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fisheries surveillance
1 Prevajalska redakcija
fisheries surveillance (purchasing equipment, administrative costs of monitoring, technical assistance, hiring equipment, and monitoring measures in conjunction with other countries and organisations in the region and/or the European Union), including the possibility of meeting the cost of setting up a satellite monitoring system (VMS) for fishing vessels.
nadzor ribištva (nakup opreme, upravni stroški spremljanja, tehnična pomoč, najem opreme ter ukrepi spremljanja v povezavi z drugimi državami in organizacijami v regiji in/ali Evropski uniji), vključno z možnostjo pokritja stroškov postavitve satelitskega sistema za nadzor plovil (VMS).
2 Pravna redakcija
support for fisheries surveillance bodies:
podpora organov za nadzor ribištva:
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
Whereas, to ensure that all catches and landings are kept under surveillance, Member States must monitor in all maritime waters the activities of Community vessels and all related activities allowing verification of the implementation of the rules concerning the common fisheries policy;
ker morajo države članice za zagotovitev stalnega nadzora nad vsem ulovom in iztovarjanjem v vseh morskih vodah spremljati dejavnosti plovil Skupnosti in vse s tem povezane dejavnosti, pri čemer morajo dovoliti preverjanje izvajanja predpisov o skupni ribiški politiki;
4 Pravna redakcija
Support for fisheries surveillance and management of the fishing effort
Podpora nadzoru ribištva in upravljanju ribolovnega napora
5 Pravna redakcija
The Republic of Guinea undertakes to develop its fisheries surveillance policy.
Republika Gvineja se zaveže k razvoju politike nadzora ribolovnih aktivnosti.
6 Pravna redakcija
fisheries surveillance, including setting up a satellite vessel monitoring system (VMS):
nadzor ribištva, vključno z vzpostavitvijo satelitskega sistema za nadzor plovil (VMS):
7 Pravna redakcija
EUR 1,5 million per year for support for fisheries surveillance, intended to finance the operating costs of the DSPCM and possibly the introduction of new means of surveillance;
1.5 milijona evrov na leto za podporo nadzoru v ribištvu, namenjenih financiranju operativnih stroškov DSPCM in morebitni uvedbi novih sredstev nadzora;
8 Pravna redakcija
To this end, the European Community shall make a financial contribution towards the reinforcement of fisheries surveillance activities in the Republic of Guinea by allocating EUR 500000 in 2004 and EUR 300000 in 2005 for the purchase of at least two surveillance vessels.
Iz teh razlogov Evropska skupnost sofinancira krepitev dejavnosti ribolovnega nadzora v Republiki Gvinejo z dodelitvijo 500000 EUR leta 2004 in 300000 EUR leta 2005 za nakup vsaj dveh nadzornih plovil.
9 Pravna redakcija
EUR 267000 towards a system of fisheries monitoring, checks and surveillance;
267.000 EUR za sistem spremljanja, pregledov in nadzora nad ribolovom;
10 Pravna redakcija
the procedure for the inspection and surveillance of activities in the fisheries sector;
postopkom za inšpekcijo in nadzorovanje aktivnosti v sektorju za ribištvo;
11 Pravna redakcija
EUR 180 000 towards financing programmes to develop quality control for fishery products and fisheries monitoring and surveillance.
EUR za financiranje programov za razvoj kontrole kakovosti za ribiške proizvode ter spremljanje in nadzor ribištva.
12 Pravna redakcija
Member States may also carry out, among themselves and on their initiative, monitoring, inspecting and surveillance programmes concerning the fisheries activities.
Države članice lahko programe spremljanja, inšpekcije in nadzorovanja ribolovnih aktivnosti izvajajo med seboj in na lastno pobudo.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
The scheme of joint international inspection and surveillance, adopted by the NAFO Fisheries Commission on 13 September 1991, hereinafter referred to as "the scheme ", shall apply in the Community.
Program skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora, ki ga je sprejela Komisija za ribištvo NAFO 13. septembra 1991, v nadaljnjem besedilu: "program", se izvaja v Skupnosti.
14 Pravna redakcija
Council Decision of 28 May 2001 on a financial contribution by the Community to certain expenditure incurred by the Member States in implementing the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the common fisheries policy
ODLOČBA SVETA z dne 28. maja 2001 o finančnem prispevku Skupnosti za določene izdatke držav članic za izvajanje sistemov nadzora in spremljanja, ki se uporabljajo v skupni ribiški politiki (2001/431/ES)
15 Pravna redakcija
In order to ensure compliance with all the rules in force, each Member State within its territory and within maritime waters subject to its sovereignty or jurisdiction shall monitor, inspect and maintain surveillance of all activities in the fisheries sector, particularly fishing itself, transhipment, landing, marketing, transport and storage of fisheries products and the recording of landing and sales.
