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financial intervention
1 Končna redakcija
financial intervention
finančna intervencija
2 Objavljeno
The reporting systems should give the co-ordinating or ownership entity a true picture of the SOE's performance and financial situation, enabling them to react on time and to be selective in their intervention.
Sistemi poročanja bi morali dajati koordinacijskemu oz. lastniškemu odboru pravo sliko poslovanja oz. finančnega položaja družbe v državni lasti in omogočati odboru pravočasno odzivanje in selektivnost pri posredovanjih.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Board of Governors, acting unanimously, shall establish the Statutes of the bodies referred to in paragraph 1, defining, in particular, their objectives, structure, capital, membership, the location of their seat, their financial resources, means of intervention and auditing arrangements, as well as their relationship with the organs of the Bank.
(2) Svet guvernerjev soglasno sprejme statute teles iz prejšnjega odstavka, ki opredeljujejo predvsem njihove cilje, sestavo, kapital, članstvo, kraj sedeža, finančne vire, načine posredovanja in pravila o revidiranju kakor tudi njihove odnose z organi banke.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0448
The costs referred to in point 2.5, the use of any fiscal benefits arising from the leasing operation, and other conditions of the contract shall be equivalent to those applicable in the absence of any Community financial intervention.
Stroški iz točke 2.5, uporaba kakršnih koli davčnih koristi, ki izhajajo iz dejavnosti lizinga, in drugi pogodbeni pogoji so enakovredni tistim, ki se uporabljajo, kadar ni nobene finančne pomoči Skupnosti.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
only 75 % of the financial assistance shall be granted for intervention operations carried out under Title IV for the first instance of non-implementation,
za prvo kršitev odobri samo 75 % finančne pomoči za intervencijske ukrepe, ki se izvajajo v skladu z naslovom IV;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
to pay the financial contributions provided for in the rules of association for the establishment and replenishment of the intervention fund under Article 17(3);
naj plačujejo finančne prispevke, predvidene v poslovniku, za ustanovitev in vzdrževanje intervencijskega sklada iz člena 17(3);
7 Končna redakcija
The effect of such intervention is that expenditure for the financial years in which the postponed work then has to be done is raised to an abnormally high level.
Učinek takega posredovanja je, da se izdatki za poslovna leta, ko mora biti zamujeno delo opravljeno, povečajo na nenormalno visoko raven.
8 Končna redakcija
Where the products in question have experienced a depreciation as a result of storage, the financial effect thereof shall be recorded and taken into account at the time of entry into intervention.
Če so zadevni proizvodi kot posledica skladiščenja predmet amortizacije, se finančni učinek zabeleži in upošteva glede na čas začetka intervencije.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0806
To this end, the Community shall provide financial assistance and appropriate expertise aimed at promoting gender equality into all its development cooperation policies and interventions in developing countries.
V ta namen oskrbi Skupnost finančno pomoč in ustrezno strokovno znanje za spodbujanje enakosti spolov pri vseh politikah razvojnega sodelovanja in intervencijah v državah v razvoju.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
where a producer organisation has failed to draw up an operational programme for the fishing year in accordance with paragraph 1, it shall not receive any of the financial assistance granted for intervention operations carried out under Title IV for the fishing year concerned;
če organizacija proizvajalcev ne pripravi operativnega programa za ribolovno leto v skladu z odstavkom 1, za to ribolovno leto ne dobi finančne pomoči, odobrene za intervencijske ukrepe, ki se izvajajo v skladu z naslovom IV;
11 Končna redakcija
Whereas in the case of intervention measures in respect of which a sum per unit is not determined within the framework of the common organization of markets, basic rules should be laid down with regard in particular to the method for determining the amounts to be financed, the financing of expenditure resulting from the tying-up of the funds necessary for intervention purchasing of products, the valuation of stocks to be carried forward from one financial year to the next and the financing of expenditure resulting from storage and, where appropriate, processing operations;
ker je treba v primeru intervencijskih ukrepov, pri katerih vsota na enoto ni določena v okviru skupne ureditve trgov, določiti osnovna pravila, zlasti glede metode za določanje zneskov, ki jih je treba financirati, financiranja izdatkov, ki izhajajo iz pridobivanja sredstev, potrebnih za intervencijski odkup proizvodov, ovrednotenja zalog, ki jih je treba prenesti iz enega proračunskega leta v drugo, in financiranja izdatkov, ki nastanejo v zvezi s skladiščenjem in po potrebi s predelovalnimi postopki;
12 Končna redakcija
To this end, on the basis of the purchase prices paid by the intervention agencies over a reference period and taking into account the depreciation referred to in Article 7, the price to be applied for quantities to be carried forward to the following financial year shall be determined for the various products in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70.
