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inspection and investigation
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(1) Where the European Patent Office considers it necessary to hear the oral evidence of parties, witnesses or experts or to carry out an inspection, it shall make a decision to this end, setting out the investigation which it intends to carry out, relevant facts to be proved and the date, time and place of the investigation.
(1) Če Evropski patentni urad meni, da je treba zaslišati stranke, priče ali izvedence ali opraviti pregled, izda ustrezno odločitev, v kateri opiše preiskavo, ki jo namerava izvesti, bistvena dejstva, ki jih je treba dokazati, ter dan, uro in kraj preiskave.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
The Assembly may establish such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary, including an independent oversight mechanism for inspection, evaluation and investigation of the Court, in order to enhance its efficiency and economy.
Skupščina lahko po potrebi ustanovi pomožna telesa, vključno z neodvisnim nadzornim mehanizmom za pregled, oceno in preiskavo Sodišča, da bi povečala njegovo učinkovitost in gospodarnost.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(b) investigate immediately and fully any alleged violation of subregional or regional conservation and management measures, which may include the physical inspection of the vessels concerned, and report promptly to the State alleging the violation and the relevant subregional or regional organisation or arrangements on the progress and outcome of the investigation;
(b) nemudoma in popolnoma razišče vse domnevne kršitve podobmočnih ali območnih ukrepov ohranjanja in upravljanja, kar lahko vključuje fizični pregled zadevnega plovila, ter hitro poroča državi, ki je prijavila kršitev, in ustrezni podobmočni ali območni organizaciji ali dogovoru o napredku in izidu raziskave;
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-110
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in this Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami iz tega sporazuma.
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-2
The Customs Authority of either Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries related to the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vsakršno potrebno preiskavo, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitve, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcije in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-111
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zahtevo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vsako potrebno preiskavo, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitve, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcije in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-26
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a customs offence, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zahtevo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih carinskih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcije in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-97
The Customs Authority of either Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitve, in opravi preverjanja, inšpekcijske preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
9 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
The Customs Administration of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Administration of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a customs offence, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in this Agreement.
Carinska uprava ene pogodbenice na zaprosilo carinske uprave druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih carinskih prekrškov, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention of customs legislation, and undertake verifications, inspections, and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in the present Agreement.
Carinski organ ene pogodbenice po zaprosilu carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
5.2.8 While it is not possible to determine the condition of the machinery without performance trials, general deficiencies, such as leaking pump glands, dirty water gauge glasses, inoperable pressure gauges, rusted relief valves, inoperative or disconnected safety or control devices, evidence of repeated operation of diesel engine scavenge belt or crankcase relief valves, malfunctioning or inoperative automatic equipment and alarm systems, and leaking boiler casings or uptakes, would warrant inspection of the engine room log book and investigation into the record of machinery failures and accidents and a request for running tests of machinery.
5.2.8 Čeprav ni mogoče ugotoviti stanja strojne opreme brez preskusov zmogljivosti, pa splošne pomanjkljivosti, kot so prepuščanje tesnil črpalk, umazana stekla merilnikov višine vode, pokvarjeni merilniki tlaka, zarjaveli varnostni ventili, nedelujoče ali izklopljene varnostne ali kontrolne naprave, znaki ponovljenega delovanja jermena za izpiranje diesel motorja ali varnostnih ventilov okrova motorne gredi, nepravilno delovanje ali okvara avtomatske opreme in alarmnih sistemov in puščajoča ohišja ali dovodne cevi grelcev za kotlovno vodo opozorijo na pregled strojnega dnevnika in podrobnejši pregled zapisnika o okvarah strojev in nezgodah ter na zahtevo po preskusih delovanja strojev.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Where, following boarding and inspection, there are clear grounds for believing that a vessel has committed a serious violation, and the flag State has either failed to respond or failed to take action as required under paragraphs 6 or 7, the inspectors may remain on board and secure evidence and may require the master to assist in further investigation including, where appropriate, by bringing the vessel without delay to the nearest appropriate port, or to such other port as may be specified in procedures established in accordance with paragraph 2. The inspecting State shall immediately inform the flag State of the name of the port to which the vessel is to proceed.
