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forward results
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
c) any other statement necessary to prove the contractual obligations relating to the forwarding of the registered luggage and enabling the passenger to assert the rights resulting from the contract of carriage.
c) kakršno koli drugo izjavo, ki se lahko uporablja kot dokazilo pogodbenih obveznosti pri prevozu prtljage in potniku omogoča uveljavljati pravice iz prevozne pogodbe.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
Replies to requests by Europol to initiate, conduct or coordinate investigations in specific cases as well as information to Europol about the results of investigations should be forwarded through the competent authorities in the Member States in accordance with the rules laid down in the Europol Convention and the relevant national legislation.
Odgovori na zaprosila Europola za začetek, vodenje ali usklajevanje preiskav v posebnih primerih ter informacije o rezultatih preiskav, namenjene Europolu, naj bi se posredovali preko pristojnih organov držav članic v skladu s pravili, določenimi v Konvenciji o Europolu in ustrezni nacionalni zakonodaji.
3 Končna redakcija
Forwarding of results
Posredovanje rezultatov
4 Končna redakcija
The results shall be forwarded to Eurostat within a period of 18 months from the end of the reference year.
Rezultate se odpošlje Eurostatu v roku 18 mesecev po koncu referenčnega leta.
5 Končna redakcija
at a point situated horizontally 127 mm forward of the H point and at a height either resulting from the variation in the height of the H point caused by a forward shift of 127 mm or of 19 mm.
na točko, ki je v vodoravni smeri 127 mm pred točko H in na višini, doseženi s spremembo višine točke H, povzročeno s pomikom za 127 mm v smeri naprej ali s pomikom za 19 mm po višini.
6 Končna redakcija
whereas an additional period of three months is considered sufficient for adequate evaluation of previous results and planning of forward national monitoring programmes;
ker se ocenjuje, da je dodatno obdobje treh mesecev zadostno za primerno vrednotenje predhodnih rezultatov in za načrtovanje nadaljnjih nacionalnih programov spremljanja;
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0336
Under Council Directive 96/23/EC third countries must each year forward to the Commission the monitoring plans for the current year and the results of the previous year.
Na podlagi Direktive Sveta 96/23/ES morajo tretje države Komisiji vsako leto poslati plane nadzora za tekoče leto in rezultate za preteklo leto.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
ß1 and ß2 are respectively correcting coefficients for the effect of the forward sheer and aft sheer resulting from the presence of superstructures at the extremities of the vessel,
b1 in b2 pomenita korekcijska koeficienta za učinek sprednjega odklona in odklona, ki je posledica prisotnosti nadgradnje na skrajnih delih plovila,
9 Končna redakcija
If the decision relates to expenditure which does not necessarily result from this Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance therewith, the Council shall forward it immediately to the Assembly;
Če se sklep nanaša na odhodke, ki ne izhajajo nujno iz te pogodbe ali iz aktov, sprejetih v skladu z njo, ga Svet nemudoma predloži Skupščini;
10 Končna redakcija
If the decision relates to expenditure which does not necessarily result from this Treaty or from acts adopted in accordance therewith, the Council shall forward it immediately to the European Parliament;
Če se sklep nanaša na odhodke, ki ne izhajajo nujno iz te pogodbe ali iz aktov, sprejetih v skladu z njo, ga Svet nemudoma predloži Evropskemu parlamentu;
11 Končna redakcija
If the results of the examination described in item 2 of Annex I are satisfactory, the Member State which has carried out this examination shall draw up an EEC pattern approval certificate and forward it to the applicant.
Če so rezultati pregleda, opisanega v 2. točki Priloge I, zadovoljivi, sestavi država članica, ki je tak pregled izvedla, certifikat o odobritvi tipa EGS in ga pošlje vložniku.
12 Končna redakcija
This report includes a description of the results of the specific measures for nuts and locust beans carried out under Title IIa of Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72 but does not put forward final proposals for a permanent support framework for the sector.
