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financial performance
1 Objavljeno
This aggregate report should primarily focus on financial performance and the value of the SOEs.
To zbirno poročilo bi se moralo v prvi vrsti osredotočati na finančno poslovanje in na vrednost družb v državni lasti.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-99
depressed financial performance among producers, which holds down investments needed for modernisation and rationalisation of plants;
slabi finančni rezultati proizvajalcev, ki zavirajo potrebne naložbe v posodobitev in racionalizacijo proizvodnje,
3 Objavljeno
The Directors' Report should give information and comment on the organisation, financial performance, material risk factors, significant events, relations with stakeholders, and the effects of directions from the co-ordinating or ownership entity.
Poročilo vodstva mora vsebovati informacijo in komentar o organiziranosti, finančnem poslovanju, bistvenih dejavnikih tveganja, pomembnih dogodkih, odnosih z deležniki ter vplivu usmeritev koordinacijskega ali lastniškega organa.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(5) The Administration may at anytime, and certainly always when there are clear signs that the air carrier to which it has issued a license has financial problems, assess its financial performance and can suspend or revoke a license if it is no longer satisfied that the air carrier can meet its actual and potential obligations in the 12 month period.
(5) Uprava lahko vselej, vsekakor pa vedno, kadar so prisotni jasni znaki, da ima letalski prevoznik, ki mu je izdala licenco, finančne težave, oceni finančno poslovanje in lahko odvzame ali prekliče licenco, če ni več prepričana, da lahko letalski prevoznik izpolni svoje dejanske in morebitne obveznosti v obdobju 12 mesecev.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
(17) shall appoint unanimously the financial controller and oversee the performance of his duties (Article 35);
(17) soglasno imenuje finančnega nadzornika ter nadzoruje opravljanje njegovih dolžnosti (člen 35);
6 Objavljeno
Without adequate reporting of material risk factors, SOEs may give a false representation of their financial situation and overall performance.
Brez ustreznega poročanja o bistvenih dejavnikih tveganja lahko družbe v državni lasti predstavljajo izkrivljeno sliko svoje finančne situacije in celotnega poslovanja.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
Strengthening all sources - human, material and financial in order to assure efficient performance of tasks in the field of risk assessment for human health.
Okrepitev vseh virov - človeških, materialnih, finančnih za zagotovitev učinkovitega izvajanja nalog na področju ocene tveganja za zdravje ljudi.
8 Objavljeno
External auditors will provide the co-ordinating or ownership entity with an external, independent and qualified view on the SOE performance and financial situation.
Zunanji revizorji bodo zagotavljali koordinacijskemu oz. lastniškemu odboru zunanji, neodvisen in strokoven pogled na poslovanje in finančni položaj družbe v državni lasti.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
(c) to improve energy operators' performance standards in technical, economic, environmental and financial terms especially in the electricity and liquid fuels sectors;
(c) izboljšati standarde učinkovitosti energetskih operaterjev s tehničnega, gospodarskega, okoljskega in finančnega vidika, zlasti v sektorju električne energije in tekočih goriv;
10 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
By law, the state may transfer to municipalities the performance of specific duties within the state competence if it also provides the financial resources to enable such.
Država lahko z zakonom prenese na občine opravljanje posameznih nalog iz državne pristojnosti, če za to zagotovi tudi potrebna sredstva.
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-52
· Clinical, financial and administrative information is available from at least two district hospitals and respective primary health care catchment area to produce comparative performance, financial and asset management, and accounting reports.
· Klinične, finančne in administrativne informacije so na voljo iz najmanj dveh okrožnih bolnišnic in ustreznega območja osnovnega zdravstvenega varstva, tako da se lahko izdelajo primerjalna poročila o uspešnosti, upravljanju financ in premoženja ter o računovodstvu.
12 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
By law, the state transfers the performance of specific duties within the state competence to the regions and must provide to them the necessary financial resources to enable such.
Država z zakonom prenese na pokrajine opravljanje posameznih nalog iz državne pristojnosti, mora pa jim za to zagotoviti potrebna sredstva.
13 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
The review shall be undertaken on the basis of a proposal to be prepared by the Commission in 2010. This performance review shall contribute to a decision on the amount of the financial cooperation after 2013.
Pregled bo izveden na podlagi predloga, ki ga bo leta 2010 pripravila Komisija. Ta pregled uspešnosti bo prispeval k odločitvi o znesku finančnega sodelovanja po letu 2013.
14 Objavljeno
The reporting systems should give the co-ordinating or ownership entity a true picture of the SOE's performance and financial situation, enabling them to react on time and to be selective in their intervention.