Kadar po vkrcanju in pregledu obstajajo razlogi za upravičen sum, da je plovilo izvedlo hujšo kršitev, in se država zastave bodisi ni odzvala ali ni sprejela ukrepov, kakor je zahtevano v odstavkih 6 ali 7, inšpektorji lahko ostanejo na krovu in zaščitijo dokaze ter lahko zahtevajo od poveljnika, da jim pomaga pri nadaljnji preiskavi, v okviru katere lahko, če je to primerno, nemudoma odpeljejo plovilo v najbližje primerno pristanišče ali v katero drugo takšno pristanišče, ki se ga lahko opredeli s postopki, izdelanimi v skladu s členom 2. Država inšpekcije nemudoma obvesti državo zastave o imenu pristanišča, v katerega mora pluti plovilo.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
In the event of obstruction on the part of the owner or holder of the animals when inspections are being carried out and the necessary samples are being taken in application of national residue-monitoring plans, or when the investigations and checks provided for under Directive 96/23/EC are being carried out, the penalties provided for in the first subparagraph shall apply.
Če lastnik ali imetnik živali ovira izvajanje pregledov in jemanje vzorcev, potrebnih za izvajanje nacionalnih načrtov za spremljanje ostankov snovi, ali ovira izvajanje preiskav in preverjanj, določenih v Direktivi 96/23/ES, se uporabijo kazni, določene v prvem pododstavku.
14 Končna redakcija
In the event of obstruction on the part of the owner or holder of the animals when inspections are being carried out and when the samples are being taken which are necessary for the application if national residue-monitoring plans or when the investigations and checks provided for under Directive 96/23/EC are being carried out, the penalties provided for in paragraph 1 shall apply.
Če lastnik ali imetnik živali ovira delo med inšpekcijskimi pregledi in med jemanjem vzorcev, potrebnih za izvajanje nacionalnih načrtov monitoringa za ostanke snovi, ali med izvajanjem raziskav in pregledov, določenih v Direktivi 96/23/ES, se upo rabijo kazni iz odstavka 1.
15 Končna redakcija
It should, moreover, be noted that the secrecy of proceedings is also protected by the code of conduct on public access to Commission and Council documents as set out in Commission Decision 94/90/ECSC, EC, Euratom (13), as amended by Decision 96/567/ECSC, EC, Euratom (14) as are internal documents relating to inspections and investigations and those whose disclosure could jeopardize the protection of individual privacy, business and industrial secrets or the confidentiality requested by a legal or natural person.
Poleg tega je treba upoštevati, da je tajnost postopka zaščitena tudi s pravili o ravnanju glede dostopa javnosti do dokumentov Komisije in Sveta, kakor je določeno v Sklepu Komisije 94/90/ESPJ, ES, Euratom [13], spremenjenim s Sklepom 96/567/ESPJ, ES, Euratom [14], kakor so zaščiteni interni dokumenti, ki se nanašajo na inšpekcijske preglede in preiskave ter tiste, katerih razkritje bi lahko ogrozilo zaščito zasebnosti posameznikov, poslovnih ali industrijskih tajnosti ali zaupnosti, ki jih zahtevajo pravne ali fizične osebe.
16 Pravna redakcija
Reports on each separate inspection, evaluation and investigation shall be submitted to the Director and to the Management Board.
Poročila o vsakem ločenem pregledu, oceni in preiskavi se oddajo direktorju in upravnemu odboru.