V to poročilo je vključen opis rezultatov posebnih ukrepov za oreške in rožiče, ki so bili izvedeni v skladu z Naslovom IIa Uredbe (EGS) št. 1035/72, niso pa predstavljeni končni predlogi za stalno podporo temu področju;
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
The notice of the results of a design contest shall be forwarded to the Commission within two months of the closure of the design contest and under conditions to be laid down by the Commission in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 68(2).
Obvestilo o rezultatih natečaja se pošlje Komisiji v dveh mesecih po izvedbi natečaja in pod pogoji, ki jih določi Komisija v skladu s postopkom iz člena 68(2).
14 Končna redakcija
"The Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia shall, for the first time by 31 March 2005, forward to the Commission the results of their residue and substance detection plans and of their control measures."
"Češka, Estonija, Ciper, Latvija, Litva, Madžarska, Malta, Poljska, Slovenija in Slovaška 31. marca 2005 prvič pošljejo Komisiji rezultate svojih načrtov za odkrivanje snovi in njihovih ostankov in svojih kontrolnih ukrepov.".
15 Končna redakcija
If as a result of such consideration it finds the proposals compatible with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they shall be forwarded to the assembly and shall enter into force if approved by a majority of three-quarters of the votes cast and two-thirds of the members of the assembly."
Če Sodišče po preučitvi ugotovi, da so predlogi združljivi z določbami prejšnjega odstavka, se ti posredujejo Skupščini in začnejo veljati, če so potrjeni s tričetrtinsko večino oddanih glasov in z dvotretjinsko večino članov Skupščine."
16 Končna redakcija
If, as a result of such consideration, it finds the proposals compatible with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they shall be forwarded to the Assembly and shall enter into force if approved by a majority of three-quarters of the votes cast and two-thirds of the members of the Assembly."
Če Sodišče po preučitvi ugotovi, da so predlogi združljivi z določbami prejšnjega odstavka, se ti posredujejo Skupščini in začnejo veljati, če so potrjeni s tričetrtinsko večino oddanih glasov in z dvotretjinsko večino članov Skupščine."
17 Končna redakcija
If as a result of such consideration it finds the proposals compatible with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they shall be forwarded to the European Parliament and shall enter into force if approved by a majority of three-quarters of the votes cast and two-thirds of the members of the European Parliament.'
Če Sodišče po preučitvi ugotovi, da so predlogi združljivi z določbami prejšnjega odstavka, se ti posredujejo Evropskemu parlamentu in začnejo veljati, če so potrjeni s tričetrtinsko večino oddanih glasov in z dvotretjinsko večino članov Evropskega parlamenta."
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
In order to permit assessment of the results of applying this Directive, Member States shall forward to the Commission a statistical report, prepared in accordance with Article 76, separately addressing public supply, services and works contracts awarded by contracting authorities during the preceding year, by no later than 31 October of each year.
Da bi omogočile ocenjevanje rezultatov uporabe te direktive, morajo države članice poslati Komisiji statistično poročilo – pripravljeno v skladu s členom 76, v katerem se ločeno obravnavajo javna naročila blaga, storitev in gradenj, ki so jih oddali naročniki v predhodnem letu – najpozneje do 31. oktobra vsako leto.
19 Končna redakcija
Whereas in the case of intervention measures in respect of which a sum per unit is not determined within the framework of the common organization of markets, basic rules should be laid down with regard in particular to the method for determining the amounts to be financed, the financing of expenditure resulting from the tying-up of the funds necessary for intervention purchasing of products, the valuation of stocks to be carried forward from one financial year to the next and the financing of expenditure resulting from storage and, where appropriate, processing operations;
ker je treba v primeru intervencijskih ukrepov, pri katerih vsota na enoto ni določena v okviru skupne ureditve trgov, določiti osnovna pravila, zlasti glede metode za določanje zneskov, ki jih je treba financirati, financiranja izdatkov, ki izhajajo iz pridobivanja sredstev, potrebnih za intervencijski odkup proizvodov, ovrednotenja zalog, ki jih je treba prenesti iz enega proračunskega leta v drugo, in financiranja izdatkov, ki nastanejo v zvezi s skladiščenjem in po potrebi s predelovalnimi postopki;
20 Pravna redakcija
Forwarding of the results of expert analyses
Posredovanje izsledkov strokovnih analiz
21 Pravna redakcija
Such additional results must also be forwarded to the Commission.
