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guaranteeing association
1 Pravna redakcija
Guaranteeing association/
Garancijsko združenje/
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-15
" Individual and unique identification (ID) number assigned to the person by the guaranteeing association (in cooperation with the international organization to which it is affiliated) in accordance with a harmonized format.
» individualno in enkratno identifikacijska številka (ID), ki jo osebi dodeli garantno združenje (v sodelovanju z mednarodno organizacijo, v katero je vključeno), v skladu z usklajeno obliko zapisa.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-15
(3) Customs authorities and national guaranteeing associations shall conclude an agreement, in line with national law, covering the above data exchange.
(3) Carinski organi in nacionalna garantna združenja sklenejo v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo sporazum o zgoraj navedeni izmenjavi podatkov.
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-15
(1) Customs authorities shall transmit to an international organization or to the national guaranteeing associations, if possible via central or regional offices, by the fastest available means of communication (fax, electronic mail, etc.) and if possible on a daily basis, at least the following information in a standard format in respect of all TIR Carnets presented at Customs offices of destination, as defined in Article 1 (l) of the Convention:
(1) Če je mogoče, carinski organi vsakodnevno pošiljajo po možnosti prek centralnih ali regionalnih uradov po najhitrejšem razpoložljivem komunikacijskem sredstvu (telefaks, elektronska pošta itd.) mednarodni organizaciji ali nacionalnim garantnim združenjem najmanj naslednje informacije v standardni obliki za vse zvezke TIR, predložene namembnim carinskim uradom, kot je opredeljeno v točki l 1. člena konvencije:
5 Pravna redakcija
Stamp of the of the guaranteeing association
Žig garancijskega združenja
6 Pravna redakcija
Signature of the secretary of the guaranteeing association
Podpis sekretarja garancijskega združenja
7 Pravna redakcija
Requests for renewal shall be presented by the guaranteeing association.
Zahtevke za obnovitev predložijo garantna združenja.
8 Pravna redakcija
(the guaranteeing association) in virtue of an unterdaking which the latter association has given to
(garancijsko združenje) podjetje, ki mu je omenjeno združenje izdalo dovoljenje
9 Pravna redakcija
Signature of the president or representative of the guaranteeing association
Podpis sekretarja ali predstavnika garancijskega združenja
10 Pravna redakcija
the guaranteeing association then sends the carnet to the competent customs authority of its country.
garancijsko združenje pošlje nato zvezek pristojnim carinskim organom svoje države.
11 Pravna redakcija
the carnet is then returned to the guaranteeing association, which in turn returns it to the person concerned.
zvezek se vrne garancijskemu združenju, ki ga nato vrne prosilcu.
12 Pravna redakcija
the term 'guaranteeing association ` shall mean an association approved by the customs authorities of a Contracting Party to act as surety for persons using temporary importation papers;
pojem “garancijsko združenje ” pomeni združenje, ki z odobritvijo carinskih organov pogodbenice deluje kot garant za osebe, ki uporabljajo listine za začasni uvoz;
13 Pravna redakcija
The first copy shall be for the guaranteeing association connected with the customs authority of the Member State in which the claim is made.
Prvi izvod je namenjen garantnemu združenju, ki je povezano s carinskim organom države članice, v kateri je sestavljen zahtevek.
14 Pravna redakcija
The following procedure shall be observed by the person requesting the extension and by the guaranteeing association dealing with the request:
Oseba, ki prosi za podaljšanje, in garancijsko združenje, ki prošnjo obravnava, upoštevata naslednji postopek:
15 Pravna redakcija
in the left- hand side of the stamp the guaranteeing association fills in the date, in figures and words, until which the extension is requested.
garancijsko združenje vpiše s številko in besedo levo od žiga datum, do katerega se zaprosi za podaljšanje.
16 Pravna redakcija
Any particulars inserted on temporary importation papers by the issuing associations may be altered only with the approval of the issuing or guaranteeing association.
Vsi podatki, ki jih na listine za začasni uvoz vnesejo združenja izdaje, se lahko spreminjajo le s privoljenjem izdajateljskega ali garancijskega.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
The guaranteeing association established in the Member State competent for recovery under Article 215 of the Code shall be liable for payment of the secured amount of the customs debt.
