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inspection vessel
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(b) cooperate with and assist in the inspection of the vessel conducted pursuant to these procedures;
(b) sodelujejo in pomagajo pri pregledu plovila, izvedenem v skladu s temi postopki;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
The vessels used for boarding and inspection shall be clearly marked and identifiable as being on government service.
Plovila, uporabljena za vkrcanje in preglede, so jasno označena in razpoznavna, da so v službi vlade.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(e) promptly leave the vessel following completion of the inspection if they find no evidence of a serious violation; and
(e) plovilo zapustijo takoj po koncu pregleda, če ne najdejo dokaza o hujši kršitvi; in
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
The inspecting State shall ensure that boarding and inspection is not conducted in a manner that would constitute harassment of any fishing vessel.
Država inšpekcije zagotovi takšno izvedbo vkrcanja in pregleda, da pri tem ne gre za nadlegovanje nobenega ribiškega plovila.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
In particular, each Party shall ensure, through, inter alia, an annual certification and inspection program, that vessels under its jurisdiction comply with:
Vsaka pogodbenica zlasti zagotovi, med drugim z letnim certifikacijskim in inšpekcijskim programom, da plovila pod njeno jurisdikcijo izpolnjujejo:
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
In the event that the master of a vessel refuses to accept boarding and inspection in accordance with this Article and Article 21, the flag State shall, except in circumstances where, in accordance with generally accepted international regulations, procedures and practices relating to safety at sea, it is necessary to delay the boarding and inspection, direct the master of the vessel to submit immediately to boarding and inspection and, if the master does not comply with such direction, shall suspend the vessel` s authorisation to fish and order the vessel to return immediately to port.
Če poveljnik plovila noče dovoliti vkrcanja in pregleda v skladu s tem členom in členom 21, država zastave, razen če je treba glede na okoliščine v skladu s splošno sprejetimi mednarodnimi uredbami, postopki in praksami, ki se nanašajo na pomorsko varnost, odložiti vkrcanje in pregled, odredi poveljniku plovila, da nemudoma dovoli vkrcanje in pregled, in če poveljnik ne upošteva takšne odredbe, začasno ukine pooblastilo za ribolov in odredi plovilu, naj se nemudoma vrne v pristanišče.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(iii) to require vessels fishing on the high seas to carry the licence, authorisation or permit on board at all times and to produce it on demand for inspection by a duly authorised person,
(iii) za zahtevo, da morajo plovila, ki lovijo na odprtem morju, vedno imeti na krovu dovoljenje, pooblastilo ali posebno dovoljenje in da ga morajo predložiti na zahtevo inšpektorja ali druge pooblaščene osebe,
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
.1 Where the inspection reveals that the copy of the Document of Compliance or the Safety Management Certificate issued in accordance with the International Safety Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) are missing on board a vessel to which the ISM Code is applicable at the date of the inspection, the Authority will ensure that the vessel is detained.
Kadar inšpekcijski pregled pokaže, da na ladji, za katero velja Kodeks ISM, med inšpekcijskim pregledom manjka izvod Listine o skladnosti ali Spričevala o varnem upravljanju ladje, izdanem v skladu z Mednarodnim kodeksom ravnanja za varno upravljanje ladij in za preprečevanje onesnaževanja (Kodeks ISM), oblasti poskrbijo za zadržanje ladje.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(i) the implementation of national inspection schemes and subregional and regional schemes for cooperation in enforcement pursuant to Articles 21 and 22, including requirements for such vessels to permit access by duly authorised inspectors from other States,
(i) izvajanje nacionalnih sistemov inšpekcij ter podobmočnih in območnih sistemov za sodelovanje pri izvajanju v skladu s členi 21 in 22, vključno z zahtevami za takšna plovila, da dovolijo dostop pravilno pooblaščenim inšpektorjem iz drugih držav,
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
(d) instruct its maritime inspection vessels or aircraft and other appropriate services or officials to report without delay any observed event at sea or at a sea port or oil handling facility involving a discharge of oil or the presence of oil to the competent national authority or, as the case may be, to the nearest coastal State;
d) daje navodilo svojim pomorskim inšpekcijskim plovilom ali letalom in drugim ustreznim službam ali uradnim osebam, da nemudoma poročajo pristojnim državnim oblastem oziroma najbližji obalni državi o vseh dogodkih, ki so jih opazili na morju ali v morskem pristanišču ali napravah za pretovarjanje olj, povezanih z razlitjem ali prisotnostjo olj;
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Where, following a boarding and inspection, there are clear grounds for believing that a vessel has engaged in any activity contrary to the conservation and management measures referred to in paragraph 1, the inspecting State shall, where appropriate, secure evidence and shall promptly notify the flag State of the alleged violation.
