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give indications
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(4) [Indications Accompanying the Payment] At the time of the payment of any fee to the International Bureau, an indication must be given,
(4) [Navedbe ob plačilu] Ob plačilu katere koli pristojbine Mednarodnemu uradu je treba navesti
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Geographical indications are, for the purposes of this Agreement, indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.
V tem sporazumu so geografske označbe oznake, ki označujejo, da blago izvira z ozemlja članice ali iz regije ali lokacije na tem ozemlju, če se dana kakovost, sloves ali kaka druga značilnost tega blaga bistveno pripisuje njegovemu geografskemu poreklu.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
an indication in letters of the family or principal name and the given or secondary name or names of that person or, at the option of that person, of the name or names customarily used by the said person;
(i) črkovna navedba priimka ali glavnega imena in rojstnega ali dodatnega imena ali imen ali po izbiri te osebe imena ali imen, ki jih ta oseba običajno uporablja;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(i) an indication in letters of the family or principal name and the given or secondary name or names of that person or, at the option of that person, of the name or names customarily used by the said person;
(i) črkovna navedba priimka ali glavnega imena in rojstnega ali dodatnega imena ali imen ali po izbiri te osebe imena ali imen, ki jih ta oseba običajno uporablja;
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Any request for consultations shall be submitted in writing and shall give the reasons for the request, including identification of the measures at issue and an indication of the legal basis for the complaint.
Vsako zahtevo za posvetovanje je treba vložiti pisno in navesti razloge za zahtevo, vključno z opredelitvijo spornih ukrepov, in navesti pravne podlage za tožbo.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
Enterprises which sell inferior goods must physically separate these goods from the regular sale of faultless goods and give a visual indication that they are inferior goods and put a separate mark on each such item.
Podjetje, ki prodaja blago z napako, mora tako blago fizično ločiti od redne prodaje brezhibnega blaga in vidno opozoriti, da gre za prodajo blaga z napako, ter vsak kos takega blaga posebej označiti.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Identity of Creator] Where the international application contains indications concerning the identity of the creator of the industrial design, his name and address shall be given in accordance with the Administrative Instructions.
(1) [Istovetnost oblikovalca] Kadar so v mednarodni prijavi navedbe v zvezi z istovetnostjo oblikovalca modela, se v skladu z upravnimi navodili navedejo njegovo ime, priimek in naslov.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Commission shall also submit to the European Parliament and to the Council an evaluation report on the Union's finances based on the results achieved, in particular in relation to the indications given by the European Parliament and the Council pursuant to Article III-409.
Komisija predloži Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu tudi poročilo o oceni financ Unije glede na dosežene rezultate, zlasti v zvezi z navedbami Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta v skladu s III-409. členom Ustave.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(iii) a reproduction of the mark, accompanied by an indication of the date on which, to the best knowledge of the applicant or the representative, the application was received by the Office and an identification number given to the application by the applicant or the representative.
(iii) reprodukcija znamke z navedbo datuma, ko je po vedenju prijavitelja oziroma zastopnika urad prejel prijavo, in identifikacijske številke, ki jo je prijavi dal prijavitelj oziroma zastopnik.
10 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-20-0066-2010-1
In the following paragraphs, some of the specific issues pursued by the CPT in relation to persons who are placed involuntarily in psychiatric establishments are described. The CPT hopes in this way to give a clear advance indication to national authorities of its views concerning the treatment of such persons;
V naslednjih odstavkih so opisane nekatere specifične teme, s katerimi se CPT ukvarja pri obravnavanju oseb, ki so prisilno hospitalizirane. Na ta način želi CPT nacionalnim oblastem vnaprej posredovati jasno sporočilo o svojih pogledih glede ravnanja s temi osebami.
11 Objavljeno
WTO: Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
If a Member revises its position, following its indication of the use of a standard, guideline or recommendation as a condition for import, it should provide an explanation for its change and so inform the Secretariat as well as the relevant international organizations, unless such notification and explanation is given according to the procedures of Annex B.
Če članica spremeni svoje stališče po navedbi o uporabi standarda, smernice ali priporočila kot pogoja za uvoz, bi morala to spremembo pojasniti ter o tem obvestiti tako Sekretariat kot ustrezne mednarodne organizacije, razen če se taka notifikacija in pojasnilo dasta v skladu s postopki v Prilogi B.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(1) [Legal Entities] Where a communication is signed on behalf of a legal entity, any Contracting Party may require that the signature, or the seal, of the natural person who signs or whose seal is used be accompanied by an indication in letters of the family or principal name and the given or secondary name or names of that person or, at the option of that person, of the name or names customarily used by the said person.
