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in relation to third countries
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Union shall seek to develop relations and build partnerships with third countries, and international, regional or global organisations which share the principles referred to in the first subparagraph.
Unija si prizadeva razvijati odnose in graditi partnerstvo s tretjimi državami in mednarodnimi, regionalnimi ali globalnimi organizacijami, ki z njo delijo načela iz prejšnjega pododstavka.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
(h) fostering consultation, where appropriate, on air transport issues dealt with in international organizations and in relations with third countries, including consideration of whether to adopt a joint approach;
(h) po potrebi s spodbujanjem posvetovanj o vprašanjih zračnega prometa, ki se obravnavajo v mednarodnih organizacijah in pri odnosih s tretjimi državami, vključno z obravnavo vprašanja sprejetja skupnega pristopa;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Anti-dumping measures, countervailing duties and measures against illicit commercial practices attributable to third countries shall not be applied in relations between the Contracting Parties, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement.
V odnosih med pogodbenicami se protidampinški ukrepi, izravnalne dajatve in ukrepi proti nedovoljenim poslovnim praksam tretjih držav ne uporabljajo, razen če ni določeno drugače v tem sporazumu.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(b) to keep under review the economic and financial situation of the Member States and of the Union and to report on it regularly to the Council and to the Commission, in particular with regard to financial relations with third countries and international institutions;
b) spremlja ekonomsko in finančno stanje držav članic in Unije in o tem redno poroča Svetu in Komisiji, zlasti v zvezi s finančnimi razmerji s tretjimi državami in mednarodnimi institucijami;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
WHEREAS the Community has the task of establishing with other countries and with international organizations relations which may promote progress in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and is expressly authorized to assume special safeguard obligations in an agreement with a third State or an international organization;
KER ima Skupnost nalogo, da z drugimi državami in z mednarodnimi organizacijami vzpostavlja odnose, ki lahko spodbujajo napredek v uporabi jedrske energije v miroljubne namene in je izrecno pooblaščena, da prevzame obveznosti posebnega varovanja v soglasju s tretjo državo ali mednarodno organizacijo;
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
The Banking Advisory Committee may give general guidance as to whether the consolidated supervision arrangements of competent authorities in third countries are likely to achieve the objectives of consolidated supervision as defined in this Chapter, in relation to credit institutions, the parent undertaking of which has its head office outside the Community.
Svetovalni odbor za bančništvo lahko da splošno navodilo, v katerem navede, ali bodo načini konsolidiranega nadzora pristojnih organov v tretjih državah dosegli cilje konsolidiranega nadzora iz tega poglavja, kar zadeva kreditne institucije, katerih matično podjetje ima sedež zunaj Skupnosti.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
The Committee may give general guidance as to whether the supplementary supervision arrangements of competent authorities in third countries are likely to achieve the objectives of the supplementary supervision as defined in this Directive, in relation to the regulated entities in a financial conglomerate, the head of which has its head office outside the Community.
Odbor lahko da splošno navodilo o tem, ali bodo načini dopolnilnega nadzora pristojnih organov v tretjih državah dosegli cilje dopolnilnega nadzora iz te direktive, kar zadeva regulirane osebe v finančnem konglomeratu, kadar ima oseba, ki je na čelu skupine, sedež zunaj Skupnosti.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-93
In that context, the Parties shall engage in further cooperation including in relation to air operations, notably to allow the sharing of information which may have an impact on the safety of international air navigation, the participation in each other's oversight activities or conducting joint oversight activities in the field of civil aviation safety and the development of joint projects and initiatives, including with third countries.
V zvezi s tem pogodbenice dodatno sodelujejo, vključno v zvezi z letalskimi operacijami, da omogočijo zlasti izmenjavo informacij, ki lahko vplivajo na varnost mednarodne zračne plovbe, sodelovanje v medsebojnih dejavnostih nadzora ali pri izvajanju skupnih dejavnosti nadzora na področju varnosti v civilnem letalstvu in razvoj skupnih projektov in pobud, vključno s tretjimi državami.
9 Končna redakcija
Member States shall aim at securing as high a level of uniformity as possible between themselves as regards their liberalization lists in relation to third countries or groups of third countries.
Države članice si zadajo za cilj med seboj čim bolj poenotiti sezname sprostitev za tretje države ali skupine držav.
10 Končna redakcija
If Member States abolish or reduce quantitative restrictions in relation to third countries, they shall inform the Commission beforehand and shall accord the same treatment to other Member States.
