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inspection staff
1 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
address to the Headteachers and the teaching staff the results of their inspections.
seznanjati ravnatelje in učno osebje z ugotovitvami svojih pregledov.
2 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ch 23
The EU underlines the importance of further improvements to the system of judicial inspections, including staff increases, as well greater transparency in the inspection of prosecution offices.
EU izpostavlja pomen nadaljnjih izboljšav sistema sodnega nadzora, vključno s povečanjem števila zaposlenih, ter večjo preglednost pri nadzoru tožilstev.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
In the performance of their duties, the Director-General, the inspectors, the inspection assistants and the members of the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any Government or from any other source external to the Organization.
Pri opravljanju svojih nalog generalni direktor, inšpektorji, pomočniki inšpektorjev in člani osebja ne smejo iskati ali dobivati navodil od katere koli vlade ali drugega vira zunaj Organizacije.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
provider of medical examinations) if he also meets special conditions in relation to organisation, equipment and staff for performing the cited inspections prescribed by the minister responsible for transport in agreement with the minister responsible for health.
izvajalec zdravstvenih pregledov), če izpolnjuje tudi posebne pogoje glede organizacije, opreme in osebja za opravljanje navedenih pregledov, ki jih predpiše minister, pristojen za promet, v soglasju z ministrom, pristojnim za zdravstvo.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(3) The inspection for verifying airworthiness shall be carried out by a commission or individual who shall be appointed by the director of the Administration from staff of the Administration or authorised persons referred to in the eighth paragraph of this Article.
(3) Pregled za preverjanje plovnosti opravi komisija oziroma posameznik, ki jih imenuje direktor Uprave izmed delavcev Uprave ali pooblaščenih oseb iz osmega odstavka tega člena.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Each State Party shall respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director-General, the inspectors, the inspection assistants and the members of the staff and shall not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Vsaka država pogodbenica spoštuje izključno mednarodno naravo odgovornosti generalnega direktorja, inšpektorjev, pomočnikov inšpektorjev in članov osebja in ne skuša vplivati nanje pri opravljanju njihovih dolžnosti.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Inspectors and inspection assistants shall be nominated for designation by the States Parties or, in the case of staff of the Technical Secretariat, by the Director-General, on the basis of their expertise and experience relevant to the purpose and functions of on-site inspections.
Inšpektorje in pomočnike inšpektorjev za imenovanje predlagajo države pogodbenice, osebje iz Tehničnega sekretariata pa predlaga generalni direktor na podlagi njihove strokovnosti in izkušenj glede na namen in naloge inšpekcije na kraju samem.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Notwithstanding paragraphs 54 and 55, the privileges and immunities enjoyed by the Director-General, the inspectors, the inspection assistants and the members of the staff of the Technical Secretariat during the conduct of verification activities shall be those set forth in the Protocol.
Ne glede na 54. in 55. odstavek so privilegiji in imunitete, ki jih uživajo generalni direktor, inšpektorji, pomočniki inšpektorjev in osebje Tehničnega sekretariata med preverjanji taki, kot jih določa Protokol.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Delegates of States Parties, together with their alternates and advisers, representatives of members elected to the Executive Council, together with their alternates and advisers, the Director-General, the inspectors, the inspection assistants and the members of the staff of the Organization shall enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary in the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Organization.
Delegati držav pogodbenic, njihovi namestniki in svetovalci, predstavniki članic, izvoljenih v Izvršilni svet, njihovi namestniki in svetovalci, generalni direktor, inšpektorji, pomočniki inšpektorjev in osebje Organizacije uživajo take privilegije in imunitete, kot so potrebni za neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog v zvezi z Organizacijo.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(1) A person who works in the air traffic navigation services, aviation and other professional staff of air carriers, staff who maintain airport aprons, facilities, equipment and installations at an airport, important for the safety of air traffic, personnel of the meteorological service for aviation (air meteorological service), personnel for reception and dispatch of aircraft, passengers and /cargo/, personal security, rescue and firefighting services, services of emergency medical aid or first aid and personnel of other services referred to in Article 89 of this Act and compulsory inspection services which must be organised at public airports under the provisions of this Act, shall exercise the right to strike on condition of guaranteeing the safety of air traffic in compliance with the provisions of this Act and other regulations which regulate strikes, and collective contracts.