17 Pravna redakcija
officers of the `Rijkspolitie` (national police) and the `Gemeentepolitie` (municipal police), as well as, under the conditions laid down in appropriate bilateral agreements referred to in paragraph 6, with respect to their powers regarding illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in arms and explosives and the illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste, officers of the tax inspection and investigation authorities responsible for import and excise duties.
uslužbenci ` Rijkspolitie` (državne policije) in ` Gemeentepolitie` (občinske policije), pa tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojni za uvozne carine in trošarine pod pogoji, določenim v ustreznimi dvostranskih sporazumih iz odstavka 6, glede njihovih pooblastil v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami, trgovino z orožjem in razstrelivnimi snovmi ter nedovoljenim prevozom strupenih in nevarnih odpadkov, ter tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojnih za uvozne carine in trošarine.
18 Pravna redakcija
officers of the `Rijkspolitie` (national police) and the `Gemeentepolitie` (municipal police) as well as, under the conditions laid down in the appropriate bilateral agreements referred to in paragraph 10, with respect to their powers regarding the illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in arms and explosives and the illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste, officers of the tax inspection and investigation authorities responsible for import and excise duties.
uslužbenci ` Rijkspolitie` (državne policije) in ` Gemeentepolitie` (občinske policije), pa tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojni za uvozne carine in trošarine pod pogoji, določenim v ustreznimi dvostranskih sporazumih iz odstavka 10, glede njihovih pooblastil v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami, trgovino z orožjem in razstrelivnimi snovmi ter nedovoljenim prevozom strupenih in nevarnih odpadkov.
19 Pravna redakcija
officers of the ‘Rijkspolitie’ (national police) and the ‘Gemeentepolitie’ (municipal police), as well as, under the conditions laid down in appropriate bilateral agreements referred to in paragraph 6, with respect to their powers regarding illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in arms and explosives and the illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste, officers of the tax inspection and investigation authorities responsible for import and excise duties.
uslužbenci “Rijkspolitie” (državne policije) in “Gemeentepolitie” (občinske policije), pa tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojni za uvozne carine in trošarine pod pogoji, določenim v ustreznimi dvostranskih sporazumih iz odstavka 6, glede njihovih pooblastil v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami, trgovino z orožjem in razstrelivnimi snovmi ter nedovoljenim prevozom strupenih in nevarnih odpadkov, ter tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojnih za uvozne carine in trošarine.
20 Pravna redakcija
officers of the ‘Rijkspolitie’ (national police) and the ‘Gemeentepolitie’ (municipal police) as well as, under the conditions laid down in the appropriate bilateral agreements referred to in paragraph 10, with respect to their powers regarding the illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in arms and explosives and the illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste, officers of the tax inspection and investigation authorities responsible for import and excise duties.
uslužbenci “Rijkspolitie” (državne policije) in “Gemeentepolitie” (občinske policije), pa tudi uslužbenci davčne inšpekcije in preiskovalnih organov, pristojni za uvozne carine in trošarine pod pogoji, določenim v ustreznimi dvostranskih sporazumih iz odstavka 10, glede njihovih pooblastil v zvezi z nedovoljenim prometom s prepovedanimi drogami, trgovino z orožjem in razstrelivnimi snovmi ter nedovoljenim prevozom strupenih in nevarnih odpadkov.
21 Pravna redakcija
the protection of the public interest (public security, international relations, monetary stability, court proceedings, inspections and investigations),
varstvo javnega interesa (javna varnost, mednarodni odnosi, monetarna stabilnost, sodni postopki, inšpekcije in preiskave),
22 Pravna redakcija
the protection of the public interest (in particular public security, international relations, monetary stability, court proceedings, inspections and investigation),
varovanje javnega interesa (zlasti javne varnosti, mednarodnih odnosov, monetarne stabilnosti, sodnih postopkov, inšpekcijskih in preiskovalnih dejavnosti),
23 Pravna redakcija
This provision shall apply i.a. to the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients, intermediate products and investigational medicinal products, as well as to pre-marketing inspections.
Ta določba se med drugim nanaša na proizvodnjo aktivnih farmacevtskih sestavin, polizdelkov in preiskovalnih zdravil, kot tudi na pregled pred začetkom trženja.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0154
This provision shall apply, inter alia, to the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients, intermediate products and investigational medicinal products, as well as to pre- marketing inspections.
