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final balance
1 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
Allocation of the Final Balance of Settlement
Razdelitev zaključnega salda
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The final balance of the Programme shall be paid:
Končni poračun programa se plača:
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
Consolidated balance of public financing
Konsolidirana bilanca javnega finansiranja
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
In case of termination of this Agreement, the final balance of the mutual co-operation as of the termination date shall be an integral part of the Termination Protocol.
Ob prenehanju veljavnosti tega sporazuma končno stanje medsebojnega sodelovanja postane z datumom prenehanja sestavni del protokola o prenehanju veljavnosti.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
(b) any final balance in the sub-account shall be disposed of by UNIDO in consultation with the Donor, and UNIDO's responsibilities pursuant hereto shall be considered terminated.
(b) končni saldo sredstev na podračunu UNIDO razporedi po posvetovanju z donatorico in na podlagi tega prenehajo odgovornosti organizacije UNIDO.
6 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 90-2008
desiring to provide for the final settlement of the portion of liabilities of the former USSR to the Republic of Slovenia in the final balance of settlement related to commodity exchange between the former SFRY and the former USSR according to Article 5 of the Memorandum,
v želji po dokončni določitvi deleža obveznosti bivše ZSSR v končnem saldu po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo SFRJ in bivšo ZSSR, ki pripada Republiki Sloveniji v skladu s 5. členom memoranduma,
7 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
The final balance of settlement between the former USSR and the former SFRY is established in the amount of clearing U.S. dollars 1,291,951,838.77 in favor of the successor States of the former SFRY.
Zaključni saldo obračuna med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ se določi v znesku 1.291.951.838,77 klirinških dolarjev v korist držav naslednic bivše SFRJ.
8 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
Vnesheconombank shall open a single account in the name of the National Bank of the SFRY to which the amount of the final balance of settlement referred to in Article 4 of the present Memorandum shall be transferred.
Vnešekonombanka na ime Narodne banke SFRJ odpre enoten račun, na katerega se nakaže znesek zaključnega salda iz 4. člena tega memoranduma.
9 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Bodies in charge of implementation of the budgets of former municipalities shall implement the 1994 budget, prepare the final balance of the budget of the former municipality for 1994 and present it to municipal councils by 28 February 1995.
Organi za izvrševanje proračunov prejšnjih občin izvršijo proračun za leto 1994, pripravijo zaključni račun proračuna prejšnje občine za leto 1994 in ga predložijo občinskim svetom občin do 28. februarja 1995.
10 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
The surplus advances of funds for financial balance in the previous year shall be recouped by funds for financial balance in the current year.
Preveč nakazane akontacije sredstev za finančno izravnavo v preteklem letu se poračunajo s sredstvi za finančno izravnavo v tekočem letu.
11 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
The final balance of settlement specified in Article 4 of this Memorandum shall be allocated among the successor States to the former SFRY, as provided in point 2 of Article 5 of Annex C to the Agreement on Succession Issues among the successor States to the former SFRY dated 29 June, 2001, as follows:
Zaključni saldo obračuna, naveden v 4. členu tega memoranduma, se razdeli med države naslednice bivše SFRJ, kot je določeno v 2. točki 5. člena Priloge C k Sporazumu o vprašanjih nasledstva med državami naslednicami bivše SFRJ z dne 29. junija 2001:
12 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 90-2008
The subject of the present Agreement is the settlement of the portion of liabilities of the former USSR in clearing U.S. dollars to the Republic of Slovenia in the final balance of settlement related to commodity exchange between the former USSR and the former SFRY (hereinafter ` liabilities of the former USSR` ).
Predmet tega sporazuma je določitev deleža obveznosti bivše ZSSR v klirinških dolarjih v končnem saldu po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo SFRJ in bivšo ZSSR, ki pripada Republiki Sloveniji (v nadaljnjem besedilu: obveznosti bivše ZSSR).
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
stable prices, sound public finances and monetary conditions and a stable balance of payments.
stabilne cene, zdrave javne finance in denarne pogoje ter uravnoteženo plačilno bilanco.
14 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
The budget of a municipality consists of the balance of income and expenditure and the finance account.
Proračun občine sestavljata bilanca prihodkov in odhodkov ter račun financiranja.
15 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Closing balances under the previous paragraph shall be sent to the Court of Auditors and the Ministry of Finance.
