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inspection and supervision
1 Končna redakcija
Inspection and supervision of establishments shall be carried out under the responsibility of the official veterinarian who, in accordance with Article 8 (2), may be assisted in purely material tasks by auxiliaries.
Pregledi in nadzor obratov se izvajajo pod pristojnostjo uradnega veterinarja, ki mu lahko v skladu s členom 8(2) pri izključno tehničnih opravilih pomagajo pomočniki.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0099
Inspection and supervision of approved establishments shall be carried out under the responsibility of the competent authority which may be assisted in purely technical tasks by personnel specially trained for the purpose.
Pregled in nadzor odobrenih obratov se izvajata pod odgovornostjo pristojnega organa, ki mu pri izključno tehničnih nalogah lahko pomaga posebej za ta namen usposobljeno osebje.
3 Pravna redakcija
Inspection and supervision of establishments or centres shall be carried out by the competent authority in accordance with Annex C, Chapter VI.
Inšpekcijo ali nadzor obratov ali centrov opravlja pristojni organ v skladu s Prilogo C, poglavje VI.
4 Pravna redakcija
Inspection and supervision of wild game processing houses shall be carried out under the responsibility of the official veterinarian, who may be assisted by auxiliaries in accordance with Article 9 of Directive 64/433/EEC.
Veterinarski pregled in nadzor obratov za obdelavo uplenjene divjadi se izvede v pristojnosti uradnega veterinarja, ki mu lahko pomagajo pomočniki v skladu s členom 9 Direktive 64/433/EGS.
5 Pravna redakcija
Inspection and supervision of approved establishments shall be carried out under the responsibility of the official veterinarian who, without prejudice to the tasks devolved to assistants under Directive 71/118/EEC, may be assisted in purely material tasks by staff specially trained for the purpose.
Pregledi in nadzor odobrenih obratov se izvajajo pod pristojnostjo uradnega veterinarja, ki mu lahko, brez poseganja v določbe Direktive 71/118/EGS glede prenosa nalog na pomočnike, pri izključno tehničnih opravilih pomaga za ta namen posebej usposobljeno osebje.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
inspection and supervision of operations;
inšpekcije in nadzorovanja del;
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0005
Inspection and supervision of establishments shall be carried out by the competent authority.
Inšpekcijski nadzor nad obrati izvaja pristojni organ.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0497
Inspection and supervision of establishments shall be carried out under the responsibility of the official veterinarian who, in accordance with Article 9, may be assisted in purely material tasks by auxiliaries.
Pregledi in nadzor obratov se izvajajo pod pristojnostjo uradnega veterinarja, ki mu lahko v skladu s členom 9 pri izključno tehničnih opravilih pomagajo pomočniki.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0090
Nadzor odobrenih obratov se izvajata pod pristojnostjo uradnega veterinarja, ki mu lahko pri izključno tehničnih opravilih pomaga v ta namen posebej usposobljeno osebje.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Inspection monitoring and administrative and technical supervision must be coordinated.
(5) Pooblastilo za opravljanje inšpekcijskega nadzorstva izkazuje inšpektor s službeno izkaznico.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(3) Inspection monitoring and administrative and technical supervision must be coordinated.
(3) Inšpekcijsko nadzorstvo in upravnostrokovni nadzor morata biti usklajena.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
This act regulates the conditions for construction of all kinds of works, sets out the essential requirements and the fulfilment thereof regarding the characteristics of works, prescribes the method and conditions for pursuit of the activities, relating to construction, regulates the organisation and field of work of the two professional chambers, regulates inspection and supervision, sets out the sanctions for violations, related to construction of works and regulates other issues related to construction.