Če države članice odpravijo ali zmanjšajo količinske omejitve za tretje države, o tem predhodno obvestijo Komisijo, drugim državam članicam pa priznajo enako obravnavanje.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
This Article shall be without prejudice to the commitments of the Community in relation to third countries ensuing from international agreements on public procurement, particularly within the framework of the WTO.
Ta člen ne vpliva na obveznosti Skupnosti do tretjih držav, ki izhajajo iz mednarodnih sporazumov o javnih naročilih, zlasti v okviru WTO.
12 Končna redakcija
The compensatory amounts provided for in Article 3 (6) shall be considered as levies in relation to third countries within the meaning of Article 11 (4) of Council Regulation No 130/66/EEC 2 on the financing of the common agricultural policy.
Kompenzacijski zneski, predvideni v členu 3(6), se v zvezi s tretjimi državami obravnavajo kakor prelevmani po členu 11(4) Uredbe Sveta št. 130/66/EGS o financiranju skupne kmetijske politike.
13 Končna redakcija
It shall not grant to third countries any other advantage in relation to the Community as at present constituted with respect to the quotas fixed for those products.
Glede kvot, določenih za te izdelke, za tretje države ne uvede nobenih drugih prednosti v razmerju do Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi.
14 Končna redakcija
Member States shall coordinate their trade relations with third countries so as to bring about, by the end of the transitional period, the conditions needed for implementing a common policy in the field of external trade.
Države članice usklajujejo svoje trgovinske odnose s tretjimi državami tako, da bodo do konca prehodnega obdobja izpolnjeni vsi pogoji za izvajanje skupne zunanjetrgovinske politike.
15 Končna redakcija
Whereas, in order to avoid forcing trade relations in this sector into an excessively rigid mould, a second tranche should be made available to importers who are able to show that they are engaged in genuine trade of some scale with third countries;
ker naj se da na voljo druga tranša uvoznikom, ki so sposobni dokazati, da v nekem obsegu dejansko trgujejo s tretjimi državami, da ne pride do vsiljevanja trgovinskih odnosov v tem sektorju v pretirano tog kalup;
16 Končna redakcija
The provisions of the third part of Protocol No 22 on relations between the European Economic Community and the Associated African and Malagasy States and the independent developing Commonwealth countries situated in Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean shall apply both to the overseas countries and territories referred to Article 117 and to the non-European countries and territories maintaining special relations with the original Member States.
Določbe tretjega dela Protokola št. 22 o odnosih med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Združenimi afriškimi državami in Madagaskarjem ter neodvisnimi državami Commonwealtha v razvoju, ki ležijo v Afriki, Indijskem oceanu, Tihem oceanu in na Karibih, se uporabljajo tako za čezmorske države in ozemlja iz člena 117 kot za neevropske države in ozemlja, ki ohranjajo posebne odnose s prvotnimi državami članicami.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
For the purposes of the award of contracts by contracting entities, Member States shall apply in their relations conditions as favourable as those which they grant to economic operators of third countries in implementation of the Agreement.
Za namene oddaje javnega naročila s strani naročnikov uporabljajo države članice v svojih odnosih enako ugodne pogoje, kot so tisti, ki jih odobrijo tretjim državam pri izvajanju Sporazuma.
18 Končna redakcija
to keep under review the economic and financial situation of the Member States and of the Community and to report regularly thereon to the Council and to the Commission, in particular on financial relations with third countries and international institutions;
spremlja gospodarsko in finančno stanje držav članic in Skupnosti ter o tem redno poroča Svetu in Komisiji, zlasti o finančnih odnosih s tretjimi državami in mednarodnimi institucijami;
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0491
Taking account of those preparatory actions, and referring to the Commission Communication on integrating migration issues in the European Union's relations with third countries, it is considered necessary to endow the Community from 2004 with a multiannual programme designed to provide a specific additional response to the needs of third countries in their efforts to manage more effectively all aspects of migratory flows, and in particular to stimulate third countries' readiness to conclude readmission agreements, and to assist them in coping with the consequences of such agreements.