(1) (Pravne osebe) Kadar je sporočilo podpisano v imenu pravne osebe, lahko vsaka pogodbenica zahteva, da je poleg podpisa ali pečata fizične osebe, ki je podpisala ali je bil uporabljen njen pečat, črkovna navedba priimka ali glavnega imena in prvega ali dodatnega imena oziroma imen te osebe ali po izbiri te osebe imena ali imen, ki jih običajno uporablja.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(c) Once the judicial action or proceeding referred to in subparagraph (b) has resulted in the final decision referred to in Article 6(4) of the Agreement, in the final decision referred to in the second sentence of Article 6(3) of the Protocol or in the withdrawal or renunciation referred to in the third sentence of Article 6(3) of the Protocol, the Office of origin shall, where it is aware thereof, promptly notify the International Bureau accordingly and shall give the indications referred to in subparagraph (a)(i) to (iv).
(c) Ko je na podlagi sodnega postopka ali postopka iz pododstavka (b) prišlo do dokončne odločitve iz četrtega odstavka 6. člena sporazuma ali drugega stavka tretjega odstavka 6. člena protokola ali do umika ali odpovedi iz tretjega stavka tretjega odstavka 6. člena protokola, mora urad izvora, če je s tem seznanjen, takoj uradno obvestiti Mednarodni urad in navesti podatke po točkah (i) do (iv) pododstavka (a).
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0107
Other indications may appear on the bottle provided they do not give rise to confusion with the compulsory indications.
Na merilni steklenici so lahko tudi druge oznake, če ne povzročajo možnosti zamenjave z zahtevanimi oznakami.
15 Končna redakcija
The shapes of the weights shall give an indication of their nominal value.
Z obliko uteži je nakazana njihova nazivna vrednost.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Give the permanent and temporary requirements with an indication of the Articles concerned and the deadline.
Navedite stalne in začasne določbe z oznako zadevnih členov in rokom zapadlosti.
17 Končna redakcija
Well, that can be told very shortly to those who have not guessed it from the indications she has herself given them.
No, tole je prav na kratko mogoče povedati tistim, ki tega niso razbrali iz namigov, ki jih je dala sama.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
The results obtained with the reference sera from pigs in the early phase of infection give an indication of the sensitivity of the ELISA.
Rezultati, ki se nanašajo na referenčne serume, pridobljene od prašičev v zgodnjem stadiju okužbe, so pokazatelj občutljivosti testa ELISA.
19 Končna redakcija
The intensity of the reddish purple colour and the time that elapses before the change to yellow may give an indication of the nitrite content of the sample.
Intenzivnost rdečkasto škrlatne barve in čas, ki preteče do spremembe te barve v rumeno, lahko pokažeta količino nitrita v vzorcu.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0128
Comparison of the trial results and the predicted levels give an indication as to whether the method is sufficiently precise for the level of analyte being measured.
Primerjava poskusnih rezultatov in predvidenih stopenj nakazuje, ali je metoda dovolj natančna za stopnjo merjenega analita.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
It acts completely in background mode, that means that is does not give the driver any indications about signal aspects, it only indicates that the train is supervised.
Sistem deluje popolnoma v ozadju, kar pomeni, da strojevodji ne daje nobenih indikacij o signalnem vidiku, temveč zgolj nakazuje, da je vlak nadzorovan.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0753
The names of the vine varieties used for the production of a table wine with a geographical indication or a quality wine psr or their synonyms may be given on the label of the wine concerned provided that:
Imena sort vinske trte, uporabljenih za proizvodnjo namiznega vina z geografsko označbo ali kakovostnega vina pdpo ali njihove sopomenke, se lahko navedejo na nalepki za vino, če:
23 Končna redakcija
The constant "k" of a taximeter is a characteristic quantity that indicates the type and number of signals that the instrument must receive in order to give correctly an indication corresponding to a given distance travelled.