Zaključni računi iz prejšnjega odstavka se pošljejo Računskemu sodišču in ministrstvu, pristojnemu za finance.
16 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Advances are to be recouped by funds for financial balance, defined by the Ministry of Finance for each municipality.
Akontacije se poračunajo s sredstvi za finančno izravnavo, ki jih za posamezno občino ugotovi ministrstvo, pristojno za finance.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
insofar as is required, the last internal management balance sheet and audited accounts for the previous financial year;
po potrebi zadnja interna bilanca stanja in revidirano letno poročilo za predhodno poslovno leto;
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
Rational use of public finance and optimum balance of public finance are not only conditions for joining the EU but also represent basic conditions for stable development.
Racionalna poraba javnih sredstev in čimbolj uravnotežene javne finance niso le pogoj za sprejem v EU, pač pa so eden izmed osnovnih pogojev stabilnega razvoja.
19 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
This balance is considered final, shall not be subject to revision and shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of the present Memorandum.
Ta saldo se šteje za dokončnega in se ne revidira ter se poravna v skladu z določbami tega memoranduma.
20 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
For the purposes of determining whether activities in different financial sectors are significant within the meaning of Article 2(14)(e), for each financial sector the average of the ratio of the balance sheet total of that financial sector to the balance sheet total of the financial sector entities in the group and the ratio of the solvency requirements of the same financial sector to the total solvency requirements of the financial sector entities in the group should exceed 10 %.
Da bi določili, ali so dejavnosti v različnih finančnih sektorjih pomembne v smislu člena 2(14. )(e), mora za vsak finančni sektor povprečni količnik skupne bilančne vsote tega finančnega sektorja v primerjavi z bilančno vsoto vseh oseb vsega finančnega sektorja v skupini in količnik zahtevanega minimalnega kapitala istega finančnega sektorja in skupnega zahtevanega minimalnega kapitala vseh oseb vsega finančnega sektorja v skupini presegati 10 %.
21 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
For the purposes of determining whether the activities of a group mainly occur in the financial sector, within the meaning of Article 2(14)(c), the ratio of the balance sheet total of the regulated and non-regulated financial sector entities in the group to the balance sheet total of the group as a whole should exceed 40 %.
Da bi določili, ali se dejavnosti skupine pretežno opravljajo v finančnem sektorju v smislu člena 2(14. )(c), mora količnik med bilančno vsoto reguliranih in nereguliranih oseb v finančnem sektorju v skupini in bilančno vsoto skupine kot celote presegati 4. 0 %.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
The financial records of SELEC, including the accounts established pursuant to the budget showing income and expenditures, and the balance sheet showing SELEC's assets and liabilities, shall be subject to an external financial audit.
Finančne evidence SELEC-a, vključno z računovodskimi, ki se vodijo skladno s proračunom, ki prikazuje prejemke in izdatke, ter bilanco stanja, ki prikazuje SELEC-ova sredstva in obveznosti, pregleda zunanja finančna revizija.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
projected balance sheet, with a profit and loss account, for the current financial year including all proposed changes in the structure or activities explicitly in relation to finance;
projekcija bilance stanja in izkaza uspeha za tekoče poslovno leto, vključno z vsemi predlaganimi spremembami v strukturi ali dejavnostih v izraziti povezavi s financami;
24 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
(a) the relative size of its smallest financial sector does not exceed 5 %, measured either in terms of the average referred to in paragraph 2 or in terms of the balance sheet total or the solvency requirements of such financial sector;
(a) relativna velikost njegovega najmanjšega sektorja ne presega 5 %, merjeno v smislu povprečja iz odstavka 2 ali v smislu bilančne vsote ali zahtevanega minimalnega kapitala takega finančnega sektorja;
25 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
The municipality which cannot ensure financing of guaranteed expenditure by using the income under Article 21 of this Law will be allotted funds for balancing finances from the state budget.
Občini, ki s prihodki iz 21. člena tega zakona ne more zagotoviti financiranja zagotovljene porabe, se zagotovijo sredstva za finančno izravnavo v državnem proračunu.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions shall be calculated in accordance with the statistical framework applying in the Union at the time of the calculation;
Skupna agregatna bilanca stanja denarnih finančnih institucij se izračuna v skladu s statističnim okvirom, ki se v Uniji uporablja v času izračuna;
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
If, in such a case, a loss in the value of the balance of funds is recorded, UNV shall inform the Donor with a view to determining whether any further financing could be provided by the Donor.