Ob upoštevanju teh pripravljalnih ukrepov in ob sklicevanju na Sporočilo Komisije o integraciji migracijskih zadev v odnose Evropske unije s tretjimi državami se šteje za potrebno, da se Skupnosti od leta 2004 priskrbi večletni program, ki je oblikovan za poseben dodatni odziv na potrebe tretjih držav v njihovem prizadevanju po učinkovitejšem upravljanju vseh vidikov migracijskih tokov in zlasti za spodbujanje pripravljenosti tretjih držav na sklenitev sporazumov o ponovnem sprejemu oseb ter za pomoč pri spopadanju s posledicami takšnih sporazumov.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0377
The European Council also referred to the importance of the information to be provided by the ILO's network in developing an evaluation mechanism to monitor relations with third countries which do not cooperate with the European Union in combating illegal immigration.
Evropski svet se je skliceval tudi na pomembnost podatkov, ki jih mora priskrbeti mreža uradnikov za zvezo za priseljevanje pri razvijanju ocenjevalnega mehanizma za spremljanje odnosov s tretjimi državami, ki ne sodelujejo z Evropsko unijo v boju proti nezakonitemu priseljevanju.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0031
Winsl. et al. of the host plants, other than fruit and seeds, of this harmful organism, originating in third countries other than those recognised as being free from this harmful organism, or in which pest free areas have been established in relation to this harmful organism, is prohibited.
Winsl. et al., prepovedan vnos gostiteljskih rastlin tega škodljivega organizma, razen plodov in semen s poreklom iz tretjih držav, razen iz tistih, ki so priznane kot proste tega škodljivega organizma ali v katerih so bila ugotovljena s tem škodljivim organizmom neokužena območja.
22 Končna redakcija
Where it is provided, in a common position or in a joint action adopted according to the provisions of the Treaty on European Union relating to the common foreign and security policy, for an action by the Community to interrupt or to reduce, in part or completely, economic relations with one or more third countries, the Council shall take the necessary urgent measures.
Kadar skupno stališče ali skupni ukrep, sprejet v skladu z določbami Pogodbe o Evropski uniji glede skupne zunanje in varnostne politike, predvideva, da Skupnost delno ali v celoti prekine ali omeji gospodarske odnose z eno ali več tretjimi državami, sprejme Svet potrebne nujne ukrepe.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
For the purposes of the award of contracts by contracting authorities, Member States shall apply in their relations conditions as favourable as those which they grant to economic operators of third countries in implementation of the Agreement on Government Procurement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement"), concluded in the framework of the Uruguay Round multilateral negotiations.
Za namene oddaje javnega naročila s strani naročnikov morajo države članice uporabiti v svojih odnosih enako ugodne pogoje, kot so tisti, ki jih odobrijo okoljskim subjektom tretjih držav pri izvajanju Sporazuma o vladnih naročilih (v nadaljevanju besedila "Sporazum"), sklenjenega v okviru urugvajskega kroga multilateralnih pogajanj.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0600
concerning protective measures with regard to imports of certain animals from Bulgaria due to an outbreak of bluetongue, repealing Decision 1999/542/EC, amending Decision 98/372/EC concerning the animal health conditions and veterinary certifications for import of live animals of bovine and swine species from certain European countries to take into account some aspects in relation with Bulgaria and amending Decision 97/232/EC drawing up lists of third countries from which Member States authorise imports of sheep and goats
o zaščitnih ukrepih glede uvoza nekaterih živali iz Bolgarije zaradi izbruha bolezni modrikastega jezika, ki razveljavlja Odločbo 1999/542/ES, ki spreminja Odločbo 98/372/ES o zdravstvenem stanju živali in veterinarskem certificiranju za uvoz živega goveda in prašičev iz nekaterih evropskih držav, da bi upoštevali nekatere vidike v zvezi z Bolgarijo, ter spreminja Odločbo 97/232/ES o izdelavi seznamov tretjih držav, iz katerih države članice dovolijo uvoz ovc in koz
25 Končna redakcija
Throughout the period of application of this transitional measure, any special or general facilities concerning the free transfer of the proceeds of the liquidation of the real estate investments defined in paragraph 1 which may exist pursuant to Portuguese provisions or agreements governing the relations between the Portuguese Republic and any of the other Member States or third countries shall be maintained and applied on a non-discriminatory basis to all the other Member States.