Ta določba se med drugim nanaša na proizvodnjo aktivnih farmacevtskih sestavin, polizdelkov in preiskovalnih zdravil, kot tudi na pregled pred začetkom trženja.
25 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, to this end, more detailed provisions should be introduced on the opening of investigations, on the checks and inspections required, on the hearing of those concerned, the treatment of information obtained and the criteria for assessing injury;
ker je zato treba sprejeti natančnejše določbe glede začetka preiskav, potrebnih kontrol in pregledov, zaslišanj zadevnih strani, obravnavanja pridobljenih informacij in meril za ocenjevanje škode,
26 Pravna redakcija
Where the task consists of monitoring the examinations referred to in Article 6, monitoring the inspections referred to in Article 13(1), or making the investigations referred to in Article 15(1) and Article 16(3), no decision may be taken on-site.
Kadar je naloga sestavljena iz spremljanja preverjanj, navedenih v členu 6, spremljanja inšpekcijskih pregledov, navedenih v členu 13(1), ali poizvedb, navedenih v členu 15(1) in členu 16(3), se sklepi ne smejo sprejeti na kraju samem.
27 Pravna redakcija
Similarly, officials and other servants must cooperate closely in the official inspection operations carried out by the Community institutions and bodies empowered to do so, including the Court of Auditors, the Ombudsman, and the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF), by extending all necessary assistance and supplying information requested in connection with an investigation or inspection.
Prav tako morajo uradniki in drugi uslužbenci tesno sodelovati v uradnih preiskovalnih postopkih, ki jih izvajajo institucije Skupnosti in za to pooblaščeni organi, vključno z Računskim sodiščem, varuhom človekovih pravic in Evropskim uradom za boj proti prevaram (OLAF), tako da jim nudijo vso potrebno pomoč in dostavijo informacije, potrebne v zvezi z preiskavo ali pregledom.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
The Commission may request Member States to carry out all necessary checks and inspections, particulary amongst importers, traders and Community producers, and to carry out investigations in third countries, provided that the firms concerned give their consent and that the government of the country in question has been officially notified and raises no objection.
Komisija lahko od držav članic zahteva, da opravijo vse potrebno preverjanje in preglede, zlasti med izvozniki, trgovci in proizvajalci Skupnosti, ter da opravijo preiskave v tretjih državah, če zadevna podjetja dajo svoje soglasje in če je bila vlada zadevne države o tem uradno obveščena in temu ni ugovarjala.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
Member States shall ensure that, following the suspicion of fish on a farm being infected with ISAV, an official investigation to confirm or rule out the presence of the disease is carried out as quickly as possible, applying the inspections and clinical examinations, as well as the collection and selection of samples and the methods for laboratory examination as laid down in Part III-VI of this Annex.
Države članice zagotovijo izvedbo uradne preiskave, ko se pojavi sum, da so ribe v ribogojnici okužene z virusom ISA, zaradi čim prejšnje potrditve ali izključitve prisotnosti bolezni, pri čemer uporabijo preglede in klinične preiskave, kakor tudi odvzem in odbiro vzorcev ter metode za laboratorijske preskuse, določene v delu III-VI te priloge.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1782
In the event of obstruction on the part of the owner or holder of the animals when inspections are being carried out and when the samples are being taken which are necessary for the application if national residue-monitoring plans or when the investigations and checks provided for under Directive 96/23/EC are being carried out, the penalties provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply.
Če lastnik ali imetnik živali ovira delo med inšpekcijskimi pregledi in med jemanjem vzorcev, potrebnih za izvajanje nacionalnih načrtov za spremljanje ostankov snovi, ali med izvajanjem raziskav in pregledov, predvidenih v skladu z Direktivo 96/23/ES, se uporabijo kazni, predvidene v odstavku 1 tega člena.