Sistemi poročanja bi morali dajati koordinacijskemu oz. lastniškemu odboru pravo sliko poslovanja oz. finančnega položaja družbe v državni lasti in omogočati odboru pravočasno odzivanje in selektivnost pri posredovanjih.
15 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
The competent authorities may also exchange with the following authorities such information as may be needed for the performance of their respective tasks, regarding regulated entities in a financial conglomerate, in line with the provisions laid down in the sectoral rules:
Pristojni organi lahko izmenjajo podatke, ki so potrebni za opravljanje njihovih nalog in se nanašajo na regulirane osebe v finančnem konglomeratu, ter v skladu z določbami iz sektorskih predpisov z naslednjimi organi:
16 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
A member of temporary staff shall not, in the performance of his duties and save as hereinafter provided, deal with a matter in which, directly or indirectly, he has any personal interest such as to impair his independence, and, in particular, family and financial interests.
Pri opravljanju svojih nalog začasni uslužbenec ne sme obravnavati zadeve, v kateri ima kakršen koli neposreden ali posreden osebni interes, ki bi lahko oviral njegovo neodvisnost, predvsem družinske ali finančne interese, razen kakor je določeno v nadaljevanju.
17 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
(11) The competent authorities involved, and especially the coordinator, should have the means of obtaining from the entities within a financial conglomerate, or from other competent authorities, the information necessary for the performance of their supplementary supervision.
(11) Vključeni pristojni organi in predvsem koordinator morajo imeti možnost, da od oseb v konglomeratu ali od drugih pristojnih organov pridobijo podatke, ki jih potrebujejo za izvajanje dopolnilnega nadzora.
18 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-64
The obligations of the Bank under the Finance Contract are conditional upon the execution and delivery by the Guarantor of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
da so obveznosti banke po finančni pogodbi pogojene s tem, da garant podpiše in predloži garancijo za izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti posojilojemalke po finančni pogodbi in ugodno pravno mnenje o tem;
19 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-22
The obligations of the Bank under the Finance Contract are inter alia conditional upon the execution and delivery by the Guarantor of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
da so obveznosti banke po finančni pogodbi med drugim pogojene s tem, da garant podpiše in predloži garancijo za izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti kreditojemalca iz finančne pogodbe ter ugodno pravno mnenje o tem;
20 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-58
The Council shall, in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Financial Protocol of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, together with the ACP States, conduct a performance review, assessing the degree of realisation of commitments and disbursements, and the results and impact of the aid provided.
Svet bo v skladu z odstavkom 7 Finančnega protokola Sporazuma o partnerstvu AKP-ES skupaj z državami AKP izvedel pregled uspešnosti in ocenil stopnjo izvedbe obveznosti in izplačil ter rezultat in učinek zagotovljene pomoči.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The income accruing to the national central banks in the performance of the monetary policy function of the European System of Central Banks (hereinafter referred to as "monetary income") shall be allocated at the end of each financial year in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
(1) Prihodki, ki jih ustvarjajo nacionalne centralne banke pri izvajanju nalog denarne politike Evropskega sistema centralnih bank (v nadaljnjem besedilu »denarni prihodki«), se na koncu vsakega poslovnega leta razporedijo v skladu z določbami tega člena.
22 Objavljeno
a clear report about risks and opportunities which the company handles within the framework of sustainable development in particular regarding non-financial risks and opportunities which are necessary for the understanding of its development, business performance and the position of the company,
jasno poročilo o tveganjih in priložnostih, ki jih družba obravnava v sklopu trajnostnega razvoja, še posebno o nefinančnem tveganju in priložnostih, ki so potrebni za razumevanje njenega razvoja, uspešnost poslovanja in položaj družbe,
23 Objavljeno
Effective monitoring of SOE performance can be facilitated by having adequate accounting and audit competencies within the co-ordinating or ownership entity to ensure appropriate communication with relevant counterparts, both with SOEs' financial services, external auditors and specific state controllers.
Učinkovit nadzor poslovanja družb v državni lasti bi bil lahko podprt z ustreznimi knjigovodskimi in revizijskimi kompetencami znotraj koordinacijskega oziroma lastniškega odbora, kar bi zagotavljalo komunikacijo z relevantnimi službami, to jo s finančnimi službami družb v državni lasti, zunanjimi revizorji in posebnimi državnimi kontrolorji.
24 Objavljeno
This is why the Agency will work to ensure that members of Supervisory Boards of Companies with State Capital Investments will not be remunerated with shares, stock options or other comparable financial instruments and that they will not be paid according to the performance of the company's business operation.