Garantno združenje s sedežem v državi članici, pristojni za izterjavo po členu 215 zakonika, je dolžno plačati zavarovani znesek carinskega dolga.
18 Pravna redakcija
During the latter period, the guaranteeing association may still avail itself of the facilities provided by the preceding paragraph with a view to repayment of the sums deposited or paid.
Po tem obdobju lahko garancijsko združenje še vedno izkoristi možnosti za vračilo pologov ali plačil iz prejšnjega odstavka.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
They shall also inform the holder of the TIR carnet, and shall invite both the latter and the guaranteeing association concerned to furnish proof that the TIR operation has been terminated.
Obvestijo tudi imetnika zvezka TIR in povabijo slednjega ter udeleženo garantno združenje, naj pošljejo dokazilo, da je operacija TIR zaključena.
20 Pravna redakcija
If such proof is not furnished within the time limit allowed, the guaranteeing association shall deposit or pay provisionally within a maximum period of three months the import duties and import taxes payable.
Če dokazila niso predložena v dovoljenem roku, garancijsko združenje v roku največ treh mesecev položi ali začasno plača obračunane uvozne dajatve in uvozne davke.
21 Pravna redakcija
Where the customs authorities of a Member State establish that a customs debt has been incurred, a claim shall be sent to the guaranteeing association with which that Member State is linked as soon as possible.
Kadar carinski organi države članice ugotovijo, da je nastal carinski dolg, čimprej pošljejo zahtevek garantnemu združenju, s katerim je povezana ta država članica.
22 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with Article 461 and as provided therein, the sending of this form to a guaranteeing association by the customs administration with which that association is connected shall not release the other guaranteeing associations in the Community from an obligation to pay duties and other charges if it is found that the offence or irregularity was committed in a Member State other than the one in which the proceedings were initiated.
V skladu s členom 461 in njegovimi pogoji, dejstvo, da carinska uprava pošlje ta obrazec garantnemu združenju, ki je z njo povezano, ne odveže drugih garantnih združenj v Skupnosti obveznosti plačila carin in drugih dajatev, če se ugotovi, da kršitev ali nepravilnost ni nastala v državi članici, ki je postopek začela.
23 Pravna redakcija
If it is granted, the competent customs officer completes the stamp placed on the cover of the carnet by the guaranteeing association, by adding a serial or registry number, the place and date and his own official position.
Če se podaljšanje odobri, pristojni carinski organ dopolni žig, s katerim je garancijsko združenje opremilo platnico, s serijsko ali registrsko številko, krajem in datumom ter svojim uradnim nazivom.
24 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of closure it shall send to the coordinating office of the second Member State the contents of the file in its possession and if necessary shall refund to the guaranteeing association with which it is connected any sums which that association may have deposited or provisionally paid.
Zaradi zaključitve pošlje usklajevalnemu uradu druge države članice vsebino svojega spisa, in po potrebi garantnemu združenju, s katerim je povezan, povrne vse zneske, ki jih je morda to združenje založilo ali začasno plačalo.
25 Pravna redakcija
if the guaranteeing association considers that the request for extension might be passed on to the customs authorities, it stamps the cover of the carnet de passage en douane in the space specially reserved for this purpose.
če garancijsko združenje meni, da se prošnja za podaljšanje lahko preda carinskim organom, žigosa platnico zvezka CPD na mestu, ki je temu posebej namenjeno.
26 Pravna redakcija
The customs authorities shall notify, so far as possible, to the guaranteeing association, seizures made by or on behalf of these customs authorities of vehicles admitted under cover of temporary importation papers guaranteed by that association and shall advise it of the measures they intend to take.
Carinski organi uradno obvestijo, kolikor je to mogoče, garancijsko združenje o odvzemih, ki so jih opravili carinski organi ali so jih v njihovem imenu opravili za vozila, uvožena na podlagi listin za začasni uvoz, za katere jamči to združenje, in ga obvestijo o ukrepih, ki jih nameravajo izvesti.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
A valid notification of non-discharge of a TIR operation made by the customs authorities of one Member State, identified as competent for recovery under the third indent of Article 215(1) of the Code, to the guaranteeing association authorised by those authorities shall also be valid where the customs authorities of another Member State, identified as competent under the first or second indent of Article 215(1) of the Code, later proceed with recovery from the guaranteeing association authorised by those latter authorities."