(1) Ta zakon ureja pogoje za graditev vseh objektov, določa bistvene zahteve in njihovo izpolnjevanje glede lastnosti objektov, predpisuje način in pogoje za opravljanje dejavnosti, ki so v zvezi z graditvijo objektov, ureja organizacijo in delovno področje dveh poklicnih zbornic, ureja inšpekcijsko nadzorstvo, določa sankcije za prekrške, ki so v zvezi z graditvijo objektov ter ureja druga vprašanja, povezana z graditvijo objektov.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
19. The approval on the basis of Article 2 of the Health Inspection Act (Ur. l. RS, Nos. 99/99 and 107/99 [correction]) for all non-residential buildings and other works under health supervision
19. soglasje na podlagi 2. člena zakona o zdravstveni inšpekciji (Uradni list RS, št. 99/99 in 107/99-popravek) za vse nestanovanjske stavbe in druge objekte, ki so pod zdravstvenim nadzorstvom;
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
To secure its claims deriving from all costs incurred in the inspection procedure on illegal construction under inspection supervision, and the fines and supplementary payments stipulated and levied pursuant to this act, the PlaceName PlaceNameRepublic of PlaceNameSlovenia shall hold a lawful lien on all the real estate of the person subject to inspection until repayment in full.
(1) Republika Slovenija ima v zavarovanje svoje terjatve iz naslova vseh stroškov, nastalih v inšpekcijskem postopku pri nedovoljenih gradnjah pod inšpekcijskim ukrepom, kakor tudi kazni in nadomestil, določenih oziroma odmerjenih na podlagi tega zakona, do celotnega poplačila zakonito zastavno pravico na vseh nepremičninah zavezanca.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
The manner of cooperation of the transport inspection service and the Administration in connection with carrying out inspection monitoring and administrative and technical supervision in order to ensure such coordination and effectiveness shall be prescribed by the minister responsible for transport, by means of instructions.
Način sodelovanja prometnega inšpektorata in Uprave v zvezi z izvajanjem inšpekcijskega nadzorstva in upravnostrokovnega nadzora zaradi zagotovitve njune usklajenosti in učinkovitosti predpiše minister, pristojen za promet, z navodilom.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(f) requirements for verifying the catch of target and non-target species through such means as observer programmes, inspection schemes, unloading reports, supervision of transhipment and monitoring of landed catches and market statistics;
(f) zahteve po preverjanju ulova ciljnih in neciljnih vrst s sredstvi, kakor so programi opazovanja, sistemi inšpekcij, poročila o iztovarjanju, nadzor pretovarjanja in spremljanje iztovorjenih ulovov ter tržna statistika;
18 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) In addition to supervision in compliance with the regulations on inspections and in addition to the rights of the public partner referred to in Articles 137 and 138 of this Act (awarding to subcontractors and changes in the company), the competent body of the public partner shall conduct supervision of the fulfilment of tasks and obligations pursuant to the contract on public-private partnership.
(1) Poleg nadzora v skladu s predpisi o inšpekcijskem nadzoru in poleg pravic javnega partnerja iz 137. in 138. člena tega zakona (oddaja podizvajalcem in spremembe v družbi) izvaja pristojni organ javnega partnerja nadzor na izvrševanjem nalog in obveznosti po pogodbi o javno-zasebnem partnerstvu.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Inspection supervision of the implementation of the provisions of this act and regulations issued on the basis of this act relating to construction shall be conducted by building inspectors at the inspectorate within the ministry responsible for spatial planning and construction matters.
Inšpekcijsko nadzorstvo nad izvajanjem določb tega zakona in predpisov, izdanih na podlagi tega zakona, ki se nanašajo na gradnjo, opravljajo gradbeni inšpektorji inšpektorata v sestavi ministrstva, pristojnega za prostorske in gradbene zadeve.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
In the cases specified in the first and second paragraphs of this article, when it is necessary to wholly or partly remove a works, execution shall be the responsibility of the building inspector, who shall not conduct acts of inspection supervision if the investor acts in accordance with the provisions of Article 151 of this act.
(4) V primerih iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena, ko je treba objekt v celoti ali delno odstraniti, je za izvršbo zadolžen gradbeni inšpektor, ki pa ne opravi dejanj inšpekcijskega nadzorstva, če investitor ravna v skladu z določbami 151. člena tega zakona.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The Republic of Slovenia shall make available to the Commission all information required for the proper working of the Programme and shall take all suitable action to facilitate the supervision which the Commission considers necessary within the framework of the management of Community financing, including inspections on-the-spot.
