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freer transfer facilities
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Where differences between the exchange rules of EC Member States and EFTA States could lead persons resident in one of these States to use the freer transfer facilities within the territory of the Contracting Parties which are provided for in Article 40 in order to evade the rules of one of these States concerning the movement of capital to or from third countries, the Contracting Party concerned may take appropriate measures to overcome these difficulties.
Če bi razlike med deviznimi predpisi držav članic ES in držav Efte lahko napeljale osebe s prebivališčem v eni od teh držav k uporabi svobodnejšega načina poslovanja na ozemlju pogodbenic, predvidenega v členu 40, da bi se izognile predpisom ene od teh držav, ki se nanašajo na pretok kapitala v tretje države ali iz njih, lahko ta pogodbenica sprejme ustrezne ukrepe za premagovanje teh težav.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(4) If a concession contract stipulates that concessionary structures and facilities that are subject to exclusion are transferred to the ownership of the awarding authority, whether free of charge or for a certain price (purchase price), the awarding authority shall be bound to pay the value of the concessionary structures and facilities into the bankruptcy or liquidation estate relative to the time left from when the concession was terminated owing to the institution of bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, to the expiry of the concession, compared to the entire period of the concession, increased by the purchase price and reduced by any possible claims against the concessionaire.
(4) Če je bilo v koncesijski pogodbi določeno, da objekti in naprave koncesije, ki so predmet izločitve, po prenehanju koncesije preidejo v last koncedenta bodisi brezplačno bodisi za določeno ceno (odkupna cena), je koncedent dolžan v stečajno oziroma likvidacijsko maso vplačati tolikšen delež vrednosti objektov in naprav koncesije, če je še preostalo časa od prenehanja koncesije zaradi stečaja oziroma likvidacije do poteka roka koncesije v primerjavi s celotnim rokom koncesije, povečan za odkupno ceno in zmanjšan za morebitne terjatve, ki jih ima do koncesionarja.
3 Končna redakcija
Where the measures taken in accordance with paragraph 1 do not permit the elimination of differences between the exchange rules of Member States and where such differences could lead persons resident in one of the Member States to use the freer transfer facilities within the Community which are provided for in Article 67 in order to evade the rules of one of the Member States concerning the movement of capital to or from third countries, that State may, after consulting the other Member States and the Commission, take appropriate measures to overcome these difficulties.
Če ukrepi, sprejeti v skladu z odstavkom 1, ne omogočajo odprave razlik med deviznimi predpisi držav članic in če bi te razlike lahko napeljale osebe z bivališčem v eni od držav članic k uporabi svobodnejšega načina poslovanja znotraj Skupnosti, predvidenega v členu 67, da bi se izognile predpisom ene od držav članic, ki se nanašajo na pretok kapitala v tretje države ali iz njih, lahko ta država po posvetovanju z drugimi državami članicami in Komisijo sprejme ustrezne ukrepe za premagovanje teh težav.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Nevertheless, given that the captive transfers are made by the integrated producers using the same production facilities and the same investments, it was considered that they follow the same trend as the sales on the free market.
Če upoštevamo, da so interne transferje opravili sodelujoči proizvajalci z uporabo istih proizvodnih zmogljivosti in istimi naložbami, pa vseeno velja, da sledijo enakim trendom kakor prodaja na prostem trgu.
5 Končna redakcija
During the period of application of this temporary derogation, the general or special facilities relating to the free transfer of the proceeds of the liquidation of these investments and existing by virtue of Hellenic arrangements or of agreements governing relations between the Hellenic Republic and any present Member State shall be maintained and applied in a non-discriminatory manner.
V času veljavnosti tega začasnega odstopanja se splošni ali posebni mehanizmi, ki se nanašajo na prosti transfer izkupička od likvidacije teh naložb in obstajajo na podlagi grške ureditve ali sporazumov, ki urejajo odnose med Helensko republiko in katero koli sedanjo državo članico, ohranijo in uporabljajo brez diskriminacije.
6 Končna redakcija
Throughout the period of application of this transitional measure, any special or general facilities concerning the free transfer of the proceeds of the liquidation of the real estate investments defined in paragraph 1 which may exist pursuant to Portuguese provisions or agreements governing the relations between the Portuguese Republic and any of the other Member States or third countries shall be maintained and applied on a non-discriminatory basis to all the other Member States.
Ves čas uporabe tega prehodnega ukrepa se vse splošne ali posebne olajšave, ki se nanašajo na prosti prenos izkupička likvidacije nepremičninskih naložb iz odstavka 1 in lahko obstajajo na podlagi portugalskih predpisov ali sporazumov, ki urejajo odnose med Portugalsko republiko in katero koli državo članico ali tretjimi državami, ohranijo in uporabijo brez diskriminacije za vse druge države članice.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Nevertheless, given that the captive transfers are made by the integrated producers using the same production facilities and the same investments, it was considered that they follow the same trend as the sales on the free market.
Če upoštevamo, da so interne transferje opravili sodelujoči proizvajalci z uporabo istih proizvodnih zmogljivosti in istimi naložbami, pa vseeno velja, da sledijo enakim trendom kakor prodaja na prostem trgu.
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freer transfer facilities