Ves čas uporabe tega prehodnega ukrepa se vse splošne ali posebne olajšave, ki se nanašajo na prosti prenos izkupička likvidacije nepremičninskih naložb iz odstavka 1 in lahko obstajajo na podlagi portugalskih predpisov ali sporazumov, ki urejajo odnose med Portugalsko republiko in katero koli državo članico ali tretjimi državami, ohranijo in uporabijo brez diskriminacije za vse druge države članice.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0461
Circumvention shall be defined as a change in the pattern of trade between third countries and the Community or between individual companies in the country subject to measures and the Community, which stems from a practice, process or work for which there is insufficient due cause or economic justification other than the imposition of the duty, and where there is evidence of injury or that the remedial effects of the duty are being undermined in terms of the prices and/or quantities of the like product, and where there is evidence of dumping in relation to the normal values previously established for the like product, if necessary in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.
Izogibanje se opredeli kot sprememba v trgovinskih vzorcih med tretjimi državami in Skupnostjo ali med posameznimi družbami v državi, kjer veljajo ukrepi, in Skupnostjo, do katere pride zaradi prakse, postopka ali dejavnosti, za katero ni zadostnega vzroka ali ni gospodarsko upravičena, z izjemo uvedbe dajatve, ter kadar obstajajo dokazi o škodi ali o tem, da se popravljalni učinki dajatve spodkopavajo s cenami in/ali količinami podobnega izdelka, ter kadar obstajajo dokazi o dampingu v zvezi z normalnimi vrednostmi, predhodno ugotovljenimi za podoben izdelek, če je potrebno v skladu z določbami člena 2.
27 Pravna redakcija
This Article is without prejudice to the obligations of the Community in relation to third countries.
Ta člen ne vpliva na obveznosti Skupnosti do tretjih držav.
28 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall consult each other in the Council of Association in order to achieve, during the transitional stage, the coordination of their commercial policies in relation to third countries, in particular in the fields mentioned in Article 113 (1) of the Treaty establishing the Community.
Pogodbenici se posvetujeta v Pridružitvenem svetu, da bi v prehodnem obdobju dosegli uskladitev svojih trgovinskih politik v zvezi s tretjimi državami, zlasti na področjih iz člena 113(1) Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Skupnosti.
29 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall consult each other in the Council of Association in order to achieve, during the transitional stage, the coordination of their commercial policies in relation to third countries, in particular in the fields mentioned in Article 113 (1) of the Treaty establishing the Community,
Pogodbenici se posvetujeta v Pridružitvenem svetu, da bi v prehodnem obdobju dosegli uskladitev svojih trgovinskih politik v zvezi s tretjimi državami, zlasti na področjih, navedenih v členu 113(1) Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Skupnosti.
30 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Council Decision 83/573/EEC (4) provides, inter alia, for concertation by Member States of any countermeasures they may take in relation to third countries and for the possibility of a decision on the joint application by Member States of appropriate countermeasures forming part of their national legislation;
ker Odločba Sveta 83/573/EGS( fn ) med drugim predvideva dogovarjanje držav članic o vseh protiukrepih, ki jih lahko sprejmejo nasproti tretjih držav, in možnost držav članic o skupnem sprejetju ustreznih protiukrepov, ki so del njihove nacionalne zakonodaje;
31 Pravna redakcija
The relations between the EUMC and the non-EU European NATO members and other countries, which are candidates for accession to the EU are defined in the document on the relations of the EU with third countries.
Odnosi med VOEU in evropskimi članicami Nata, ki niso članice EU in drugimi državami, ki so kandidatke za pristop k EU, so določeni v dokumentu, ki se nanaša na odnose EU s tretjimi državami.
32 Pravna redakcija
The relations between the EUMS and the non-EU European NATO members and other countries, which are candidates for accession to the EU will be defined in the document on the relations of the EU with third countries.
Odnosi med VŠEU in evropskimi članicami Nata, ki niso članice EU in državami kandidatkami za pristop k EU, bodo določeni v dokumentu o odnosih EU s tretjimi državami.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0685
amending Decision 92/160/EEC establishing the regionalization of certain third countries for imports of equidae in relation to imports of equidae from Russia
o spremembi Odločbe 92/160/EGS o določitvi regionalizacije nekaterih tretjih držav za uvoz kopitarjev v zvezi z uvozom kopitarjev iz Rusije
34 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national central banks may engage in all types of banking transactions in relation to financial institutions located in third countries;
ker Evropska centralna banka (ECB) in nacionalne centralne banke lahko opravljajo vse vrste bančnih poslov v zvezi s finančnimi institucijami v tretjih državah;
35 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999D0095
whereas the European Central Bank (ECB) and the national central banks may engage in all types of banking transactions in relation to financial institutions located in third countries;
ker Evropska centralna banka (ECB) in nacionalne centralne banke lahko opravljajo vse vrste bančnih poslov v zvezi s finančnimi institucijami v tretjih državah;
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0810
amending Decisions 94/984/EC, 2000/609/EC, 2001/751/EC in relation to imports of fresh poultrymeat, farmed ratite meat, live ratites and hatching eggs thereof from third countries with respect to Australia
o spremembi Odločb 94/984/ES, 2000/609/ES, 2001/751/ES glede uvoza svežega perutninskega mesa, mesa gojenih ratitov, živih ratitov in valilnih jajc ratitov iz tretjih držav, ki se nanaša na Avstralijo
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0170
(11) Europol needs to be given the opportunity to make use to some extent of Member States' liaison officers in third countries, so as to strengthen Europol's operative support function in relation to national police authorities.
