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gene transfer
1 Pravna redakcija
Gene transfer may result in persistence of the introduced genetic material in natural populations.
Prenos genov lahko povzroči obstojnost genskega materiala v naravnih populacijah.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers with breakdown by gender
Stopnja tveganja revščine po socialnih transferjih glede na spol
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100/05
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers with breakdown by gender
Stopnja tveganja revščine pred socialnimi transferji glede na spol
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
c) be exempt from the tax relating to the profits or losses generated by terminating the participation in the capital of the transferring company, provided that he participates in the capital of the transferring company.
c) do oprostitve davka v zvezi z dobički ali izgubami, ki jih doseže ob prenehanju udeležbe v kapitalu prenosne družbe, če ima udeležbo v kapitalu prenosne družbe.
5 Objavljeno
selection of resistant subpopulations, emergence of dormant resistance and acquisition of resistance by mutation and genetic transfer.
selekcija odpornih sevov, izražanje latentne odpornosti in nastanek odpornosti z mutacijo in genetskim prenosom.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
the transferring company shall be exempt from the tax relating to the profits and losses generated in the transfers of assets and liabilities;
prenosna družba oproščena davka v zvezi z dobički in izgubami, ki nastanejo pri prenosu sredstev in obveznosti;
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 The General Assembly may decide upon a dissolution of the Organisation and the possible transfer of its attributions to another intergovernmental organisation laying down, where appropriate, with that organisation the conditions of this transfer.
Generalna skupščina se lahko odloči, da razpusti organizacijo in morda njene naloge prenese na kako drugo meddržavno organizacijo ter po potrebi v dogovoru s to organizacijo tudi določi pogoje za ta prenos.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(h) ` Living organism` means any biological entity capable of transferring or replicating genetic material, including sterile organisms, viruses and viroids;
(h) ` živ organizem` pomeni kakršno koli biološko enoto, sposobno prenosa ali podvajanja genskega materiala, vključno s sterilnimi organizmi, virusi in viroidi;
9 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(2) A partner of the transferring company referred to in point 1 of Article 42 of this Act who, during a merger or division, exchanges the securities of the transferring company for the securities of the receiving company shall not be subject to the tax relating to the profit or loss generated by alienating the securities of the transferring company, unless he receives a cash payment, provided that:
(2) Družbenik prenosne družbe iz 1. točke 42. člena tega zakona, ki pri združitvi ali delitvi zamenja vrednostne papirje v prenosni družbi za vrednostne papirje v družbi prejemnici, ni zavezanec za davek v zvezi z dobičkom ali izgubo, ki nastane ob odsvojitvi vrednostnih papirjev prenosne družbe, razen če prejme plačilo v denarju, in sicer:
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The scope of the competence transferred to the Community is indicated in general terms in a written declaration made by the European Community at the time of the signature of this Protocol.
Obseg pristojnosti, prenesene na Skupnost, je splošno prikazan v pisni izjavi, ki jo je Evropska skupnost sestavila ob podpisu tega protokola.
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
the transferring company shall be exempt from the tax relating to profits and losses generated in transferring the assets and liabilities belonging to the transferred activity or activities,
prenosna družba oproščena davka v zvezi z dobički in izgubami, ki nastanejo pri prenosu sredstev in obveznosti, ki pripadajo preneseni dejavnosti ali dejavnostim,
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(a) an amount to be determined by the Governing Council, which may not exceed 20% of the net profit, shall be transferred to the general reserve fund subject to a limit equal to 100% of the capital;
a) znesek, ki ga določi Svet Evropske centralne banke in ki ne sme presegati 20% čistega dobička, se prenese v splošni rezervni sklad največ do višine, ki je enaka 100% kapitala;
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-60
A Party included in Annex I may authorize legal entities to participate, under its responsibility, in actions leading to the generation, transfer or acquisition under this Article of emission reduction units.
