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in bond
1 Objavljeno
Bone marrow examination was made in 37/56 patients.
Punkcijo kostnega mozga smo napravili pri 37/56 (66%) bolnikih.
2 Objavljeno
Cytogenetics investigation were performed on bone marrow in 18 of patients.
Pri 18 bolnikih smo določili kariogram iz kostnega mozga.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
b) shares, bonds and debentures and any other form of participation in a company;
b) lastniške deleže, zadolžnice in obveznice ter kakršno koli drugo obliko udeležbe v družbi;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, airlines and indirect providers of cargo transportation of the Parties shall be permitted, without restriction, to employ in connection with international air transportation any surface transportation for cargo to or from any points in the territories of the Parties, or in third countries, including transport to and from all airports with customs facilities, and including, where applicable, the right to transport cargo in bond under applicable laws and regulations.
Ne glede na katero koli drugo določbo tega sporazuma je letalskim družbam in posrednim izvajalcem prevoza tovora pogodbenic brez omejitve dovoljeno, da v mednarodnem zračnem prometu uporabljajo površinski prevoz tovora do krajev ali s krajev na ozemljih pogodbenic ali v tretjih državah, vključno s prevozom na vsa letališča s carinskimi objekti ali z njih ter vključno po potrebi s pravico do prevoza tovora pod carinskim nadzorom po veljavnih zakonih in drugih predpisih.
5 Objavljeno
Bone grafting is one of the most common forms of tissue transplantation in medicine.
Avtor na kratko opiše zgodovino kostne banke v svetu in na Slovenskem ter današnje stanje shranjevanja kostnih presadkov.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
If the definitive duty is less than the amount guaranteed by the cash deposit or bond, the excess amount shall be reimbursed or the bond released in an expeditious manner.
Če je dokončna carina nižja od zneska, ki je zavarovan z gotovinskim pologom ali varščino, se presežek izplača ali varščina hitro sprosti.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
DONE at Bonn, this 26(na th) January 2009, in a single original, in the English language.
SESTAVLJENO v Bonnu, 26. januarja 2009, v enem izvirniku v angleškem jeziku.
8 Objavljeno
Matrix metalloproteinases and cysteineproteinases in the degradation of the bone matrix
Vloga martiksnih metalo proteinaz in cisteinskih proteinazv razgradnji kostnega mozga
9 Objavljeno
The author proposes the formation of a larger tissue bank that would provide a supply of lyophilized bone grafts and other tissues (tendons, cartilage, whole joints etc.) in addition to frozen bone, which would increase the applicability of bone transplant procedures.
Predlaga ustanovitev večje tkivne banke, kjer bi poleg zmrznjenih kostnih presadkov pripravljali tudi liofilizirane kostne presadike, ter shranjevali tudi druga tkiva (kite, hrustanec, cele sklepe idr.), kar bi še povečalo uporabnost kostnih presaditev.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
(b) Moreover, and notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, air carriers and indirect providers of cargo transportation of the Contracting Parties shall be permitted, without restriction, to employ in connection with international air transport any surface transportation for cargo to or from any points in the territories of Morocco and the European Community, or in third countries, including transport to and from all airports with customs facilities, and including, where applicable, the right[s] to transport cargo in bond under applicable laws and regulations.
(b) Poleg tega in ne glede na katero koli drugo določbo tega sporazuma je letalskim prevoznikom in posrednim izvajalcem prevoza tovora pogodbenic brez omejitve dovoljeno, da v mednarodnem zračnem prometu uporabjajo drug način prevoza tovora do kraja ali s krajev na ozemlju Maroka in Evropske skupnosti ali v tretjih državah, vključno s prevozom na letališča s carinskim objektom ali z njih ter vključno po potrebi s pravico(-ami) do prevoza tovora pod carinskim nadzorom po veljavnih zakonih ali drugih predpisih.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-89
(b) shares, stocks, bonds, debentures, any other form of participation in a company and loans;
b) deleže, delnice, obveznice, zadolžnice, katero koli drugo obliko udeležbe v družbi in posojila;
12 Objavljeno
In this place an inflammation developed which progressed into the surrounding tissue and the bone.
Na mestu ugriza se je razvilo vnetje, ki se je razširilo tudi na okolno tkivo in kost.
13 Objavljeno
In a series of 200 consecutive open ACL reconstructions with autologus middle third bone - patellar tendon - bone graft, eight (study group) required further surgical treatment due to restricted knee motion.
V skupini 200 zaporednih odprtih transtendinoznih rekonstrukcij SKV z avtolognim presadkom srednje tretjine pogačične tetive je bilo osem bolnikov (študijska skupina) ponovno zdravljenih operativno zaradi omejene gibljivosti kolena.