Veljavno obvestilo o nezaključenem postopku TIR, ki ga carinski organi ene države članice, za katere se ugotovi, da so pristojni za izterjavo po tretji alinei člena 215(1) zakonika, pošljejo pooblaščenemu garantnemu združenju, ki so ga pooblastili ti organi, velja tudi, kadar carinski organi druge države članice, za katere se ugotovi, da so pristojni po prvi ali drugi alinei člena 215(1) zakonika, kasneje nadaljujejo s postopkom izterjave od garantnega združenja, ki so ga pooblastili slednji organi."
28 Pravna redakcija
When the customs authorities of a country have finally and unconditionally discharged temporary importation papers they can no longer claim from the guaranteeing association payment of import duties and import taxes, unless the certificate of discharge was obtained improperly or fraudulently.
Ko carinski organi neke države dokončno in brezpogojno zaključijo listine za začasni uvoz, ne morejo več zahtevati od garancijskega združenja plačila uvoznih dajatev in uvoznih davkov, razen če se je potrdilo o zaključitvi pridobilo na neustrezen način ali s prevaro.
29 Pravna redakcija
as soon as the holder of a carnet de passage en douane realizes that he is obliged to request an extension of the period of validity of the document, he sends to the guaranteeing association the carnet and a request for extension, indicating the circumstances which oblige him to make the request.
takoj ko imetnik zvezka CPD ugotovi, da mora zaprositi za podaljšanje roka veljavnosti dokumenta, pošlje garancijskemu združenju zvezek in prošnjo za podaljšanje, pri čemer navede okoliščine, zaradi katerih je moral vložiti prošnjo.
30 Pravna redakcija
In such cases, the guaranteeing associations shall lend their assistance to the customs authorities.
V teh primerih pomagajo carinskim organom garancijska združenja.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
(17) In order to uphold the financial interests of the Community and of its Member States, provision should be made for a non-discharge notification, issued validly within a year by the competent customs administration to a guaranteeing association established in the Community, to be legally enforceable against other guaranteeing associations established in the Community if it transpires that they are liable under the first or second indent of Article 215(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92, hereinafter "the Code".
(17) Da bi podprli finančne interese Skupnosti in njenih držav članic, naj se predvidi, da bo obvestilo o nezaključenem postopku, ki ga v enem letu veljavno izda pristojna carinska uprava garantnemu združenju s sedežem v Skupnosti, pravno izvršljivo do drugih garantnih združenj s sedežem v Skupnosti, če se ugotovi, da so odgovorna po prvi ali drugi alinei člena 215(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2913/92, v nadaljnjem besedilu "zakonik".
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
Where an offence or irregularity is found to have been committed in the course of or in connection with a transit operation carried out under cover of an ATA carnet, the customs authorities shall notify the holder of the ATA carnet and the guaranteeing association within the period prescribed in Article 6(4) of the ATA Convention.
Kadar je ugotovljeno, da je med operacijo tranzita na podlagi zvezka ATA ali v zvezi z njim storjen prekršek ali nepravilnost, carinski organi obvestijo imetnika zvezka ATA in garantno združenje v roku, predpisanem v členu 6(4) Konvencije ATA.
33 Pravna redakcija
The coordinating office of the Member State where the offence or irregularity was committed shall take over the recovery proceedings and where necessary collect from the guaranteeing association with which it is connected the amount of duties and other charges due at the rates in force in the Member State where this office is situated.
Usklajevalni urad države članice, v kateri je nastala kršitev ali nepravilnost, prevzame postopek pridobivanja plačila in, kadar je potrebno, od garantnega združenja, s katerim je povezan, pobere znesek predpisanih carin in drugih dajatev po stopnjah, ki veljajo v državi članici, v kateri je ta urad.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
The TIR operation shall also be considered as having been terminated where the holder of the TIR carnet/guaranteeing association concerned presents, to the satisfaction of the customs authorities, a customs document issued in a third country entering the goods for a customs-approved treatment or use, or a copy or photocopy thereof, identifying the goods.