Če se v takem primeru vrednost preostanka sredstev zmanjša, UNV o tem obvesti donatorja in preveri, ali ta lahko prispeva dodatna sredstva.
28 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Municipalities shall regularly report information on income and expenditure in accounts, important for the determining of the volume of funds for financial balance, to the Ministry of Finance.
Občine morajo ministrstvu, pristojnemu za finance, tekoče sporočati podatke o prihodkih in odhodkih proračunov, ki so pomembni za ugotavljanje obsega sredstev za finančno izravnavo.
29 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-19-1002-2008-1
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Russian Federation, collectively referred to as » the Parties «, with a view of implementing the Memorandum between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, the Government of Serbia and Montenegro, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, and the Government of the Republic of Croatia on the Settlement of Mutual Financial Claims related to Settlement of Accounts under the Commodity Exchange between the former USSR and the former SFRY of 17 September 2003 (hereinafter ` the Memorandum ` ), desiring to provide for the final settlement of the portion of liabilities of the former USSR to the Republic of Slovenia in the final balance of settlement related to commodity exchange between the former SFRY and the former USSR according to Article 5 of the Memorandum, and with a view to developing and strengthening trading, financial and economic relations between the states of the Parties, hereby have agreed as follows:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Ruske federacije, v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbeni strani, sta se zaradi izvajanja Memoranduma med Vlado Ruske federacije in Vlado Bosne in Hercegovine, Vlado Republike Hrvaške, Vlado Republike Makedonije, Vlado Srbije in Črne gore, Vlado Republike Slovenije o poravnavi medsebojnih finančnih terjatev po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo ZSSR in bivšo SFRJ, z dne 17. septembra 2003 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: memorandum), v želji po dokončni določitvi deleža obveznosti bivše ZSSR v končnem saldu po obračunih, povezanih z blagovnim prometom med bivšo SFRJ in bivšo ZSSR, ki pripada Republiki Sloveniji v skladu s 5. členom memoranduma, zaradi nadaljnjega razvoja ter krepitve trgovinskih, finančnih in ekonomskih odnosov med državama pogodbenih strani dogovorili:
30 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
Cross-sectoral activities shall also be presumed to be significant within the meaning of Article 2(14)(e) if the balance sheet total of the smallest financial sector in the group exceeds EUR 6 billion.
Medsektorske dejavnosti se tudi štejejo za pomembne v smislu člena 2(14. )(e), če bilančna vsota najmanjšega finančnega sektorja v skupini presega 6 milijard EUR.
31 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Transfer of funds for financial balance shall be put on hold temporarily should the municipality fail to report this information by the deadline and according to the method under the previous paragraph.
Občini, ki ne sporoča podatkov v roku in na način iz prejšnjega odstavka, se začasno ustavi nakazovanje sredstev za finančno izravnavo.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
For 2002, the data of the Ministry of Finance, Bulletin of Public Finance, No. 2, February 2003 For 2003 and 2004, the data from the balance sheet supplements to the Budget Memorandum for 2003 and 2004 (Bulletin of the National Assembly, No 96, October 2002)
Za leto 2002 podatki Ministrstva za finance, Bilten javnih financ, t. 2, februar 2003 Za leti 2003 in 2004 podatki iz bilančnih prilog k Proračunskemu memorandumu za leti 2003 in 2004 (Poročevalec DZ,.t. 96, oktober 2002)
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Until the amount needed to reach financial balance in an individual municipality is ascertained, the municipalities shall be allotted advances in proportion to expenditure according to Article 40 of this Law.
Do ugotovitve potrebne višine sredstev za finančno izravnavo za posamezno občino, se občinam zagotavljajo akontacije, sorazmerno odhodkom po 40. členu tega zakona.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
Upon submission of a final financial report on the implementation of the completed projects in accordance with Article VII(4), the balance in the project account shall be transferred to the Donor IDF sub-account.
Po predložitvi končnega finančnega poročila o izvedenih projektih se v skladu s četrto točko VII. člena saldo na projektnem računu prenese v sklad na donatoričin podračun.
35 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Until the necessary amount of funds for the financial balance of an individual municipality is determined, the municipalities shall be allotted advances in proportion to the guaranteed expenditure in the previous year.