Pogodbenica iz Aneksa I lahko pooblasti pravne osebe, da na njeno odgovornost sodelujejo pri ukrepih za ustvarjanje, prenos ali pridobivanje enot zmanjšanja emisij po tem členu.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 The Organisation may, by a decision of the General Assembly, transfer to other intergovernmental organisations attributions, resources and obligations, by virtue of agreements concluded with those organisations.
S sklepom generalne skupščine lahko organizacija naloge, sredstva in obveznosti prenese na druge medvladne organizacije s sporazumi, sklenjenimi s temi organizacijami.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
The Director-General shall have the primary responsibility for the security, integrity and preservation of samples and for ensuring that the confidentiality of samples transferred for off-site analysis is protected.
Generalni direktor je prvi odgovoren za varnost, nedotakljivost in ohranitev vzorcev ter za zagotovitev, da je zaupnost vzorcev, prenesenih za analizo na drugem kraju, zavarovana.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-58
to instruct the Secretary-General to report to the Committee of Ministers by the end of 1962 on the methods to be employed for transferring these activities to the Committees and working parties of the Council for Cultural Co-operation;
da naloži generalnemu sekretarju, da do konca leta 1962 poroča Odboru ministrov o načinih, ki jih je treba uporabiti za prenos teh dejavnosti na odbore in delovne skupine Sveta za kulturno sodelovanje;
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-17
(h) For the appointment of the Director General (paragraph (2)(ii), the approval of measures proposed by the Director General concerning the administration of international agreements (paragraph (2) (vi)), and the transfer of headquarters (Article 10), the required majority must be attained not only in the General Assembly but also in the Assembly of the Paris Union and the Assembly of the Berne Union.
(h) Za imenovanje generalnega direktorja (točka (ii) drugega odstavka), za sprejetje ukrepov, ki jih generalni direktor predlaga v zvezi z mednarodnimi sporazumi (točka (v) drugega odstavka), in za prenos sedeža (10. člen) ni predvidena večina, potrebna le v Generalni skupščini, temveč tudi v skupščini pariške unije in v skupščini bernske unije.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-58
The Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, in agreement with the Secretary General of Western European Union, shall take all necessary executive action to implement this Resolution, in particular as regards the timing of transfer of each particular activity, and make all arrangements for the preservation of archives.
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope v soglasju z generalnim sekretarjem Zahodnoevropske unije sprejme vse potrebne izvršilne ukrepe za izvajanje te resolucije, zlasti glede časa prenosa posamezne dejavnosti, in poskrbi za ohranitev arhivov.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
b) The Director General of EUTELSAT shall take all measures for a timely transfer to the Company Eutelsat S.A. and the Executive Secretary of all rights and obligations acquired by EUTELSAT, in its capacity as legal representative of EUTELSAT.
b) Generalni direktor EUTELSAT-a kot zakoniti zastopnik EUTELSAT-a ukrene vse za pravočasni prenos vseh pravic in obveznosti, ki jih je pridobil EUTELSAT, na družbo Eutelsat S.A. in izvršilnega sekretarja.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Recognizing that some technologies can only be transferred through genetic material, the Contracting Parties shall provide and/or facilitate access to such technologies and genetic material which is under the Multilateral System and to improved varieties and genetic material developed through the use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture under the Multilateral System, in conformity with the provisions of Article 12. Access to these technologies, improved varieties and genetic material shall be provided and/or facilitated, while respecting applicable property rights and access laws, and in accordance with national capabilities.
Ob spoznanju, da se nekatere tehnologije lahko prenašajo samo s pomočjo genskega materiala, pogodbenice v skladu z določbami 12. člena zagotovijo in/ali olajšajo dostop do tehnologij in genskega materiala, vključenih v večstranski sistem, ter do izboljšanih sort in genskega materiala, razvitega z uporabo rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo iz večstranskega sistema. Dostop do teh tehnologij, izboljšanih sort in genskega materiala se zagotovi in/ali olajša ob upoštevanju veljavnih lastninskih pravic in zakonodaje o takem dostopu ter v skladu z zmogljivostmi posameznih držav.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Articles III-211 and III-212 of the Constitution, and Directives 2002/14/EC (general framework for informing and consulting employees in the European Community), 98/59/EC (collective redundancies), 2001/23/EC (transfers of undertakings) and 94/45/EC (European works councils).