Da bi zagotovila skladnost z vsemi veljavnimi pravili, vsaka država članica na svojem ozemlju in v morskih vodah, ki so pod njeno suverenostjo ali jurisdikcijo, izvaja spremljanje, inšpekcijo in nadzorovanje vseh aktivnosti v sektorju za ribištvo, še zlasti sam ribolov, pretovarjanje, iztovarjanje, promet in skladiščenje ribiških proizvodov ter evidentiranje iztovarjanja in prodaje.
16 Pravna redakcija
The Committee of Fisheries of the Federation of Russia, assisted by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (Goskomsanepidnadzor) shall be the competent authority in Russia for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery products with the requirements of Directive 91/493/EEC.
Odbor za ribištvo Ruske federacije, ki mu pomaga Državni odbor za sanitarni in epidemiološki nadzor ( Goskomsanepidnadzor ), je v Rusiji pristojen za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov z zahtevami Direktive 91/493/EGS.
17 Pravna redakcija
whereas it is necessary to intensify the inspection and surveillance of landings by vessels flying the flag of a third country and particularly, following the steps taken by certain regional (fisheries organisations to increase the effectiveness of measures for the conservation of fishery resources on the high seas, catches taken in the zones concerned;
ker je treba poostriti inšpekcijo in nadzorovanje iztovarjanja plovil, ki plujejo pod zastavo tretje države, in še zlasti, ob upoštevanju ukrepov določenih regionalnih ribiških organizacij, sprejetih za povečanje učinkovitosti ukrepov za ohranjanje ribolovnih virov na odprtem morju, ulova na zadevnih območjih;
18 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to strengthen and facilitate cooperation between all the authorities in the Community involved in the monitoring, inspection and surveillance of activities in the fisheries sector, a general framework should be set up under which all the authorities concerned can request mutual assistance and the exchange of relevant information, and specific monitoring programmes should be introduced;
ker je treba zato, da bi okrepili in olajšali sodelovanje med vsemi organi v Skupnosti, ki so vključene v spremljanje, inšpekcijo in nadzorovanje aktivnosti v sektorju za ribištvo, vzpostaviti splošni okvir, v katerem lahko vse zadevne oblasti zaprosijo za medsebojno pomoč in izmenjavo zadevnih informacij, kot tudi uvesti posebne programe spremljanja;
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1461
(5) A financial contribution by the Community may be granted in respect of the pilot projects carried out by the Member States, under the conditions set out in Council Decision 2001/431/EC of 28 May 2001 on a financial contribution by the Community to certain expenditure incurred by the Member States in implementing the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the common fisheries policy(2).
(5) V zvezi s pilotnimi projekti, ki jih izvedejo države članice, se lahko odobri finančni prispevek Skupnosti v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v Odločbi Sveta 2001/431/ES z dne 28. maja 2001 o finančnem prispevku Skupnosti pri določenih stroških, ki jih imajo države članice pri izvajanju kontrolnih, inšpekcijskih in nadzornih sistemov, ki se uporabljajo pri skupni ribiški politiki fn.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
Whereas the NAFO Fisheries Commission adopted on 13 September 1991 a proposal for a modified scheme, henceforward to be entitled 'scheme of joint international inspection and surveillance'; whereas pursuant to Article XI of the NAFO Convention, the proposal will, in the absence of objections, become a measure binding upon Contracting Parties with effect from 6 January 1992; whereas the modified scheme is acceptable to the Community;
ker je Komisija za ribištvo NAFO 13. septembra 1991 sprejela predlog za spremenjeni program, v nadaljnjem besedilu: "program skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora"; ker bo v skladu s členom XI Konvencije NAFO ta predlog postal za države pogodbenice zavezujoč ukrep z začetkom veljavnosti 6. januarja 1992, če ne bo podanih pripomb; ker je spremenjeni program sprejemljiv za Skupnost;
21 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Committee of Fisheries of the Russian Federation has the responsibility to draw up the list of establishments, factory vessels and freezer vessels approved for the export of fishery products to the European Union, and has delegated to the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (Goskomsanepidnadzor) the responsibility for the health inspections and for monitoring the conditions of hygiene and cleanliness pertaining to production;
ker je Odbor za ribištvo Ruske federacije zadolžen, da sestavi seznam podjetij, predelovalnih plovil in zamrzovalnih plovil, odobrenih za izvoz ribiških proizvodov v Evropsko unijo, in je Državnemu odboru za sanitarni in epidemiološki nadzor ( Goskomsanepidnadzor ) poveril odgovornost za zdravstveni inšpekcijski nadzor in spremljanje pogojev higiene in čistoče proizvodnje;
22 Pravna redakcija
In Commission Decision 97/102/EC of 16 January 1997 laying down special conditions governing imports of fishery and aquaculture products originating in Russia (3), the 'Committee of Fisheries of the Federation of Russia, assisted by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (Goskomsanepid-nadzor)' is identified as the competent authority in Russia for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/493/EEC.