Republika Slovenija da Komisiji na voljo vse informacije, potrebne za pravilno delovanje programa, in sprejme vse primerne ukrepe za lažji nadzor, ki je po mnenju Komisije potreben pri upravljanju financiranja Skupnosti, vključno z inšpekcijskimi pregledi na kraju samem.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If after the period specified in the previous paragraph a specific urban planning inspector fails to fulfil the conditions specified in point 1 of Article 144 of this act, the inspector shall only continue work as a building inspector if he has at least gained a four-year tertiary qualification in civil engineering or another appropriate technical subject and at least ten years of work experience in the field of inspection supervision and has passed the examination on knowledge of the ZUP, the professional examination for inspectors or a test of knowledge equivalent to such examination.
(3) Če po preteku roka iz prejšnjega odstavka določeni urbanistični inšpektor ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz 1. točke 144. člena tega zakona, lahko takšen inšpektor nadaljuje z delom kot gradbeni inšpektor samo, če ima najmanj visokošolsko izobrazbo gradbene ali druge ustrezne tehnične smeri z najmanj deset let delovnih izkušenj s področja opravljanja inšpekcijskega nadzorstva ter opravljen izpit iz poznavanja ZUP ali strokovni izpit za inšpektorja oziroma s takšnim izpitom izenačen preizkus znanja.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Persons that successfully completed the university study programme after the entry into force of the Higher Education Act (Ur. l. RS, Nos. 67/93, 39/95 [constitutional court ruling], 18/98 [constitutional court ruling], 35/98 [constitutional court ruling], 99/99 and 64/2001) or that successfully completed an appropriate four- year tertiary programme prior to the entry into force of the aforementioned act shall also be deemed to have gained the university qualification that is a condition for conducting inspection supervision and a condition for participants in the construction of works pursuant to this act.
(3) Šteje se, da imajo pridobljeno univerzitetno izobrazbo, ki je pogoj za opravljanje inšpekcijskega nadzorstva ter pogoj za udeležence pri graditvi objektov po tem zakonu, tudi osebe, ki so uspešno zaključile univerzitetni študijski program po uveljavitvi zakona o visokem šolstvu (Uradni list RS, št. 67/93, 39/95-odločba US, 18/98-odločba US, 35/98-odločba US, 99/99 in 64/2001) ali so uspešno zaključile ustrezen visokošolski program pred uveljavitvijo navedenega zakona.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0099
facilities enabling the veterinary inspection and supervision operations prescribed by the Directive to be carried out efficiently at any time;
prostore, ki ob vsakem času omogočajo učinkovito izvajanje postopkov veterinarskega pregleda in nadzora, ki jih predpisuje direktiva;
25 Končna redakcija
2. discuss the findings of the Insurance Supervision Agency, tax inspection and other supervisory authorities in the procedures of supervision of the insurance public limited company;
2. obravnavati ugotovitve Agencije za zavarovalni nadzor, davčne inšpekcije in drugih nadzornih organov v postopkih nadzora nad zavarovalno delniško družbo,
26 Končna redakcija
facilities enabling the inspection and veterinary supervision operations prescribed by this Directive to be carried out efficiently at any time;
opremo, ki omogoča, da se inšpekcijski postopki in postopki veterinarskega nadzora, ki jih določa ta direktiva, vedno opravljajo učinkovito;
27 Končna redakcija
The selection of specimens and all the tests shall be carried out in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the inspection body.
Izbira preskušancev in izvedba vseh preskusov poteka v navzočnosti in pod nadzorom predstavnika organa, ki opravlja preglede.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0099
Constant supervision by the competent authority shall include the following: - inspection of the entry and exit register for fresh meat and meat products,
Stalen nadzor pristojnega organa vključuje naslednje: pregled vstopnega in izstopnega registra za sveže meso in mesne izdelke,
29 Končna redakcija
the organisation of the meat inspection services of the third country or part of the country, the powers of these services and the supervision to which they are subject.
organiziranost inšpekcijskih služb za meso v tretji državi ali delu države, njene pristojnosti ter nadzor nad njimi.
30 Končna redakcija
In order to provide the assistance referred to above, the auxiliaries must form part of an inspection team under the supervision and responsibility of the official veterinarian.