III-211. in III-212. člen Ustave ter direktive 94/45/ES (evropski sveti delavcev), 98/59/ES (kolektivni odpusti), 2001/23/ES (prenos podjetij) in 2002/14/ES (splošni okvir za obveščanje in posvetovanje z delavci v Evropski skupnosti).
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
12.4 To this effect, facilitated access, in accordance with Articles 12.2 and 12.3 above, shall be provided pursuant to a standard material transfer agreement (MTA), which shall be adopted by the Governing Body and contain the provisions of Articles 12.3a, d and g, as well as the benefit-sharing provisions set forth in Article 13.2d(ii) and other relevant provisions of this Treaty, and the provision that the recipient of the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture shall require that the conditions of the MTA shall apply to the transfer of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture to another person or entity, as well as to any subsequent transfers of those plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.
12.4 V ta namen se lažji dostop v skladu z drugim in tretjim odstavkom 12. člena zagotovi na podlagi tipskega sporazuma o prenosu materiala, ki ga sprejme upravni organ in vsebuje določbe točk a, d in g tretjega odstavka 12. člena kakor tudi določbe o delitvi koristi iz podtočke ii točke d drugega odstavka 13. člena in druge ustrezne določbe te pogodbe ter določbo, v skladu s katero prejemnik rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo zahteva, da pogoji sporazuma o prenosu materiala veljajo za prenos rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo drugi osebi ali subjektu kakor tudi za vse nadaljnje prenose teh rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 By a decision of the General Assembly, the Organisation shall be authorised to take on, within the framework of its aim as defined in Article 2, the attributions, resources and obligations which may be transferred to it by other intergovernmental organisations by virtue of agreements concluded with those organisations.
S sklepom generalne skupščine lahko organizacija v okviru svojih ciljev, določenih v 2. členu, prevzame naloge, sredstva in obveznosti, ki jih lahko nanjo prenesejo druge medvladne organizacije s sporazumi, sklenjenimi s temi organizacijami.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1996-30
Each Contracting Party, recognizing that technology includes biotechnology, and that both access to and transfer of technology among Contracting Parties are essential elements for the attainment of the objectives of this Convention, undertakes subject to the provisions of this Article to provide and/or facilitate access for and transfer to other Contracting Parties of technologies that are relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity or make use of genetic resources and do not cause significant damage to the environment.
Vsaka pogodbenica, ki priznava, da tehnologija vključuje biotehnologijo in da sta tako dostop do tehnologije kot tudi njen prenos med pogodbenicami temeljna dejavnika za doseganje ciljev te konvencije, se zavezuje, da bo v skladu z določbami tega člena omogočila in/ali olajšala dostop do tehnologij, ustreznih za ohranitev in trajnostno uporabo biološke raznovrstnosti, in njihov prenos drugim pogodbenicam ali uporabljala genetske vire, tako da ne bi povzročila občutne škode okolju.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
(2) Shareholders shall also grant to the Company, free of charge and without any restriction, a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence for the use of their Foreground and further improvements, whether protected or not, of which they can legally dispose, and which they have generated in the framework of their cooperation in the Company.
(2) Družbeniki prav tako podelijo družbi, brezplačno in brez omejitev neizključno in neprenosljivo licenco za uporabo novega znanja in nadaljnjih izpopolnitev, zaščitenih ali ne, s katerimi lahko pravno razpolagajo, in ki so jih dosegli v okviru svojega sodelovanja v družbi.
26 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(3) If he receives a cash payment, the partner referred to in the second paragraph of this Article shall be subject to the tax with regard to the cash payment; the pro rata profit or loss generated with regard to the securities of the transferring company shall be added to the cash payment and the market value of the securities of the receiving company.
