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inspection of travel documents
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Each State Party shall issue the necessary visa or travel documents for this purpose no later than 48 hours after receipt of the application or immediately upon arrival of the inspection team at the point of entry on the territory of the State Party.
Vsaka država pogodbenica izda potrebne vizume ali potne listine v ta namen najkasneje 48 ur po prejemu prošnje ali takoj po prihodu inšpekcijske skupine na vstopni mejni prehod na ozemlju države pogodbenice.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
However, for consignments of products in transit or for storage in a warehouse approved under Articles 12(4) or 13 of Directive 97/78/EC, and ultimately intended for destinations outside the Community, the original veterinary documents accompanying the consignment on arrival shall travel onwards with the consignment and only copies of these documents shall be retained at the border inspection post.
Vendar pri pošiljkah proizvodov v tranzitu ali za skladiščenje v skladišču, odobrenem v skladu s členom 12(4) ali 13 Direktive 97/78/ES, ki so namenjene v končne namembne kraje zunaj Skupnosti, izvirni veterinarski dokumenti, ki spremljajo pošiljko ob prihodu, potujejo naprej skupaj s pošiljko, na mejni kontrolni točki pa se zadržijo le kopije teh dokumentov.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
However, for consignments of products in transit or for storage in a warehouse approved under Articles 12(4) or 13 of Directive 97/78/EC, and ultimately intended for destinations outside the Community, the original veterinary documents accompanying the consignment on arrival shall travel onwards with the consignment and only copies of these documents shall be retained at the border inspection post.
Vendar pri pošiljkah proizvodov v tranzitu ali za skladiščenje v skladišču, odobrenem v skladu s členom 12(4) ali 13 Direktive 97/78/ES, ki so namenjene v končne namembne kraje zunaj Skupnosti, izvirni veterinarski dokumenti, ki spremljajo pošiljko ob prihodu, potujejo naprej skupaj s pošiljko, na mejni kontrolni točki pa se zadržijo le kopije teh dokumentov.
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inspection of travel documents