Da bi zagotovili zgoraj navedeno pomoč, morajo pomočniki biti člani veterinarske nadzorne skupine, za katero je odgovoren uradni veterinar in ki dela pod njegovim nadzorom.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0472
However the inspection visit to Bulgaria has revealed certain deficiencies on the veterinary supervision as regards identification of deficiencies in fishery establishments and in the completion of the export health certificate for fishery products and live fish.
Vendar pa je inšpekcijski obisk v Bolgariji odkril nekatere pomanjkljivosti pri veterinarskem nadzoru v zvezi z odkrivanjem pomanjkljivosti v ribiških podjetjih ter izpolnjevanjem izvoznih zdravstvenih spričeval za ribiške proizvode in žive ribe.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Where consignments of products have received veterinary clearance at the border inspection post as provided for in Article 3(1), but remain under customs supervision and are released for free circulation at a later stage, the procedure set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall apply.
Kadar pošiljke proizvodov dobijo veterinarsko dovoljenje na mejni kontrolni točki, kakor je predvideno v členu 3(1), vendar ostanejo pod carinskim nadzorom in se sprostijo v prosti promet pozneje, se uporablja postopek iz odstavkov 2, 3 in 4.
33 Končna redakcija
Acting on a Commission proposal to be submitted before 1 July 1977, the Council shall adopt before 31 December 1977 the provisions determining who shall be empowered to carry out the supervision and inspections provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 3 (1) and of Articles 4 (3) and 6 (2) and in Annex A, Chapters II, IV, V, VII and VIII.
Na predlog Komisije, ki mora biti predložen pred 1. julijem 1977, Svet pred 31. decembrom 1977 sprejme predpise, ki določajo, koga se pooblasti za izvajanje nadzora in pregledov, predvidenih v odstavku 6 člena 3(1) in členov 4(3) in 6(2) ter v poglavju II, IV, V, VII in VIII Priloge A.
34 Končna redakcija
General expenses comprise the total expenditure of the departments concerned with administration, supervision and inspection specifically responsible for the creation and management of infrastructure, and also that portion of the expenditure of the general administrative departments directly concerned which is chargeable to infrastructure.
Splošni odhodki zajemajo skupne izdatke vseh oddelkov, ki se ukvarjajo z upravljanjem, nadzorovanjem in pregledom ter so odgovorni posebej za oblikovanje in vodenje infrastrukture, in tudi delež izdatkov neposredno zadevnih splošnih upravnih oddelkov, ki se lahko zaračunava za infrastrukturo.
35 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(1) The subject of supervision which processes data by computer or keeps his business books and other evidence by computer must, at the request of the authorised person of the Bank of Slovenia, provide the appropriate aids for the inspection of business books and evidence and for testing the appropriateness of the data processed by computer.
(1) Subjekt nadzora, ki računalniško obdeluje podatke oziroma računalniško vodi poslovne knjige in druge evidence, mora na zahtevo pooblaščene osebe Banke Slovenije zagotoviti ustrezne pripomočke za pregled poslovnih knjig in evidenc ter preizkušanje ustreznosti računalniško obravnavanih podatkov.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0669
Financing decisions and any financing agreements and contracts resulting therefrom shall provide, inter alia, for supervision and financial control by the Commission (including the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)), including on-the-spot checks and inspections in conformity with Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96(6) and audits by the Court of Auditors, where appropriate, to be carried out on the spot.
Odločitve o financiranju in vsi sporazumi o financiranju ter iz njih izhajajoče pogodbe med drugim predvidijo nadzor in finančno kontrolo s strani Komisije (vključno z Evropskim uradom za boj proti goljufijam (OLAF)), vključno s preverjanjem in inšpekcijo na kraju samem, skladno z Uredbo Sveta (Euratom, ES) št. 2185/96 [6]. Uredba, nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 2698/2000 (UL L, 311, 12.12.2000, str. 1), in revizijo s strani Računskega sodišča, ki se po potrebi izvaja na kraju samem.
