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granting of favourable tariff treatment
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0444
This shall be allowed only if an authorisation for such end-use could have been granted and if the conditions attaching to the granting of favourable tariff treatment would have been fulfilled."
To se dovoli samo, če bi lahko bilo izdano dovoljenje za tak poseben namen in če bi bili pogoji za dodelitev preferencialne tarifne obravnave izpolnjeni."
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
(d) all the other conditions for the granting of the Community treatment, a preferential tariff treatment or of a favourable tariff treatment by reason of the nature of goods are fulfilled."
(d) so izpolnjeni vsi drugi pogoji za odobritev skupnostne obravnave, preferencialne tarifne obravnave ali ugodnejše tarifne obravnave zaradi vrste blaga."
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0122
Whereas the granting of favourable tariff treatment should be considered product by product on the basis of requests made by the Portuguese authorities;
ker je dodeljevanje ugodnejše tarifne obravnave treba preverjati po posameznih proizvodih na podlagi zahtev portugalskih organov;
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3665
The import duties to be charged under Article 121 (1) of the code on import goods eligible, at the time when the declaration of entry for the procedure was accepted, for favourable tariff treatment by reason of their end-use shall be calculated at the rate corresponding to such end-use without special authorization for the granting of such treatment being required, provided that the conditions attaching to the granting of favourable tariff treatment are satisfied.
Uvozne dajatve, ki se po členu 121(1) zakonika zaračunajo za uvozno blago v času, ko je bila sprejeta deklaracija za začetek carinskega postopka, ki je upravičeno do ugodne tarifne obravnave zaradi svoje končne uporabe, se izračunajo po stopnji, ki ustreza tej končni uporabi, ne da bi se zahtevalo posebno dovoljenje za odobritev take obravnave, če so izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni za odobritev ugodne tarifne obravnave.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
all the other conditions for the granting of the Community treatment, a preferential tariff treatment or of a favourable tariff treatment by reason of the nature of goods are fulfilled."
so izpolnjeni vsi drugi pogoji za odobritev skupnostne obravnave, preferencialne tarifne obravnave ali ugodnejše tarifne obravnave zaradi vrste blaga."
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The admission of goods entered for free circulation with favourable tariff treatment by reason of their end-use shall be subject to the granting of written authorization to the person importing the goods or having them imported for free circulation.
Pripustitev blaga, ki se da v prosti promet z ugodnejšo tarifno obravnavo zaradi njegove posebne uporabe, se pogojuje z izdajo pisnega dovoljenja osebi, ki blago uvozi ali naroči njegov uvoz za sprostitev v prosti pomet.
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granting of favourable tariff treatment