31 Pravna redakcija
Within the meaning of this Regulation, 'administrative investigations' (hereinafter 'investigations') shall mean all inspections, checks and other measures undertaken by employees of the Office in the performance of their duties, in accordance with Articles 3 and 4, with a view to achieving the objectives set out in Article 1 and to establishing, where necessary, the irregular nature of the activities under investigation.
V tej uredbi so “upravne preiskave” (v nadaljevanju “preiskave”) vse inšpekcije, pregledi in drugi ukrepi, ki jih izvajajo uslužbenci urada pri opravljanju svojih delovnih nalog v skladu s členoma 3 in 4, da bi dosegli cilje iz člena 1 in da bi po potrebi dokazali nepravilnost preiskovanih dejavnosti.
32 Pravna redakcija
It should, moreover, be noted that the secrecy of proceedings is also protected by the code of conduct on public access to Commission and Council documents as set out in Commission Decision 94/90/ECSC, EC, Euratom (13), as amended by Decision 96/567/ECSC, EC, Euratom (14) as are internal documents relating to inspections and investigations and those whose disclosure could jeopardize the protection of individual privacy, business and industrial secrets or the confidentiality requested by a legal or natural person.
P tega je treba upoštevati, da je tajnost postopka zaščitena tudi s pravili o ravnanju glede dostopa javnosti do dokumentov Komisije in Sveta, kakor je določeno v Sklepu Komisije 94/90/ESPJ, ES, Euratom fn, spremenjenim s Sklepom 96/567/ESPJ, ES, Euratom fn, kakor so zaščiteni interni dokumenti, ki se nanašajo na inšpekcijske preglede in preiskave ter tiste, katerih razkritje bi lahko ogrozilo zaščito zasebnosti posameznikov, poslovnih ali industrijskih skrivnosti ali zaupnosti, ki jih zahtevajo pravne ali fizične osebe.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0003
the purpose of inspections, investigations and audits,
namena inšpekcij, preiskav in revizij,
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
conduct inspections and investigations as necessary to fulfil its tasks;
izvaja inšpekcijske preglede in preiskave, nujne za opravljanje njenih nalog;
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1217
It covers security audits, inspections, surveys, tests and investigations;
Zajema presoje varnosti, inšpekcijske preglede, študije, preskuse in preiskave;
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1592
to decide on inspections and investigations as provided for in Articles 45 and 46;
odloča o inšpekcijskih pregledih in preiskavah, kakor določata člena 45 in 46;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1049
the purpose of inspections, investigations and audits, unless there is an overriding public interest in disclosure.
namena inšpekcij, preiskav in revizij, razen če ne prevlada javni interes za razkritje.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
documents established during investigation and inspection, in which the activities and the final results of the elements defined in 21B.120 are stated,
dokumente, ki so nastali med preiskavami in inšpekcijskim pregledom, v katerih so navedene dejavnosti in končni rezultati elementov, opredeljenih v 21B.120,
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2042
The competent authorities as specified in M.1 are responsible for conducting inspections and investigations in order to verify that the requirements of this Part are complied with.
Pristojni organi, kot je opredeljeno v M.1, so pristojni za vodenje pregledov in preiskav za preverjanje, da so izpolnjene zahteve tega dela.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0082
to collect, by inspection, investigation or other appropriate means, the information necessary for a full analysis of the technical, organizational and managerial aspects of the major accident;
z inšpekcijskim nadzorom, preiskavo ali na drug ustrezen način zbere potrebne informacije za celovito analizo večje nesreče s tehničnega, organizacijskega in vodstvenega vidika;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1217
operational monitoring activities, including types, aim, content, frequency and focus of security audits, inspections, surveys and tests as well as classification of compliance and the scope and responsibilities of investigations whenever applicable;
dejavnosti operativnega spremljanja, vključno z vrstami, cilji, vsebino, pogostostjo in usmerjenostjo presoj varnosti, inšpekcijskih pregledov, študij in preskusov, pa tudi razvrstitev usklajenosti in obseg preiskav ter pristojnosti, če to ustreza;
Prevodi: en > sl
inspection and investigation