Z Odločbo Komisije 97/102/ES z dne 16. januarja 1997 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz ribiških in ribogojnih proizvodov s poreklom iz Rusije fn, se "Odbor za ribištvo Ruske Federacije, ki ga podpira Državni odbor za sanitarno-epidemiološki nadzor (Goskomsanpidnadzor)" opredeli kot pristojni organ v Rusiji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/493/EGS.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
Support programme for fisheries surveillance:
Podporni program za nadzor v ribištvu:
24 Prevajalska redakcija
'Surveillance authority` shall mean the delegation responsible for fisheries surveillance and protection in Mauritania;
je "nadzorni organ" delegacija, ki je odgovorna za nadzor in zaščito ribištva v Mavretaniji;
25 Prevajalska redakcija
No fishing vessel may leave Angola's fishing zone without obtaining the prior authorisation of the Fisheries Surveillance Directorate of the Fisheries and Environment Ministry after the catches on board have been checked.
Nobeno ribiško plovilo ne sme zapustiti ribolovne cone Angole brez predhodnega dovoljenja Direktorata za nadzor v ribištvu Ministrstva za ribištvo in okolje ter brez predhodnega pregleda ulova na krovu.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
However, the vessel shall be entered on the list of authorised fishing vessels as soon as notification is received that the European Commission has paid the advance to the Angolan authorities and the list shall be communicated to the Angolan authorities responsible for fisheries surveillance.
Vendar se plovilo vnese v seznam dovoljenih ribiških plovil takoj po prejemu obvestila, da je Evropska Komisija angolskim organom plačala predujem, seznam pa se pošlje angolskim organom, odgovornim za nadzor v ribištvu.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
However, in the case of tuna vessels and surface longliners, the vessel shall be entered on the list of authorised fishing vessels as soon as notification is received that the European Commission has paid the advance to the Angolan authorities and the list shall be communicated to the Angolan authorities responsible for fisheries surveillance.
Vendar se v primeru plovil za ribolov tun in plovil s površinskimi parangali plovilo vnese v seznam dovoljenih ribiških plovil takoj po prejemu obvestila, da je Evropska Komisija angolskim organom plačala predujem, in seznam pošlje angolskim organom, odgovornim za nadzor v ribištvu.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1085
Format for electronic exchange of fisheries monitoring, inspection and surveillance information (The North Atlantic Format)
Obrazec za elektronsko izmenjavo podatkov o spremljanju, pregledovanju in nadzoru ribištev (Severnoatlantski obrazec)
29 Prevajalska redakcija
EUR 180000 towards financing programmes to develop quality control for fishery products and fisheries monitoring and surveillance.
180000 EUR za financiranje programov za razvoj kontrole kakovosti za ribiške proizvode ter spremljanje in nadzor ribištva.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0761
Whereas Regulation (EEC) No 1956/88 (2), last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 436/92 (3) implements the Scheme of Joint International Inspection and Surveillance adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Fisheries Commission on 10 February 1988;
ker Uredba (EGS) št. 1956/88 [2], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 436/92 [3], izvaja Program skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora, ki ga je sprejela Komisija za ribištvo pri Organizaciji za ribištvo severozahodnega Atlantika (NAFO) dne 10. februarja 1988;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R0436
Whereas the NAFO Fisheries Commission adopted on 13 September 1991 a proposal for a modified scheme, henceforward to be entitled 'scheme of joint international inspection and surveillance';
ker je Komisija za ribištvo NAFO 13. septembra 1991 sprejela predlog za spremenjeni program, v nadaljnjem besedilu: "program skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora";
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0431
By guaranteeing the implementation of the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the common fisheries policy, the Member States discharge an obligation of Community interest.
Z zagotavljanjem izvajanja sistemov nadzora in spremljanja, ki se uporabljajo v skupni ribiški politiki, države članice delujejo v interesu Skupnosti.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
to continue to have fisheries patrol vessels in the NAFO Regulatory Area for inspections under the NAFO Scheme of Joint International Inspection and Surveillance subject to operational requirements;
bosta še naprej imeli patruljne čolne v upravnem območju NAFO za inšpekcije skladno s Programom skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora NAFO, ob upoštevanju izvajalnih zahtev;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
A copy of the documentation relating to transhipments shall, 15 days before the end of each month for the preceding month, be transmitted to the Surveillance Directorate of the Fisheries and Environment Ministry.