(3) Če prejme plačilo v denarju, je družbenik iz drugega odstavka tega člena zavezan za davek glede na plačilo v denarju, pri čemer se dobiček ali izguba, ki nastane v zvezi z vrednostnimi papirji prenosne družbe, v sorazmernem delu pripiše gotovinskemu plačilu in tržni vrednosti vrednostnih papirjev družbe prejemnice.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 43-2009
The general objective of this Memorandum shall be training of civil servants of the Republic of Serbia in the process of association and accession to the European Union, by transferring the know-how and experience of the state administration of the Republic of Slovenia gained during the process of the Republic of Slovenia's accession to the European Union.
Splošen cilj tega memoranduma je usposabljanje javnih uslužbencev Republike Srbije pri pridruževanju in pristopanju Evropski uniji s posredovanjem znanja in izkušenj državne uprave Republike Slovenije, pridobljenih pri vključevanju Republike Slovenije Evropski uniji.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1996-30
The objectives of this Convention, to be pursued in accordance with its relevant provisions, are the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate access to genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights over those resources and to technologies, and by appropriate funding.
Cilji te konvencije, ki se dosegajo v skladu z njenimi ustreznimi določbami, so ohranjanje biološke raznovrstnosti, trajnostna uporaba njenih sestavnih delov ter poštena in pravična delitev koristi od uporabe genetskih virov skupaj z ustreznim dostopom do njih in primernim prenosom ustreznih tehnologij ob upoštevanju vseh pravic do teh virov in tehnologij ter s primernim financiranjem.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(e) Cooperate to promote the development of an efficient and sustainable system of ex situ conservation, giving due attention to the need for adequate documentation, characterization, regeneration and evaluation, and promote the development and transfer of appropriate technologies for this purpose with a view to improving the sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture;
(e) sodeluje pri spodbujanju razvoja učinkovitega in trajnostnega sistema ohranjanja ex situ in pri tem ustrezno upošteva potrebo po ustreznem dokumentiranju, ugotavljanju značilnosti, obnavljanju in vrednotenju ter spodbuja razvoj in prenos tehnologij, da bi se izboljšala trajnostna raba rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo;
30 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
if the members of the group have concluded, for a period of no less that 36 months, an agreement between business enterprises subject to the act regulating companies, in accordance with which the subordinated taxable person is obliged to transfer its profits to the principal taxable person, and the principal taxable person is obliged to cover the losses generated by the subordinated taxable person.
če imata člana skupine za obdobje najmanj 36 mesecev med seboj sklenjeno podjetniško pogodbo v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja gospodarske družbe, po kateri mora podrejeni zavezanec prenesti ves svoj dobiček glavnemu zavezancu, glavni zavezanec pa mora pokrivati izgubo podrejenega zavezanca.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Recognizing that the rolling Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is important to this Treaty, Contracting Parties should promote its effective implementation, including through national actions and, as appropriate, international cooperation to provide a coherent framework, inter alia, for capacity-building, technology transfer and exchange of information, taking into account the provisions of Article 13.
Ob spoznanju, da je veljavni Svetovni akcijski načrt za ohranjanje in trajnostno rabo rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo pomemben za to pogodbo, morajo pogodbenice z notranjimi ukrepi v državah, in če je to primerno, z mednarodnim sodelovanjem spodbujati njegovo učinkovito izvajanje, da bi ob upoštevanju določb 13. člena med drugim zagotovile skladen okvir za vzpostavljanje zmogljivosti, prenos tehnologije in izmenjavo podatkov.
32 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(3) In cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, prior to implementation of the public-private partner relationship the contractor must submit to the public partner for its consent the principles according to which it separates accounting by activities (keys for dividing joint and general costs by individual cost centres or bearers of costs, transfer prices and supervision thereof, division of loss and profit, division of profits, whether there will be refinancing of debt and so forth).