V ta namen se na podlagi odkupnih cen, ki jih plačajo intervencijske agencije v referenčnem obdobju in ob upoštevanju amortizacije iz člena 7, cena, ki jo je treba uporabljati za količine za prenos v naslednje proračunsko leto, določi za različne proizvode po postopku iz člena 13 Uredbe (EGS) št. 729/70.
13 Pravna redakcija
The framework within which more risk capital can be provided for the improvement of Greenlandic fisheries, with the ultimate aim of reducing public financial intervention,
Predpostavke, pod katerimi se lahko zagotovi bolj rizični kapital za izboljšanje grenlandskega ribištva s končnim ciljem zmanjšanja javnih finančnih intervencij,
14 Pravna redakcija
The costs referred to in point A.5, the use of any fiscal benefits arising from the leasing operation, and other conditions of the contract shall be equivalent to those applicable in the absence of any Community financial intervention.
Stroški iz točke A.5, uporaba vseh davčnih olajšav, ki izhajajo iz zakupnega posla, in drugi pogodbeni pogoji so enakovredni tistim, ki se uporabljajo v odsotnosti katere koli finančne intervencije Skupnosti.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1145
The costs referred to in point 2.5, the use of any fiscal benefits arising from the leasing operation, and other conditions of the contract shall be equivalent to those applicable in the absence of any Community financial intervention.
Stroški iz točke 2.5, uporaba kakršnih koli fiskalnih koristi, ki izhajajo iz zakupnih aktivnosti, in drugi pogoji iz pogodbe so enakovredni tistim, ki se uporabljajo v odsotnosti katere koli finančne intervencije Skupnosti.
16 Pravna redakcija
Intervention agencies shall, during each financial year, establish an inventory for each product which has been the subject of Community intervention.
V vsakem proračunskem letu intervencijske agencije vodijo popis za vsak proizvod, ki je predmet intervencij Skupnosti.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1747
For intervention products, the emphasis is on detailed stock movements rather than on the financial implications.
Za intervencijske proizvode je poudarek na podrobnih gibanjih zalog in ne na finančnih posledicah.
18 Pravna redakcija
The Community withdrawal compensation shall be paid without prejudice to any financial implications resulting from overrun of an intervention threshold.
Nadomestila Skupnosti za umik s trga se izplača ob upoštevanju finančnih posledic zaradi prekoračitve interventnega praga.
19 Pravna redakcija
Non-governmental organisations eligible for financial agreements with a view to the implementation of interventions under this Regulation shall meet the following criteria:
Nevladne organizacije, ki so primerne za sklepanje finančnih sporazumov z namenom izvajanja intervencij v skladu s to uredbo, morajo ustrezati naslednjim merilom:
20 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the financing costs should be calculated according to a method which takes account of the volume of the stocks, of the different ways in which the goods are presented for intervention, of the depreciation of goods in storage since the beginning of the financial year and also of changes in the intervention prices of products during the financial year;
ker je treba stroške financiranja izračunati v skladu z metodo, ki upošteva obseg zalog, različne načine predstavitve blaga za intervencijo, amortizacijo uskladiščenega blaga od začetka proračunskega leta in tudi spremembe intervencijskih cen proizvodov med proračunskim letom;
21 Pravna redakcija
Each year the budgetary authority shall set an overall annual ceiling for the funding of interventions provided for under this Regulation, within the limits of the financial perspective.
Proračunski organ vsako leto določi skupni letni prag sredstev za intervencije, ki jih predvideva ta uredba, v okviru finančnih izgledov.
