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former Court
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Except as provided in this Statute, no person shall be tried before the Court with respect to conduct which formed the basis of crimes for which the person has been convicted or acquitted by the Court.
Razen če v tem statutu ni določeno drugače, se nobeni osebi ne sodi pred Sodiščem v zvezi z ravnanjem, ki je bilo podlaga kaznivih dejanj, za katere je to osebo Sodišče že obsodilo ali oprostilo.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Cases not referred to the Court shall be dealt with by the Committee of Ministers acting in accordance with the provisions of former Article 32 of the Convention.
Zadeve, ki niso predane Sodišču, obravnava Odbor ministrov, ki deluje v skladu z določili prejšnjega 32. člena konvencije.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The panel shall comprise seven persons chosen from among former members of the Court of Justice and the General Court, members of national supreme courts and lawyers of recognised competence, one of whom shall be proposed by the European Parliament.
Odbor sestavlja sedem oseb, izbranih med nekdanjimi člani Sodišča in Sodišča splošne pristojnosti, članov najvišjih nacionalnih sodišč in priznanih pravnikov, od katerih enega predlaga Evropski parlament.
4 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The divorced spouse of a staff member or a former staff member shall be entitled to a survivor's pension, as defined in this Chapter, provided that, on the death of the former spouse, he/she can justify entitlement on his/her own account to receive maintenance from him by virtue of a court order or as a result of an officially registered settlement in force between himself/herself and his/her former spouse.
Razvezani zakonec uslužbenca ali nekdanjega uslužbenca je upravičen do družinske pokojnine, opredeljene v tem poglavju, če ob smrti bivšega zakonca lahko dokaže upravičenost do preživnine, dodeljene po odločbi sodišča ali z uradno registriranim dogovorom med njim in bivšim zakoncem.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Conference notes that Article III-167(2)(c) shall be interpreted in accordance with the existing case law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and of the Court of First Instance regarding the applicability of the provisions to aid granted to certain areas of the Federal Republic of Germany affected by the former division of Germany.
Konferenca ugotavlja, da se določbe točke c) drugega odstavka III-167. člena Ustave razlagajo v skladu z obstoječo sodno prakso Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti in Sodišča prve stopnje glede uporabe določb o pomoči, dodeljeni nekaterim območjem Zvezne republike Nemčije, ki jih je prizadela delitev Nemčije.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Where a High Contracting Party had made a declaration recognising the competence of the Commission or the jurisdiction of the Court under former Article 25 or 46 of the Convention with respect to matters arising after or based on facts occurring subsequent to any such declaration, this limitation shall remain valid for the jurisdiction, of the Court under this Protocol.
Če je visoka pogodbenica podala izjavo, s katero priznava pristojnost Komisije ali Sodišča, v skladu s prejšnjim 25. ali 46. členom konvencije, glede kasnejših zadev ali zadev, ki temeljijo na dejstvih, ki so se pojavila po taki izjavi, ta omejitev ostane v veljavi za pristojnost Sodišča v skladu s tem protokolom.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the plaintiff seeks to obtain the performance of a certain obligation, and if he has declared, in the action or at a later stage of proceedings, his willingness to accept the performance of another obligation instead of the one which he has claimed in the first place, the court shall bring a judgment to the satisfaction of the claim, in which it shall rule that the defendant will not need to perform the former obligation if he performs the latter one.
Če je tožeča stranka v tožbi zahtevala, naj se ji prisodi določena dajatev, hkrati pa je v tožbi ali do konca glavne obravnave izjavila, da je pripravljena namesto te dajatve sprejeti drugo dajatev, izreče sodišče v sodbi, s katero ugodi tožbenemu zahtevku, da toženi stranki ni treba izpolniti prve dajatve, če izpolni drugo.
8 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
Where the invalidity of the contract staff member arises from an accident in the course of or in connection with the performance of his duties, from an occupational disease, from a public spirited act or from risking life and limb to save another human being, the invalidity allowance shall not be less than 120 % of the basic monthly salary of a function group I, grade 1, step 1 contract staff member. In such cases the pension contributions shall be borne by the budget of the former employer.
