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instance provider
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Except as otherwise provided for in Articles 347 an 348 of the present Act, the provisions governing the main hearing before the court of first instance shall apply, as appropriate, to the proceedings before the court of second instance.
Če ni v 347. in 348. členu tega zakona drugače določeno, veljajo določbe o glavni obravnavi pred sodiščem prve stopnje (281. do 305. člen) smiselno tudi za obravnavo pred sodiščem druge stopnje.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The decision of the court of second instance on the lack of subject matter jurisdiction of the court of first instance shall be bind every court to which the case may subsequently be transferred, provided that upon issuance of such decision the court of second instance had power to decide upon the jurisdictional dispute between both courts concerned.
Odločba sodišča druge stopnje o stvarni nepristojnosti sodišča prve stopnje veže vsako sodišče, ki mu je pozneje odstopljena ista zadeva, če je sodišče druge stopnje pristojno za odločitev v sporu o pristojnosti med tema dvema sodiščema.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The decision which the court of second instance has issued upon the appeal against the decision the court of first instance on the lack of jurisdiction shall bind the court to which the case is referred in respect of the jurisdiction, provided that upon issuance of such decision the court of second instance had power to decide on the jurisdictional dispute between both courts concerned.
Če je na pritožbo zoper odločbo sodišča prve stopnje, s katero je to izreklo, da ni krajevno pristojno, izdalo odločbo sodišče druge stopnje, je na to odločbo glede pristojnosti vezano tudi sodišče, ki mu je zadeva odstopljena, če je bilo sodišče druge stopnje, ki je izdalo odločbo, pristojno za odločitev v sporu o pristojnosti med tema dvema sodiščema.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
any judgment rendered in absentia on appeal, provided that the appeal from the judgment of the court of first instance was lodged by the person sentenced.
b) vsaka sodba, izdana v nenavzočnosti po pritožbi, pod pogojem, da se je obsojenec pritožil na sodbo prvostopenjskega sodišča.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The parties may take an appeal from judgment rendered by the court of first instance within fifteen days from the day of service of the copy of the judgment, unless other time period is provided therefor by the present Act.
Zoper sodbo, izdano na prvi stopnji, se smejo stranke pritožiti v petnajstih dneh od vročitve prepisa sodbe, če ni v tem zakonu določen kakšen drug rok.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the statute provides that two or more courts have territorial jurisdiction over a certain dispute, the parties may conclude an agreement conferring the first instance jurisdiction upon one of these courts, or upon another court of proper jurisdiction over the subject matter.
Če zakon določa, da je za sojenje v določenem sporu krajevno pristojnih dvoje ali več sodišč, se stranki lahko sporazumeta, da jima sodi na prvi stopnji eno teh sodišč ali katero drugo stvarno pristojno sodišče.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
In executing a Letter of Request the requested authority shall apply the appropriate measures of compulsion in the instances and to the same extent as are provided by its internal law for the execution of orders issued by the authorities of its own country or of requests made by parties in internal proceedings.
Zaprošeni organ pri izvrševanju zaprosil uporablja primerna prisilna sredstva v primerih in enakem obsegu, kot to njegovo notranje pravo določa za izvrševanje odredb organov njegove lastne države ali zaprosil strank v notranjih postopkih.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
In procedures of obtaining public procurement orders and orders in the water, energy, transport and postal sectors the public-private partnership contractor shall have the same status as other bidders, unless the law (for instance additional orders) or a legal resource of European law provides a privileged position in this.
Izvajalec javno-zasebnega partnerstva ima v postopkih pridobivanja javnih naročil in naročil na vodnem, energetskem, prometnem in poštnem področju enak položaj kot drugi ponudniki, razen če mu zakon (na primer dodatna naročila) ali pravni vir evropskega prava določa pri tem prednostni položaj.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
(3) In all instances, SELEC's processing of personal data shall be subject to limitations imposed by the provider of the data and subject to the data protection procedures developed to satisfy the principles of data protection set out in this Convention and other applicable requirements of national law and bilateral or multilateral international agreements.
(3) Pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov SELEC vedno upošteva omejitve, ki jih določi pošiljatelj podatkov, postopke za varstvo podatkov, ki se določijo ob upoštevanju načel o varstvu podatkov po tej konvenciji, in ustrezno notranjo zakonodajo ter dvo- in večstranske mednarodne sporazume.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
4 Each Party shall adopt such legislative or other measures as may be necessary to guarantee compensation for victims in accordance with the conditions under its internal law, for instance through the establishment of a fund for victim compensation or measures or programmes aimed at social assistance and social integration of victims, which could be funded by the assets resulting from the application of measures provided in Article 23.