22 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, under Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1883/78, an account is drawn up for each Member State and for each financial year showing the net losses sustained by the intervention agencies concerned;
ker ima v skladu s členom 4 (1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 1883/78 vsaka država članica račun za vsako proračunsko leto, ki izkazuje neto izgube, ki jih imajo zadevne intervencijske agencije;
23 Pravna redakcija
'instruments' means the mechanisms for indirect Community intervention as laid down in Annex III to the Sixth Framework Programme, with the exception of Community financial participation pursuant to Article 169 of the Treaty;
"instrumenti" pomeni mehanizme za posreden poseg Skupnosti, kot je določen v Prilogi III k šestemu okvirnem programu, z izjemo finančne udeležbe Skupnosti v skladu s členom 169 Pogodbe;
24 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the procedure and rules for establishing the annual distribution plan for products from intervention stocks drawn up by the Commission on the basis of information provided by the Member States should be simplified and the timetable should be adapted taking into account the requirements of distribution to the recipients and the need for financial management of public intervention stocks;
ker je treba poenostaviti postopek in pravila za pripravo letnega načrta za razdeljevanje proizvodov iz intervencijskih zalog, ki ga izdela Komisija na podlagi informacij držav članic, ter prilagoditi časovni razpored z upoštevanjem zahtev za razdeljevanje prejemnikom in potrebe po finančnem upravljanju javnih intervencijskih zalog;
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
(82) Another interested party argued that Hynix would not have obtained the May 2001 bailout without GOK intervention due to its weak financial condition and that the GOK specifically directed Hynix's creditors to participate in the bond purchase.
(82) Druga zainteresirana stranka je izjavila, da Hynix maja 2001 ne bi bil rešen brez posega korejske vlade zaradi njegovega slabega finančnega položaja in da je korejska vlada Hynixovim upnikom naročila, naj sodelujejo pri nakupu obveznic.
26 Pravna redakcija
The Commission may conclude financial agreements or framework agreements with relevant government agencies, international organisations, NGOs and public or private operators on the basis of their ability to carry out rapid interventions in crisis management.
Komisija lahko finančne sporazume ali okvirne sporazume sklepa z pomebnimi vladnimi organizacijami, mednarodnimi organizacijami, nevladnimi organizacijami (NVO) in javnimi ali zasebnimi izvajalci na podlagi njihove sposobnosti za izvajanje hitrih intervencij za obvladovanje kriz.
27 Pravna redakcija
The differences between the amounts collected due to the application of the market price and the amounts booked to the EAGGF by applying the intervention price, shall be credited to the EAGGF at the end of the financial year among the other elements of credit.`
Razlike med zneski, prejetimi na podlagi uporabe tržne cene, in zneski, knjiženimi EKUJS z uporabo intervencijske cene, se knjižijo v dobro EKUJS na koncu proračunskega leta skupaj z drugimi nakazili."
28 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 7 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1883/78 provides that where the products in question experience a depreciation as a result of storage, the financial effect thereof is to be recorded and taken into account at the time of entry into intervention;
ker člen 7 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1883/78 omogoča, da se pri zadevnih proizvodih, ki se zaradi skladiščenja amortizirajo, finančni učinek amortizacije evidentira in upošteva ob vstopu v intervencijo;
29 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the definition of the tolerance provided for in Article 4 of Regulation (EEC) No 3492/90 for the preservation of agricultural products in public intervention storage and the calculation method to be used for determining the financial consequences of storage must be specified;
ker je treba določiti opredelitev dovoljenih izgub, predvideno v členu 4 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3492/90, za ohranitev kmetijskih proizvodov v javnih intervencijskih skladiščih in metodo izračuna, ki jo je treba uporabljati za določanje finančnih posledic skladiščenja,
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
In this respect, it is uncontested that unlike the other participants in these measures, Citibank's first intervention as a creditor bank of Hynix was in January 2001 when the financial situation of Hynix was already sufficiently bad to deter any other new bank from getting financially involved.
Glede tega je neizpodbitno, da je bila za razliko od drugih sodelujočih v teh ukrepi, prva intervencija Citibank kot banke upnice Hynixa januarja 2001, kot je bilo finančno stanje Hynixa že dovolj slabo, da nobena druga banka ni več želela finančno sodelovati z njim.
