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honouring of prices
1 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall do everything necessary to achieve the objective set out in Article 33. To this end, they shall take steps to ensure that the carriage of goods by rail and combined transport across Switzerland, including accompanied combined transport, remains competitive, in terms of price and quality of service, with road transport over the same routes, while at the same time honouring guarantees regarding the independence of the railway undertakings.
Pogodbenici naredita vse, kar je potrebno, da se dosežejo cilji iz člena 33. V ta namen sprejmeta ukrepe, ki bodo zagotovili, da bo prevoz blaga po železnici in s kombiniranim prevozom preko Švice, skupaj s spremljanim kombiniranim prevozom, kar zadeva ceno in kakovost storitve še naprej konkurenčen v primerjavi s cestnim prevozom po enakih poteh, hkrati pa bosta spoštovali garancije v zvezi z neodvisnostjo prevoznikov v železniškem prometu.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
To this end, they shall take steps to ensure that the carriage of goods by rail and combined transport across Switzerland, including accompanied combined transport, remains competitive, in terms of price and quality of service, with road transport over the same routes, while at the same time honouring guarantees regarding the independence of the railway undertakings.
V ta namen sprejmeta ukrepe, ki bodo zagotovili, da bo prevoz blaga po železnici in s kombiniranim prevozom preko Švice, skupaj s spremljanim kombiniranim prevozom, kar zadeva ceno in kakovost storitve še naprej konkurenčen v primerjavi s cestnim prevozom po enakih poteh, hkrati pa bosta spoštovali garancije v zvezi z neodvisnostjo prevoznikov v železniškem prometu.
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honouring of prices