Operacija TIR se šteje za zaključeno tudi takrat, kadar imetnik zvezka TIR/udeleženo garantno združenje zadovoljivo predloži carinski dokument, izdan v tretji državi, kamor je bilo vneseno blago za carinsko dovoljeno rabo ali uporabo, ali njegovo kopijo ali fotokopijo, ki zagotavlja istovetnost blaga.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
Where an enquiry establishes that the TIR operation was terminated correctly, the customs authorities of the Member State of entry or departure shall immediately inform the guaranteeing association and the holder of the TIR carnet and, where appropriate, any customs authorities that may have initiated a recovery procedure in accordance with Articles 217 to 232 of the Code."
Kadar je v preiskavi ugotovljeno, da je bila operacija TIR zaključena pravilno, carinski organi države članice vstopa ali odhoda takoj obvestijo garantno združenje in imetnika zvezka TIR ter, kjer je to primerno, katere koli carinske organe, ki so začeli postopek izterjave v skladu s členi 217 do 232 zakonika."
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
If the appropriate part of Voucher No 2 of the TIR carnet is not returned to the customs authorities of the Member State of entry or departure within two months of the date of acceptance of the TIR carnet, those authorities shall inform the guaranteeing association concerned, without prejudice to the notification to be made in accordance with Article 11(1) of the TIR Convention.
Če se ustrezni del kupona št. 2 zvezka TIR ne vrne carinskim organom države članice vstopa ali odhoda v dveh mesecih po dnevu sprejetja zvezka TIR, ti organi obvestijo udeleženo garantno združenje, kar pa ne vpliva na obveščanje, potrebno v skladu s členom 11(1) konvencije TIR.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
For the purposes of Article 8(4) of the TIR Convention, when a TIR operation is carried out on the customs territory of the Community, any guaranteeing association established in the Community may become liable for the payment of the secured amount of the customs debt relating to the goods concerned in the TIR operation up to a limit per TIR carnet of EUR 60000 or the national currency equivalent thereof.
Za namene člena 8(4) Konvencije TIR lahko takrat, ko operacija TIR poteka na carinskem ozemlju Skupnosti, katero koli garantno združenje s sedežem v Skupnosti prevzame odgovornost za plačilo zavarovanega zneska carinskega dolga za blago, udeleženo v postopku TIR, do zgornje meje 60000 EUR ali enakovrednega zneska nacionalne valute na posamezen zvezek TIR.
38 Pravna redakcija
Where an offence or irregularity is found to have been committed in the course of or in connection with a transport operation carried out under cover of a TIR carnet or a transit operation carried out under cover of an ATA carnet, the customs authorities shall notify the holder of the TIR carnet or ATA carnet and the guaranteeing association within the period prescribed in Article 11 (1) of the TIR Convention or Article 6 (4) of the ATA Convention, as the case may be.
Kadar se ugotovi, da je kršitev ali nepravilnost nastala med ali v zvezi s prevozno operacijo na podlagi zvezka TIR ali s prevozom na podlagi zvezka ATA, carinski organi o tem obvestijo imetnika zvezka TIR ali zvezka ATA ter garantno združenje v roku, predpisanem v členu 11(1) Konvencije TIR oziroma členu 6(4) Konvencije ATA.
39 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of Article 8 (4) of the TIR Convention, where a consignment enters the customs territory of the Community or starts from a customs office of departure situated in the customs territory of the Community, the guaranteeing association shall become or shall be responsible to the customs authorities of each Member State the territory of which the TIR consignment enters, up to the point at which it leave the customs territory of the Community or up to the customs office of destination in that territory.
Za namene iz člena 8(4) Konvencije TIR garantno združenje postane ali je odgovorno carinskim organom posamezne države članice, na ozemlje katere vstopi pošiljka TIR, takrat ko pošiljka vstopi na carinsko območje Skupnosti ali krene iz carinskega urada odhoda, ki je na carinskem območju Skupnosti, odgovorno pa ostane, dokler ne zapusti carinskega območja Skupnosti ali do namembnega carinskega urada na tem območju.
40 Pravna redakcija
NOTING that the carnet issuing the guaranteeing associations operating under the Vehicle Convention 1956 are the same as those which will operate under the Istanbul Convention,
OB UGOTOVITVI, da so izdajateljska in garancijska združenja, ki delujejo v skladu z Konvencijo o vozilih 1956, ista, kot bodo delovala v skladu s Istanbulsko konvencijo,
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
This Article shall apply without prejudice to the specific provisions of the ATA Convention concerning the liability of the guaranteeing associations when an ATA carnet is being used.