Zato si bo agencija prizadevala, da člani nadzornih svetov družb s kapitalskimi naložbami države ne bodo nagrajevani z delnicami, delniškimi opcijami ali drugimi primerljivimi finančnimi instrumenti in da ne bodo plačani glede na uspešnost poslovanja družbe.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. He has not been not been finally convicted of a criminal offence against property or a financial criminal offence and sentenced to more than three months of custody, and a security measure of a ban on the performance of the profession has not been sentenced against him, unless such a measure has already expired.
3. da ni bil pravnomočno obsojen za kaznivo dejanje zoper premoženje oziroma gospodarstvo na kazen zapora več kot treh mesecev ali da mu ni bil izrečen varnostni ukrep prepovedi opravljanja poklica, razen če je veljavnost tega ukrepa že potekla.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. He has not been not been finally convicted of a criminal offence against property or a financial criminal offence and sentenced to more than three months of custody, and a security measure of a ban on the performance of the profession has not been introduced against him, unless such a measure has already expired.
3. da ni bil pravnomočno obsojen za kaznivo dejanje zoper premoženje oziroma gospodarstvo na kazen zapora več kot treh mesecev ali da mu ni bil izrečen varnostni ukrep prepovedi opravljanja poklica, razen če je veljavnost tega ukrepa že potekla.
27 Objavljeno
In order to carry out their role, SOE boards should actively i) formulate, monitor and review corporate strategy, within the framework of the overall corporate objectives; ii) establish appropriate performance indicators and identify key risks; iii) monitor the disclosure and communication processes, ensuring that the financial statements fairly present the affairs of the SOE and reflect the risks incurred; iv) assess and follow management performance; v) develop effective succession plans for key executives.
Za opravljanje svoje vloge morajo zato odbori družb v državni lasti aktivno (i) izražati, nadzirati in revidirati korporativno strategijo v okviru skupnih korporativnih ciljev; (ii) vzpostaviti ustrezne kazalnike poslovanja in identificirati ključna tveganja; (iii) nadzirati objavo podatkov in komunikacijske postopke, zagotavljati, da finančna poročila predstavljajo poslovanje družbe pošteno in odražajo izpostavljenost tveganjem; (iv) ocenjevati in spremljati rezultate menedžmenta; (v) pripraviti učinkovite načrte nasledstva za izvršne direktorje.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. That he has not been not been finally convicted of a criminal offence against property or a financial criminal offence and sentenced to more than three months of custody, and a security measure of a ban on the performance of the profession has not been introduced against him, unless such a measure has already expired
3. da ni bil pravnomočno obsojen za kaznivo dejanje zoper premoženje oziroma gospodarstvo na kazen zapora več kot treh mesecev ali da mu ni bil izrečen varnostni ukrep prepovedi opravljanja poklica, razen če je veljavnost tega ukrepa že potekla in
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
(i) establish an independent performance review system that will address all aspects of air traffic management, including policy and planning, safety management at and around airports and in the airspace, as well as financial and economic aspects of services rendered, and set targets that will address all these aspects;
(i) vzpostavi neodvisen sistem za preverjanje zmogljivosti, ki se nanaša na vse vidike upravljanja zračnega prometa, vključno s politiko in načrtovanjem, varnostnim upravljanjem na letališčih in okoli njih ter v zračnem prostoru, kakor tudi finančne in gospodarske vidike opravljenih storitev, in določi cilje, ki se nanašajo vse te vidike;
30 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-21
The obligations of the Bank under the Finance Contract are conditional upon the execution, delivery by the Guarantor and continuing operation of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract (hereinafter this ` Guarantee Agreement` ) and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
da so obveznosti banke po finančni pogodbi pogojene s tem, da garant podpiše in predloži garancijo za neprekinjeno učinkovanje garancije in izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti kreditojemalca iz finančne pogodbe (v nadaljnjem besedilu: ta »garancijska pogodba«) ter ugodno pravno mnenje o tem;
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-37
? The obligations of the Bank under the Finance Contract are conditional upon the execution, delivery by the Guarantor and continuing operation of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract (hereinafter this ` Guarantee Agreement` ) and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
? da so obveznosti banke po finančni pogodbi pogojene s tem, da garant podpiše in predloži garancijo za neprekinjeno učinkovanje garancije in izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti kreditojemalke iz finančne pogodbe (v nadaljevanju ta »garancijska pogodba«) ter ugodno pravno mnenje o tem;
32 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37
- The obligations of the Bank under the Finance Contract are conditional upon the execution, delivery by the Guarantor and continuing operation of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract (hereinafter this ` Guarantee Agreement` ) and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
- da so obveznosti banke po finančni pogodbi pogojene s tem, da garant podpiše in predloži garancijo za neprekinjeno učinkovanje garancije in izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti kreditojemalke iz finančne pogodbe (v nadaljevanju ta »garancijska pogodba«) ter ugodno pravno mnenje o tem;
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-22
The obligations of the Bank under the Finance Contract are conditional upon the execution, delivery by the Gua­rantor and continuing operation of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract (hereinafter this ` Guarantee Agreement` ) and the de­livery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
da so obveznosti banke po finančni pogodbi pogojene s tem, da garant podpiše in predloži garancijo za neprek­i­njeno učinkovanje garancije in izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti kreditojemalke iz finančne pogodbe (v nadaljevanju ta ` garancijska pogodba` ) ter ugodno pravno mnenje o tem;
34 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
The obligations of the bank under the Finance Contract are conditional upon the prior or simultaneous execution and delivery by the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter called ` the guarantor` ) of a guarantee of performance by the borrower of its financial obligations under the Finance Contract and the delivery of a favorable legal opinion thereon.