Konstanta "k" taksimetra je karakteristična veličina, ki predstavlja vrsto in število signalov, ki jih mora merilo prejeti, da pravilno kaže prevoženo pot.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Apart from those cases where it is not clear whether a product belongs under the capital goods heading or not, it is also difficult to determine the actual purchaser since the nature of the capital goods gives only an indication of who the user is.
Poleg tistih primerov, kadar ni jasno, ali proizvod sodi pod rubriko osnovnega sredstva ali ne, je težko tudi določiti dejanskega kupca, ker narava osnovnega sredstva samo navaja, kdo je uporabnik.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0361
It is therefore necessary to publish standards EN 1726-1:1999 and EN 1459:1999 together with an appropriate warning and an indication that a standardisation mandate must be given to the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) to amend the standards,
Zato je treba objaviti standarde EN 1726-1:1999 in EN 1459:1999 skupaj z ustreznim opozorilom in oznako, da je treba Evropskemu odboru za standardizacijo (CEN) izdati mandat za spremembo standardov -
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0753
The national rules on the use of the terms given in the first subparagraph must require the terms concerned to be linked to use of a specified geographical indication smaller than the Member State and reserved for table wines meeting certain production requirements, notably regarding the vine variety, minimum natural alcoholic strength by volume and an evaluation or indication of the organoleptic characteristics.
Nacionalna pravila za uporabo izrazov iz prvega pododstavka morajo zahtevati, da se izrazi navezujejo na uporabo določene geografske označbe za enoto, manjšo od države članice, in so pridržani za namizna vina, ki ustrezajo določenim proizvodnim pogojem, predvsem glede sorte vinske trte, minimalnega volumenskega deleža naravnega alkohola in ocene ali navedbe organoleptičnih značilnosti.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
For the purposes of this Article, "geographical indications" is taken to mean indications which identify a product as originating in the territory of a third country which is a member of the World Trade Organisation or in a region or locality within that territory, in cases where a certain quality, reputation or other given characteristic of the product may be attributed essentially to that geographical place of origin.
V smislu tega člena velja kot "geografska označba" označba, ki označuje izvor proizvoda na ozemlju tretje države, članice Svetovne trgovinske organizacije, ali v regiji ali na prostoru v okviru tega ozemlja takrat, ko se določena kakovost, ugled ali druga lastnost proizvoda lahko določi za ta geografski kraj izvora.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
shall be used in labelling a product covered by paragraph 1 of point A, other than that referred to in the following indent, to give full or partial information concerning the name of a specified region other than the indication which may be used for the product in question.
uporabi pri označevanju proizvodov, ki jih zajema odstavek 1 točke A, razen tistih, za katere velja naslednja alinea, in daje celotno ali delno informacijo o imenu določenega pridelovalnega območja, ki je različno od tistega, ki se sme uporabiti za označitev tega proizvoda.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0753
Geographical indications as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 may not give rise to confusion with a geographical indication used to identify a quality wine psr, a table wine or another imported wine included in the lists in agreements concluded between the Community and third countries.
Geografske označbe iz odstavkov 1 in 2 ne smejo biti takšne, da jih je mogoče zamenjati z geografskimi označbami, uporabljenimi za poimenovanje kakovostnega vina pdpo, namiznega vina ali drugega uvoženega vina, navedenimi na seznamih sporazumov, sklenjenih med Skupnostjo in tretjimi državami.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0029
In addition to the period of maturity an indication should be given of the density or probable degree of the must, its acidity and the corresponding yield of grapes expressed in kilogrammes per hectare, compared with one or more control varieties, giving if possible yields of a similar size.
Poleg obdobja zrelosti je treba označiti gostoto ali verjetno stopnjo mošta, njegovo kislost in ustrezen pridelek grozdja, izražen v kilogramih na hektar, v primerjavi z eno ali več primerjalnimi sortami, ki po možnosti dajejo podobno velike pridelke.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0753
the variety name or one of its synonyms does not include a geographical indication used to describe a quality wine psr, a table wine or an imported wine listed in the agreements concluded between the Community and third countries, and, where it is accompanied by another geographical term, is given on the label without that geographical term;
ime sorte ali katera od njegovih sopomenk ne zajema geografske označbe, uporabljene za opis kakovostnega vina pdpo, namiznega vina ali uvoženega vina, navedenega na seznamih sporazumov, sklenjenih med Skupnostjo in tretjimi državami, in, kadar ga spremlja kakšna druga geografska navedba, je predstavljeno na nalepki brez te geografske navedbe;
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0072
Notification of suspicious transactions by persons professionally arranging transactions in financial instruments to the competent authority requires sufficient indications that the transactions might constitute market abuse, i.e. transactions which give reasonable ground for suspecting that insider dealing or market manipulation is involved.