31 Pravna redakcija
Procedures for fixing the price for the quantities to be carried out to the following financial year shall be determined for the various products on the basis of the book values recorded by the intervention agencies in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of Regulation (EEC) No 729/70.
Postopki določanja cen zalog, ki se prenesejo v naslednje proračunsko leto, se za različne proizvode določajo na podlagi knjigovodskih vrednosti, ki jih intervencijske agencije določijo po postopku iz člena 13 Uredbe (EGS) št. 729/70.
32 Pravna redakcija
whereas, to meet the abovementioned objectives, that allocation should be made on the basis of the applications submitted by the Member State for the annual plan, the quantities of the products unavailable in the intervention stocks and the allocations made during previous financial years and their effective use;
ker naj bi se za dosego zgoraj navedenih ciljev ta dodelitev določila na osnovi vlog, ki jih predloži država članica v okviru letnega načrta, količin proizvodov, ki jih ni na voljo v intervencijskih zalogah, in dodelitev, izvedenih v prejšnjih proračunskih letih in njihovo uspešno uporabo;
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0409
Once the Agreed Minutes are signed they will commit the Korean Government to refrain from any direct or indirect intervention to underwrite loss-making Korean shipyards, to apply internationally accepted financial and accounting principles and to ensure that Korean shipyards set prices that reflect market conditions.
Ko bo potrjeni zapisnik podpisan, bo korejsko vlado zavezal k vzdržnosti do neposrednega ali posrednega posredovanja za podporo izgubarskim korejskim ladjedelnicam, da bo uporabljala mednarodno priznana finančna in računovodska načela ter zagotavljala, da bodo korejske ladjedelnice postavljale cene, ki bodo odražale tržne pogoje.
34 Pravna redakcija
After a financing Decision has been taken by the Commission in accordance with Article 4 and as soon as practically possible, a financial agreement shall be concluded with NGOs and public and/or private operators which have been chosen for conducting the intervention, on the basis of the respective framework agreements.
Potem, ko je Komisija v skladu s členom 4 sprejela sklep o financiranju in takoj ko je dejanjsko mogoče, se na temelju ustreznih okvirnih sporazumov sklene finančni sporazum z nevladnimi organizacijami (NVO) in javnimi in/ali zasebnimi izvajalci, ki so bili izbrani za vodenje posega dajanja pomoči.
35 Pravna redakcija
This grant shall be determined for each product taking account firstly of the quantity indicated in the Member State notification referred to in Article 1 (2), secondly of the quantities not available in intervention stocks and thirdly of the products applied for and allocated during previous financial years and the actual use made of them.
Ta dotacija se določi za vsak proizvod najprej ob upoštevanju količine, navedene v obvestilu države članice iz člena 1(2), in nato količin, ki niso na voljo v intervencijskih zalogah, in nato še proizvodov, za katere je bilo zaprošeno in so bili dodeljeni v času prejšnjega proračunskega leta in njihove dejanske uporabe.
36 Pravna redakcija
The interest costs referred to in Article 1 (1) (b) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3247/81 (1) shall be calculated by applying the rate fixed in Articles 3 and 4 (2) thereof to the average value per tonne of product which has been the subject of intervention and by multiplying the figure obtained by the average stock over the financial year in question.
Stroški obresti iz člena 1 (1) (b) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3247/81 fn se izračunajo po stopnji, določeni v členih 3 in 4 (2) za povprečno vrednost na tono proizvoda, ki je bil predmet intervencije, in pomnoži s povprečno zalogo v zadevnem proračunskem letu.