Pogodbenica sprejme potrebne zakonodajne in druge ukrepe za zagotovitev odškodnine žrtvam v skladu s svojim notranjim pravom, na primer tako, da se ustanovi sklad za odškodnino žrtvam ali sprejmejo ukrepi ali programi za socialno pomoč in vključitev žrtev v družbo, ki se lahko financirajo s sredstvi, ki izhajajo iz uporabe ukrepov iz 23. člena.
11 Končna redakcija
The Statute may provide for the Court of First Instance to be assisted by Advocates- General.
V statutu je lahko predvideno, da Sodišču prve stopnje pomagajo generalni pravobranilci.
12 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(1) The Bank of Slovenia shall revoke a bank's authorisation to provide banking services in the following instances:
(1) Banka Slovenije odvzame banki dovoljenje za opravljanje bančnih storitev v naslednjih primerih:
13 Končna redakcija
The Statute may provide for the Court of First Instance to have jurisdiction for other classes of action or proceeding.
Statut lahko predvidi, da ima Sodišče prve stopnje pristojnost za druge vrste tožb ali postopkov.
14 Končna redakcija
The Rules of Procedure may also provide that the Court of First Instance may sit in a Grand Chamber in cases and under the conditions specified therein.
Poslovnik lahko določa tudi, da Sodišče prve stopnje zaseda v velikem senatu v zadevah in pod pogoji, navedenimi v njem.
15 Končna redakcija
However, certain services of general interest do not lend themselves to a plurality of providers, for instance where only one single provider can be economically viable.
Vendar pa nekatere storitve splošnega interesa niso primerne za to, da jih opravlja več ponudnikov, na primer, kadar ima samo en ponudnik možnosti za ekonomsko preživetje.
16 Končna redakcija
Unless the Statute of the Court of Justice provides otherwise, the provisions of this Treaty relating to the Court of Justice shall apply to the Court of First Instance."
Če statut Sodišča ne določa drugače, se za Sodišče prve stopnje uporabljajo določbe te pogodbe, ki se nanašajo na Sodišče."
17 Končna redakcija
The guidance provided on commitments is without prejudice to the interpretation which may be given by the Court of Justice or by the Court of First Instance of the European Communities.
Navodila o obveznostih ne posegajo v razlago, ki jo lahko da Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti ali Sodišče Evropskih skupnosti prve stopnje.
18 Končna redakcija
Of particular interest are, for instance, the derogations provided under Article 73 for aid to transport and under Article 87(3)(d) for aid to promote culture and heritage conservation(18).
Posebnega interesa so na primer odstopanja v okviru člena 73 v zvezi s pomočjo za prevoz in člena 87(3)(d) v zvezi s pomočjo za spodbujanje kulture in ohranjanja kulturne dediščine [18].
19 Končna redakcija
in order to improve transparency in the common fisheries policy, Member States should provide the Commission with information on instances of such behaviour and action taken by Member States;
da bi se izboljšala preglednost v skupni ribiški politiki, morajo države članice Komisiji priskrbeti podatke o primerih tovrstnega vedenja in ukrepih, ki so jih države članice sprejele;
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Nevertheless, the national regulatory authorities may inform network operators and service providers about other legislation concerning their business, for instance through references on their websites.
Vendar lahko nacionalni regulativni organi obvestijo obratovalce omrežij in ponudnike storitev o drugi zakonodaji, ki je povezana z njihovo poslovno dejavnostjo, na primer z napotili na svojih spletnih straneh.
21 Končna redakcija
Decisions given by judicial panels may be subject to a right of appeal on points of law only or, when provided for in the decision establishing the panel, a right of appeal also on matters of fact, before the Court of First Instance.
Zoper odločitev sodnih oddelkov se lahko vloži pritožba na Sodišče prve stopnje zgolj glede pravnih vprašanj ali, če je to predvideno v sklepu o ustanovitvi oddelka, tudi glede vprašanj dejanskega stanja.
22 Končna redakcija
The Member States shall notify the Commission on a regular basis of the instances of behaviour referred to in Article 1 that have been discovered and shall provide it with all information regarding action taken by the administrative and/or judicial authorities.
Države članice Komisijo redno obveščajo o primerih vedenja iz člena 1, ki so bili ugotovljeni, in ji zagotovijo vse informacije v zvezi z ukrepi, ki so jih sprejeli upravni in/ali sodni organi.
23 Končna redakcija
The right of option provided for in Article 16 (2) of the Regulation must be exercised in the first instance within the three months following the date on which the worker was engaged by the diplomatic mission or consular post concerned, or on which he entered into employment with agents of such mission or post.
Pravica izbire, ki jo določa člen 16(2) uredbe, se mora prvič uveljaviti v treh mesecih po dnevu, ko se je delavec zaposlil v zadevnem diplomatskem ali konzularnem predstavništvu ali ko stopi v osebno službo pri predstavnikih takega predstavništva.