Če je invalidnost pogodbenega uslužbenca posledica nesreče pri delu ali je povezana z opravljanjem dela, če je posledica poklicne bolezni, dejanja v splošno dobro ali tveganja njegovega življenja za rešitev drugega človeka, znaša invalidnina najmanj 120 % zneska osnovne mesečne plače pogodbenega uslužbenca iz razreda 1, stopnje 1, funkcionalne skupine I. V takih primerih se pokojninski prispevki plačajo iz proračuna bivšega delodajalca.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(4) Where the national law provides, in respect of the form or contents of national applications, for requirements which, from the viewpoint of applicants, are more favorable than the requirements provided for by this Treaty and the Regulations in respect of international applications, the national Office, the courts and any other competent organs of or acting for the designated State may apply the former requirements, instead of the latter requirements, to international applications, except where the applicant insists that the requirements provided for by this Treaty and the Regulations be applied to his international application.
(4) Kadar notranja zakonodaja glede oblike ali vsebine državnih prijav določa pogoje, ki so s stališča prijavitelja ugodnejši od pogojev, predvidenih s to pogodbo in pravilnikom za mednarodne prijave, lahko državni urad, sodišča in vsi drugi pristojni organi imenovane države ali tisti, ki delajo zanjo, uporabijo za mednarodne prijave prve pogoje namesto zadnjih, razen če prijavitelj zahteva, da se pogoji, predvideni s to pogodbo in pravilnikom, uporabijo za njegovo mednarodno prijavo.
10 Končna redakcija
MATEVŽ KRIVIC, lawyer, a former judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia (1990-1998)
MATEVŽ KRIVIC, pravnik, nekdanji sodnik Ustavnega sodišča Republike Slovenije (1990-1998)
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1860
The preceding paragraph shall not apply to staff or former staff giving evidence before the Court of Justice of the European Communities on a matter concerning staff or former staff of the Foundation.
Prejšnji odstavek ne velja za uslužbence ali bivše uslužbence, ki pred Sodiščem Evropskih skupnosti pričajo o zadevi, ki se nanaša na uslužbence ali bivše uslužbence fundacije.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The divorced spouse of an official or a former official shall be entitled to a survivor's pension, as defined in this Chapter, provided that, on the death of the former spouse, he/she can justify entitlement on his/her own account to receive maintenance from him by virtue of a court order or as a result of an officially registered settlement in force between himself/herself and his/her former spouse.
Razvezani zakonec uradnika ali nekdanjega uradnika je upravičen do družinske pokojnine, opredeljene v tem poglavju, če ob smrti bivšega zakonca lahko dokaže upravičenost do preživnine, dodeljene po odločbi sodišča ali z uradno registriranim dogovorom med njim/njo in bivšim zakoncem.
13 Končna redakcija
In such a case the authority, institution, or court receiving the claim, declaration or appeal shall forward it without delay to the competent authority, institution or court of the former State either directly or through the competent authorities of the Member State concerned.
V tem primeru organ, nosilec ali sodišče, ki sprejme zahtevek, izjavo ali pritožbo, slednjega nemudoma posreduje pristojnemu organu, nosilcu ali sodišču v prvi državi, bodisi neposredno bodisi preko pristojnega organa te države.
14 Končna redakcija
It is in fact a fragmentary remnant of the former constitutional right that was contained in Article 167 of the Constitution of the former Yugoslavia, which referred to the right of citizens to publish their opinions of public importance. Of course this constitutional right, of a megalomaniac nature, could not survive the breakup of the system.
Namreč nekakšen delni ostanek nekdanje ustavne pravice iz 167. člena ustave SFRJ (pravica občana objavljati svoja mnenja, pomembna za javnost), ki pa brodoloma sistema v svoji megalomanski dimenziji seveda sploh ni mogla preživeti.