(1) Osebje, ki dela v navigacijskih službah zračnega prometa, letalsko in drugo strokovno osebje letalskega prevoznika, osebje, ki vzdržuje manevrske površine, objekte, naprave in instalacije na letališču, pomembne za varnost zračnega prometa, osebje meteorološke službe v letalstvu, osebje za sprejem in odpremo zrakoplovov, potnikov in stvari, osebje varnostne, reševalne in gasilske službe, službe nujne medicinske pomoči ali prve pomoči ter osebje drugih služb iz 89. člena tega zakona ter obveznih inšpekcijskih služb, ki morajo biti organizirane na javnem letališču po določbah tega zakona, uresničuje pravico do stavke ob pogoju zagotavljanja varnosti zračnega prometa v skladu z določbami tega zakona in drugimi predpisi, ki urejajo stavko, ter kolektivno pogodbo.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
The impartiality of the inspection staff must be guaranteed.
Zajamčena mora biti nepristranskost inšpekcijskega osebja.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Such notification shall be made to the inspection staff of the border inspection post using a document drawn up in accordance with the model common veterinary entry document (CVED) set out in Annex I.
Prispetje živali se uradno prijavi inšpekcijskemu osebju mejne kontrolne točke z dokumentom, sestavljenim v skladu z vzorcem enotnega veterinarskega vstopnega dokumenta (CVED), predpisanega v Prilogi I.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
There must be a clear separation of the responsibilities of the inspection staff from those of the staff employed in the other functions, which must be established by organisational identification and the reporting methods of the inspection body within the parent organisation.
Odgovornosti osebja, opravlja preglede, morajo biti jasno ločene od odgovornosti osebja, zaposlenega na drugih funkcijah, kar mora biti določeno z organizacijsko razmejitvijo in postopki poročanja kontrolnega organa znotraj matične organizacije.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
In particular the staff of the inspection body must be free from any commercial, financial and other pressures which might affect their judgment, particularly from persons or organisations external to the inspection body with an interest in the results of inspections carried out. the impartiality of the inspection staff of the body must be guaranteed.
Še zlasti mora biti osebje kontrolnega organa neodvisno od vsakršnih komercialnih, finančnih in drugih pritiskov, ki bi lahko vplivali na njegovo presojo, še zlasti s strani oseb ali organizacij zunaj kontrolnega organa, ki so zainteresirane za rezultate opravljenih pregledov. Zajamčena mora biti nepristranskost osebja kontrolnega organa.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
The staff responsible for inspection must have:
Osebje, ki je odgovorno za inšpekcijske preglede, mora:
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
The staff responsible for inspection must have:
Osebje, odgovorno za inšpekcijo, mora imeti:
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
The notified body and its inspection staff must carry out the verification operations with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence and must be free from all pressures and inducements, particularly financial, which might influence their judgement or the results of the inspection, especially from persons or groups of persons with an interest in the result of the verifications.
Priglašeni organ in njegovo osebje, zadolženo za inšpekcijski pregled, morajo opravljati postopke preverjanja z največjo strokovno neoporečnostjo in tehnično sposobnostjo, brez pritiskov in spodbud, zlasti finančnih, ki bi lahko vplivali na njihovo sodbo ali rezultate inšpekcijskih pregledov, še posebej ne od oseb ali skupin oseb, ki so zainteresirane za rezultat preverjanj.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
The explanations given by a member of staff should remain in the Commission file as recorded during the inspection.
Pojasnila, ki jih da zaposleni, ostanejo v spisu Komisije takšna, kakor so bila zapisana med pregledom.
19 Končna redakcija
The inspection body and its staff must not engage in any activities that may conflict with their independence of judgment and integrity in relation to their inspection activities.