Od oseb, ki se poklicno ukvarjajo s posli s finančnimi instrumenti, se pri obveščanju o sumljivih poslih pristojnim organom zahtevajo zadostni indici o tem, da posli lahko pomenijo zlorabo trga, to so posli, za katere se utemeljeno sumi, da gre za trgovanje na podlagi notranjih informacij ali tržno manipulacijo.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
an evaluation part giving an assessment of the importance of the non-compliance in respect of each act and/or standard on the basis of the criteria «severity» , «extent» , «permanence» and «repetition» in accordance with Article 7(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 with an indication of any factors that should lead to an increase or decrease of the reduction to be applied.
ocenjevalni del z oceno pomembnosti neskladnosti v zvezi z vsakim aktom in/ali standardom na podlagi meril "resnosti", "obsega", "stalnosti" in "ponavljanja" v skladu s členom 7(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003 z navedbo dejavnikov, ki imajo za posledico povečanje ali zmanjšanje znižanja, ki ga je treba uporabiti.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0753
To qualify for inclusion in Annex III(B), traditional terms must fulfil the conditions referred to in paragraph 5, must be used for a wine with a geographical indication and must identify that wine as originating in that region or locality within the territory of the Community, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the wine, as expressed by the traditional term concerned, is essentially attributable to that geographical origin.
Za vnos v Prilogo III(B) morajo tradicionalni izrazi izpolnjevati pogoje iz odstavka 5, se uporabljati za vino z geografsko označbo in določati poreklo vina iz te regije ali kraja znotraj ozemlja Skupnosti, pri čemer se določena kakovost, ugled ali druga značilnost vina, kakor jo izraža tradicionalni izraz, bistveno povezuje z navedenim geografskim poreklom.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0106
Until the expiry of the transitional period during which the use of the imperial units of measurement appearing in Annex II to Council Directive No 71/354/EEC (1) of 18 October 1971 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units of measurement, as last amended by the Act of Accession, is authorized in the Community, the indication of the nominal volume of the contents expressed in SI units of measurement in accordance with subsection 3.1 of Annex I to this Directive shall, if the United Kingdom or Ireland so desire and on their national territories, be accompanied by an indication of the nominal volume of the contents expressed in the equivalent imperial units of measurement, if they are given in Annex I to this Directive.
Do preteka prehodnega obdobja, ko je v Skupnosti še dovoljena uporaba imperialnih merskih enot, ki so navedene v Prilogi II k Direktivi Sveta št. 71/354/EEC z dne 18. oktobra 1971 o približevanju zakonodaje držav članic o merskih enotah, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Aktom o pristopu, mora biti nazivna prostornina vsebine izražena v merskih enotah SI v skladu s pododdelkom 3.1 Priloge I k tej direktivi, če Velika Britanija ali Irska tako želita, pa na njunem državnem ozemlju dodatno označena tudi nazivna prostornina vsebine, izražena v ekvivalentnih imperialnih enotah, če so le-te navedene v Prilogi I k tej direktivi.
36 Pravna redakcija
It shall give a precise indication of:
V njem so točne navedbe:
37 Pravna redakcija
Indication of an elapsed time to a position given by latitude only.
Navedba porabljenega časa do položaja, prikazanega le z zemljepisno širino.
38 Pravna redakcija
Indication of an elapsed time to a position given by longitude only.
Navedba porabljenega časa do položaja, prikazanega le z zemljepisno dolžino.
39 Pravna redakcija
This will give some indication of the titre of antibody in the test sera.
To bo pokazalo približni titer protiteles v preskusnih serumih.
40 Pravna redakcija
These guidelines shall give general indications, in particular concerning:
V teh smernicah so dane splošne navedbe zlasti glede:
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0038
The indications requested in these columns should only be given if they are necessary.
Navedbe, zahtevane v teh stolpcih, se da samo, če so potrebne.
42 Pravna redakcija
(') The indications requested in these columns should only be given if they are necessary.
3 Označbe, zahtevane v teh stolpcih, se navede, le če so potrebne.
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give indications