14 Objavljeno
We report our experiences in autologous bone marrow transplantation in treatment of solid malignancies in four patients.
Predstavljamo ta način zdravljenja pri pogostejših solidnih tumorjih otrok in pri štirih lastnih bolnikih.
15 Objavljeno
The paper gives a brief outline of the history and present situation of bone banking in Slovenia and elsewhere in the world.
Presaditev kosti je ena od najpogostejših presaditev v medicini.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
(b) cargo services, to employ without restriction in connection with the air services any land or maritime surface transportation for cargo to or from any points in the territories of the Parties, or in third countries, including transport to and from all airports with customs facilities and including, where applicable, to transport cargo in bond under applicable laws and regulations; access to airport customs processing and facilities for cargo moving by surface or by air; and to elect to perform their own cargo surface transportation, subject to domestic laws and regulations governing such transportation, or to provide it through arrangements with other surface carriers, including surface transportation operated by airlines of any other country; and
(b) prevoz tovora, da brez omejitve v zvezi z letalskim prevozom uporabljajo kateri koli kopenski ali pomorski površinski prevoz tovora do ali od vseh krajev na ozemljih pogodbenic ali v tretjih državah, vključno s prevozom do ali od vseh letališč s carinskimi objekti ter, kjer je to ustrezno, prevoz tovora pod carinskim nadzorom po veljavnih zakonih in predpisih; imajo dostop do letaliških carinskih postopkov in objektov za tovor, ki se premika po površini ali zraku; ter da se odločijo, da sami opravljajo površinski prevoz tovora ob upoštevanju domačih zakonov in predpisov, ki urejajo takšen prevoz, ali ga zagotovijo z dogovori z drugimi površinskimi prevozniki, vključno s površinskim prevozom, ki ga opravljajo letalski prevozniki katere koli druge države; in
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
Recalling the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals opened for signature in Bonn on 23 June 1979;
ob sklicevanju na Konvencijo o varstvu selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali, dano na voljo za podpis v Bonnu 23. junija 1979;
18 Objavljeno
Changes in the karyotype were assessed in cultivated bone marrow cells with an improved banding technique and presentation of aberrant clones.
Spremembe kariotipa smo ocenjevali v kultiviranih celicah kostnega mozga z izpopolnjenim načinom proganja in prikazom aberantnih klonov.
19 Objavljeno
At birth, physical examination revealed a depression of 5 cm in diameter and 2 cm in depth on the upper and back part of the right parietal bone.
Po porodu so s kliničnim pregledom ugotovili 5 cm veliko in 2 cm globoko uboklino, ki je ležala na zgornjem zadnjem delu temenice.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
No bonus or other remuneration shall be paid to the gunners or crews of whale catchers in respect to the taking at milk-filled or lactating whales.
Harpunarji ali posadka kitolovk ne dobi nobenega dodatka ali druge nagrade za ulov samic z mlekom ali doječih samic.
21 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 29-2009
The term ` interest` as used in this Article means income from debt-claims of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures.
Izraz »obresti«, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in zlasti dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami od takih vrednostnih papirjev, obveznic ali zadolžnic.
22 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
(4) The term "interest" as used in this Article means income from debt-claims of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures.
4) Izraz "obresti", kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in še posebej dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami od takih vrednostnih papirjev, obveznic ali zadolžnic.
23 Objavljeno
Along with systemic factors it has been shown that local factors such as inadequate restorative dentistry may result in accelerated alveolar bone loss.
Dokazano je bilo, da poleg sistemskih dejavnikov tudi neusrezne zobne plombe in prevleke pospešijo izgubo alveolarne kosti.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
Convinced that international cooperation in science and technology will strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding between the two countries,
v prepričanju, da bo mednarodno sodelovanje v znanosti in tehnologiji okrepilo prijateljske vezi in razumevanje med državama,
25 Objavljeno
Toxic effects are described in chloramphenicol use (bone marrow suppression and aplastic anemia) and in aminoglicoside use (necrosis of retina and conjunctiva).
Toksični učinki so opisani pri kloramfenikolu (supresija kostnega mozga in aplastična anemija) in aminoglikozidih (nekroza mrežnice, veznice).
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Interest rates shall be measured on the basis of long-term government bonds or comparable securities, taking into account differences in national definitions.
Obrestne mere se izračunajo na podlagi dolgoročnih državnih obveznic ali primerljivih vrednostnih papirjev, upoštevaje razlike v definicijah posameznih držav.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
Holiday bonus for annual leave for 2003 shall be at least SIT 132,170.00 while the maximum shall not exceed 70% of the average wage in the Republic of Slovenia.
