Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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house search
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
house and personal search,
- hišni in osebni preiskavi,
2 Končna redakcija
Browsing (house search at tv Janez)
Brskanje (hišna preiskava pri tv . Janezih)
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) Unless otherwise determined by this Act, the provisions of this Act governing ordinary court proceedings shall apply mutatis mutandis to personal and house search, seizure and confiscation of items, production, detention and security deposit, injured party's rights during the proceedings, joinder and exclusion of proceedings, and legal costs.
(2) Za osebno in hišno preiskavo, zaseg in odvzem predmetov, privedbo, pridržanje in varščino, pravice oškodovanca v postopku, združitve in izločitve postopka, stroške postopka se smiselno uporabljajo določbe tega zakona o rednem sodnem postopku, kolikor ni s tem zakonom drugače določeno.
4 Končna redakcija
(7) When the business documentation which could be relevant for the Office to adopt its decision in the procedure in accordance with this Act is seized within criminal or other judicial procedure during house search or in any other method, the Office may request from the court a copy of the documentation, unless the court decides that this may be in contravention with the interests of the criminal procedure.
(7) Kadar se v okviru kazenskega ali drugega sodnega postopka ob izvedbi hišne preiskave ali na drug način zaseže poslovna dokumentacija, ki bi bila lahko pomembna za odločitev urada v postopku po tem zakonu, urad lahko zahteva od sodišča izročitev kopij dokumentacije, razen če sodišče presodi, da bi to nasprotovalo interesom kazenskega postopka.
5 Končna redakcija
"They come out of their houses and tell with distress how their struggle for survival on these steep slopes and modest land has been crude since long ago, how their elders had to go to Germany and America searching for bread, how the people drained out of the village after the war because there was no waterworks or asphalt, how they contributed much to society but got little in return." (Dnevnik, 29.9.1997).
Prihajajo iz svojih hiš in prizadeto pripovedujejo, o tem, kako so se morali na teh strminah, na skromni zemlji, že od nekdaj surovo boriti za preživetje, kako so njihovi stari hodili za kruhom v Nemčijo in daljno Ameriko, kako se je vas po vojni praznila, ker ni bilo in še vedno ni vodovoda, asfalta, kako so družbi veliko dajali, a malo dobili. (Dnevnik, 29. 9. 1997.)
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house search