15 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
The nub of the issue is why, on a clear day when I'm flying low over Bled in an Adria aircraft, do I never try to spot the little island on Lake Bled, but rather the clearly visible breaks in the trees formed by Bled Golf Course?
Vprašanja iz mesa in krvi so: zakaj v lepem vremenu ob preletu Bleda skozi okno Adriinega letala nikoli ne iščem otočka na Blejskem jezeru, ampak lepo vidne poseke blejskega golf igrišča?
16 Končna redakcija
With regard to the former, the European Court of Justice ruled that the State, in establishing and maintaining such a system, is not seeking to engage in gainful activity but is fulfilling its duty towards its own population in the social, cultural and educational fields(12).
V zvezi s prvim je Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti presodilo, da si država pri vzpostavitvi in vzdrževanju tega sistema ne prizadeva opravljati pridobitne dejavnosti, temveč opravlja svojo dolžnost do lastnega prebivalstva na socialnem, kulturnem in izobraževalnem področju [12].
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1293
«However, former Members of the Court of Auditors shall be covered by the provisions of Article 72 of the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities on condition that they are not in gainful employment and that they cannot be covered by a national sickness insurance scheme.»
"Za nekdanje člane Računskega sodišča pa veljajo določbe člena 72 Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti pod pogojem, da ne opravljajo pridobitnega dela in se ne morejo vključiti v nacionalni sistem zdravstvenega zavarovanja.";
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R1292
«However, former Members of the Commission or of the Court shall be covered by the provisions of Article 72 of the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities on condition that they are not in gainful employment and that they cannot be covered by a national sickness insurance scheme.»;
"Za nekdanje člane Komisije ali Sodišča ES pa veljajo določbe člena 72 Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti pod pogojem, da ne opravljajo pridobitnega dela in se ne morejo vključiti v nacionalni sistem zdravstvenega zavarovanja.";
19 Končna redakcija
The former president of the Association of Journalists in Slovenia, Branko Maksimovič supports the media council, since, in his opinion, radio and television should be subject to the same principles and criteria, and the same review as the press, while, of course, taking into account the specific features of these media (Maksimovič 2000).
Za medijski svet se zavzema nekdanji predsednik društva novinarjev Branko Maksimovič, saj sodi, da bi se morala radio in televizija ravnati po enakih načelih in merilih in enaki presoji kot tisk, seveda z upoštevanjem posebnosti posameznega glasila in medija. (Maksimovič 2000)
20 Končna redakcija
(1) Contractors shall reject a tender if the tenderer who submitted it gives or is prepared to give to a current or former employee of the contractor a gift in the form of cash or in any non-cash form whatsoever, an offer of employment or any other thing or favour the value of which could be expressed in money, as an attempt to influence an action or a decision or the course of the public procurement procedure.
(1) Naročnik mora zavrniti ponudbo, če ponudnik, ki jo je predložil, da ali je pripravljen dati sedanjemu ali bivšemu delavcu naročnika darilo v obliki gotovine ali v kakršnikoli brezgotovinski obliki, ponudbo za zaposlitev ali kakršnokoli drugo stvar ali uslugo, katere vrednost je mogoče izraziti v denarju, kot poskus vplivanja na dejanje ali odločitev ali na nadaljnji postopek javnega naročila.
21 Končna redakcija
In accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court, the right of reply exercised by an individual to protect public interests is, in the current Constitution, the only substitute for the former constitutional right that guaranteed the publication of 'opinions of public importance'; therefore 'it would be even more important for this right to be dealt with adequately by legislation, in harmony with constitutional provisions'.
Po presoji ustavnega sodišča je pravica do odgovora, s katero posameznik lahko nastopi v varstvo javnega interesa, v sedanji ustavni ureditvi edino nadomestilo za nekdanjo ustavno pravico do objave 'mnenj, pomembnih za javnost', in 'bi bilo zato toliko bolj pomembno, da bi bila v zakonu obravnavana ustrezno in v skladu z ustavo'.