Take dodatne rezultate je tudi treba posredovati Komisiji.
22 Pravna redakcija
(c) the result of a forward sale shall be recorded in the financial year in which the commitment was undertaken.
(c) rezultat terminske prodaje se evidentira v poslovnem letu, v katerem je bila obveznost prevzeta.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
The supplier shall forthwith forward duly certified copies of the test results to the supervisor, who shall, if he has not attended the test, be bound by the test results.
Dobavitelj nemudoma posreduje ustrezno overjene kopije izidov preizkusov nadzorniku, ki so v primeru, da se ni udeležil testiranja, zavezujoči.
24 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the results of both the basic and the intermediate surveys should be forwarded to the Commission as quickly as possible;
ker je treba rezultate osnovnih in vmesnih raziskovanj čimprej poslati Komisiji;
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
The contractor shall forthwith forward duly certified copies of the test results to the supervisor, who shall, if he has not attended the test, be bound by the test results.
Izvajalec nemudoma posreduje ustrezno overjene kopije izidov preizkusov nadzorniku, ki so, v primeru, da se ni udeležil preizkusa, zavezujoči.
26 Pravna redakcija
Valuation results of foreign exchange forwards, foreign exchange swaps, interest rate futures, financial swaps, forward rate agreements
Rezultati vrednotenja terminskih poslov v tuji valuti, valutnih zamenjav, standardiziranih terminskih pogodb na obrestno mero, finančnih zamenjav, nestandardiziranih terminskih pogodb na obrestno mero
27 Pravna redakcija
reserves within the meaning of Article 23 of Directive 86/635/EEC and profits and losses brought forward as a result of the application of the final profit or loss.
rezerve po členu 23 Direktive 86/635/EGS in prenesene dobičke in izgube, ki izhajajo iz dobičkov ali izgub iz preteklih let.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0154
If the Parties disagree regarding the results of their investigations, the case shall be forwarded to the Committee, which may decide to have an expert study carried out.
Če se pogodbenici ne strinjata o rezultatih svojih preiskav, se primer posreduje Odboru, ki se lahko odloči za izvedbo strokovne študije.
29 Pravna redakcija
the results shall be forwarded to the Commission annually by 31 March at the latest for the preceding calendar year in accordance with table B in Annex II to this Regulation,
rezultate je treba sporočiti Komisiji vsako leto najpozneje do 31. marca za prejšnje koledarsko leto, v skladu s tabelo B v Prilogi II k tej Uredbi,
30 Pravna redakcija
"The Member States concerned shall inform the Commission of the results of the inquiry and forward a copy of the report drawn up not more than three months after the Commission's request.
'Najkasneje v roku treh mesecev po zahtevku Komisije zadevne države članice obvestijo Komisijo o rezultatih preiskave in pošljejo kopijo izdelanega poročila.
31 Pravna redakcija
At each desired test frequency a level of power shall be fed into the stripline to produce the required field strength in the test area with the ESA under test absent, this level of forward power, or another parameter directly related to the forward power required to define the field, shall be measured and the results recorded.
Pri vsaki preskusni frekvenci se v trakasti valovod dovede določen nivo energije, da se vzpostavi predpisana jakost polja, ko na merilnem mestu še ni preskušanega EPS; nivo napredujoče dovedene energije ali pa neki drug parameter, neposredno povezan z napredujočo dovedeno energijo, potrebno za definiranje polja, se izmeri ter se zapišejo dobljeni rezultati.
32 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation, Germany will not forward individual data but tabular results corresponding to the BDT table programme mentioned under paragraph 2. This derogation expires after the surveys of the period 1988 to 1997.