Izvod dokumentacije, ki se nanaša na pretovarjanje, se 15 dni pred iztekom vsakega meseca predloži za predhodni mesec Direktoratu za nadzor v ribištvu Ministrstva za ribištvo in okolje.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
A copy of the documentation relating to transhipments shall be forwarded to the National Surveillance Directorate of the Fisheries and Environment Ministry 15 days before the end of each month for the preceding month.
Izvod dokumentacije, ki se nanaša na pretovarjanje, se 15 dni pred iztekom vsakega meseca predloži za predhodni mesec Direktoratu za nadzor v ribištvu Ministrstva za ribištvo in okolje.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3069
Whereas the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), established by the NAFO Convention, adopted a Joint Scheme of Inspection and Surveillance which was adopted by the Council in Regulation (EEC) No 1956/88 (4);
ker je Severozahodna atlantska ribiška organizacija (NAFO), ki je bila ustanovljena s Konvencijo (NAFO), sprejela Skupni program inšpekcije in nadzora, ki ga je Svet sprejel z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1956/88 [4];
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R0761
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 761/94 of 6 April 1994 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 1956/88 adopting provisions for the applicaton of the Scheme of Joint International Inspection and Surveillance adopted by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 761/94 z dne 6. aprila 1994 o spremembi Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1956/88 o določbah za izvajanje Programa skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora, ki ga je sprejela Organizacija za ribištvo severnozahodnega Atlantika
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0431
To ensure continuity of a Community financial contribution to certain expenditure incurred by Member States in implementing the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the Common Fisheries Policy, it is imperative to apply this Decision with effect from 1 January 2001,
Za zagotavljanje kontinuitete finančnega prispevka Skupnosti za določene izdatke držav članic za izvajanje sistemov nadzora in spremljanja, ki se uporabljajo v okviru skupne ribiške politike, je obvezno treba uporabiti to odločbo z veljavnostjo od 1. januarja 2001 -
39 Prevajalska redakcija
No fishing or merchant vessel may leave the territorial waters of the Republic of Angola without the prior authorisation of the Direcçao Nacional de Fiscalizaçao (National Directorate for Surveillance) of the Fisheries and Environment Ministry and without the catches on board being checked.
Nobeno ribiško ali trgovsko plovilo ne sme zapustiti ozemeljskih voda Republike Angole brez predhodnega dovoljenja Direçao Nacional de Fiscalizaçao (Državni direktorat za nadzor v ribištvu) Ministrstva za ribištvo in okolje ter brez predhodnega pregleda ulova na krovu.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
The form must be completed legibly, must be signed by the skipper of the vessel and must be sent to the National Inspection and Surveillance Directorate of the Fisheries and Environment Ministry via the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities within 45 days of the end of the fishing campaign in Angolan waters;
Obrazec mora z berljivo pisavo izpolniti in podpisati kapitan plovila ter ga preko Delegacije Komisije Evropske skupnosti poslati Državnemu direktoratu za inšpekcijo in nadzor Ministrstva za ribištvo in okolje najpozneje v 45 dneh po koncu ribolovne akcije v angolskih vodah;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2846
whereas it is necessary to intensify the inspection and surveillance of landings by vessels flying the flag of a third country and particularly, following the steps taken by certain regional fisheries organisations to increase the effectiveness of measures for the conservation of fishery resources on the high seas, catches taken in the zones concerned;
ker je treba poostriti inšpekcijo in nadzorovanje iztovarjanja plovil, ki plujejo pod zastavo tretje države, in še zlasti, ob upoštevanju ukrepov določenih regionalnih ribiških organizacij, sprejetih za povečanje učinkovitosti ukrepov za ohranjanje ribolovnih virov na odprtem morju, ulova na zadevnih območjih;
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0431
Under the conditions set out in this Decision, the Community may grant a financial contribution (hereinafter "financial contribution") to control programmes established by the Member States for the implementation of the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the common fisheries policy laid down in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93.
Pod pogoji, določenimi v tej odločbi, lahko Skupnost dodeli finančni prispevek (v nadaljnjem besedilu "finančni prispevek") za programe nadzora, ki so jih izdelale države članice za izvajanje sistemov nadzora in spremljanja, ki se uporabljajo v skupni ribiški politiki, določenih v Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 2847/93.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1461
A financial contribution by the Community may be granted in respect of the pilot projects carried out by the Member States, under the conditions set out in Council Decision 2001/431/EC of 28 May 2001 on a financial contribution by the Community to certain expenditure incurred by the Member States in implementing the control, inspection and surveillance systems applicable to the common fisheries policy(2).