(3) V primeru iz prejšnjega odstavka mora izvajalec javno-zasebnega partnerstva pred začetkom izvajanja razmerja javno-zasebnega partnerstva predložiti javnemu partnerju v soglasje izhodišča, ki so osnova za ločitev računovodstva po dejavnostih (ključi za delitev skupnih in splošnih stroškov po posameznih stroškovnih mestih ali stroškovnih nosilcih, transferne cene in nadzor nad njimi, delitev izgube in dobička, delitev dobičkov, če pride do refinanciranja dolga …).
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
13.2 The Contracting Parties agree that benefits arising from the use, including commercial, of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture under the Multilateral System shall be shared fairly and equitably through the following mechanisms: the exchange of information, access to and transfer of technology, capacity-building, and the sharing of the benefits arising from commercialization, taking into account the priority activity areas in the rolling Global Plan of Action, under the guidance of the Governing Body:
13.2 Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da se koristi, ki izhajajo iz uporabe rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo v okviru večstranskega sistema, tudi v pridobitne namene, uporabijo pravično in enakopravno v skladu z izmenjavo podatkov, dostopom do tehnologije in njenim prenosom, vzpostavljanjem zmogljivosti ter uporabo koristi, ki izhajajo iz pridobitnih dejavnosti na podlagi usmeritev upravnega organa in ob upoštevanju prednostnih področij delovanja v veljavnem svetovnem delovnem načrtu.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
Each State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe declare that, when acting as an intervening State, it may subject its intervention to the condition that persons having its nationality who are surrendered to the flag State under Article 15 and there convicted of a relevant offence, shall have the possibility to be transferred to the intervening State to serve the sentence imposed.
Vsaka država lahko ob podpisu ali deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, izjavi, da pogojuje svoje delovanje kot država, ki ukrepa, s tem da imajo njeni državljani, ki so bili predani državi, pod katere zastavo pluje plovilo, v skladu s 15. členom in tam tudi obsojeni za določeno kaznivo dejanje, možnost, da so za prestajanje kazni premeščeni v državo, ki ukrepa.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(ii) Access to and transfer of technology to countries, especially to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, shall be carried out through a set of measures, such as the establishment and maintenance of, and participation in, crop-based thematic groups on utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, all types of partnership in research and development and in commercial joint ventures relating to the material received, human resource development, and effective access to research facilities.
(ii) Dostop do tehnologije in njen prenos državam, zlasti državam v razvoju in državam z gospodarstvom v prehodu, se zagotovita s pomočjo vrste ukrepov, kot so: ustanavljanje in ohranjanje tematskih skupin o uporabi rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, oblikovanih glede na vrsto gojenih rastlin, ter sodelovanje v teh skupinah, vse vrste partnerstev za raziskave in razvoj, skupna podjetja v pridobitne namene v zvezi s prejetim materialom, razvoj človeških virov in učinkovit dostop do raziskovalnih zmogljivosti.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1996-30
Each Contracting Party shall take legislative, administrative or policy measures, as appropriate, with the aim that Contracting Parties, in particular those that are developing countries, which provide genetic resources are provided access to and transfer of technology which makes use of those resources, on mutually agreed terms, including technology protected by patents and other intellectual property rights, where necessary, through the provisions of Articles 20 and 21 and in accordance with international law and consistent with paragraphs 4 and 5 below.
Vsaka pogodbenica sprejme primerne zakonodajne, upravne ali politične ukrepe s ciljem, da imajo pogodbenice, še posebej države v razvoju, ki razpolagajo z genetskimi viri, dostop do tehnologije, ki uporablja te vire, in do njenega prenosa pod vzajemno sprejetimi pogoji, vključno s tehnologijo, zaščiteno s patenti in drugimi pravicami intelektualne lastnine, če je to potrebno, po določbah 20. in 21. člena ter skladno z mednarodnim pravom in 4. in 5. odstavkom tega člena.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(ii) The Contracting Parties agree that the standard Material Transfer Agreement referred to in Article 12.4 shall include a requirement that a recipient who commercializes a product that is a plant genetic resource for food and agriculture and that incorporates material accessed from the Multilateral System, shall pay to the mechanism referred to in Article 19.3f, an equitable share of the benefits arising from the commercialization of that product, except whenever such a product is available without restriction to others for further research and breeding, in which case the recipient who commercializes shall be encouraged to make such payment.
