as defined by the relevant EC legislation.
Če država članica odobri združitev družin teh oseb, to ne vpliva na to, da države članice, ki ne priznavajo obstoja družinskih vezi v primerih, za katere velja ta določba, omenjenim osebam ne zagotovijo obravnave družinskih članov v zvezi s pravico do bivanja v drugi državi članici, kot je opredeljeno v ustrezni zakonodaji ES.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
By way of derogation, Member States may request that the applications concerning family reunification of minor children have to be submitted before the age of 15, as provided for by its existing legislation on the date of the implementation of this Directive.
Z odstopanjem lahko države članice zahtevajo, da je prošnje, ki zadevajo združitev družine za mladoletne otroke, treba predložiti pred njihovim petnajstim letom, kot predvideva njihova obstoječa zakonodaja na datum začetka izvajanja te direktive.
41 Pravna redakcija
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Not later than after five years of residence, and provided that the family member has not been granted a residence permit for reasons other than family reunification, the spouse or unmarried partner and a child who has reached majority shall be entitled, upon application, if required, to an autonomous residence permit, independent of that of the sponsor.
Najkasneje po petih letih bivanja in pod pogojem, da družinski član ni dobil dovoljenja za prebivanje iz drugih razlogov, kot je združitev družine, sta zakonec ali izvenzakonski partner in otrok, ki je dosegel polnoletnost, upravičena, na podlagi prošnje, če se tapogojuje, do nevezanega dovoljenja za prebivanje, ki je neodvisno od dovoljenja za prebivanje sponzorja.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
(10) It is for the Member States to decide whether they wish to authorise family reunification for relatives in the direct ascending line, adult unmarried children, unmarried or registered partners as well as, in the event of a polygamous marriage, minor children of a further spouse and the sponsor.
(10) Na državah članicah je, da se odločijo, ali želijo odobriti združitev družine za sorodnike v ravni črti, odrasle neporočene otroke, izvenzakonske ali registrirane partnerje in, v primeru poligamnega zakona, mladoletne otroke drugih zakoncev in sponzorja.
43 Pravna redakcija
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(12) The possibility of limiting the right to family reunification of children over the age of 12, whose primary residence is not with the sponsor, is intended to reflect the children's capacity for integration at early ages and shall ensure that they acquire the necessary education and language skills in school.
(12) Možnost, da se omeji pravica do združitve družine za otroke, starejše od 12 let, ki ne prebivajo s sponzorjem, naj bi odražala sposobnost otrok za vključevanje v zgodnji starosti in zagotavlja, da pridobijo potrebno izobrazbo in jezikovna znanja v šoli.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
(16) Since the objectives of the proposed action, namely the establishment of a right to family reunification for third country nationals to be exercised in accordance with common rules, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States and can therefore, by reason of the scale and effects of the action, be better achieved by the Community, the Community may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty.
(16) Ker ciljev predlaganega ukrepa, in sicer priznanje pravice do združitve družine za državljane tretjih držav, ki se bo izvajal v skladu s skupnimi pravili, države članice ne morejo zadovoljivo uresničiti in jih zaradi obsega in učinka ukrepa laže uresniči Skupnost, lahko Skupnost v skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti iz člena 5 Pogodbe sprejme ukrepe.
45 Pravna redakcija
Member States may reunite family members where they are satisfied that the family members fall under the description of paragraph l(b), taking into account on a case by case basis the extreme hardship they would face if the reunification did not take place.
Države članice lahko zopet združijo družinske člane, če ugotovijo, da družinski člani ustrezajo opisu iz odstavka 1(b) upoštevajoč, od primera do primera, trpljenje, ki bi ga prestali, če ne bi prišlo do ponovne združitve.
46 Pravna redakcija
The Member State may reunite family members, who are in need of protection, with the sponsor in the case of family members where it is satisfied that they fall under the description of paragraph l(b), taking into account on a case by case basis the extreme hardship which they would face if the reunification did not take place.
Država članica lahko zopet združi družinske člane, ki potrebujejo zaščito, s skrbnikom, v primerih kadar je ugotovljeno, da družinski člani ustrezajo opisu iz odstavka 1(b) upoštevajoč, od primera do primera, skrajno trpljenje, ki bi ga prestali, če ne bi prišlo do ponovne združitve.
47 Pravna redakcija
Transfers of family members onto the territory of another Member State for the purposes of reunification under paragraph 2, shall result in the withdrawal of the residence permits issued, and the termination of the obligations towards the persons concerned relating to temporary protection, in the Member State of departure.
Premestitve družinskih članov na ozemlje druge države članice za namen ponovne združitve po členu 2, imajo za posledico preklic izdanih dovoljenj za prebivanje in prenehanje obveznosti do zadevnih oseb glede začasne zaščite v državi članici odhoda.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification
Direktiva sveta 2003/86/ES z dne 22. septembra 2003 o pravici do združitve družine
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
To protect the family and establish or preserve family life, the material conditions for exercising the right to family reunification should be determined on the basis of common criteria.
Da se zavaruje družina in zagotovi ali ohrani družinsko življenje, je treba na podlagi skupnih meril določiti materialne pogoje za uresničevanje pravice do združitve družine.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
Measures concerning family reunification should be adopted in conformity with the obligation to protect the family and respect family life enshrined in many instruments of international law.
Ukrepe, ki se nanašajo na združitev družine, je treba sprejeti v skladu z obvezo, da se družina varuje in družinsko življenje spoštuje, kar je poudarjeno v mnogih aktih mednarodnega prava.
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family reunification