Kontrolni organ in njegovo osebje ne smejo opravljati dejavnosti, ki bi lahko bile v nasprotju z njihovo neodvisnostjo presoje in zanesljivostjo glede na njihove kontrolne dejavnosti.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
The person responsible for the load shall fill in part 1 of the CVED and transmit this to the veterinary staff of the border inspection post.
Oseba, odgovorna za tovor, izpolni del 1 SVVD in ga pošlje veterinarskemu osebju mejne kontrolne točke.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
the quality records, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports concerning the qualifications or approvals of the staff concerned.
zapisov kakovosti, kot so poročila o pregledih in podatki o preskusih, podatki o umerjanju, poročila v zvezi z usposobljenostjo ali odobritvami ustreznega osebja.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The inspection body and its staff must carry out the assessments and verifications with the highest degree of professional integrity and technical competence.
Kontrolni organ in njegovo osebje mora ugotavljanja skladnosti in preverjanja opravljati z najvišjo stopnjo poklicne zanesljivosti in tehnične pristojnosti.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The inspection body must have at its disposal the necessary staff and possess the necessary facilities to enable it to perform the technical and administrative tasks connected with the inspection and verification operations properly.
Kontrolni organ mora imeti na voljo potrebno osebje in zmogljivosti, ki mu omogočajo pravilno izvajanje tehničnih in upravnih nalog, povezanih s pregledi in dejavnostmi preverjanja.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The staff of the inspection body who are responsible for inspection must have appropriate qualifications, sound technical and vocational training and a satisfactory knowledge of the requirements of the inspections to be carried out and adequate experience of such operations.
Osebje kontrolnega organa, pristojno za pregled, mora biti ustrezno usposobljeno, imeti dobro tehnično in poklicno usposabljanje ter zadostno poznati predpise za preglede, ki jih je treba opraviti, ter imeti ustrezne izkušnje na tem področju.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
the quality records provided for in the manufacturing part of the quality system, such as inspection reports and test data, calibration data, reports concerning the qualifications of the staff concerned, etc.
zapise kakovosti, predvidene v proizvodnem delu sistema kakovosti, kot so poročila o pregledih in podatki o preskusih, podatki o umerjanju, poročila v zvezi z usposobljenostjo ustreznega osebja.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
to ask any representative or member of staff of the undertaking or association of undertakings for explanations on facts or documents relating to the subject matter and purpose of the inspection and to record the answers.
da zaprosijo katerega koli predstavnika ali uslužbenca podjetja ali podjetniškega združenja za razlago dejstev ali dokumentov, povezanih s predmetom in namenom pregleda, in odgovore zabeležijo.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The owner or his authorised representative established within the Community or the holder must ensure that the qualified staff and necessary facilities within the meaning of Annex I, points 3 to 6, are available for the purpose of the periodic inspections.
Lastnik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti ali imetnik mora zagotoviti, da so usposobljeno osebje in potrebne zmogljivosti v smislu točk 3 do 6 Priloge I zaradi rednih pregledov na voljo.
28 Končna redakcija
incisions of organs and of lymph nodes; If during the visual inspection on palpation of certain organs it is shown that the animal has lesions likely to cause contamination of the carcases, equipment, staff or work premises, these organs must not be incised on the slaughterhouse premises;
zarez organov in bezgavk; Če se med vizualnim pregledom ali palpaciji nekaterih organov pokaže, da ima žival poškodbe, ki bi lahko povzročile kontaminacijo trupov, opreme, osebja ali delovnih prostorov, se teh organov ne sme zarezati v klavniških prostorih;
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The notified body and its staff responsible for carrying out the inspection must not be the designer, manufacturer, supplier, purchaser, owner, holder, user or maintainer of the transportable pressure equipment, including accessories, which that body inspects, nor the authorised representative of any of these parties.
Priglašeni organ in njegovo osebje, pristojno za opravljanje pregleda, ne smeta biti načrtovalec, proizvajalec, dobavitelj, kupec, lastnik, imetnik, uporabnik ali vzdrževalec premične tlačne opreme, vključno z dodatki, katerih pregled ta organ opravlja, in tudi ne pooblaščeni zastopnik katere koli od teh strank.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Before the physical arrival of the consignment on Community territory the person responsible for the load shall notify the arrival of the products to the veterinary staff of the border inspection post to which the products are to be submitted, using the Common Veterinary Entry Document (CVED), as set out in Annex III.