Ta člen se uporablja brez poseganja v posebne določbe Konvencije ATA o obveznostih garantnih združenj pri uporabi zvezka ATA.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
(16) The maximum amount that the guaranteeing associations in the Community are required to pay when they incur liability should be expressed in euro and set at EUR 60000 per TIR carnet.
(16) Najvišji znesek, ki ga morajo plačati garantna združenja v Skupnosti ob prevzemu obveznosti, mora biti izražen v evrih in določen na 60000 EUR na zvezek TIR.
43 Pravna redakcija
This Article shall apply without prejudice to the specific provisions of the TIR and ATA Conventions concerning the liability of the guaranteeing associations when a TIR or an ATA carnet is being used.
Ta člen se uporablja brez poseganja v posebne določbe Konvencij TIR in ATA o obveznostih garantnih združenj pri uporabi zvezka TIR ali ATA.
44 Pravna redakcija
CONSCIOUS of the importance of ensuring a smooth transfer from the Vehicle Convention 1956 to Annex C to the Istanbul Convention and of avoiding undue hardship to the issuing and guaranteeing associations,
ZAVEDAJOČ se pomembnosti, da je zagotovljen nemoten prehod s Konvencije o vozilih 1956 na Prilogo C k Istanbulski konvenciji in, da se preprečijo nepotrebne težave izdajateljskim in garancijskim združenjem,
45 Pravna redakcija
APPRECIATING the willingness of the issuing and guaranteeing associations operating under the Vehicle Convention to render the relevant issuing and guaranteeing chains operational also under Annexes A and C to the Istanbul Convention in so far as road motor vehicles for commercial use and trailers are concerned, and their commitment to guarantee CPD carnets provided for in the two Conventions,
PRIZNAVAJOČ pripravljenost izdajateljskih in garancijskih združenj, ki delujejo po Konvenciji o vozilih, da omogočijo delovanje ustreznih izdajateljskih in garancijskih verig za gospodarska cestna motorna vozila in prikolice v skladu s Prilogama A in C Istanbulske konvencije in njihovo soglasje, da jamčijo za zvezke CPD, ki jih predvidevata obe konvenciji,
46 Pravna redakcija
Such notification shall be made within one year following the date on which the Executive Secretary notifies Contracting Parties of the undertaking by the issuing and guaranteeing associations to guarantee the carnets provided for in the two Conventions.
To uradno obvestilo je treba poslati v enem letu po datumu, ko izvršni sekretar uradno obvesti pogodbene stranke o prevzemu jamstev s strani izdajateljskih in garancijskih združenj, predvidenih v obeh konvencijah;
47 Pravna redakcija
REQUESTS the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe to notify the Contracting Parties to the Vehicle Convention 1956 of the undertaking by the issuing and guaranteeing associations to guarantee, vis-a-vis the customs administrations, the carnets provided for in the two Conventions.
ZAHTEVA, da izvršni sekretar Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo uradno obvesti pogodbene stranke Konvencije o vozilih 1956 o jamstvu proti carinski upravi, ki ga prevzamejo izdajateljska in garancijska združenja, predvidenih v obeh konvencijah.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
Any particulars inserted on temporary importation papers by the issuing association may be altered only with the approval of the issuing or guaranteeing association.
Vsi podatki, ki jih je v listine za začasni uvoz vneslo združenje izdaje, se lahko spreminjajo le s privoljenjem združenja izdaje ali garancijskega združenja.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
the term "guaranteeing association" shall mean an association approved by the customs authorities of a Contracting Party to act as surety for persons using the TIR procedure.
"zavarovalno združenje" organizacijo, pooblaščeno s strani carinskih organov pogodbenice kot porokom za osebe, ki uporabljajo postopek TIR.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
The guaranteeing association shall have a period of three months, from the date when a claim for payment is made upon it, in which to pay the amounts claimed.
Zavarovalno združenje je dolžno poravnati terjatev v treh mesecih od datuma, ko je prejela terjatev.
Prevodi: en > sl
guaranteeing association