da so obveznosti banke po Finančni pogodbi pogojene s tem, da Republika Slovenija (v nadaljevanju garant) predhodno ali hkrati podpiše in predloži garancijo za ustrezno izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti posojilojemalca po Finančni pogodbi in ugodno pravno mnenje o tem;
35 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
The obligations of the Bank under The Finance Contract are conditional upon the prior or simultaneous execution and delivery by the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter called ` the Guarantor` ) of a guarantee of performance by the Borrower of its financial obligations under The Finance Contract and the delivery of a favorable legal opinion thereon.
da so obveznosti banke po Finančni pogodbi pogojene s tem, da Republika Slovenija (v nadaljevanju garant) predhodno ali hkrati podpiše in predloži garancijo za ustrezno izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti posojilojemalca po Finančni pogodbi in ugodno pravno mnenje o tem;
36 Objavljeno
If the implementation of any duty referred to in the previous item directly burdens the budget of the Republic of Slovenia or causes new financial obligations for the Republic of Slovenia in relation to companies or third parties, the Agency should compulsorily obtain the consent of the Government prior to the commencement of the performance of such duties.
Če izvedba katere koli naloge iz prejšnje točke neposredno obremenjuje proračun Republike Slovenije ali povzroči nove finančne obveznosti Republike Slovenije do družb ali tretjih oseb, mora agencija pred začetkom opravljanja takih nalog obvezno pridobiti soglasje vlade.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
In addition to the tasks prescribed by the Law on the Organisation and Area of Work of National Administration (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 27/91), the Ministry of Finance shall also carry out professional tasks relating to the joint tasks of the national administrative bodies and the Government offices in the performance of financial and accounting services.
Ministrstvo za finance opravlja poleg nalog po zakonu o organizaciji in delovnem področju republiške uprave (Uradni list RS, št. 27/91), tudi strokovne naloge, ki se nanašajo na skupne naloge republiških upravnih organov in vladnih služb pri opravljanju finančno računovodskih služb.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
2. They use an appropriate document to prove that in their country of citizenship they have not been finally convicted of a criminal offence against property or a financial criminal offence and sentenced to more than three months of custody, and that in such country a security measure of a ban on the performance of the profession has not been introduced against them, unless such a measure has already expired
2. če z ustrezno listino izkaže, da v državi, katere državljan je, ni bila pravnomočno obsojena za kaznivo dejanje zoper premoženje oziroma gospodarstvo na kazen zapora več kot treh mesecev ali da ji v tej isti državi ni bil izrečen varnostni ukrep prepovedi opravljanja poklica, razen če je veljavnost tega ukrepa že potekla.
39 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
2. They use an appropriate document to prove that in their country of citizenship they have not been finally convicted of a criminal offence against property or a financial criminal offence and sentenced to more than three months of custody, and that in such country a security measure of a ban on the performance of the profession has not been introduced against them, unless such a measure has already expired.