Pred fizičnim prihodom pošiljke na ozemlje Skupnosti oseba, odgovorna za tovor, o prihodu proizvodov uradno obvesti veterinarsko osebje mejne kontrolne točke, kjer bodo proizvodi predloženi, s skupnim veterinarskim vstopnim dokumentom (SVVD), kakor je določen v Prilogi III.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Pursuant to Article 23(1)(d) of Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 fines may be imposed on undertakings and associations of undertakings where they fail to rectify within the time limit fixed by the Commission an incorrect, incomplete or misleading answer given by a member of their staff to questions in the course of inspections.
V skladu s členom 23(1)(d) Uredbe (ES) št. 1/2003 se podjetjem in podjetniškim združenjem lahko naložijo kazni, kadar v roku, ki ga določi Komisija, ne popravijo nepravilnega, nepopolnega ali zavajajočega odgovora, ki ga je njihov zaposleni dal na odgovore med inšpekcijskimi pregledi.
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
The body and the staff responsible for the checks must carry out the checks with the greatest possible professional integrity and the greatest possible technical competence and must be free of any pressure and incentive, in particular of a financial type, which could affect their judgment or the results of their inspection, in particular from persons or groups of persons affected by the results of the checks.
Organ in osebje, odgovorno za preglede, morata opravljati preglede z največjo možno profesionalno integriteto in največjo možno tehnično usposobljenostjo ter ne smeta biti pod pritiskom ali deležna spodbud, zlasti finančne vrste, ki bi lahko vplivali na njuno presojo ali rezultate njunega inšpekcijskega dela, zlasti s strani oseb ali skupin oseb, na katere vplivajo rezultati njunih pregledov.
33 Končna redakcija
Furthermore, the resolution stated that Member States should appropriately increase the number of staff performing inspections at airports to reduce the risk of livestock diseases being carried by means of illegal imports of animal origin in the luggage of air passengers, and make greater use of sniffer dogs to detect these products, and that corresponding measures and increased vigilance should apply to all entry points into the European Community.
Nadalje navaja Resolucija, da morajo države članice ustrezno povečati število osebja, ki opravlja preglede na letališčih, da bi zmanjšali nevarnost bolezni živine z nezakonitim uvozom proizvodov živalskega izvora v prtljagi letalskih potnikov in da bi okrepili uporabo psov slednikov za odkrivanje teh proizvodov in da bi sprejeli ustrezne ukrepe in povečali budnost na vseh vstopnih mestih v Evropsko unijo.
34 Pravna redakcija
The impartiality of inspection staff must be guaranteed.
Zagotoviti je treba nepristranskost osebja, ki izvaja preglede.
35 Pravna redakcija
The impartiality of inspection staff shall be guaranteed.
Zagotovljena mora biti nepristranskost inšpekcijskega osebja.
36 Pravna redakcija
Under point 10, insofar as lockable room for the exclusive use of inspection staff is concerned;
Pod točko 10, kar zadeva sobo, ki se zaklene, za izključno uporabo inšpekcijskega osebja;
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Such notification shall be made to the inspection staff of the border inspection post using a document drawn up in accordance with the model common veterinary entry document (CVED) set out in Annex I.
Prispetje živali se uradno prijavi inšpekcijskemu osebju mejne kontrolne točke z dokumentom, sestavljenim v skladu z vzorcem enotnega veterinarskega vstopnega dokumenta ( CVED ), predpisanega v Prilogi I.
38 Pravna redakcija
The staff responsible for inspection shall have:
Osebje, ki je odgovorno za nadzor, mora:
39 Pravna redakcija
The staff responsible for inspections must have:
Osebje, ki je odgovorno za preglede, mora imeti
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0253
Inspection sites must be equipped and staffed with:
Mesta pregleda morajo imeti naslednjo opremo in osebje:
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inspection staff