Če po vkrcanju in pregledu obstajajo razlogi za upravičen sum, da je bilo plovilo udeleženo v katerikoli aktivnosti, ki je v nasprotju z ukrepi ohranjanja in upravljanja iz člena 1, država inšpekcije, kjer je to primerno, zaščiti dokaze in hitro obvesti državo zastave o domnevni kršitvi.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Where, following boarding and inspection, there are clear grounds for believing that a vessel has committed a serious violation, and the flag State has either failed to respond or failed to take action as required under paragraphs 6 or 7, the inspectors may remain on board and secure evidence and may require the master to assist in further investigation including, where appropriate, by bringing the vessel without delay to the nearest appropriate port, or to such other port as may be specified in procedures established in accordance with paragraph 2. The inspecting State shall immediately inform the flag State of the name of the port to which the vessel is to proceed.
Kadar po vkrcanju in pregledu obstajajo razlogi za upravičen sum, da je plovilo izvedlo hujšo kršitev, in se država zastave bodisi ni odzvala ali ni sprejela ukrepov, kakor je zahtevano v odstavkih 6 ali 7, inšpektorji lahko ostanejo na krovu in zaščitijo dokaze ter lahko zahtevajo od poveljnika, da jim pomaga pri nadaljnji preiskavi, v okviru katere lahko, če je to primerno, nemudoma odpeljejo plovilo v najbližje primerno pristanišče ali v katero drugo takšno pristanišče, ki se ga lahko opredeli s postopki, izdelanimi v skladu s členom 2. Država inšpekcije nemudoma obvesti državo zastave o imenu pristanišča, v katerega mora pluti plovilo.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(b) investigate immediately and fully any alleged violation of subregional or regional conservation and management measures, which may include the physical inspection of the vessels concerned, and report promptly to the State alleging the violation and the relevant subregional or regional organisation or arrangements on the progress and outcome of the investigation;
(b) nemudoma in popolnoma razišče vse domnevne kršitve podobmočnih ali območnih ukrepov ohranjanja in upravljanja, kar lahko vključuje fizični pregled zadevnega plovila, ter hitro poroča državi, ki je prijavila kršitev, in ustrezni podobmočni ali območni organizaciji ali dogovoru o napredku in izidu raziskave;
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
This Article applies mutatis mutandis to boarding and inspection by a State Party which is a member of a subregional or regional fisheries management organisation or a participant in a subregional or regional fisheries management arrangement and which has clear grounds for believing that a fishing vessel flying the flag of another State Party has engaged in any activity contrary to relevant conservation and management measures referred to in paragraph 1 in the high seas area covered by such organisation or arrangement, and such vessel has subsequently, during the same fishing trip, entered into an area under the national jurisdiction of the inspecting State.
Ta člen se s potrebnimi spremembami uporablja za vkrcanje in preglede s strani države pogodbenice, ki je članica območne ali podobmočne ribiške upravljavske organizacije ali udeleženka v podobmočnem ali območnem dogovoru za področje ribištva in ki ima razloge za upravičen sum, da je plovilo, ki pluje pod zastavo druge države pogodbenice, sodelovalo v kakršnikoli aktivnosti, ki je v nasprotju z ustreznimi ukrepi ohranjanja in upravljanja iz člena 1, na odprtem morju, ki ga pokriva takšna organizacija ali dogovor, in da je to plovilo potem, v okviru istega ribiškega potovanja, vstopilo v območje nacionalne jurisdikcije države inšpekcije.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Presentation of the vessel for inspection
Predložitev plovila v inšpekcijski pregled
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Inspection of non-Contracting Party vessels
Inšpekcijski pregled plovil nepogodbenic
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
Inspection and monitoring of fishing vessels and their activities
Inšpekcija in spremljanje ribiških plovil in njihovih dejavnosti
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Inspectors shall allow the master of the vessel being inspected to comment, on the inspection report form, about any aspect of the inspection;
Inšpektorji omogočijo poveljniku plovila, ki je bilo predmet inšpekcijskega pregleda, da na obrazcu inšpekcijskega poročila izrazi pripombe glede vseh vidikov inšpekcijskega pregleda;
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
the identification of officially designated inspectors, of inspection vessels and of such other like means of inspection as may be used by a Member State;
identifikacijo uradno določenih inšpektorjev, inšpekcijskih plovil in drugih podobnih sredstev inšpekcije, ki bi jih lahko uporabila država članica;
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
To that end, they may set up joint inspection programmes to allow the inspection of Community fishing vessels in the waters referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3.