V zvezi s pilotnimi projekti, ki jih izvedejo države članice, se lahko odobri finančni prispevek Skupnosti v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v Odločbi Sveta 2001/431/ES z dne 28. maja 2001 o finančnem prispevku Skupnosti pri določenih stroških, ki jih imajo države članice pri izvajanju kontrolnih, inšpekcijskih in nadzornih sistemov, ki se uporabljajo pri skupni ribiški politiki[2].
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3069
Whereas, with the objective of improving control and enforcement in the NAFO Regulatory Area and complementing the existing Scheme of Joint International Inspection and Surveillance, the Community has agreed, in the framework of the NAFO and the Agreement on Fisheries with Canada, to deploy Community observers on board Community fishing vessels while engaged in fishing activities in the said NAFO Regulatory Area;
ker se je Skupnost v okviru NAFO in Sporazuma o ribištvu s Kanado sporazumela, da bo zaradi izboljšanja kontrole in izvajanja v območju upravljanja NAFO ter zaradi dopolnitve obstoječega programa skupne mednarodne inšpekcije in nadzora, uporabila opazovalce Skupnosti na krovu ribiških plovil Skupnosti, ko bodo opravljala ribolovne aktivnosti v navedenem območju upravljanja NAFO;
45 Prevajalska redakcija
beginning in 1993, the Community shall exercise at least the same degree of control over Community vessels as in 1992 to ensure that their catches do not exceed quotas, by closing fisheries when quotas are deemed to have been exhausted and by endeavouring to limit fishing effort (number of vessels and fishing days) in relation to quotas and other legitimate fishing possibilities so as to ensure effective surveillance and control;
z letom 1993 Skupnost izvaja vsaj tako velik nadzor nad plovili Skupnosti, kot ga je v letu 1992, da bi zagotovila, da njihov ulov ne preseže kvot, in sicer z ustavitvijo ribolova, kadar se šteje, da so bile kvote izčrpane, in s prizadevanjem omejiti ribolovni napor (število plovil in ribolovnih dni) glede na kvote in druge zakonite možnosti ribolova, da bi zagotovila učinkovit nadzor;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0941
In Commission Decision 97/102/EC of 16 January 1997 laying down special conditions governing imports of fishery and aquaculture products originating in Russia(3), the "Committee of Fisheries of the Federation of Russia, assisted by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (Goskomsanepidnadzor)" is identified as the competent authority in Russia for verifying and certifying compliance of fishery and aquaculture products with the requirements of Directive 91/493/EEC.
Z Odločbo Komisije 97/102/ES z dne 16. januarja 1997 o posebnih pogojih za uvoz ribiških in ribogojnih proizvodov s poreklom iz Rusije [3], se "Odbor za ribištvo Ruske Federacije, ki ga podpira Državni odbor za sanitarno-epidemiološki nadzor (Goskomsanpidnadzor)" opredeli kot pristojni organ v Rusiji za preverjanje in potrjevanje skladnosti ribiških proizvodov in proizvodov iz ribogojstva z zahtevami Direktive 91/493/EGS.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
Proposals adopted by the Commission for the allocation of catches in the Regulatory Area shall take into account the interests of Commission members whose vessels have traditionally fished within that Area , and , in the allocation of catches from the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap , Commission members shall give special consideration to the Contracting Party whose coastal communities are primarily dependent on fishing for stocks related to these fishings banks and which has undertaken extensive efforts to ensure the conservation of such stocks through international action , in particular , by providing surveillance and inspection of international fisheries on these banks under an international scheme of joint enforcement.
Predlogi, ki jih sprejme Komisija v zvezi z dodelitvijo ulova v območju urejanja, upoštevajo interese članic Komisije, katerih plovila so tradicionalno lovila ribe na tem območju, in, v zvezi z dodelitvijo ulova na Velikih plitvinah in Flamskem rtu, članice Komisije zlasti upoštevajo pogodbeno članico, katere obalne skupnosti so prednostno odvisne od ribolova staležev v teh ribolovnih plitvinah in ki so se močno trudile za ohranjanje takih staležev z mednarodnimi ukrepi, zlasti z zagotavljanjem nadzora in inšpekcij mednarodnega ribolova v teh plitvinah po mednarodnem programu skupnih inšpekcijskih pregledov.
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fisheries surveillance