22 Pravna redakcija
That pension shall be equal to a percentage of the pension accruing to the member or former member of the Commission or of the Court under Article 9 at the date of death, namely:
Ta pokojnina je enaka določenemu odstotku pokojnine, ki ob smrti pripada članu ali nekdanjemu članu Komisije ali Sodišča ES po členu 9, in sicer:
23 Pravna redakcija
Where a former member of the Commission or of the Court marries and at the date of marriage has pension rights accruing to him under this Regulation, the wife and any children of the marriage shall not be entitled to a survivor's pension save where the marriage precedes the death of the former member of the Commission or of the Court by five years or more.
Če se nekdanji član Komisije ali Sodišča ES poroči in na dan poroke izpolnjuje pogoje za pokojnino po tej uredbi, žena in morebitni otroci iz tega zakona niso upravičeni do vdovske oziroma družinske pokojnine, razen če je bila poroka nekdanjega člana Komisije ali Sodišča ES sklenjena najmanj pet ali več let pred njegovo smrtjo.
24 Pravna redakcija
The total amount of these survivors' pensions shall not exceed the amount of the pension of the member or former member of the Commission or of the Court on which they are calculated.
Celoten znesek pokojnin za preživelega družinskega člana ne sme presegati zneska pokojnine člana ali nekdanjega člana Komisije ali Sodišča ES, ki je osnova za izračun.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The divorced spouse of an official or a former official shall be entitled to a survivor's pension, as defined in this Chapter, provided that, on the death of the former spouse, he/she can justify entitlement on his/her own account to receive maintenance from him by virtue of a court order or as a result of an officially registered settlement in force between himself/herself and his/her former spouse.
Razvezani zakonec uradnika ali nekdanjega uradnika je upravičen do družinske pokojnine, opredeljene v tem poglavju, če ob smrti bivšega zakonca lahko dokaže upravičenost do preživnine, dodeljene po odločbi sodišča ali z uradno registriranim dogovorom med njim/njo in bivšim zakoncem.
26 Pravna redakcija
After Article 2 of the Council Decision of 14 October 1958 determining the emoluments of former members of the ECSC Court of Justice, an Article 2a shall be inserted reading as follows:
Za členom 2 odločbe Sveta z dne 14. oktobra 1958 glede določanja prejemkov bivših članov Sodišča ESPJ, se vstavi člen 2a, kakor sledi:
27 Pravna redakcija
Throughout the period of three years mentioned in paragraph 1, the former member of the Commission or of the Court shall be entitled to the family allowances provided for in Article 3".
V celotnem obdobju treh let, omenjenem v odstavku 1, je bivši član Komisije ali Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti upravičen do družinskih dodatkov, predvidenih v členu 3."
28 Pravna redakcija
Entitlement to this allowance shall cease if the former member of the Commission or of the Court is reappointed to office in one of the institutions of the Communities or upon his death.
Upravičenost do tega nadomestila preneha, če se nekdanji član Komisije ali Sodišča ES ponovno zaposli v eni od institucij Skupnosti ali ob njegovi smrti.
29 Pravna redakcija
Additional remuneration legitimately received by the former member in the course of his duty as a member of the Commission or of the Court shall not be deductible from the transitional allowance.
Dodatno plačilo, ki ga je zakonito prejemal nekdanji član med opravljanjem funkcije člana Komisije ali Sodišča ES, se ne odbije od začasnega nadomestila.
30 Pravna redakcija
The widow and dependent children of a member or former member of the Commission or of the Court to whom pension rights have accrued at the time of his death shall be entitled to a survivor's pension.