Regres za letni dopust za leto 2003 znaša najmanj 132.170,00 SIT in največ 70% povprečne plače v Republiki Sloveniji.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
(b) Complete treatment of the carcasses of "Dauhval" and of whales used as fenders will not be required in cases where the meat or bone of such whales is in bad condition.
(b) Popolna predelava trupel "dauhvalov" in kitov, ki se uporabljajo kot branik, se ne zahteva, kadar so meso ali kosti takih kitov v slabem stanju.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-100
Recalling the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the concluding documents of follow-up meetings held in Vienna, Bonn, Madrid and Paris;
ob upoštevanju helsinške Sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi in sklepnih dokumentov naslednjih srečanj na Dunaju, v Bonnu, Madridu in Parizu
30 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
This does not require that a sale had to have been made in quantities of 10 as long as the price list has been established as being bona fide through sales at other quantities.
To ne pomeni, da je morala bili opravljena prodaja v količini 10 enot, če je ugotovljeno, da je cenik bona fide pri prodajah v drugačnih količinah.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Conscious that all peoples are united by common bonds, their cultures pieced together in a shared heritage, and concerned that this delicate mosaic may be shattered at any time,
se zavedajo, da vsa ljudstva združujejo skupne vezi, da njihove kulture sestavljajo skupno dediščino, in jih skrbi, da se lahko ta krhki mozaik vsak trenutek sesuje,
32 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The Agency may in appropriate cases award a bonus, the amount of which shall be determined by the Agency, to a member of temporary staff who is the author of a patented invention.
Začasnemu uslužbencu, ki je avtor patentiranega izuma, lahko Agencija v ustreznih primerih dodeli nagrado, katere višino določi sama.
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-96
Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, the tribunal shall decide on the basis of the applicable rules of international law or, in the absence of such rules, ex aequo et bono.
Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, razsodišče odloča na podlagi ustreznih pravil mednarodnega prava, če pa teh ni, po načelu ex aequo et bono.
34 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-23
The term ` interest` as used in this Article means income from debt-claims of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage and whether or not carrying a right to participate in the debtor's profits, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures.
Izraz »obresti«, kakor je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in ne glede na to, ali dajejo pravico do udeležbe pri dolžnikovem dobičku, zlasti dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami od takih vrednostnih papirjev, obveznic ali zadolžnic.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 39
- strengthens bones and muscles and develops, improves and maintains bodily psychophysical or functional abilities which results in the increased ability of an independent life in old age;
- krepi kosti in mišice ter razvija, povečuje in vzdržuje psihofizične oziroma funkcionalne sposobnosti telesa, kar posledično povečuje tudi sposobnost samostojnega življenja v starosti,
36 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
The term »interest« as used in this Article means income from debt claims of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage and whether or not carrying a right to participate in the debtor's profits, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures.
Izraz »obresti«, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in ne glede na to, ali imajo pravico do udeležbe v dolžnikovem dobičku, in še posebej dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami od takih vrednostnih papirjev, obveznic ali zadolžnic.
37 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
The term »interest« as used in this Article means income from debt-claims of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage, and whether or not carrying a right to participate in the debtor's profits, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures.
Izraz »obresti«, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in ne glede na to, ali imajo pravico do udeležbe v dolžnikovem dobičku, in še posebej dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami od takih vrednostnih papirjev, obveznic ali zadolžnic.
38 Objavljeno
When the host proteolytic cascades are activated by the pathogens to their advantage, the disease becomes chronic, resulting in substantial loss of periodontal tissue and alveolar bone.
Ko torej patogeni organizmi uspejo aktivirati proteolizne sisteme gostitelja tako, da ti delujejo v njihovo korist, se bolezni iz akutne preusmeri v kronično, z naraščajočo razgradnjo dlesni in čeljustne kosti.
39 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
(4) The term »interest« as used in this Article means income from debt-claims of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage and whether or not carrying a right to participate in the debtor's profits, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures.
(4) Izraz »obresti«, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in ne glede na to, ali imajo pravico do udeležbe v dolžnikovem dobičku, in še posebej dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami od takih vrednostnih papirjev, obveznic ali zadolžnic.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
The term »interest« as used in this Article means income from debt claims of every kind, whether or not secured by mortgage and whether or not carrying a right to participate in the debtor's profits, and in particular, income from government securities and income from bonds or debentures, including premiums and prizes attaching to such securities, bonds or debentures.
