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goods declaration for exportation
1 Pravna redakcija
Goods declaration for exportation
Izvozna deklaracija
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
Goods declaration for exportation with notification of intended return
Deklaracija blaga za izvoz s prijavo o predvideni vrnitvi
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
In some countries the goods declaration for exportation with notification of intended return may also be used for reimportation in the same state.
V nekaterih državah se lahko deklaracija blaga za izvoz s prijavo o predvideni vrnitvi uporabi tudi za ponovni uvoz v enakem stanju.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
The goods declaration forms used for exporting goods with notification of intended return should be harmonized with those used for outright exportation.
Obrazci deklaracije blaga, ki se uporabljajo za izvoz blaga s prijavo o predvideni vrnitvi, so skladni s tistimi, ki se uporabljajo za dokončen izvoz.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
Where the same goods are to be exported with notification of intended return and reimported in the same state several times, the customs authorities should, at the request of the declarant, allow the declaration for exportation with notification of intended return lodged on the first exportation to cover the subsequent reimportations and exportations of the goods during a specified period.
Če se isto blago s prijavo o predvideni vrnitvi izvaža in uvaža v enakem stanju večkrat, carinski organi na zahtevo deklaranta dovolijo, da se deklaracija za izvoz s prijavo o predvideni vrnitvi vloži ob prvem izvozu in je veljavna za poznejše ponovne uvoze in izvoze blaga v določenem obdobju.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
No written goods declaration should be required for the reimportation in the same state of packings, containers, pallets and commercial road vehicles which are in use for the international transport of goods, subject to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that they were in free circulation at the time of exportation.
Za ponovni uvoz v enakem stanju embalaže, zabojnikov, palet in gospodarskih cestnih vozil, ki se uporabljajo za mednarodni prevoz blaga, se ne zahteva pisne deklaracije blaga, pod pogojem, da se carinski organi lahko prepričajo, da so bili v času izvoza v prostem prometu.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
Where an ATA carnet is used for re-exportation of goods under temporary importation, the customs declaration may be lodged at a customs office other than that referred to in the first sentence of Article 161(5) of the Code."
Kadar se zvezek ATA uporabi za ponovni izvoz blaga pri začasnem uvozu, se carinska deklaracija lahko predloži drugemu carinskemu uradu, kakor je naveden v prvem stavku člena 161(5) zakonika."
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
LAYOUT KEY for goods declaration for outright exportation
VZOREC OBRAZCA za deklaracijo blaga za dokončni izvoz
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0798
Declaration for exportation entitlement to duty-free replacement of goods
Deklaracija za izvoz s pravico do dajatve proste nadomestitve blaga
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977D0415
Customs authorities should allow the goods declaration (outwards) form to be used for making out the declaration for the temporary exportation of goods for outward processing.
Carinski organi bi morali dovoliti, da se obrazec za deklaracijo blaga (izhodno) uporabi za izdelavo deklaracije za začasni izvoz blaga na pasivno oplemenitenje.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
where Community legislation refers to a declaration for placing goods under a customs procedure or for re-exportation;
če se zakonodaja Skupnosti sklicuje na deklaracijo za dajanje blaga v carinski postopek ali ponovni izvoz;
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
Forms for the goods declaration for outright exportation shall conform to the official model laid down by the customs authorities.
Obrazci deklaracije blaga za dokončni izvoz so v skladu z uradnim vzorcem, ki ga določijo carinski organi.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977D0415
If special forms are used for making out the declaration for the temporary exportation of goods for outward processing, they should be harmonized with the form used for the goods declaration (outwards).
Če se za izdelavo deklaracije za začasni izvoz blaga na pasivno oplemenitenje uporabljajo posebni obrazci, naj bodo usklajeni z obrazci, ki se uporabljajo za deklaracijo blaga (izhodno).
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0798
The national forms used for the exportation of products with entitlement to duty-free replacement of goods should be harmonized with the goods declaration (outwards).
Nacionalni obrazci, ki se uporabljajo za izvoz izdelkov s pravico do dajatve proste nadomestitve blaga, naj bi bili usklajeni z obrazcem carinske deklaracije (iznos).
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The goods referred to in paragraph 1 may also be the subject of an oral declaration for re-exportation discharging a temporary importation procedure.
Za blago iz odstavka 1 se lahko da ustna deklaracija za ponovni izvoz ob zaključku postopka začasnega uvoza.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
the copy of the export declaration returned to the exporter at the time of completion of the export formalities for the goods, or a copy thereof certified by the customs office of exportation.
izvodom izvozne deklaracije, ki se vrne izvozniku ob izpolnitvi izvoznih formalnosti za blago, ali kopijo te deklaracije, ki jo potrdi carinski urad izvoza.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
Without prejudice to any measures of simplification applicable, the customs document for the dispatch or redispatch of goods or the customs document for the exportation or re-exportation of goods or any document having equivalent effect shall be presented to the office of departure together with the transit declaration to which it relates.