37 Pravna redakcija
Whereas when laying down, in Directive 77/391/EEC, the basic principles for Community intervention for the eradication of brucellosis, tuberculosis and leukosis, the Council decided to establish subsequently the minimum criteria which the national plans for the eradication of the abovementioned diseases should satisfy in order to qualify for a financial contribution by the Community;
ker je z določitvijo osnovnih načel za intervencijo Skupnosti pri izkoreninjanju bruceloze, tuberkuloze in levkoze v Direktivi 77/391/EGS Svet odločil, da naknadno določi minimalna merila, ki jih morajo nacionalni načrti za izkoreninjenje navedenih bolezni izpolnjevati za pridobitev finančnega prispevka Skupnosti;
38 Pravna redakcija
If the market in a product listed in Annex II is suffering or at risk of suffering from widespread structural imbalances giving or liable to give rise to too large a volume of the withdrawals referred to in Article 23, an intervention threshold shall be set before the beginning of the marketing year for that product in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 46 and the consequences of any overrun, assessed for the product on the basis of withdrawals made during a marketing year or an equivalent period or of the average of the volume of intervention over several marketing years, shall be borne financially by the producers.
Če na trgu s proizvodom iz Priloge II pride ali bi lahko prišlo do velikega strukturnega neravnotežja, ki povzroči ali bi lahko povzročilo prevelik obseg s trga umaknjenih količin iz člena 23, se za ta proizvod pred začetkom tržnega leta v skladu s postopkom iz člena 46 določi interventni prag; finančne posledice vsake prekoračitve, ki se za proizvod ocenijo na podlagi umikov s trga v tržnem letu ali v enakovrednem obdobju ali na podlagi povprečja interventnih količin v več tržnih letih, nosijo proizvajalci.
39 Pravna redakcija
whereas, because of the existence of financial limits laid down for the implementation of the annual plan for the supplies based on conversion rates on 1 October, the agricultural conversion rate applicable on that date should in order to preserve the resources allocated to each Member State, be used to determine the volumes of products made available from intervention and to convert costs relating to supplies under the scheme in question;
ker je treba zaradi prisotnosti finančnih omejitev, določenih za izvajanje letnega načrta za dobave na podlagi menjalnega razmerja na dan 1. oktobra, da bi ohranili sredstva, dodeljena vsaki državi članici, uporabiti kmetijsko menjalno razmerje, ki velja na ta dan, za določitev obsega proizvodov, ki so na razpolago iz intervencij, in za pretvorbo stroškov v zvezi z dobavami iz tega programa;
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1843
(2) Pursuant to Article 8(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1883/78, the Commission may restrict depreciation at the time of buying-in to a proportion of this depreciation percentage, but such proportion may not be less than 70 % of total depreciation. Coefficients should be fixed for certain products for the 2004 financial year, to be applied by the intervention agencies to the monthly buying-in values of these products, so that the agencies can establish the depreciation amounts.
(2) V skladu s členom 8(3) Uredbe (EGS) št. 1883/78 lahko Komisija v času odkupa omeji zmanjšanje vrednosti na delež tega odstotka zmanjšanja vrednosti, toda taki deleži ne smejo znašati manj kot 70 % skupne zmanjšane vrednosti. Za nekatere proizvode je treba za poslovno leto 2004 določiti koeficiente, ki jih bodo intervencijske agencije uporabljale pri mesečnih odkupnih vrednostih teh proizvodov, tako da bodo lahko določile zneske zmanjšanja.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1681
Without prejudice to the obligations arising directly out of Article 23 of Regulation (EEC) No 4253/88, this Regulation shall relate to all forms of financial intervention provided for in Regulations (EEC) No 4254/88, (EEC) No 4255/88, (EEC) No 4256/88, (EEC) No 792/92 and (EEC) No 2080/93.
Brez poseganja v obveznosti, ki neposredno izhajajo iz člena 23 Uredbe (EGS) št. 4253/88, se ta uredba uporablja za vse oblike finančnih intervencij, predvidenih v uredbah (EGS) št. 4254/88, (EGS) št. 4255/88, (EGS) št. 4256/88, (EGS) št. 792/92 in (EGS) št. 2080/93.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1663
a summary of intervention operations and a statement of the quantity and location of stocks at the end of the financial year;
povzetek intervencijskih postopkov in izjavo o količini in lokaciji zalog ob koncu proračunskega leta;
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2136
'However, for the 1994 financial year in the cereals sector, the basic intervention price to be used is that in force on 1 October 1992.`
"Vendar se za proračunsko leto 1994 v sektorju žit uporablja tista osnovna intervencijska cena, ki je veljala 1. oktobra 1992."