37 Končna redakcija
which, in view of their legislation and the organization of their veterinary services and of their inspection services, the powers of such services and the supervision to which they are subject, have been recognized, in accordance with Article 3 (2) of Directive 72/462/EEC (13) or Article 9(2) of Directive 91/494/EEC, as capable of guaranteeing the implementation of their legislation in force;
ki so bile, glede na svojo zakonodajo in organizacijo svojih veterinarskih služb ter njihovih inšpekcijskih služb, pristojnosti teh služb in nadzor, ki se nad njimi izvaja, v skladu s členom 3(2) Direktive 72/462/EGS ali členom 9(2) Direktive 91/494/EGS, spoznane za sposobne jamčiti izvajanje svoje veljavne zakonodaje;
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
However, Member States may permit periodic inspections of tanks carried out on their territory also to be performed by the approved bodies which have been recognised for carrying out periodic inspections of tanks and which act under the supervision of a body notified under the procedure provided for in Annex IV, Part III, Module 2 concerning periodic inspection through quality assurance.
Vendar lahko države članice na svojem ozemlju dovolijo, da redne preglede cistern opravljajo tudi odobreni organi, ki so priznani za opravljanje rednih pregledov cistern in delujejo pod nadzorom organa, priglašenega po postopku iz modula 2 v delu III Priloge IV, v zvezi z rednim pregledom v okviru zagotavljanja kakovosti.
39 Končna redakcija
The results of the pre-slaughter and post mortem inspections shall be recorded by the official veterinarian and, where transmissible diseases are diagnosed, communicated to the competent veterinary authority responsible for supervision of the holding from which the animals originated, as well as to the owner of the holding of origin or his representative, who must take account of and keep such information and submit it to the official veterinarian carrying out the ante mortem inspection during the subsequent production period.
Uradni veterinar evidentira rezultate pregledov pred zakolom in po njem in jih, če so bile ugotovljene prenosljive bolezni, sporoči pristojnemu veterinarskemu organu, ki je odgovoren za nadzor nad gospodarstvom, s katerega izvirajo živali, ter lastniku gospodarstva porekla ali njegovemu zastopniku, ki mora te informacije upoštevati in hraniti ter jih predložiti uradnemu veterinarju, ki izvaja pregled po zakolu v naslednjem proizvodnem obdobju.
40 Pravna redakcija
Any Community vessel fishing in Angola's fishing zone shall allow on board any Angolan officials responsible for inspection and supervision and/or research, and shall assist the said officials in the accomplishment of their duties.
Vsako plovilo Skupnosti, ki opravlja ribolov v ribolovnem območju Angole, dovoli vstop na krov uradnikom Angole, pristojnim za nadzor in spremljanje in/ali raziskave ter jim pomaga pri opravljanju njihovih dolžnosti.
41 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32004R0101
Department of Inspection and Quarantine Clearance General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) 9 Madiandonglu
Department of Inspection and Quarantine Clearance General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) 9 Madiandonglu
42 Pravna redakcija
Inspections and supervision of processing plants shall take place in accordance with Annex V, Chapter IV.
Inšpekcijski pregledi in nadzor predelovalnih obratov morajo potekati v skladu s poglavjem IV Priloge V.
43 Pravna redakcija
The competent authority shall at regular intervals carry out inspections and supervision at plants approved in accordance with this Regulation.
Pristojni organi morajo v rednih razdobjih opravljati inšpekcijske preglede in nadzor v obratih, odobrenih v skladu s to uredbo.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0525
The selection of specimens and ail the tests shall be carried out in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the inspection body.
Izbira preskušancev in izvedba vseh preskusov poteka v navzočnosti in pod nadzorom predstavnika organa, ki opravlja preglede.
45 Pravna redakcija
the inspection authority or authorities in the third country and/or the private bodies recognized by the said third country to carry out supervision.
kontrolni(e) organi(e) oblasti v tretji državi in/ali zasebne organe, ki jih navedena tretja država priznava za izvajanje kontrole.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0096
The satisfaction of the abovementioned standards or other conditions shall, in the case of basic seed, be examined in official field inspections and, in the case of certified seed, be examined either in official field inspections or in inspections carried out under official supervision.'
Izpolnjevanje zgoraj navedenih standardov ali drugih pogojev se v primeru osnovnega semena preverja z uradnimi poljskimi pregledi, v primeru certificiranega semena pa se preverja bodisi z uradnimi poljskimi pregledi bodisi s pregledi, ki se opravljajo pod uradnim nadzorom."
Prevodi: en > sl
inspection and supervision