2. če z ustrezno listino izkaže, da v državi, katere državljan je, ni bila pravnomočno obsojena za kaznivo dejanje zoper premoženje oziroma gospodarstvo na kazen zapora več kot treh mesecev ali da ji v tej isti državi ni bil izrečen varnostni ukrep prepovedi opravljanja poklica, razen če je veljavnost tega ukrepa že potekla.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
The Conference of the Parties shall review, not later than its second meeting and thereafter on a regular basis, the effectiveness of the mechanism established under this Article, its ability to address the changing needs of the developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition, the criteria and guidance referred to in paragraph 7, the level of funding as well as the effectiveness of the performance of the institutional entities entrusted to operate the financial mechanism.
Konferenca pogodbenic prouči najpozneje na svojem drugem zasedanju, pozneje pa redno, učinkovitost mehanizma, oblikovanega po določbah tega člena, sposobnost mehanizma za obravnavo spreminjajočih se potreb držav pogodbenic v razvoju in pogodbenic z gospodarstvi v prehodu, za obravnavo meril in navodil iz sedmega odstavka, raven financiranja ter učinkovitost delovne uspešnosti institucionalnih subjektov, ki so pooblaščeni za upravljanje finančnega mehanizma.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Foreign natural persons may under condition of reciprocity be entered in the ZAPS register or the IZS register if they prove that in their country of citizenship they fulfil the conditions for project design or other engineering services, that in their country of citizenship they have not been finally convicted of a criminal offence against property or a financial criminal offence and sentenced to more than three months of custody, and that in such country a security measure of a ban on the performance of the profession has not been introduced against them, unless such a measure has already expired. The fulfilment of the conditions specified in this paragraph shall be proved with documents no more than one year old issued pursuant to regulations in the home country.
(4) Tuja fizična oseba se lahko ob pogoju vzajemnosti vpiše v imenik ZAPS oziroma imenik IZS, če izkaže, da v državi, katere državljan je, izpolnjuje pogoje za projektantske oziroma druge inženirske storitve in da v državi, katere državljan je, ni bila pravnomočno obsojena za kaznivo dejanje zoper premoženje oziroma gospodarstvo na kazen zapora več kot treh mesecev ali da ji v tej isti državi ni bil izrečen varnostni ukrep prepovedi opravljanja poklica, razen če je veljavnost tega ukrepa že potekla. Izpolnjevanje pogojev iz tega odstavka se dokazuje z dokumenti, izdanimi po predpisih matične države, ki pa ne smejo biti starejši od enega leta.
42 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0707
An entity shall explain how the transition from previous GAAP to IFRSs affected its reported financial position, financial performance and cash flows.
Podjetje obrazloži kako je prehod od prejšnjih SSRN na MSRP vplival na sporočeno finančno stanje, poslovni izid poslovanje in finančni izid (denarne tokove).
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0707
The IFRS requires disclosures that explain how the transition from previous GAAP to IFRSs affected the entity's reported financial position, financial performance and cash flows.
MSRP zahteva razkritja, ki obrazložijo kako je prehod od prejšnjih SSRN na MSRP vplival na sporočeno finančno stanje, poslovni izid in finančni izid (denarne tokove).
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0314
credit, right of set-off, guarantees, performance bonds or other financial commitments;
kredit, pravico do pobota, garancije, garancije za dobro izvedbo ali druge finančne obveznosti;
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0798
credit, right of set-off, guarantees, performance bonds or other financial commitments;
kredit, pravico do pobota, garancije, garancije za dobro izvedbo ali druge finančne obveznosti;
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0872
credit, right of set-off, guarantees, performance bonds or other financial commitments;
kredit, pravico do pobota, garancije, garancije za dobro izvedbo ali druge finančne obveznosti;
47 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
The appropriations entered in that Annex shall cover all the financial requirements of each European office in the performance of its duties on behalf of the institutions.
Proračunska sredstva, vpisana v Prilogi, pokrivajo vse finančne potrebe vsakega evropskega urada pri opravljanju nalog v imenu institucij.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
carrying out statutory audits of the accounts of investment firms and other financial institutions, credit institutions and insurance undertakings, in the performance of their supervisory functions, or which administer compensation schemes, in the performance of their functions;
izvajanje obveznih revizij računovodskih izkazov investicijskih podjetij in drugih finančnih institucij, kreditnih institucij in zavarovalnic pri opravljanju njihovih nadzornih funkcij ali takih, ki upravljajo odškodninske sheme, pri opravljanju njihovih funkcij;
49 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0021
National regulatory authorities should be in possession of all the necessary resources, in terms of staffing, expertise, and financial means, for the performance of their tasks.
Nacionalni regulativni organi naj imajo pri izvajanju svojih nalog na voljo vse potrebne vire glede zaposlovanja, stro kovnega znanja in izkušenj ter finanenih sredstev.
Prevodi: en > sl
financial performance