Do ugotovitve potrebne višine sredstev za finančno izravnavo za posamezno občino se občinam zagotavljajo akontacije sorazmerno zagotovljeni porabi v preteklem letu.
36 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
The municipalities which have been receiving advances from funds for financial balance but were not supposed to in accordance with this Law, shall repay the surplus advances to the state budget by 25 December that year.
Občine, ki so prejemale akontacijo na račun sredstev za finančno izravnavo, pa jim sredstva po tem zakonu ne pripadajo, vrnejo preveč prejete akontacije državnemu proračunu do 25. decembra v tekočem letu.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
The accounts in respect of all income and expenditure entered in the budget together with the balance sheet showing Europol's assets and liabilities shall be subject to an annual audit in accordance with the financial regulation.
Računi v zvezi z vsemi dohodki in odhodki, vnesenimi v proračun, skupaj z izkazom stanja, ki Europolu prikazujejo sredstva in obveznosti, so predmet letne revizije v skladu s finančnimi predpisi.
38 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
(iv) where the financial conglomerate is a group without a parent undertaking at the top, or in any other case, the task of coordinator shall be exercised by the competent authority which authorised the regulated entity with the largest balance sheet total in the most important financial sector.
(iv) kadar je finančni konglomerat skupina brez matičnega podjetja na čelu, ali v vseh drugih primerih, nalogo koordinatorja opravlja pristojni organ, ki je izdal dovoljenje za opravljanje poslov regulirani osebi z najvišjo bilančno vsoto v najpomembnejšem finančnem sektorju.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
− pursuing, in the field of public finance, the goal of balancing public finance in a manner which will enable, on the one hand, allocation of the major part of budget expenditure for development projects and, on the other hand, unburdening of the economy by reducing the share of general government revenue in GDP.
bo na področju javnih financ sledila cilju uravnoteženja javnih financ na način, ki bo po eni strani omogočil večji del proračunskih izdatkov nameniti za razvojne projekte, po drugi strani pa omogočil tudi razbremenitev gospodarstva z znižanjem deleža javno finančnih prihodkov v BDP.
40 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Provisions of the regulations which refer to the state budget are to be reasonably applied for the purpose of the disclosure of incomes and expenditures in the income and expenditure balance-sheet and for the purpose of disclosure of the finance account.
Za izkazovanje prihodkov in odhodkov v bilanci prihodkov in.odhodkov in za izkazovanje računa. financiranja se smiselno uporabljajo določbe predpisov, ki se nanašajo na državni proračun.
41 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
Where the financial conglomerate is headed by more than one mixed financial holding company with a head office in different Member States and there is a regulated entity in each of these States, the task of coordinator shall be exercised by the competent authority of the regulated entity with the largest balance sheet total if these entities are in the same financial sector, or by the competent authority of the regulated entity in the most important financial sector;
Kadar je na čelu finančnega konglomerata več kakor en mešani finančni holding s sedeži v različnih državah članicah in je v vsaki od teh držav regulirana oseba, nalogo koordinatorja opravlja pristojni organ regulirane osebe z največjo bilančno vsoto, če gre za osebe v istem finančnem sektorju, ali pristojni organ regulirane osebe v najpomembnejšem finančnem sektorju;
42 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Before the final settlement of relations of property and legal relations between municipalities in accordance with Article 100 of the Law on Local Self-Government, the municipalities shall adopt the property balance of the former municipality as of 31 December 1994.
Pred ureditvijo premoženjsko pravnih razmerij med občinami po 100. členu zakona o lokalni samoupravi občine sprejmejo premoženjsko bilanco prejšnje občine na dan 31. decembra 1994.
43 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Funds for balancing finances shall be transferred monthly by the 20th of each month according to the achieved income of the municipality in the previous month (as under Article 21) and according to an appropriate share of the guaranteed expenditure of the municipality.
Sredstva za finančno izravnavo se nakazuje mesečno do 20. v mesecu za tekoči mesec glede na dosežene prihodke občine iz 21. člena v preteklem mesecu in glede na ustrezni del zagotovljene porabe občine.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Where a member of the Council considers that a draft European law or framework law referred to in paragraph 1 would affect fundamental aspects of its social security system, including its scope, cost or financial structure, or would affect the financial balance of that system, it may request that the matter be referred to the European Council.
