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Prevodi: en > sl
income from export of services
1 Pravna redakcija
In the passage from GDP to GNP property income to and from the ROW falls by the amounts reclassified to imports and exports of services.
Pri prehodu z BDP na BNP se dohodek od lastnine v tujino in iz nje zmanjša za zneske, prerazvrščene v uvoz in izvoz storitev.
2 Pravna redakcija
As for the passage from GDP to GNP property income received from the ROW is reduced by the amount relating to loans granted to non-residents which is now treated as exports of services (Fisim).
Kar zadeva prehod z BDP na BNP, se dohodek od lastnine, prejet iz tujine, zmanjša za znesek posojil, danih nerezidentom, ki se zdaj obravnava kot izvoz storitev (PMSFN).
3 Pravna redakcija
As regards the passage from GDP to GNP, payments for the license to use artistic originals are reclassified from property income to and from the rest of the world to imports and exports of services, making the effect on transactions with the ROW neutral in relation to GNP.
Kar zadeva prehod z BDP na BNP, so plačila za dovoljenje za uporabo umetniških izvirnikov prerazvrščena iz dohodka od lastnine v tujino in iz nje v uvoz in izvoz storitev, zaradi česar je vpliv na transakcije s tujino v odnosu do BNP nevtralen.
Prevodi: en > sl
income from export of services