24 Končna redakcija
In the cases provided for in Article 225(2) and (3) of the EC Treaty and Article 140a(2) and (3) of the EAEC Treaty, where the First Advocate- General considers that there is a serious risk of the unity or consistency of Community law being affected, he may propose that the Court of Justice review the decision of the Court of First Instance.
Če v primerih iz člena 225(2) in (3) Pogodbe ES in člena 140a(2) in (3) Pogodbe ESAE prvi generalni pravobranilec meni, da obstaja resno tveganje za enotnost ali doslednost prava Skupnosti, lahko predlaga, da Sodišče preuči odločitev Sodišča prve stopnje.
25 Končna redakcija
Such a mechanism is required both for the personnel that are currently working in the business unit as it is operated and for the personnel that provide essential functions for the business such as, for instance, group R & D and information technology staff even where such personnel are currently employed by another business unit of the parties.
Takšen mehanizem se zahteva za osebje, ki trenutno dela v tej poslovni enoti, pa tudi za osebje, ki opravlja bistvene naloge za to dejavnost, na primer skupina za raziskave in razvoj ter osebje informacijske tehnologije, celo kadar je to osebje trenutno zaposleno v drugi poslovni enoti strank.
26 Končna redakcija
This concept, already outlined in the Court of First Instance judgments in Hercules and Cimenteries CBR (15), was confirmed and developed in the Soda-ash case, where the Court held that 'in the defended proceedings for which Regulation No 17 provides it cannot be for the Commission alone to decide which documents are of use for the defence… The Commission must give the advisers of the undertaking concerned the opportunity to examine documents which may be relevant so that their probative value for the defence can be assessed.
Ta koncept, ki je že bil opisan v sodbah Sodišča prve stopnje v primeru Hercules in Cimenteries CBR [15], je bil potrjen in razvit v primeru Soda-pepel, v katerem je Sodišče menilo, da "v zagovarjanem postopku, za katerega Uredba št. 17 določa, da Komisija sama ne more odločati o tem, kateri dokumenti so koristni za obrambo.… Komisija mora dati svetovalcem zadevnih podjetij možnost vpogleda v dokumente, ki bi bili lahko pomembni, tako da je mogoče oceniti njihovo dokazno vrednost za obrambo."
27 Končna redakcija
Where, in the case of a dispute between the institutions or competent authorities of two or more Member States as to which legislation should apply to a worker under Title II of the Regulation, or which institution should provide the benefits, the person concerned could be claiming benefit if there were no dispute, such person shall provisionally receive the benefits provided for by the legislation administered by the institution of the place of residence or, if he does not reside in the territory of one of the Member States concerned, benefits provided for by the legislation administered by the institution to which his claim was submitted in the first instance.
Kadar bi v primeru spora med nosilci ali pristojnimi organi dveh ali več držav članic glede tega, katero zakonodajo bi bilo treba uporabiti za delavca v skladu z naslovom II uredbe ali kateri nosilec bi moral zagotoviti dajatve, zadevna oseba lahko zahtevala dajatve, če ne bi prišlo do spora, takšna oseba začasno prejema dajatve, predvidene v zakonodaji, ki jo izvaja nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča, ali če zadevna oseba nima stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju ene od zadevnih držav članic, dajatve, predvidene v zakonodaji, ki jo izvaja nosilec, kateremu je bil njen zahtevek prvotno predložen.
28 Pravna redakcija
Yes, if appropriate notice and choice have been provided in the first instance.
Da, če sta bila najprej zagotovljena primerno obvestilo in možnost izbire.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0407
The Statute may provide for the Court of First Instance to have jurisdiction for other classes of action or proceeding.".
Statut lahko predvidi, da ima Sodišče prve stopnje pristojnost za druge vrste tožb ali postopkov."
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0781
notificaçao is the form of service used in all other instances to ask a person to intervene in a case or to provide information,
»notificaçao« je oblika vročanja, ki se uporablja v vseh ostalih primerih, da se osebo povabi, naj intervenira v zadevi ali pa posreduje podatke,
31 Pravna redakcija
notificaçao is the form of service used in all other instances to ask a person to intervene in a case or to provide information,
»notificaçao« je oblika vročanja, ki se uporablja v vseh ostalih primerih, da se osebo povabi, naj intervenira v zadevi ali pa posreduje podatke,
32 Pravna redakcija
Where not already provided for under applicable treaty or law, a State may permit the use of video conferencing technology in such instances.
Če ni že predvideno v veljavni pogodbi ali zakonu, lahko država v takih primerih dovoli uporabo tehnologije za video-konferenco.
33 Pravna redakcija
For instance, pasteurization or controlled heat treatment may provide sufficient assurance of reduction of the level of both salmonella and listeria.
Pasterizacija in kontrolirana toplotna obdelava sta na primer dovolj dobro zagotovilo za znižanje ravni salmonele in listerije.