Izraz “obresti”, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in ne glede na to, ali imajo pravico do udeležbe v dolžnikovem dobičku, in še posebej dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami od takih vrednostnih papirjev, obveznic ali zadolžnic.
41 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
20.5 Where a final determination is negative, any cash deposit made during the period of the application of provisional measures shall be refunded and any bonds released in an expeditious manner.
20.5 Ob negativni dokončni ugotovitvi se vsi gotovinski pologi in varščine, ki so bili dani med uporabo začasnih ukrepov, hitro izplačajo oziroma sprostijo.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
HAVING DECIDED to realize the intentions expressed on the subject in the Declarations made by the Heads of State or of Government meeting at Bonn on 18 July 1961 and at The Hague on 1 and 2 December 1969,
S SKLEPOM, da uresničijo namere, izražene v zvezi s tem v izjavah, ki so jih dali voditelji držav ali vlad na zasedanju v Bonnu 18. julija 1961 in v Haagu 1. in 2. decembra 1969;
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
States Parties shall give effect to fines or forfeitures ordered by the Court under Part 7, without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties, and in accordance with the procedure of their national law.
Države pogodbenice izvršijo denarne kazni ali odvzeme, ki jih v skladu s 7. delom odredi Sodišče, brez vpliva na pravice dobrovernih tretjih oseb ter v skladu s postopkom svojega notranjega prava.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
No bonus or other remuneration calculated with relation to the results of their work shall be paid to the gunners and crews of whale catchers in respect of any whales the taking of which is forbidden by this Convention.
Harpunarjem in posadkam kitolovk se ne plačujejo premije ali nadomestila, izračunana na podlagi rezultatov njihovega dela, v zvezi s kiti, katerih lov je s konvencijo prepovedan.
45 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(8) For the purposes of this Article, the interest shall comprise the income arising from all types of claims regardless of whether they are collateralised with a mortgage and regardless of whether they have the right to participate in the debtor` s profit, and in particular the income from the general government securities and the income from bonds or promissory notes, including premiums and bonuses belonging to such securities, bonds and promissory notes.
(8) Za namene tega člena vključujejo obresti dohodek iz vseh vrst terjatev ne glede na to, ali so zavarovane s hipoteko, in ne glede na to, ali imajo pravico do udeležbe v dolžnikovem dobičku, in še posebej dohodek iz državnih vrednostnih papirjev ter dohodek iz obveznic ali zadolžnic, vključno s premijami in nagradami, ki pripadajo takim vrednostnim papirjem, obveznicam ali zadolžnicam.
46 Objavljeno
In 99 procedures the source of stem cells was bone marrow and in 3 procedures peripheral stem cells. Patients were prepared for transplantation with cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation or cyclophosphamide with high dose busulfan.
Bolnike so pripravili na presaditev s ciklofosfamidom in obsevanjem celega telesa ali pa s ciklofosfamidom in velikimi odmerki busulfana. Pri 99 presaditvah je bil vir krvotvornih matičnih celic kostni mozeg, pri 3 presaditvah pa matične celice zbrane iz periferne krvi.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-100
Convinced that international cooperation in science and technology will strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding between their peoples and will advance the state of science and technology to the benefit of both countries;
prepričani, da bo mednarodno sodelovanje v znanosti in tehnologiji krepilo prijateljske vezi in razumevanje med njunima narodoma ter pospešilo razvoj znanosti in tehnologije v korist obeh držav;
48 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
The Cooperation Council shall examine what improvements can be made in working conditions for business people consistent with the international commitments of the Parties, including those set out in the document of the CSCE Bonn Conference.
Svet za sodelovanje preuči, kaj je mogoče izboljšati pri delovnih pogojih za poslovneže v skladu z mednarodnimi obveznostmi pogodbenic, zlasti z obveznostmi, določenimi v dokumentu z Bonske konference KVSE.
49 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
A legal representative of the victims, the convicted person or a bona fide owner of property adversely affected by an order under article 75 may appeal against the order for reparations, as provided in the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
Pravni zastopnik žrtev, obsojenec ali dobroverni lastnik premoženja, ki ga prizadene odredba po 73. členu, se lahko pritoži zoper odredbo o povrnitvi škode, kot je predvideno v Pravilih o postopku in dokazih.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
Convinced that international cooperation in science and technology will strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding between their peoples and will advance the development of science and technology to the benefit of both countries;
V prepričanju, da bo mednarodno sodelovanje v znanosti in tehnologiji okrepilo prijateljske vezi in razumevanje med narodoma ter pospešilo razvoj znanosti in tehnologije v korist obeh držav,
Prevodi: en > sl
in bond