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identification of limitations
1 Pravna redakcija
The temporary limitations of the officially-free status with regard to bovine brucellosis foreseen in the above Decisions was introduced due to incoherence of dates in different pieces of legislation relating to the system of identification of bovine animals.
Začasne omejitve govejih čred uradno prostih bruceloze, ki jih predvidevata zgoraj navedeni odločbi, so bile uvedene zaradi neskladnosti datumov v različnih pravnih predpisih v zvezi z identifikacijskim sistemom za govedo.
2 Pravna redakcija
the temporary limitations of the officially-free status with regard to bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis foreseen in the above Decisions was introduced due to incoherence of dates in different pieces of legislation, in particular that certain elements of the identification system had to be fully operational by 31 December 1999 in accordance with the above Regulation;
Začasne omejitve statusa uradno prost goveje tuberkuloze in bruceloze, ki jih predvidevata zgoraj navedeni odločbi, so bile uvedene zaradi neskladnosti datumov v različnih pravnih predpisih, zlasti da morajo določeni elementi identifikacijskega sistema v celoti delovati do 31. decembra v skladu z zgoraj navedeno uredbo.
Prevodi: en > sl
identification of limitations