34 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
The election of the Presidents of Chambers of five Judges shall take place immediately after the election of the President of the Court of First Instance as provided for in Article 7(1).
Volitve predsednikov senatov petih sodnikov se opravijo takoj po volitvah predsednika Sodišča prve stopnje, kot to določa člen 7(1).
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1784
The information provided by the Japanese company, however, was incomplete and in some instances incorrect and findings had to be made in accordance with Article 18 of the Basic Regulation.
Informacije, ki jih je zagotovila japonska družba so bile pomanjkljive in v nekaterih primerih netočne, tako da je bilo treba priti do ugotovitev v skladu s členom 18 osnovne uredbe.
36 Pravna redakcija
It is desirable in the first instance to provide users of homeopathic medicinal products with a very clear indication of their homeopathic character and with sufficient guarantees of their quality and safety.
Predvsem je zaželeno dati uporabnikom homeopatskih zdravil jasno sliko o homeopatskih značilnostih zdravila ter zadostna zagotovila glede njegove kakovosti in varnosti.
37 Pravna redakcija
Where, for instance, the contract provides for a multiplication of cash flows, the notional amount must be adjusted in order to take into account the effects of the multiplication on the risk structure of that contract.
Če pogodba predvideva pomnožitev denarnih tokov, se evidenčni znesek prilagodi, in sicer tako, da se upošteva učinke pomnožitve na strukturo tveganja pogodbe.
38 Pravna redakcija
Nonetheless, the obligation of an organization to provide access to the personal information it holds about an individual is subject to the principle of proportionality or reasonableness and has to be tempered in certain instances.
Kljub temu pa za obveznost organizacije, da zagotovi dostop do osebnih podatkov, ki jih hrani o posamezniku, velja načelo sorazmernosti ali razumnosti in jo je v nekaterih primerih treba ublažiti.
39 Pravna redakcija
In order to expedite proceedings before the Court of First Instance, it is necessary to provide the possibility for the Court to decide certain cases under an expedited procedure and to decide that there will be no reply or rejoinder.
Z namenom pospešizve postopka pred Sodiščem prve stopnje je treba Sodišču zagotoviti možnost, da o določenih primerih odloči po hitrem postopku in da odloči, da odgovor ali nasprotni odgovor ni mogoč.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
However, it is obvious that the larger the area set aside for the installations, the better, since auxiliary areas can then be provided, for instance, for cleaning apparatus, arranging culinary preparations and assembling open panels.
Zaželjeno je, da je prostor čim večji, da se lahko loči prostor za čiščenje pribora od prostora za kulinarično pripravo in prostora za odprto skupinsko preskušanje.
41 Pravna redakcija
Changes in historic market shares may provide useful information about the competitive process and the likely future importance of the various competitors, for instance, by indicating whether firms have been gaining or losing market shares.
Spremembe v preteklih tržnih deležih lahko zagotovijo koristne podatke o razvoju konkurence in verjetni prihodnji pomembnosti različnih konkurentov, na primer z navedbo, ali podjetja pridobivajo ali izgubljajo tržne deleže.
42 Pravna redakcija
If an organization determines that access should be denied in any particular instance, it should provide the individual requesting access with an explanation of why it has made that determination and a contact point for any further inquiries.
Če organizacija ugotovi, da je treba v določenem posebnem primeru zavrniti dostop, mora posamezniku, ki ga zahteva, pojasniti razloge za svojo odločitev in navesti ime službe za dajanje nadaljnjih informacij.
43 Pravna redakcija
The officials and other servants referred to in Article 28 shall take the oath provided for in Article 20 (2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice before the President of the Court of First Instance in the presence of the Registrar.
Uradniki in drugi uslužbenci iz člena 28 prisežejo kot je predvideno v členu 20(2) Poslovnika Sodišča prve stopnje pred predsednikom Sodišča prve stopnje v prisotnosti sodnega tajnika.
44 Pravna redakcija
The checks provided for in Article 11(3) shall be organised by the Member States on the basis of a risk analysis which takes account, in particular, of declarations of non-activity and instances where the statements referred to in Articles 5(2) and 6(2) were not sent.
Kontrole, ki jih predvideva člen 11(3), organizirajo države članice na podlagi analize tveganja, ki upošteva zlasti izjave o nedejavnosti in primere, ko poročila iz členov 5(2) in 6(2) niso bila poslana.
45 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, on account of the exceptionally high levels of stocks or certain agricultural products in intervention storage, the Commission has, in certain instances, provided for a period in which payment may be made after the purchaser has removed the products from store;
ker je Komisija glede na izjemno velike zaloge nekaterih kmetijskih proizvodov v intervencijskih skladiščih v nekaterih primerih predvidela obdobje, v katerem se plačilo lahko izvrši potem, ko je kupec odvzel proizvod iz skladišča;
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instance provider