Vdova in vzdrževani otroci člana ali nekdanjega člana Komisije ali Sodišča ES, ki je ob smrti izpolnjeval pogoje za pokojnino, so upravičeni do vdovske oziroma družinske pokojnine.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31981D1062
COUNCIL DECISION of 15 December 1981 amending the Council Decision of 4 June 1973 determining the emoluments of former members of the Commission of the European Communities whose duties end on 4 January 1973 and the Council Decision of 14 October 1958 determining the emoluments of former members of the ECSC Court of Justice (81/1062/Euratom, ECSC, EEC)
ODLOČBA SVETA z dne 15. decembra 1981, o spremembi odločbe Sveta z dne 4. junija 1973 o določitvi prejemkov bivših članov Komisije Evropskih skupnosti, ki prenehajo delati 4. januarja 1973, in odločbe Sveta z dne 14. oktobra 1958 o določitvi prejemkov bivših članov Sodišča ESPJ (81(/1062/Euratom, ESPJ, EGS)
32 Pravna redakcija
The classifications in the symmetric input-output table coincide with those in the supply and use tables, as the former is a transformation of the latter (except of course the classification by industry/homogeneous branch).
Klasifikacije v simetrični input-output tabeli se skladajo s klasifikacijami v tabelah ponudbe in porabe, saj je prva tabela transformacija drugih (razen seveda klasifikacije po dejavnostih/homogenih panogah).
33 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties recognize the geographical position of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as a landlocked country and the importance of the flow of goods between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and sea ports, inter alia in the context of Articles 13 and 14 of the Interim Accord of 13 September 1995. They are therefore prepared to examine this issue in due course.
Pogodbenici priznavata zemljepisni položaj Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije kot neobalno državo ter pomen pretoka blaga med Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo in obmorskimi pristanišči, med drugim v smislu člena 13 in 14 Začasnega sporazuma z dne 13. septembra 1995. Zato sta pripravljeni, da v ustreznem času preučita to temo.
34 Pravna redakcija
For three years from the first day of the month following that in which he ceases to hold office, a former member of the Commission or of the Court of Justice shall receive a monthly transitional allowance determined in accordance with the following procedure:
Tri leta po prvem dnevu v mesecu, ki sledi mesecu izteka mandata, bivši član Komisije ali Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti prejema prehodno mesečno nadomestilo, določeno v skladu z naslednjim postopkom:
35 Pravna redakcija
However, such permission is not necessary if officials or other servants are required to give evidence before the Court of Justice or a disciplinary board on a matter involving an official or other servant or former official or other servant of the European Union.
Vendar pa takšno dovoljenje ni potrebno, če morajo uradniki in drugi uslužbenci pričati pred Sodiščem Evropskih skupnosti ali disciplinsko komisijo o zadevah, ki so povezane s sedanjimi ali bivšimi uradniki ali drugimi uslužbenci Evropske unije.
36 Pravna redakcija
The first paragraph shall also apply to former Members of the Court of Auditors who benefit either under the pension scheme provided for in Article 9 or under the transitional allowance provided for in Article 8 or under the disability pension scheme provided for in Article 11.
Prvi odstavek se uporablja tudi za bivše člane Računskega sodišča, ki prejemajo prejemke po sistemu pokojninskega zavarovanja, predvidenem v členu 8, ali prehodno nadomestilo, predvideno v členu 7, ali po sistemu invalidskega zavarovanja, predvidenem v členu 11.
37 Pravna redakcija
The first paragraph shall also apply to former Members of the Commission or of the Court who benefit either under the pension scheme provided for in Article 8 or under the transitional allowance provided for in Article 7 or under the disability pension scheme provided for in Article 10.
Prvi odstavek se uporablja tudi za bivše člane Komisije ali sodišča Evropskih skupnosti, ki prejemajo prejemke po sistemu pokojninskega zavarovanja, predvidenem v členu 8, ali prehodno nadomestilo, predvideno v členu 7, ali po sistemu invalidskega zavarovanja, predvidenem v členu 10.
38 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall examine, in due course, when conditions are met, the possibility of strengthening their contractual relations, bearing in mind the aspiration of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for an advanced relationship towards an association with the European Community.
Pogodbenici proučita v trenutku, ko so izpolnjeni pogoji, možnost okrepitve medsebojnih pogodbenih odnosov, pri čemer upoštevata prizadevanja Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije za napredne odnose z Evropsko skupnostjo, katerih namen je pridružitev.