Nemčija izjemoma ne bo posredovala individualnih podatkov, bo pa pošiljala tabelarne rezultate, ki ustrezajo tabelarnemu programu BDT, omenjenem v drugem odstavku. Ta izjema preneha po raziskovanjih obdobja 1988-1997.
33 Pravna redakcija
The analyses shall be performed by approved laboratories as referred to in Article 72 of Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999, which shall forward the results to the intervention agency of the Member State where distillation takes place.
Analize opravljajo odobreni laboratoriji iz člena 72 Uredbe (ES) št. 1493/1999, njihove rezultate pa posredujejo intervencijski agenciji države članice, kjer poteka destilacija.
34 Pravna redakcija
At each test frequency, a level of power shall be fed into the field generating device to produce the required field strength at the reference point (as defined in paragraph 5) in the test area with the vehicle absent, the level of forward power, or another parameter directly related to the forward power required to define the field, shall be measured and the results recorded.
Ko v preskuševališču ni vozila, se pri vsaki preskusni frekvenci v napravo za generiranje elektromagnetnega polja dovede takšen nivo moči, da se v referenčni točki vzpostavi predpisana poljska jakost (kakor je opredeljeno v točki 5), nato se izmeri nivo priključene napredujoče moči ali pa drug parameter, ki je neposredno povezan z generiranjem poljske jakosti, ter zapišejo dobljeni rezultati.
35 Pravna redakcija
At the quarter-end, forward purchases shall be subject to the revaluation process described in Article 7. The revaluation result shall be equal to the difference between the spot price and the average cost of the purchase commitments;
Na koncu četrtletja so terminski nakupi predmet procesa prevrednotenja iz člena 7. Rezultat vrednotenja je enak razliki med promptno ceno in povprečno nabavno vrednostjo nakupnih obveznosti.
36 Pravna redakcija
Whereas no declaration of objection within the meaning of Article 7 of the Regulation has been forwarded to the Commission as a result of the publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities of the names in question (2);
ker po objavi zadevnih imen v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti Komisija ni prejela nobenega ugovora po členu 7 Uredbe fn;
37 Pravna redakcija
The Commission shall, with the agreement of the Member States, determine the exceptions to the general rule governing break-down by industrial activity, the details relating to the presentation of results, including the break-down according to size of statistical unit, and the form in which results should be forwarded.
Komisija v dogovoru z državami članicami določi izjeme od splošnega pravila, ki ureja razčlembo po industrijskih dejavnosti, podrobnosti v zvezi s predstavitvijo rezultatov, vključno z razčlembo glede na velikost statistične enote in obliko posredovanih rezultatov.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31984R2794
The office of departure may authorize amendment of the transport contract resulting in completion of the transport operation within the forwarding Member State or outside the Community only if evidence has not been or will not be supplied.
Izstopna carinarnica lahko odobri spremembo pogodbe o prevozu, ki ima za posledico izpolnitev prevozne dejavnosti v državi članici pošiljateljici ali izven Skupnosti, samo če dokazilo ni bilo ali ne bo predloženo.
39 Pravna redakcija
to forwarding a final report by 1 June 2002 at the latest on the technical execution of the programme accompanied by justifying evidence as to the costs incurred and the results attained during the period from 1 January to 31 December 2001,
posredovanje končnega poročila do najpozneje 1. junija 2002 o tehnični izvedbi programa skupaj z dokazi, ki upravičujejo nastale stroške, in rezultatih med obdobjem od 1. januarja do 31. decembra 2001,
40 Pravna redakcija
At each desired test frequency, a level of power shall be fed into the field generating device to produce the required field strength at the reference point (as defined in paragraph 8.3.4 in the test area with the ESA under test absent), this level of forward power, or another parameter directly related to the forward power required to define the field, shall be measured and the results recorded.
Pri vsaki preskusni frekvenci se v napravo za generiranje polja dovede toliko moči, da se v referenčni točki generira predpisana jakost polja (kakor je opredeljeno v točki 8.3.4, ko v preskusnem prostoru ni preskušanega EPS). Ta napredujoča dovedena moč ali neki drug parameter, neposredno povezan z napredujočo dovedeno močjo, potrebno za generiranje polja, se izmeri in dobljeni rezultati se zapišejo.