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1655
LIFE should be reinforced as a specific financial instrument, complementary with other Community instruments, without however limiting LIFE interventions to areas not covered by other Community financial instruments.
LIFE naj bi se okrepil kot posebni finančni instrument, ki se dopolnjuje z drugimi instrumenti Skupnosti, ne da bi se kakorkoli omejevalo poseganje instrumenta LIFE na področja, ki niso pokrita z drugimi finančnimi instrumenti Skupnosti.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2136
whereas it is therefore appropriate that missing quantities recorded during the 1994 financial year should be valued at the intervention price of the preceding marketing year as the majority of quantities in intervention stock were purchased during that marketing year;
ker je zato treba navedene manjkajoče količine, zabeležene v proračunskem letu 1994, ovrednotiti po intervencijski ceni prejšnjega tržnega leta, saj je bila večina količin v intervencijski zalogi kupljenih v navedenem tržnem letu;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1663
whether the financial interests of the Community are properly protected as regards advances paid, guarantees obtained, intervention stocks and amounts to be collected,
ali so glede izplačanih predplačil, pridobljenih jamstev, intervencijskih zalog in zneskov, ki naj se izterjajo, finančni interesi Skupnosti pravilno zaščiteni,
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R3597
shall be calculated by multiplying these quantities by the basic intervention price in force for the standard quality on the first day of the current financial year, increased by 5 %.
obračunava z množenjem teh količin z osnovno intervencijsko ceno, ki velja za standardno kakovost na prvi dan tekočega proračunskega leta, povečano za 5 %.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0806
To this end, the Community shall provide financial assistance and appropriate expertise aimed at promoting gender equality into all its development cooperation policies and interventions in developing countries.
V ta namen oskrbi Skupnost finančno pomoč in ustrezno strokovno znanje za spodbujanje enakosti spolov pri vseh politikah razvojnega sodelovanja in intervencijah v državah v razvoju.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2321
"instruments" means the mechanisms for indirect Community intervention as laid down in Annex III to the Sixth Framework Programme, with the exception of Community financial participation pursuant to Article 169 of the Treaty;
"instrumenti" pomeni mehanizme za posreden poseg Skupnosti, kot je določen v Prilogi III k šestemu okvirnem programu, z izjemo finančne udeležbe Skupnosti v skladu s členom 169 Pogodbe;
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1681
Whereas the rules set out in this Regulation should relate to all forms of financial intervention provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 4254/88 of 19 December 1988 laying down provisions for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 as regards the European Regional Development Fund (5), as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2083/93 (6), in Regulation (EEC) No 4255/88 of 19 December 1988 laying down provisions for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 as regards the European Social Fund (7), amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2084/93 (8), in Regulation (EEC) No 4256/88 of 19 December 1988 laying down provisions for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 as regards the EAGGF Guidance Sector (9), as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2085/93 (10) in Regulation (EEC) No 2080/93 of 20 July 1993 laying down provisions for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 as regards the financial instrument of fisheries guidance (11), as well as in Regulation (EEC) No 792/93;
ker bi se morale določbe iz te uredbe uporabljati za vse oblike finančnih intervencij, predvidenih v Uredbi (EGS) št. 4254/88 z dne 19. decembra 1988 o določbah za izvajanje Uredbe (EGS) št. 2052/88 v zvezi z Evropskim skladom za regionalni razvoj[5], kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 2083/93[6], v Uredbi (EGS) št. 4255/88 z dne 19. decembra 1988 o določbah za izvajanje Uredbe (EGS) št. 2052/88 v zvezi z Evropskim socialnim skladom[7], kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 2084/93[8], v Uredbi (EGS) št. 4256/88 z dne 19. decembra 1988 o določbah za izvajanje Uredbe (EGS) št. 2052/88 v zvezi z usmerjevalnim oddelkom EKUJS (Evropski kmetijski usmerjevalni in jamstveni sklad)[9], kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 2085/93[10], v Uredbi (EGS) št. 2080/93 z dne 20. julija 1993 o določbah za izvajanje Uredbe (EGS) št. 2052/88 v zvezi s finančnim instrumentom za usmerjanje ribištva[11], pa tudi v Uredbi (EGS) št. 792/93;
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financial intervention