(ii) Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da se v tipski sporazum o prenosu materiala iz četrtega odstavka 12. člena vključi zahteva, da prejemnik, ki trži izdelek, ki je rastlinski genski vir za prehrano in kmetijstvo in vsebuje material, do katerega je imel prejemnik dostop v večstranskem sistemu, plača na način iz točke f tretjega odstavka 19. člena ustrezen delež koristi, ki izhajajo iz trgovanja s tem izdelkom, razen kadar je tak izdelek neomejeno na voljo drugim osebam za nadaljnje raziskovanje in žlahtnjenje; v tem primeru je treba spodbuditi prejemnika, ki trguje s takim izdelkom, da izvede omenjeno plačilo.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
current transfers by general government to households in their capacity as consumers.
tekoči transferji države gospodinjstvom kot potrošnikom.
39 Končna redakcija
Replacement of the steam generators - The new steam generators have a better heat transfer capability then the existing ones.
Zamenjava uparjalnikov - nova uparjalnika omogočata boljši prenos toplote z reaktorskega na sekundarno hladivo od prvotnega.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
These transfers cannot constitute subsidies since professional bodies are not general government,
Ti transferji ne morejo sestavljati subvencij, ker strokovne izvajalske organizacije niso država,
41 Končna redakcija
an amount to be determined by the Council of the EMI shall be transferred to the general reserve fund of the EMI;
znesek, ki ga določi Svet EMI, se prenese v splošni rezervni sklad EMI;
42 Končna redakcija
An adolescent girl is an especially suitable subject for the transfer of dependence which goes beyond the generation gap.
Mladoletnica je tu še posebno prikladni subjekt prenosa odvisnosti, ki zapolnjuje generacijsko vrzel.
43 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
only general government may pay out investment grants whereas all institutional units may pay out other capital transfers,
samo država lahko plačuje investicijske podpore, medtem ko lahko druge kapitalske transferje plačujejo vse institucionalne enote,
44 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980L0891
Evaporate each filtrate to a small volume using a gentle nitrogen stream and transfer the methyl esters to small pointed-bottom glass tubes.
Pod rahlim tokom dušika vsak filtrat uparimo do majhne prostornine, nato prenesemo metilestre v majhne steklene epruvete s koničastim dnom.
45 Končna redakcija
These texts are then transferred to computers and browsers that may exist within the same general social context or to places thousands of miles away.
Ta besedila so potem dostopna z računalniki in brskalniki, ki so lahko v istem splošnem družbenem kontekstu ali v tisoče kilometrov oddaljenih krajih.
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0313
The pipework between the meter and the point of transfer shall not, in general, by variations in temperature, induce additional errors of more than 1 % of the minimum delivery.
Spreminjanje temperature cevovoda med pretočnim merilom in točko prenosa ne sme povzročati dodatnih napak, ki bi bile večje od 1 % najmanjšega dotoka.
47 Končna redakcija
Therefore, more important than cooperation with parents is direct cooperation with the growing child, who will transfer that experience (not knowledge) to the future generations.
Zato je važnejše od sodelovanja s starši neposredno sodelovanje z odraščajočim otrokom, saj bo prenesel izkušnjo (in ne vednosti) v prihodnje rodove.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
The response to the evaluation report from Member States and third parties has been generally in favour of reform of Community competition policy on technology transfer agreements.
Odgovor držav članic in tretjih oseb na poročilo o ocenjevanju je bilo na splošno naklonjeno reformi konkurenčne politike Skupnosti za sporazume o prenosu tehnologije.
49 Končna redakcija
(1) In order to transfer insurance contracts, the approval of the general meeting shall be required, in addition to the terms and conditions laid down in Articles 80 to 82 of this Act.
(1) Za prenos zavarovalnih pogodb je poleg pogojev, določenih v 80. do 82. členu tega zakona, potrebno tudi soglasje skupščine.
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gene transfer