39 Pravna redakcija
However, the social security scheme provided for in the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities shall not apply to risks already covered by another social security scheme under which the former Member of the Court of Auditors may be eligible for benefits of the same nature and of the same level.
Vendar pa sistem socialne varnosti, določen s Kadrovskimi predpisi za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti, ne velja za zavarovalne primere, ki jih že pokriva drug sistem socialne varnosti, po katerem je lahko bivši član Računskega sodišča upravičen do prispevkov iste vrste in iste stopnje.
40 Pravna redakcija
However, the social security scheme provided for in the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities shall not apply to risks already covered by another social security scheme under which the former Member of the Commission or of the Court may be eligible for benefits of the same nature and of the same level.
Vendar pa sistem socialne varnosti, določen s Kadrovskimi predpisi za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti, ne velja za zavarovalne primere, ki jih že pokriva drug sistem socialne varnosti, po katerem je lahko bivši član Komisije ali sodišča Evropskih skupnosti upravičen do prejemkov iste vrste in iste stopnje.
41 Pravna redakcija
Nevertheless, a former Member of the Commission or of the Court who has held office at least until the age of 60 or is entitled to benefit under the disability pension scheme provided for in Article 10 shall continue to be entitled without restriction to sickness benefits under the scheme provided for in the Staff Regulations.
Kljub temu pa je bivši član Komisije ali Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti, ki je funkcijo opravljal vsaj do 60. leta ali pa ima pravico do prejemkov v okviru sistema invalidskega zavarovanja, predvidenem v členu 10, še naprej neomejeno upravičen do povračila plače zaradi bolezni po sistemu, predvidenem v Kadrovskih predpisih za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti..
42 Pravna redakcija
The net basic salary, pensions, as well as the temporary termination-of-service allowances of members and former members of the Court of Auditors or those entitled under him, shall be subject to a special levy determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 66a of the Staff Regulations of officials, which shall apply by analogy."
Neto osnovna plača, pokojnine, pa tudi prehodna nadomestila članov in bivših članov Računskega ali njihovih pravnih naslednikov so predmet posebnih dajatev, določenih v skladu z določbami člena 66a Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike, ki se uporabljajo po analogiji."
43 Pravna redakcija
If he is not in receipt of the transitional allowance provided for in Article 8 and is not entitled to benefit under either the pension scheme provided for in Article 9 or the disability pension scheme provided for in Article 11, the former Member of the Court of Auditors shall be obliged to pay half the contributions necessary to cover such risks.
Če ne prejema prehodnega nadomestila iz člena 8 in ni upravičen do prejemkov iz sistema pokojninskega zavarovanja iz člena 9 ali sistema invalidskega zavarovanja iz člena 11, je bivši član Računskega sodišča dolžan plačati polovico prispevkov, potrebnih za tovrstno zavarovanje.
44 Pravna redakcija
The widow and dependent children of a Member or former Member of the Court of Auditors shall be entitled to sickness benefits under the social security scheme provided for in the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities if they are not eligible for benefits of the same nature and of the same level under another social security scheme.'
Vdova ali nepreskrbljeni otroci člana ali bivšega člana Računskega sodišča so upravičeni do povračila plače zaradi bolezni po sistemu socialne varnosti iz Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti, če niso upravičeni do dajatev iste vrste in iste stopnje iz drugega sistema socialne varnosti.'
45 Pravna redakcija
If he is not in receipt of the transitional allowance provided for in Article 7 and is not entitled to benefit under either the pension scheme provided for in Article 8 or the disability pension scheme provided for in Article 10, the former Member of the Commission or the Court shall be obliged to pay half the contributions necessary to cover such risks.
Če ne prejema prehodnega nadomestila iz člena 7 in ni upravičen do prejemkov iz sistema pokojninskega zavarovanja iz člena 8 ali sistema invalidskega zavarovanja iz člena 10, je bivši član Komisije ali Sodišča dolžan plačati polovico prispevkov, potrebnih za tovrstno zavarovanje.
Prevodi: en > sl
former Court