(2) Kadar član Sveta meni, da bi osnutek evropskega zakona ali okvirnega zakona iz prejšnjega odstavka vplival na temeljne vidike njegovega sistema socialne varnosti, vključno z njegovim obsegom ali finančno strukturo, ali bi vplival na finančno uravnoteženost sistema, lahko zahteva, da se zadeva predloži Evropskemu svetu.
45 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
The coordinator appointed in accordance with Article 10 shall inform the parent undertaking at the head of a group or, in the absence of a parent undertaking, the regulated entity with the largest balance sheet total in the most important financial sector in a group, that the group has been identified as a financial conglomerate and of the appointment of the coordinator.
Koordinator, ki je imenovan v skladu s členom 10, obvesti matično podjetje, ki je na čelu skupine ali, če ni matičnega podjetja, regulirano osebo z največjo bilančno vsoto v najpomembnejšem finančnem sektorju skupine, da je skupina identificirana kot finančni konglomerat ter o imenovanju koordinatorja.
46 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
The basic strategic aim of the fiscal policy is to restructure general government expenditure and revenue inflows that will have a stimulating effect on the competitiveness of the economy and will in the medium-term enable gradual balancing of public finance without increasing their share in GDP.
Osnovna strateška usmeritev fiskalne politike je prestrukturiranje javno finančnih odhodkov in prihodkov, kar bo spodbudno vplivalo na konkurenčnost gospodarstva in bo v srednjeročnem obdobju omogočilo tudi postopno uravnoteženje javnih financ brez povečanja njihovega deleža v BDP.
47 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
(iii) where more than one regulated entity with a head office in the Community have as their parent the same mixed financial holding company and none of these entities has been authorised in the Member State in which the mixed financial holding company has its head office, the task of coordinator shall be exercised by the competent authority which authorised the regulated entity with the largest balance sheet total in the most important financial sector;
(iii) kadar je matično podjetje več reguliranih oseb s sedežem v Skupnosti isti mešani finančni holding in nobena od teh oseb nima dovoljenja za opravljanje poslov v državi članici, v kateri je sedež mešanega finančnega holdinga, nalogo koordinatorja opravlja pristojni organ, ki je izdal dovoljenje regulirani osebi z največjo bilančno vsoto v najpomembnejšem finančnem sektorju;
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The shares in the aggregate gross domestic product at market prices and in the total aggregated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions shall be assigned weights of 5/6 and 1/6, respectively. The first group shall be composed of five governors and the second group of the remaining governors.
Deleži v agregatnem bruto domačem proizvodu po tržnih cenah oziroma v skupni zbirni bilanci stanja denarnih finančnih institucij so ponderirani s 5/6 oziroma z 1/6. Prvo skupino sestavlja pet guvernerjev in drugo skupino preostali guvernerji.
49 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
After 31 December 2007, or after the date of entry into force of the multi-annual financial framework for the period 2008-2013 if this date falls later, balances from the 9th EDF or from previous EDFs shall no longer be committed, with the exception of the balances and funds decommitted after this date of entry into force resulting from the system guaranteeing the stabilisation of export earnings from primary agricultural products (STABEX) under the EDFs prior to the 9th EDF and of those funds referred to in paragraph 2(b).
Po 31. decembru 2007 oziroma po datumu začetka veljavnosti večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje 2008-2013, v kolikor ta datum nastopi kasneje, sredstev iz devetega ERS ali iz prejšnjih ERS ne bo več mogoče črpati, razen preostalega zneska in sredstev, ki so bila prerazporejena po datumu začetka veljavnosti in izhajajo iz sistema za zagotavljanje stabilizacije izvoznih prihodkov od primarnih kmetijskih izdelkov (STABEX) v okviru skladov pred devetim ERS, in sredstev, navedenih v odstavku 2(b).
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(2) However, if the Organisation is unable to balance its budget under the conditions laid down in paragraph 1, the Contracting States shall remit to the Organisation special financial contributions, the amount of which shall be determined by the Administrative Council for the accounting period in question.
(2) Če Organizacija ne more izravnati svojega proračuna pod pogoji iz prvega odstavka, ji države pogodbenice nakažejo posebne finančne prispevke, katerih znesek določi upravni svet za zadevno obračunsko obdobje.
Prevodi: en > sl
final balance