(11) Europolu je treba omogočiti, da se do neke mere lahko poslužuje častnikov za zvezo držav članic v tretjih državah in s tem okrepi vlogo operativne podpore, ki jo ima Europol do organov nacionalnih policij.
38 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Commission Decision 94/438/EC (5) has laid down the general requirements for the classification of third countries with regard to avian influenza and Newcastle disease in relation to imports of fresh poultrymeat;
ker Odločba Komisije 94/438/ES fn določa splošne zahteve v zvezi z razvrstitvijo tretjih držav glede na aviarno influenco in atipično kokošjo kugo v zvezi z uvozom svežega perutninskega mesa;
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0262
(1) Council Directive 90/426/EEC of 26 June 1990 on animal health conditions governing the movement and imports from third countries of equidae fn, lays down the measures to be taken in relation to African horse sickness.
(1) Direktiva Sveta 90/426/EGS z dne 26. junija 1990 o pogojih v zvezi z zdravstvenim varstvom živali, ki urejajo premike in uvoz kopitarjev iz tretjih držav fn, določa ukrepe v zvezi s konjsko kugo.
40 Pravna redakcija
Council Decision of 13 September 1977 setting up a consultation procedure on relations between Member States and third countries in shipping matters and on action relating to such matters in international organizations
ODLOČBA SVETA z dne 13. septembra 1977 o uvedbi posvetovalnega postopka o odnosih med državami članicami in tretjimi državami glede zadev, vezanih na ladijski promet, in o aktivnostih v zvezi s temi zadevami v mednarodnih organizacijah (77/587/EGS)
41 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the Community has concluded several agreements with third countries providing for the application of reduced agricultural components in relation to the agricultural components fixed by the Common Customs Tariff;
ker je Skupnost s tretjimi državami sprejela več sporazumov, ki predvidevajo uporabo znižanih kmetijskih komponent v zvezi s kmetijskimi komponentami, določenimi z enotno carinsko tarifo;
42 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of the award of contracts by the contracting entities, Member States shall apply in their relations conditions as favourable as those which they grant to third countries in implementation of the Agreement.
Za namen oddajanja javnih naročil naročnikov države članice v svojih odnosih uporabljajo enako ugodne pogoje, kakor jih podeljujejo tretjim državam pri izvajanju Sporazuma.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0299
The likelihood of future dumping was assessed in relation to exports from the country concerned to third countries and the question of volume was addressed by examining all relevant market developments, both domestic and export.
Verjetnost dampinga v prihodnje je bila ocenjena v zvezi z izvozom iz zadevne države v tretje države, vprašanje glede obsega pa se je obravnavalo s preučitvijo vseh pomembnih tržnih gibanj, tako domačih kot v izvozu.
44 Pravna redakcija
The Contracting Parties shall, where appropriate, inform each other on actions undertaken, or to be undertaken, with third countries in relation to technical assistance in the customs field, with the aim of improving these actions.
Pogodbenici se, kjer je to primerno, medsebojno obvestita o dejavnostih, ki se izvajajo ali naj bi se izvajale skupaj s tretjimi državami v zvezi s strokovno pomočjo na carinskem področju, da bi se tako te dejavnosti izboljšale.
45 Pravna redakcija
in any Member State, to the extent that it is irreconcilable with the obligations arising in relation to bankruptcy from a convention concluded by that State with one or more third countries before the entry into force of this Regulation;
v katerikoli državi članici kolikor je nezdružljiva z obveznostmi, ki v zvezi s stečajem izhajajo iz konvencije, sklenjene med omenjeno državo in eno ali več tretjimi državami pred začetkom veljavnosti te uredbe;
Prevodi: en > sl
in relation to third countries