Brez vpliva na uporabljene ukrepe za poenostavljanje, se carinska listina za odpremo ali ponovno odpremo blaga ali carinska listina za izvoz ali ponovni izvoz blaga ali listina z enakovrednim učinkom predloži uradu odhoda skupaj s tranzitno deklaracijo, na katero se nanaša.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Where goods placed under an economic customs procedure when on Community customs territory are intended for re-exportation, a customs declaration within the meaning of Articles 59 to 78 shall be lodged.
Če je blago, ki je bilo med njegovim zadrževanjem na carinskem območju Skupnosti dano v carinski postopek z ekonomskim učinkom, namenjeno ponovnemu izvozu, je treba vložiti carinsko deklaracijo v skladu s členi 59 do 78.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0798
The document issued to the declarant may consist of a copy, duly certified by the customs, of the declaration for exportation with entitlement to duty-free replacement of goods, or may be made out on an appropriate form.
Dokument, ki se izda deklarantu, je lahko kopija deklaracije za izvoz s pravico do dajatve proste nadomestitve blaga, ki jo overi carinska uprava, ali pa se sestavi na ustreznem obrazcu.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0798
National legislation may provide that the goods declaration relevant to the exportation of the products must contain the particulars necessary to enable the customs to determine the quantitites of the various goods for which exemption from import duties and taxes will be claimed.
Nacionalna zakonodaja lahko določa, da mora carinska deklaracija, ki se vloži pri izvozu izdelkov, vsebovati podatke, ki jih carinska uprava potrebuje za določanje količin različnega blaga, za katerega se zahteva oprostitev plačila uvoznih dajatev in davkov.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987D0594
However, the customs may require a written declaration for goods carried by travellers which constitute an importation or exportation of a commercial nature or which exceed, in value or quantity, the limits laid down in national legislation.
Vendar lahko carinska uprava zahteva pisno deklaracijo blaga, ki ga prevažajo potniki, če gre za uvoz ali izvoz komercialne narave ali če vrednost ali količina blaga presega mejne vrednosti ali količine, določene v nacionalni zakonodaji.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0204
When they are considering revision of present forms or preparation of new forms for the goods declaration for outright exportation, the customs authorities should use as far as possible the layout key in Appendix I in accordance with the Notes in Appendix II.
Ob spremembi sedanjih ali pri pripravi novih obrazcev prijave blaga za dokončni izvoz carinski organi čimbolj upoštevajo vzorec obrazca v Dodatku I, skladno z opombami v Dodatku II.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
A declaration for release for free circulation relating to returned goods whose export may have given rise to the completion of customs export formalities with a view to obtaining refunds or other amounts provided for on exportation under the common agricultural policy, shall be supported not only by the documents referred to in Article 848, but by a certificate issued by the authorities responsible for the grant of such refunds or amounts in the Member State of exportation.
Razen dokumentov iz člena 848 je treba k vsaki deklaraciji za sprostitev v prosti promet vrnjenega blaga, pri izvozu katerega bi lahko bile opravljene izvozne carinske formalnosti zaradi odobritve nadomestil ali drugih zneskov ob izvozu, dodeljenih v okviru skupne kmetijske politike, priložiti potrdilo, ki ga izdajo organi, pristojni za odobritev teh nadomestil ali zneskov v državi članici izvoza.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Should the result of the verification of the declaration and accompanying documents or examination of the goods not be in accordance with the particulars given in the declaration, the customs authorities shall specify, at least in the copy of the declaration retained by the said authorities, or in a document attached thereto, the particulars to be taken into account for the purposes of the application of charges on the goods in question and, where appropriate, calculating any refunds or other amounts payable on exportation, and for applying the other provisions governing the customs procedure for which the goods are entered.
Če se izidi preverjanja carinske deklaracije in spremnih dokumentov ali pregleda blaga ne ujemajo s podatki iz carinske deklaracije, carinski organi vsaj na izvodu deklaracije, ki ga zadržijo, ali na spremnem dokumentu navedejo podatke, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri izračunu dajatev v zvezi z zadevnim blagom in pri morebitnem obračunu povračil in drugih zneskov pri izvozu ter za uporabo drugih predpisov, ki urejajo carinski postopek, v katerega je bilo blago dano.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Import goods, whether in the form of compensating products or of goods in the unaltered state, which are covered by a general authorization for release for free circulation and which, upon expiry of the period for re-exportation (having due regard to Article 561), have not been assigned to any of the customs-approved treatments or uses referred to in Article 89 of the Code shall be considered to have been released for free circulation, and the declaration for release for free circulation shall be considered to have been lodged and accepted and release granted upon expiry of the said period.
Šteje se, da je uvozno blago v obliki pridobljenih proizvodov ali blaga v nespremenjenem stanju, na katere se nanaša splošno dovoljenje za sprostitev v prosti promet in ki po potrebi v skladu s členom 561 ob poteku roka za ponovni izvoz ni bilo dano v nobeno carinsko dovoljeno rabo ali uporabo, sproščeno v prosti promet in deklaracija za sprostitev v prosti promet vložena in sprejeta ter prepustitev odobrena v trenutku poteka tega roka.
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goods declaration for exportation