41 Pravna redakcija
with the aim of harmonizing these regulations at a high level of protection as well as for the harmonized implementation of corresponding measures the Contracting Parties shall take into account results and proposals put forward by the International Commission;
s ciljem uskladitve teh predpisov na visoki ravni varstva ter usklajevanja izvajanja pripadajočih ukrepov pogodbenice upoštevajo rezultate in predloge Mednarodne komisije;
42 Pravna redakcija
This result shall be equal to the difference between the initial forward price and the average cost of the balance sheet position, or the average cost of the off-balance-sheet purchase commitments if the balance sheet position is insufficient, at the time of the sale.
Ta rezultat je enak razliki med začetno terminsko ceno in povprečno nabavno vrednostjo bilančne pozicije, ali povprečno nabavno vrednostjo zabilančnih nakupnih obveznosti, če je bilančna pozicija ob času prodaje nezadostna.
43 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in order to ensure that data network results are presented each year at a time which is not too distant from the date on which the first farm returns are forwarded to the Commission, the period during which the end of the accounting year may fall should be limited;
ker je treba omejiti obdobje, med katerim se lahko konča obračunsko leto, da se zagotovi, da so rezultati mreže podatkov predloženi vsako leto v času, ki je blizu dneva, ko se pošljejo prva poročila kmetij Komisiji;
44 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to Articles 8, 9 and 11 of this Regulation, the Director of the Office shall forward to the judicial authorities of the Member State concerned the information obtained by the Office during internal investigations into matters liable to result in criminal proceedings.
Direktor urada pošlje sodnim organom države članice podatke, ki jih je urad pridobil med notranjo preiskavo zadev, ki bi lahko imele za posledico kazenski postopek, brez vpliva na člene 8, 9 in 11 te uredbe.
45 Pravna redakcija
The European Parliament and the Council, in accordance with the Treaty, shall decide on the continuation of the Programme as from 1 January 2007. Before putting forward proposals to this end, the Commission shall conduct an external evaluation of the results achieved by the Programme.
Evropski parlament in Svet se skladno s Pogodbo odločita o nadaljevanju programa po 1. januarju 2007. Preden se v ta namen predložijo predlogi, Komisija izvede zunanjo oceno rezultatov, ki so bili doseženi v okviru programa.
46 Pravna redakcija
whereas it should nevertheless be incumbent upon the Director of the Office to forward directly to the judicial authorities of the Member State concerned information acquired by the Office in the course of internal investigations concerning situations liable to result in criminal proceedings;
ker je kljub temu direktor urada dolžan sodnim organom države članice takoj poslati podatke, ki jih urad pridobi med notranjo preiskavo, o okoliščinah, ki bi lahko imele za posledico kazenski postopek;
47 Pravna redakcija
In order to permit assessment of the results of applying the Directive, Member States shall forward to the Commission a statistical report on the contracts award by contracting authorities by 31 October 1993 at the latest for the preceding year and thereafter by 31 October of every second year.
Da bi države članice omogočile ocenitev rezultatov uporabe te direktive, pošljejo Komisiji, najkasneje do 31. oktobra 1993 za predhodno leto in odtlej vsako drugo leto najkasneje do 31. oktobra, statistično poročilo o naročilih, ki so jih naročniki oddali.
48 Pravna redakcija
With the exception of information subject to statistical secrecy under national law, the results of the surveys recorded in accordance with a common schedule of tables and broken down by industrial activity corresponding to the three-digit NACE headings shall be forwarded annually to the Commission.
Z izjemo informacij, ki so v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo predmet zaupnosti statističnih podatkov, se rezultati raziskovanj v skladu s skupnim načrtom zabeleženi v preglednicah in razčlenjeni po industrijskih dejavnosti v skladu s trimestnimi NACE ravnmi, letno posredujejo Komisiji.
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forward results