V ta namen lahko oblikujejo skupne inšpekcijske programe, ki omogočajo inšpekcijo ribiških plovil Skupnosti v vodah, opredeljenih v odstavkih 1 in 3.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
They shall also ensure that there is no discrimination as regards the sectdor and vessels chosen for inspection.
Prav tako zagotovijo, da sektor in plovila izberejo na nediskriminacijski podlagi.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
The inspection shall be carried out so that the vessel is subject to the minimum interference and inconvenience.
Inšpekcijski pregledi se izvajajo tako, da so plovila čim manj izpostavljena motnjam in neprijetnostim.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Following this inspection, a new certificate stating the technical characteristics of the vessel shall be issued.
Po tem pregledu se izda novo spričevalo, v katerem morajo biti navedene tehnične lastnosti plovila.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Member States shall undertake inspection of all fishing vessels carrying Dissostichus spp. which enter their ports.
Države članice izvajajo inšpekcijske preglede vseh ribiških plovil, ki prevažajo Dissostichus spp. in vstopajo v njihova pristanišča.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
The owner or his representative must present the vessel for inspection in an unladen, cleaned and equipped condition;
Lastnik ali njegov zastopnik mora predložiti plovilo v inšpekcijski pregled nenatovorjeno, čisto in opremljeno;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Before leaving the vessel that has been inspected, the CCAMLR inspector shall give the master of that vessel a copy of the completed inspection report referred to in Article 25.
Preden inšpektor CCAMLR zapusti plovilo, ki je bilo predmet inšpekcijskega pregleda, poveljniku plovila izroči kopijo izpolnjenega inšpekcijskega poročila iz člena 25.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
The master of the inspected vessel shall be invited to sign the inspection report form to acknowledge receipt of the report.
Poveljnik plovila, ki je predmet inšpekcijskega pregleda, je pozvan, da s podpisom obrazca inšpekcijskega poročila potrdi prejem poročila.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Where special grounds exist for doing so, the authority may also request the following: (a) inspection of the vessel our of the water;
Če obstajajo posebni razlogi, lahko pristojni organ zahteva tudi: (a) inšpekcijski pregled plovila zunaj vode;
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Vessels carrying CCAMLR inspectors shall fly a special flag or pennant approved by the CCAMLR to indicate that the inspectors on board are carrying out inspection duties in accordance with the CCAMLR inspection system.
Plovila, ki prevažajo inšpektorje CCAMLR, imajo posebno zastavo ali zastavico, ki jo odobri CCAMLR, s katero se oznani, da inšpektorji na krovu opravljajo inšpekcijske naloge v skladu z inšpekcijskim sistemom CCAMLR.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0472
Therefore, the addition of new establishments or vessels to the list of establishments and vessels from which the imports from Bulgaria are authorised, will require a new inspection visit on the spot by the Commission experts.
Zato je za dodajanje novih obratov ali plovil na seznam obratov in plovil, za katera je uvoz iz Bolgarije odobren, potreben nov inšpekcijski obisk strokovnjakov s strani Komisije na kraju samem.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Inspections shall impose no undue burdens on the vessel or its crew, and shall be guided by the relevant provisions of the CCAMLR system of inspection.
Inšpekcijski pregledi ne smejo nepotrebno ovirati plovila ali njegove posadke in se morajo ravnati po ustreznih določbah inšpekcijskega sistema CCAMLR.
32 Končna redakcija
Whereas the dates necessary for the carrying out of the technical inspections which give rise to the issue of certificates for vessels in service should be laid down;
ker je treba določiti roke za izvedbo tehničnih pregledov, na podlagi katerih se izdajo spričevala za plovila v uporabi;
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
means the document bearing that name, adopted by the CCAMLR, concerning the control and inspection at sea of vessels flying the flag of a Contracting Party to the Convention;
pomeni dokument CCAMLR pod tem imenom glede nadzora in inšpekcije na morju plovil pod zastavo pogodbenice Konvencije;
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
The persons responsible for the fishing vessels, premises or transport vehicles inspected shall cooperate in facilitating inspections carried out in accordance with paragraph 1.
Osebe, odgovorne za ribiška plovila, prostore ali transportna sredstva, ki so predmet inšpekcije, sodelujejo pri podpori inšpekcij, izvedenih v skladu z odstavkom 1.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Compliance of a vessel with the additional requirements referred to in Article 5 shall, where appropriate, be checked during the technical inspections provided for in the preceding paragraphs, or during a technical inspection carried out at the request of the vessel's owner.
Skladnost plovila z dodatnimi zahtevami, navedenimi v členu 5, se po potrebi preveri pri tehničnih pregledih, predvidenih v prejšnjih odstavkih, ali pri tehničnem pregledu, opravljenem na zahtevo lastnika plovila.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
The Community certificate shall be issued to vessels laid down as from 1 January 1985 following a technical inspection carried out prior to the vessel being put into service and intended to check whether the vessel complies with the technical requirements laid down in Annex II.
Spričevalo Skupnosti se izda plovilom, za katera so bile od 1. januarja 1985 položene kobilice, po tehničnem pregledu, opravljenem pred začetkom uporabe plovila, in je namenjen preverjanju, ali plovilo ustreza tehničnim zahtevam iz Priloge II.
37 Končna redakcija
If, upon making the inspection referred to in paragraph 1, the authorities find that the certificate is not being carried or that the vessel constitutes a manifest danger, they may prevent the vessel from proceeding until the necessary steps have been taken to remedy the situation.
Če organ ob pregledu iz prvega odstavka ugotovi, da plovilo nima spričevala ali da plovilo predstavlja očitno nevarnost, lahko plovilu prepreči nadaljnjo plovbo do sprejetja potrebnih ukrepov za izboljšanje stanja.
38 Končna redakcija
Directive 76/135/EEC shall continue to apply to: - vessels in service referred to in Article 8 (2) of this Directive until such time as they undergo the inspection provided for in that Article,
Direktiva 76/135/EEC se še naprej uporablja za: - plovila v uporabi, navedena v členu 8(2) te direktive, dokler se na njih ne opravi pregled, predviden v navedenem členu,
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
The special fishing permit referred to in Article 3, or an authenticated copy thereof, shall be carried on board fishing vessels and shall be available at all times for inspection by a CCAMLR inspector.
Posebno ribolovno dovoljenje iz člena 3 ali njegovo overjeno kopijo je treba imeti na krovu ribiških plovil in jo v inšpekcijske namene kadarkoli dati na voljo inšpektorju CCAMLR.
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
The technical inspection referred to in Article 8 shall be carried out by competent authorities which may refrain from subjecting the vessel in whole or in part to technical inspection where it is evident from a valid attestation, issued by a classification society approved by the State in which the certificate is issued, that the vessel satisfies in whole or in part the technical requirements of Annex II.
Tehnični pregled iz člena 8 opravi pristojni organ, ki lahko plovilo v celoti ali delno oprosti tehničnega pregleda, če je iz veljavnega spričevala, ki ga je izdal klasifikacijski zavod, odobren v državi, ki je izdala spričevalo, razvidno, da plovilo v celoti ali delno izpolnjuje tehnične zahteve iz Priloge II.
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0095
For the purposes of this Directive Member States, on their own initiative, may designate, as appropriate, Port State Control inspectors to carry out inspections on board vessels calling at Community ports;
Za namene te direktive lahko države članice na lastno pobudo, kot je ustrezno, imenujejo pomorske inšpektorje za izvajanje pregledov na krovu ladij, ki pristanejo v pristaniščih Skupnosti.
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inspection vessel